
Democrats may have bluffed green infrastructure plans in 2020 election

One might wonder if the Democrat party and presidential candidates used global warming and the green reform agenda as a lever to get elected with a plank many independents care about, and nothing more. The infrastructure bills put forward by Nancy Pelosi do not remotely approach green economic reform. Instead they disingenuously invented human infrastructure worth 3.5 trillion dollars with green concerns getting short shrift. If the democrats did not believe that global warming, mass species extinction and the degradation of the planetary ecosphere were serious enough to develop a new green economic infrastructure with a basket of economic reform and infrastructure measures worth 3.5 trillion dollars why did they pretend it was during the election cycle? 

 If Democrats do not presently use their majority power in Congress and with a party leader as President, when might they go about getting that done if they eventually decide that returning the planet’s ecosphere to a healthy and sustainable footing is necessary? If they don’t get something done now that meets the challenges faced by the nation, and lose the Congress next year or the Presidency in 2024 would they expect Republicans to get their work of green reform done for them? The failure of Von Pelosi leadership to adequately address the national need for green infrastructure reform might just doom the next ten years politically to failure to halt the decay of the nation’s ecosphere. 

Sure Democrats will have added several trillion dollars of public debt and brought day care in a decaying world along with dental care for the elderly able to afford Medicare payments each month. There are numerous social challenges including health and basic income, secure borders and foreign economic reform toward sustainability that should be dealt with in separate bills. Conflating them with the national green infrastructure reform agenda is simply very bad sense. The cupboard may be bare to pay for the extrinsically necessary green reform when the vital bill is due (it seems presently overdue). It may be good to have good teeth in a dying world; yet dental and medical care for the very poor should be handled in a medical and dental bill, as should day care, rather than in an infrastructure bill. 

The very rich own most of the businesses that produce global warming in the U.S.A. It is the rich that lead the way on indifference to ecosphere decline, so it would be quite reasonable to tax the rich and Wall Street to pay for ecospheric and atmospheric recovery; creating a sustainable approach to human interaction with the ecosphere cannot well be put off until the dawn of some future hypothetical Utopian age of congressional intelligence and wisdom. Not only does a falsely named infrastructure bill fail to meet the challenge of ecosphere and atmosphere decline with a vigorous reform response of economic infrastructure, it creates a bias against talking about infrastructure bills in the future since the name is a rubric for splurging upon omnibus packages for Democrats that don’t remotely address the serious existential threats to human and other mammalian biological life on Earth. 

Democrats with the baloney infrastructure bill will make Republicans unlikely to be interest much in future ‘infrastructure’ discussions that lead to shopping sprees without adding working, innovative infrastructure even legislatively without much spending. There may be many here among us who feel that the Democrats’ plans for infrastructure to meet ecospheric challenges are but a joke of election time deceit.


JFK, FDR, Dwight and Herbert Hoover Got Infrastructure rolling

 Dams, bridges, interstates, the Apollo Program, T.V.A., electrification; those Presidents had the ability to get large scale infrastructure rolling in a way that others did not. The smaller Biden infrastructure plan is the basic; what is absent is large scale water making for the west, infrastructure for moon science and technology labs and the regreening of American with new zoning ideas to integrate wilderness and wild habitat with human habitat. Adding trillion of public debt without getting the job done presents a great opportunity cost; what future bill and debt would be needed or affordable to make up for the dubious 3.5 trillion bill gorging its way through the house?


Why Is President Biden so weird about Afghan exodus

 I don't understand why President Biden has so much trouble getting an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has A-10s, B-52s and Predators with hellfire missiles available to create safe exit zone around Afghanistan for Americans and others. Instead it seems as if he has taken the Barbara Streisand defense leadership course  (I like Barbara yet would choose her for a security guard in a rough neighborhood).

If some sort of blood letting follows the weak looking U.S. exit and lots of Afghans are slaughtered the President will really have a political price to pay, in addition to the loss of life. Sometimes assertiveness counts. The way it looks you would think the Taliban and Isis K are the super-power.

A B-52 carries 70,000 pounds of ordinance for creating safe exit zone around Afghan airports. Perhaps a perimeter circling airfields carpet bombed for a distance of three miles at several locations would permit careful ingress of Afghans seeking to flee that nation before stoning or beheading. Ospreys could lift some Afghans a short way to 3rd countries until they could arrive in the U.S.A.

