American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Democrats may have bluffed green infrastructure plans in 2020 election
JFK, FDR, Dwight and Herbert Hoover Got Infrastructure rolling
Dams, bridges, interstates, the Apollo Program, T.V.A., electrification; those Presidents had the ability to get large scale infrastructure rolling in a way that others did not. The smaller Biden infrastructure plan is the basic; what is absent is large scale water making for the west, infrastructure for moon science and technology labs and the regreening of American with new zoning ideas to integrate wilderness and wild habitat with human habitat. Adding trillion of public debt without getting the job done presents a great opportunity cost; what future bill and debt would be needed or affordable to make up for the dubious 3.5 trillion bill gorging its way through the house?
Why Is President Biden so weird about Afghan exodus
I don't understand why President Biden has so much trouble getting an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has A-10s, B-52s and Predators with hellfire missiles available to create safe exit zone around Afghanistan for Americans and others. Instead it seems as if he has taken the Barbara Streisand defense leadership course (I like Barbara yet would choose her for a security guard in a rough neighborhood).
If some sort of blood letting follows the weak looking U.S. exit and lots of Afghans are slaughtered the President will really have a political price to pay, in addition to the loss of life. Sometimes assertiveness counts. The way it looks you would think the Taliban and Isis K are the super-power.
A B-52 carries 70,000 pounds of ordinance for creating safe exit zone around Afghan airports. Perhaps a perimeter circling airfields carpet bombed for a distance of three miles at several locations would permit careful ingress of Afghans seeking to flee that nation before stoning or beheading. Ospreys could lift some Afghans a short way to 3rd countries until they could arrive in the U.S.A.
Russians might have expected some U.S.-Taliban argument about extended the evacuation date and withdraw some of their people from Kabul already. Maybe obliterating the Presidential palace would help urban reconstruction for the Taliban since they won't have a President. What is wrong with Mr. Biden anyway? A simple plan to create safe zones with proper warning to Afghans to evacuate impacted neighborhoods might be a reasonable step to create a safe exit revision plan.
Afghans are pretty good, tough people, get as many as possible for U.S. immigration
One good side of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan fiasco is that Afghans are very good people that would make good U.S. citizens. The Biden administration should get serious about brings two or three hundred thousand to the U.S. and settle them in California.
Afghanistan is a tough part of the world these days. I suggested years ago that the U.S. should establish old Spanish style fortifications there that are very safe places for soldiers to reside while backing up the native army for 50 years or so like we have in Germany because of the "'Russian threat" presumably. Alternatively the U.S. doesn't want to seem like a colonial power so 20 years may be the limit of working to create a safe zone for everyone in central Asia.
The Taliban with a new and improved army well supplied by the Biden administration will be better at self-defense for thirty years or so and will even have an air force with helicopter pilot training presumably donated by former Pakistani pilots. Maybe the Taliban will defrappe Chinese expansion when they aren't on the Chinese payroll. perhaps China will regard the Sea of China as an easier spot to build islands in order to claim shallow verdant waters that actually belong to several nations without adequate militaries to defrump Chinese expansion.
The Taliban could get off to a good start if it allows a few hundred thousand of its people to exit and help them get to nations that want them unlike Turkey, Greece and Russia. The Talibani could seem more civil, modern and willing to work on good large projects with shovel-ready jobs like build a high speed rail from the Indian Ocean to Russia should all parties want anything like that, and have the dollars to build it.
Is banning requisite mask wear in schools equal to requiring kids to get Covid 19 Delta?
Because there were reports that Covid 19 causes subtle brain vessel rupture in the brain stem it seems wrong to nearly require school kids to be exposed to Covid 19 in public schools in Texas, Florida and Alabama. Maybe the governors of those states ought to reconsider their efforts to sicken school children that might need some goading to wear a mask in school instead of robbing a liquor store or burglarizing a home as some kids in Florida reportedly have tried on occasions.
Why is it that some state governors seem to be from the bottom of the barrel on intelligence yet do so well? Is that a union kind of thing. Not that the U.S. Government or yippee weather radio gets anything right; not even same day wind direction forecasts like as not. The stupidest thing about Obamacare or food stamps is that they aren't administered like federal program with services valid in all the states without requiring that poor people change their state of residence to get the state officials to believe they live there. Programs that are designed for the sedentary and established jst don't work so well all of the time for the poor that need to travel seasonally in order not to freeze, or get heat exhaustion or to find a job.
Sickness can occur in a human regardless of what state one is living or travelling in, and hunger can also occur if one goes to another state to look for a job for six weeks. Some bureaucracies require six weeks for a coffee break.
Relying upon state governments to deliver federal programs is simply stupid in the modern era wear people don't use horses to get around so much as they used to. The Von Pelosi extorion plan to lever 3.5 trillion dollars for a simple 1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan to pass seems dubiously ethical as well; it might be better to give a $3000 stimulus to all poor adults earning below federal poverty level than to just dump pork to special interests. It might be a lot cheaper and more fair. Why not eliminate income tax and sales tax for anything solar or wind power related as well instead of filtering progress through some lame federal program probably dumbed down by state governors.
Fall of Kabul and the art of the deal
With the fall of Kabul now inevitable one might wonder what President Trump would have made of his negotiations with the Taliban to end the conflict in Afghanistan. President Biden simply let the U.S. military exit and the Emirate of Afghanistan move in with raising a fuss.
