
Is the Von Biden Green Infrastructure Plan from the 2020 Campaign Dead?

 Democrats seem to have used a bait and switch green infrastructure campaign strategy on the face of it. That is, the plan after they got the Presidential job and both houses of congress the real plan seems to be more about constituent pork than environmental reform. Maybe I am wrong about that, yet the 3.5 trillion dollar plan isn't exactly a green new deal. What is it actually?

It may be quite a number of years before another plan to reverse biodiversity loss, eco-degradation and transition to ecospherically sustainable economics makes its way through Congress. Are politicians simply stupid?



Still writing 'Spirit and the Martian Art'

I have continued to work on my science fiction book project. Following is chapter 3 from part two. I had to write some story to support the metaphysical speculation that's an implicit purpose of the book...  

Clip Murderm on assignment from Heneral Scaldeen arrived at the Secretions of the Hidden Universe minutes after Victor Scriabin decimated the ruling criminal council and President Maud Dlib in a devastating explosion at Lobang. He did not tarry at the secretions and continued on through to Lootanburn while the height of the imperial criminal first responders to the obliteration of the Supreme Parole council chamber members delivered a horde of criminals to secure the scene of the disaster.

The exit of the Hexi corridor on Lobang was just minutes away via hypertube from Lootanburn and the Emporium mess he learned of on the hypertube’s criminal news you can use screen. Clip Murderm had left the Hexi just before the status bar of the Hexi changed from green to red. He was cut off from the Hidden Universe and evidently left on his own in the original Universe for the time being.

Murderm realized he was the highest ranking survivor of the Imperial Criminal Empire in this Universe and had the natural right to rule, or believed he did until he was informed via comm link of the distress signals of Heneral Cheryl Scaldeen and Commander Nikrita Kukuk. Murderm knew Scaldeen was higher ranking than himself yet if she was in captivity in this Universe, apparently on the planet Beach of the Dwindling Worlds, the logical implication meant he was indeed acting leader of the Criminal Universe; his Universe at least until he got around to liberating Scaldeen from captivity. He wasn’t in a hurry.

The hypertube depot was near the Emporium. A trio of criminal security personnel assigned to the Supreme Parole where waiting for him.

“Get me Maud Dlib’s aide de camp if he she or it survived the blast and have it at the Emporium annex where I will take charge of this miserable world. Have the head of security waiting too, along with the Lobang cartel’s chief enforcement officer.”

With that order to the leader of the pack of three security officers Murderm asserted his alpha criminal leadership role that he knew he would enjoy playing for the foreseeable future. Even so he realized soberly that it would be necessary to work with vigor to free Scaldeen and Kukuk so he would not appear to have been not trying to do so should they actually be released, escape or broken out of captivity at Beach.

The security officer communicated to the security office to locate and deliver the right people to the Emporium annex. They neared the main entrance of the annex located across the piazza from the Emporium.

Murderm looked askance at the dust in the air, shattered glass and miscellaneous debris from the blast at the Emporium, turned his head and walked inside the annex.

A tall, dark stranger with a menacing look and a missing eye replaced by a micro-computer with full spectrum sensors stood by a gaming table. He said to Murderm walking his way; “Sir, I am McRaegore Lutfist, former aide de camp for the late President of Lobang and countless other realms of profit.”

Great Lutfist; give me a report on the state of affairs Maud Dlib oversaw. In short, what irons did she have in the fire.”

Lutfist said; “The late President had looted the intellectual properties of nearly four thousand worlds and had seventeen thousand active planetary and system projects of infiltration and establishment for the end of looting any worthwhile intellectual properties. Most of the data obtained was consolidated here to Lobang and sent through the Hexi corridor to the High council of criminal elites in the Hidden Universe.”

“Yes Lutfist; and the data there was forwarded unto the alien sponsors of the criminal high council. That practice stops now. All intellectual data will be consolidated unto me for data storage through you. You McRaegore are my new aide de camp as leader of this criminal universe. Regard me as the new Maud Dlib if you will and the high council and aliens as effectively dead.”

“What Sir, if I may ask, about Heneral Scaldeen? She won’t tolerate being second to anyone other than Maud Dlib.”