Russians might have expected some U.S.-Taliban argument about extended the evacuation date and withdraw some of their people from Kabul already. Maybe obliterating the Presidential palace would help urban reconstruction for the Taliban since they won't have a President. What is wrong with Mr. Biden anyway? A simple plan to create safe zones with proper warning to Afghans to evacuate impacted neighborhoods might be a reasonable step to create a safe exit revision plan.


Afghans are pretty good, tough people, get as many as possible for U.S. immigration

 One good side of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan fiasco is that Afghans are very good people that would make good U.S. citizens. The Biden administration should get serious about brings two or three hundred thousand to the U.S. and settle them in California.

  Afghanistan is a tough part of the world these days. I suggested years ago that the U.S. should establish old Spanish style fortifications there that are very safe places for soldiers to reside while backing up the native army for 50 years or so like we have in Germany because of the "'Russian threat" presumably. Alternatively the U.S. doesn't want to seem like a colonial power so 20 years may be the limit of working to create a safe zone for everyone in central Asia.

 The Taliban with a new and improved army well supplied by the Biden administration will be better at self-defense for thirty years or so and will even have an air force with helicopter pilot training presumably donated by former Pakistani pilots. Maybe the Taliban will defrappe Chinese expansion when they aren't on the Chinese payroll. perhaps China will regard the Sea of China as an easier spot to build islands in order to claim shallow verdant waters that actually belong to several nations without adequate militaries to defrump Chinese expansion.

The Taliban could get off to a good start if it allows a few hundred thousand of its people to exit and help them get to nations that want them unlike Turkey, Greece and Russia. The Talibani could seem more civil, modern and willing to work on good large projects with shovel-ready jobs like build a high speed rail from the Indian Ocean to Russia should all parties want anything like that, and have the dollars to build it.

Is banning requisite mask wear in schools equal to requiring kids to get Covid 19 Delta?

 Because there were reports that Covid 19 causes subtle brain vessel rupture in the brain stem it seems wrong to nearly require school kids to be exposed to Covid 19 in public schools in Texas, Florida and Alabama. Maybe the governors of those states ought to reconsider their efforts to sicken school children that might need some goading to wear a mask in school instead of robbing a liquor store or burglarizing a home as some kids in Florida reportedly have tried on occasions.

Why is it that some state governors seem to be from the bottom of the barrel on intelligence yet do so well? Is that a union kind of thing. Not that the U.S. Government or yippee weather radio gets anything right; not even same day wind direction forecasts like as not. The stupidest thing about  Obamacare or food stamps is that they aren't administered like federal program with services valid in all the states without requiring that poor people change their state of residence to get the state officials to believe they live there. Programs that are designed for the sedentary and established jst don't work so well all of the time for the poor that need to travel seasonally in order not to freeze, or get heat exhaustion or to find a job.

Sickness can occur in a human regardless of what state one is living or travelling in, and hunger can also occur if one goes to another state to look for a job for six weeks. Some bureaucracies require six weeks for a coffee break.

Relying upon state governments to deliver federal programs is simply stupid in the modern era wear people don't use horses to get around so much as they used to. The Von Pelosi extorion plan to lever 3.5 trillion dollars for a simple 1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan to pass seems dubiously ethical as well; it might be better to give a $3000 stimulus to all poor adults earning below federal poverty level than to just dump pork to special interests. It might be a lot cheaper and more fair. Why not eliminate income tax and sales tax for anything solar or wind power related as well instead of filtering progress through some lame federal program probably dumbed down by state governors.


Fall of Kabul and the art of the deal

 With the fall of Kabul now inevitable one might wonder what President Trump would have made of his negotiations with the Taliban to end the conflict in Afghanistan. President Biden simply let the U.S. military exit and the Emirate of Afghanistan move in with raising a fuss.


President Trump was fairly skillful at negotiating internationally and it is thus ponderous as to what he would have actually done with Afghanistan if he had been re-elected. Mr. Trump tended to drive hard bargains with fair results. It is somewhat challenging to believe he would have been so limp-wristed as President Biden in effect repeating the U.S. exist from Vietnam.

The 2020 election was a choice between Charybdis and Scylla and it was reasonable to abstain from voting. President Trump rated a D grade on his Covid 19 leadership and an F on environmentalism while President Biden leads the immoral political choices of democrats and a globalism that downgrades the U.S.A. and traditional family structures.