President Trump was fairly skillful at negotiating internationally and it is thus ponderous as to what he would have actually done with Afghanistan if he had been re-elected. Mr. Trump tended to drive hard bargains with fair results. It is somewhat challenging to believe he would have been so limp-wristed as President Biden in effect repeating the U.S. exist from Vietnam.
The 2020 election was a choice between Charybdis and Scylla and it was reasonable to abstain from voting. President Trump rated a D grade on his Covid 19 leadership and an F on environmentalism while President Biden leads the immoral political choices of democrats and a globalism that downgrades the U.S.A. and traditional family structures.
It may be that the Afghan army simply went the way of the Taliban without much of a fight when faced with the choice because western elite values of homosexual marriage were ludicrous to expect to be favorably regarded in a conservative Muslim nation. So it may be that President Biden used a kind of hard pragmatism regarding long term prospects for U.S. interests in that part of the world. perhaps a future Supreme Court decision will realize that marriage really is a heterosexual event and rectify the abomination of the Robert's court; homosexuals can make a legal encumbrance for themselves if they wish comparable to that of matrimony. Less usurpation and more reasonable legislation with the consent of the governed would have been a better example to set for a polarized nation divided along party lines, or even deeper, along a line of those that support real democracy and equal political rights, political pluralism and free speech, secure borders, a good ecosphere in recovery and those that don't.
To work to change Afghan society for two decades and then drop the exposed coldly when some practical military fortifications and security help to the Afghan government was possible makes me wonder what the values were that made the deal of giving the Taliban everything they want was.
Does the D.C. political scene expect a warlord to emerge to challenge the Taliban. Are warlords even morally qualified for U.S. support. Did the U.S. in homogenizing an Afghan military so centralize it was to erase the prospects for warlords to arise? Will the military equipment the U.S. gave to the Afghan government and the military training not go largely to the Taliban? There are numerous questions one might consider if it is not really practical to ignore the Taliban, wish them good luck for a happy a prosperous reorganization of that nations and just go about passing a half trillion dollars of day care in order to let more people work for Wall Street while their progeny are indoctrinated by the party.
Global warming, social network censors and politics as usual
The recently released U.N. climate report isn't anything that wasn't already known. In his book 'The Final Warning' James Lovelock- the author of the Gaia hypothesis said that it is already to late to save the planet from becoming preponderantly desertified and people should be planning to live like African ants in large hives. He wrote that the U.S.A. would largely become a desert and just a few places would be green. What is obvious is that in spite of happy Biden administration comments about the optimism they have to overcome challenges, the nation is as likely to respond to the challenge of global heating as well as it has to Covid 19 or actually, less so.
Politicians are largely not competent to design an ecological economic reform policy. It it worse than the challenge to Bill Clinton while President of being able to walk and chew gum at the same time; politicians would need the social capacity to get voters to go along with their plan to radical transition the U.S. economy to one of long term environmental sustainability right away, if they had an idea of what such a plan would look like- and they don't.
The Democratic party is interested more in expanding the number of voters from Latin America through illegal immigration and Republicans have governors that are global warming and covid 19 skeptics. Democrats want to increase female wealth and affluence globally and that unrealistic desire accelerates non-sustainability. The Biden administration is perpetrating another Vietnam flight phenomena in Afghanistan and perhaps rightly so since it is an advocate for the extremely divisive homosexual agenda and homo marriage policy that motivates Muslims to attack the symbols of decadence and depravity. The rich own the broadcast media that is a sycophant for corporate expansion globally and a corrupter of democracy subverting independent political developments as well as social media censorship and manipulation of search engine listings.
The Democrat Party under Speaker Pelosi has become a one-party system to the limit of its ability forcing every issue possible without consent from opposition. A half trillion dollars for day care may reduce global warming and mass extinctions of course, and the moon may provide green cheese for all chess analysts to munch on, yet if that doesn't work how will 4 or 5 trillion dollars of additional debt fix global warming?
Perhaps the Von Musk move to Mars program is the one idea that works that may actually provide a refuge for the most rich to retreat to if a natural final solution of planetary war to solve an intractable political issue with irrationality happens...this time the irrational final solution would be mass human decimation through biological war. Luckily the world's a test tube of biological PhD experimentation with so many recent graduates. Surely the excellent politics one has experienced since the Reagan administration left office will give everyone a reason for hope, soma, and happy drugs to ignore the problems. I am not optimistic about the world's prospects for avoiding critical blunders and the common irrational method of default politics when rationality doesn't work. I wish people ordinarily were smarter than they are; maybe they can be more like the Inca building infrastructure on large scale that can solve environmental challenges.
Building a water desalination canal network along the Mexican border might provide millions and millions of gallons of fresh water to help reduce desertification. It is actually possible with siphons and solar power. No one in D.C. wants to take up anything besides investing in Wall Street and cutting taxes though, realistically.
Selections of Spirit and the Martian Art
I read several essay subjects on topics of philosophy, natural philosophy, cosmology and government that were/are science fiction content from a book project I am working on titled; "Spirit and the Martian Art'.
Pneumonomy (a poem)
Broken spondees
across the seafidget widgets
reduction sprees
Drips and catchments
basins and plains
rivers flowing
without a brain
Across the sea
widgets fidget
reduction sprees
spondees broken
Plains and basins
catchments and drips
flowing rivers
of new conscripts.
Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?
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