It may be that the Afghan army simply went the way of the Taliban without much of a fight when faced with the choice because western elite values of homosexual marriage were ludicrous to expect to be favorably regarded in a conservative Muslim nation. So it may be that President Biden used a kind of hard pragmatism regarding long term prospects for U.S. interests in that part of the world. perhaps a future Supreme Court decision will realize that marriage really is a heterosexual event and rectify the abomination of the Robert's court; homosexuals can make a legal encumbrance for themselves if they wish comparable to that of matrimony. Less usurpation and more reasonable legislation with the consent of the governed would have been a better example to set for a polarized nation divided along party lines, or even deeper, along a line of those that support real democracy and equal political rights, political pluralism and free speech, secure borders, a good ecosphere in recovery and those that don't.

To work to change Afghan society for two decades and then drop the exposed coldly when some practical military fortifications and security help to the Afghan government was possible makes me wonder what the values were that made the deal of giving the Taliban everything they want was.

Does the D.C. political scene expect a warlord to emerge to challenge the Taliban. Are warlords even morally qualified for U.S. support. Did the U.S. in homogenizing an Afghan military so centralize it was to erase the prospects for warlords to arise? Will the military equipment the U.S. gave to the Afghan government and the military training not go largely to the Taliban? There are numerous questions one might consider if it is not really practical to ignore the Taliban, wish them good luck for a happy a prosperous reorganization of that nations and just go about passing a half trillion dollars of day care in order to let more people work for Wall Street while their progeny are indoctrinated by the party.


Global warming, social network censors and politics as usual

 The recently released U.N. climate report isn't anything that wasn't already known. In his book 'The Final Warning' James Lovelock- the author of the Gaia hypothesis said that it is already to late to save the planet from becoming preponderantly desertified and people should be planning to live like African ants in large hives. He wrote that the U.S.A. would largely become a desert and just a few places would be green. What is obvious is that in spite of happy Biden administration comments about the optimism they have to overcome challenges, the nation is as likely to respond to the challenge of global heating as well as it has to Covid 19 or actually, less so.


Politicians are largely not competent to design an ecological economic reform policy. It it worse than the challenge to Bill Clinton while President of being able to walk and chew gum at the same time; politicians would need the social capacity to get voters to go along with their plan to radical transition the U.S. economy to one of long term environmental sustainability right away, if they had an idea of what such a plan would look like- and they don't.

The Democratic party is interested more in expanding the number of voters from Latin America through illegal immigration and Republicans have governors that are global warming and covid 19 skeptics. Democrats want to increase female wealth and affluence globally and that unrealistic desire accelerates non-sustainability. The Biden administration is perpetrating another Vietnam flight phenomena in Afghanistan and perhaps rightly so since it is an advocate for the extremely divisive homosexual agenda and homo marriage policy that motivates Muslims to attack the symbols of decadence and depravity. The rich own the broadcast media that is a sycophant for corporate expansion globally and a corrupter of democracy subverting independent political developments as well as social media censorship and manipulation of search engine listings.

The Democrat Party under Speaker Pelosi has become a one-party system to the limit of its ability forcing every issue possible without consent from opposition. A half trillion dollars for day care may reduce global warming and mass extinctions of course, and the moon may provide green cheese for all chess analysts to munch on, yet if that doesn't work how will 4 or 5 trillion dollars of additional debt fix global warming?

Perhaps the Von Musk move to Mars program is the one idea that works that may actually provide a refuge for the most rich to retreat to if a natural final solution of planetary war to solve an intractable political issue with irrationality happens...this time the irrational final solution would be mass human decimation through biological war. Luckily the world's a test tube of biological PhD experimentation with so many recent graduates. Surely the excellent politics one has experienced since the Reagan administration left office will give everyone a reason for hope, soma, and happy drugs to ignore the problems. I am not optimistic about the world's prospects for avoiding critical blunders and the common irrational method of default politics when rationality doesn't work. I wish people ordinarily were smarter than they are; maybe they can be more like the Inca building infrastructure on large scale that can solve environmental challenges.


Building a water desalination canal network along the Mexican border might provide millions and millions of gallons of fresh water to help reduce desertification. It is actually possible with siphons and solar power. No one in D.C. wants to take up anything besides investing in Wall Street and cutting taxes though, realistically.


Selections of Spirit and the Martian Art

 I read several essay subjects on topics of philosophy, natural philosophy, cosmology and government that were/are science fiction content from a book project I am working on titled; "Spirit and the Martian Art'.


Selections from Spirit and the Martian Art
 I am working on a science fiction/philosophy natural theology book and have recorded a few selections from it hence the video where I read a few of these selections. 

““Nothing we can do about that at least in the Dwindling Worlds except to stop the thefts and leaks. Getting patentable ideas to market as soon as possible is necessary if we are to keep ahead of destructive environmental challenges, and destructive interference from infinite Universes and dimensions that may conflict by design or accident with our own. New inventions created a priori to resolve circumstances that don’t exist yet though might occur at some future or past time- we cannot regard other universes as being on the same time metric as ours obviously since universal space-time is self-standing in relation to the thermodynamic space and configuration for-itself and not for-other universes…those inventions may keep our Universe and the sentients in it alive and with a future instead of being haplessly rolled up by whatever concern crashes into it or that drops in from higher dimensions Victor. We will advance all of those inventions and grant patents that become non-exclusive after three years with ten percent royalties to patent holders in perpetuity. That is the best available way to keep new ideas in production and from being buried under exclusivity and suppression from market of ideas manipulators.”
          As the pair neared the space relocator they had fabricated remotely they discovered aspects of the power of the planet size quantum computer for it began collapsing waveforms by infinite numbers around them.
        Long ago the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics had developed a Schrödinger wave function collapse that became surpassed by the more accurate Everett many worlds paradigm where the wave function never collapsed; instead a new reality was branched to resembling a Metaverse  existing for God with every possible Universe differentiation even by a single quark actually existing. That was quite a different scenario from the venerable Copenhagen interpretation with a quantum particle at all possible location yet at just a single place when observed with the collapse of the wave function…a grounding of the infinite flight of locations and velocity the particle. 
       Loren and Victor slowed their pace as they were within seventeen hundred meters of the virtual relocator vessel. 
  Victor said; “Let us yield a little time for the relocator vessel to recognize us and merge its being for itself with our mind fields in-themselves and for-others.”

         Loren, your know it occurs to me that quantum interference like that of the double slit experiments might be instructive for getting answers to the questions of how quantum interference occurs in a many worlds, Multiverse paradigm of infinite issues of quantum entanglements and steady states of sub-luminal speed mass comprising universe. Why shouldn’t quantum inference and even universal interference arise to form concentrations of mass across infinite numbers of dimensions?”
        “What Victor; do you mean interference patterns generating trans-dimensional black holes?”
        “Well, not exactly Loren. Derivatively speaking, what wind of spirit arose to trouble the waters of non-space in the beginning? Why should any initial trans-universal primordial field have differences with a first cause? Perfect symmetries and balances, perfect scale, extension without point of origin, a word spoken into the darkness”?
        “Are you making the suggestion that the Metaverse might not be real Victor?”
        “Not at all Loren, although it could be that some kind of complex quantum interference patterns are generated by fields external to observable steady states of sub-luminal entangled mass within the Higgs field. Apparent observations and travel like we have made for-ourselves may be macro-extensions of an Everett every possible universe kind that are simply local and made to support out choices.”
        “Then the Metaverse may not exist, just our observations and experiences of appearances of what it would be if it did exist because of macro-field interference? That must be a positive value role for interference that is a response to our wave function data and anticipatory future inertial disposition.”
        “That might be the way it is Loren. One cannot be certain.
          Around them, and across the landscape, the quantum computer directed the collapse of virtual quanta wave functions concentrating trillions and trillions of tons of mass at a single spot building toward immanent formation of a black hole. With foresight entering her mind somewhat inexplicable to herself Loren broke off their experience of the Mbutaag structure and conjecture about the wave function’s referent object system. Their mathematical feet took a shortcut interdimensionally across Hilbert space and tensored them into the super positioned virtual ship relocator existing beyond Schrodinger waveform collapses in all possible worldlines within the hidden Universe. Thought activated their relocator and Loren with Victor exited the collapsing world.
       The virtual ship relocator encountered turbulence during the transfer of Loren and Victor to one of the secreted worlds. Virtual relocator reconvened quantum coherence to all possible locations and decohered the quanta into a field that pervaded the Universe located and let three dimensional objects exist in a steady state. Yet there was a paradox in quantum entanglements and quantum transfer between a coherent state as determined by wave function and a decohered state determined by a semblance of wave function collapse; information regarding position and momentum of quanta need exist apart from the quanta itself. The paradox of information about the uncollapsed location of quanta and entanglement of quanta cannot be resolved with a simple account of a continuous field with proximal actions and reaction reciprocals. And the possibility of coherent extra dimensional transfer of information seems equally unlikely without a recursion of host libraries of information going to the initial library of data; perhaps God. For it seems evident that the Gödelian paradigm of the impossibility of a set of all sets containing itself (except for God) within a logical structured paradigm appears relevant for information too; at some level the information of quanta that needs always be meta-quantum existent need coincide with a primary field with no library or information kept apart from the quanta.
         If the Metaverse had no information about location and momenta of quanta apart from the quanta initially, the entirety of logically ordered structures or relations among quanta or quantum fields should be improbable. 

Lies, Victor thought, are varieties of deceit. They are false information implicitly serving to conceal the truth. And what is the truth he wondered? It is things-in-themselves and things-for-others as they implicitly are without concealment of what they are.
Deceits are false information. Even camouflaging a military position is a deceit. Yet inaccurate knowledge of the nature of the Metaverse isn’t a self-deceit unless one believes it is true, that is, if one realizes that knowledge isn’t absolutely certain and knowledge is the best one has a a likely probability then the true nature of the knowledge subjectively is understood even if the actual facts turn out to be incorrect.
Deceits, Victor thought, are intended to harm or at lest to convey false information weather or not they actually harm. Enfilading lies, revealing the falsehood of a deceit may be easy or challenging, effortless or nearly impossible in real time. If the purpose of a deceit is to harm it may be harmful. Alternatively a falsehood or lie that is evidently false to the receiver of the information given by the lie may be laughably transparent and harmless for it is understood to be a lie; a simple deceit not believed at all. Lies Victor thought further are simply efforts to harm others, or efforts to defend oneself or others from harm in some uses. Lies and deceits of all sorts are an element of the human condition. It may be that Satan whom is said to be the father of lies has made deceit a priority in the very nature of reality in order to bring as many souls as he can to eternal harm ending without faith in Jesus Christ and God.
Victor continued to consider the nature of deceits as the chronometer drew near to zero. He realized he would need to use deceit for himself in order to gain access to the Emporium and the council chamber of the Supreme Parole where he might have a chance to end Maud Dlib. It was not possible to allow her to continue to oversee the plundering of the patentable ideas of the galaxy and even the universe and kill the lives of countless people inhabiting countless planets.
If Satan has a grasp of the mathematical nature of the Metaverse then he may have access to the mathematics of individual human being minds and work his evil maladjustment upon the equations, geometries, calculus and infinite series of mathematical structures comprising each individual mind in relation to its place in the math of the Metaverse. In that context direct insertion of falsehood and wrong answers into the peripheral mathematical structures of a mind would be directly harmful and people would directly believe falsehoods as though the lies of them were their own and from their own thought. Lies and deceits at the extreme end are another form of the effort to harm others. Placing false structures into the minds of others is worse than vandalism; it builds an apparent self-deceit that leads the subjects toward a destiny worse than any imaginable, without concern. Only the Lord Jesus Christ and the workings of the Holy Spirit can bring the correct answers to the lost without perfect mathematically structured minds acceptable to the perfect mathematical structure of God making up the eternal realm of mathematical structures thought to be the phenomena of the Metaverse in-itself.

“Yes”, Kurt replied. “The true nature of God is imponderable perhaps. We humans may known the Lord Jesus Christ in the configuration of the Metaverse. I wonder if the evolution of infinite mathematical structures in infinite dimensions of Hilbert and phase space follows a particular order within so much randomness? I also wonder if randomness becomes regular when extended to infinity, necessarily through infinite recursion and repetition of varieties of very similar random series. If there is a mathematical evolution of everything that exists within the Metaverse structure, and if local phases of it within universes are graduated and sequential manifestations varying just slightly- even by a molecule from an infinite number of others, to what extent the determinism of apparent random selections is a formation of what is possible given the existing structures? It is as if only certain select codes satisfy the possibilities of unlocking an intellectual capital storage vault as reciprocals of a transcending structure that would disallow any non-matching entry.” Kurt looked toward the direction of the sea breeze. The star still was bright in the sky and had moved overhead eliminating shadows.
  Maxwell replied; the aliens asked me for knowledge of the relation of mathematics to the most basic theoretical structure of the Metaverse. I believe that knowledge may have been sought long ago in the Garden of Eden when a snake asked of a women to bite an apple she had been ordered by God not to eat. It may be the snake sought to use humanity to learn of the operating system of the Metaverse what it could not for-itself. As you can see of this manufactured world Prime of the aliens there has been some progress in learning ways to manipulate local mathematical structures to configure mass in Higgs field equivalents. Physical addresses of some universes of the Metaverse have been learned mathematically to enable journeys far from the local universe and safe return. That is real progress gained through sorting through all of the patentable ideas existing so far as possible. The leaders of the Serenity Corporation the aliens employ to steal the patents and ideas worth anything believe the project is simply intended to dominate manufactures and control wealth absolutely with it shared in concentration among C.E.O.s and alien elites. Such a naive and greedy outlook missing the point of the aliens search to make of themselves dominant little gods of the Metaverse.”

Let me tell you something about subjective experience and perception Kurt, I believe it is useful here. Individuals experience reality personally, subjectively. The phenomena of mind is that of consciousness interpreting atomistic content reaching it through eyes and skin, ears and taste from the field phenomena of a universe. There are common social experiences of perceptible aspects of a field; that is everyone with healthy organs of perceiving atomistic content as data can share a similar though not exactly duplicate experience for example of the solidity of the ground of a planet they may stand upon or of the photons reaching their eyes from a star. Perceptions of atomistic data that aren’t common experience that anyone usual may have, that is experiences that are completely subjective and not shared in the common realm of perceptible quanta remain personal. If God visits a miracle onto an individual the experience cannot be shared in the common realm with others as a directly perceptible experience. God may in theory visit an individual mind directly without need for the use of the field of potentially perceptible quanta,  yet alternatively, he is free to shape the material quanta for interpretation through the senses of the intended perceiver subjectively. This echo chamber in some respects transcends the boundaries of subjective perception and makes a universal local area network of the mind or minds of those entering the chamber. If we use the echo chamber our minds will be superpositioned in all of the locations of echo chambers of the local area network that is presumably that of the Prime planetary structure. Our minds will be super-positioned without waveform collapse to a particular location. 

“Maxwell explained to Kurt; “While infinite dimensions can exist recursively in one point of space without time or space no actualize for observers; in fact Ehrenfest interference delimits data from higher numbers of dimensions to lower numbers. Complexity and subtlety arise in greater compilations of dimensions than in lower that is filtered out generally from trans-universal infinities of cloning, duplicate universes. So universes with lower numbers of dimensions may have self-standing laws, data and content even while the Meta-universal host field sustains them from zero to n-dimensions.
  I am becoming familiar with the adaptations and changes made to my echo chamber by the aliens Kurt. I can see the basic math structures of the Metaverse through a glass darkly as it were...a capacity the aliens haven’t refined their visions sufficiently to equal yet. So they are limited in their use of the echo chambers to their own universe and the Hexi corridor that they have fitted between the original universe, the hidden universe and the Rhomboid universe. 
The Hexi corridor actually may readily be adapted to provide access to infinite universes of the Metaverse that itself is infinitely incomprehensible spatially, dimensionally and in regard to time as it is forever increasing beyond the grasp of intellect. It would  be an error to allow the aliens the opportunity to learn of the potential use of the echo chamber that is for them little more than a fast transport and surveillance tool over the populous of three universes (so far as they have with the obvious exception of the Dwindling worlds).
All of the Metaverse’s mathematical structures are in the mind-plan of God; the modge panc. I can adjust the local math of spaces and dimensions the echo chamber provides existence in for us, and will make a few alterations before we exit near stage left at the heart of the Prime planet.

       Loren said;”There are two basic forms of government for human worlds these days Kurt. Those that seek to concentrate wealth in a tiny minority and make slave laborers and happy work minions of everyone else, and those that prefer free enterprise and democracy with limits to capital acquisition as it threatens the integrity of elections and enterprise. The Dwindling worlds as you may be aware prefer free enterprise with capital concentration defense caps as a better way to develop human potential. Corporatism and even communism share imperial political goals in the sense that power is concentrated and the majority are repressed and conditioned by the minority holding the reins of wealth and power. We suspect that the theft of the intellectual from the Sendufax vault was directed by our opposition forces and affiliates. The number of minions working to make slaves of themselves and to become subjects of imperial forces is fundamentally without limit. Evidently a modicum of intelligence and creative thought is requisite for comprehending the nature of imperial-corporatist-communist political power concentration.”

Pneumonomy (a poem)

 Broken spondees

across the sea
fidget widgets
reduction sprees

Drips and catchments
basins and plains
rivers flowing
without a brain


Across the sea
widgets fidget
reduction sprees
spondees broken

Plains and basins
catchments and drips
flowing rivers
of new conscripts.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...