“McRaegore, she is a captive on the Dwindling World’s planet Beach along with Commander Nikrita Kukuk. That’s why I am taking charge during this interregnum of leaders. I don’t know what has happened with the high council or the aliens; for the present the Hexi and communication with the Hidden Universe or the alien universe isn’t working. I brought a copy of all of the patentable data the aliens got from us though, on a hyper-memory chip. Take it and see if you can find anything useful on it that would enable us to restore extra-universal travel and comms.” Murderm took a hyper-mem chip from a pocket and handed it to Lutfist, who took it.

“One more thing Lutfist. Some of the criminals infiltrating the Dwindling Worlds are dispirited by all of the civil rights developments that have curtailed most physical torture. I want to do something to lift their spirits; so send care packages of wireless torture technology to our cells so they can bring torture that is untracable and unaccountable to the Dwindlings Worlds that all of the paper on the planets can’t stop, and smiles to our loyal criminals.”

“Yes sirpt’ Lutfist replied. He about faced and walked to an administrative area in the corner of the temporary HQ of the criminal empire of the Universe.

When the chief enforcement officer arrived following the head of Emporium security Murderm said; “You are Shung Gnu, chief enforcement officer of the Lobang cartel?”

Shung Gnu nodded his head in agreement.

“The you are my new head of planetary security, and I am the new President of the criminal universe. You’re first task is to reform Emporium security. Cut off the heads of all present Emporium security officers, encase them in clear poured plastic to make paperweights for my new staff here, and establish your cartel gang siccarios as my new Emporium security officers.”

“Shung Gnu obeyed the new order extracting a stiletto sword and slashing off the former chief of the Emporium’s security in the blink of an eye followed by a kata killing the trio of security officers present with a similar decisive slash.

“Ah, evolution is such a lovely thing” president Murderm said. “This place has suites doesn’t it McRaegore?”

“Yes sir; a Vice Presidential suite too.”

“Good McRaegore; that is my new Presidential suite and office for the Universe until we find a better, more suitable accommodation. Send a pack of service women to it with champagne, caviar and smoked grimm meat.”

“Yes Sir” McRaegore replied.

Walking away to the mag-lift Murderm said over his shoulder; “And get the best operator we have to liberate Heneral Scaldeen and Commander Kukuk from Beach. Expedite the insertion of personnel to infiltrate the governments and business leadership of worlds we haven’t started looting of ideas yet. I will be busy for a while. Do not disturb for a couple of hours. Get rolling McRaegore; time’s wasting.”


Building and/or dividing a more(t) (im)perfect union

  A lot of phrases are trite these days; sadly unification is one such word. The nation is a unification of states, the politics may differ. Some politicians would prefer easy to control ants marching together to serve Wall Street and Boston elites while few comprehend what makes good politics. Good politics are good ideas. Politicians that serve the public instead of themselves and special interests find good ideas and express them in campaigns. F.D.R. and R.R. did that.

I should point out that in the U.S.A. today there is great complexity in making correct political analysis for a polity that is badly informed by a biased and/or ignorant, superficial media owned by and pursuing special interest viewpoints. Many political groups have anachronistic or outdated points of view regarding their relationship in regard to other political groups that are sometimes regarded as adversaries. Even if certain objectives were to be achieved by various political interests the result would not be what they expected. Interestingly enough few are able to correlate all of the meaningful viewpoints, prospects and interests within a working order for the overall state of the United States. 

That can apply to understanding real national security prospects for the future too, with foreign affairs running hot and cold in regard to dangers and opportunities together. Some of the filters for viewing and interacting with foreign concerns are contingent on which element of domestic politics it relates to. The United States today isn’t too complex to rightly process politically, it is just the case that not too many are concerned with the way the overall state of national affairs proceeds and instead place blind faith not in God, but in Wall Street and theories about capitalism that are as hoary as theories about socialism.

One may select party candidates that are right and proper persons with bad ideas. The U.S. marketplace wants candidates that are unblemished and that can be sold without returns or complaints to consumers. Ideas for political platforms are secondary and at any rate need be subordinated to the political correctness test of what helps concentrate wealth and peonize and subjectivize citizens. The rich control of mass media and social media assure repression of dissenting ideas; any political thought not recognized to support either the left version of Wall Street or that of the right.

Plainly Vice President Harris could use a new speech writer who comprehends honor and military service, valor and courage as well as the non-harm, anything goes, satisfy everyone that isn’t to the right appeal to the left. She may be the Presidential candidate for the Democrat party in 2024 should aging Joe Biden decide to retire to Golden Pond (not the one in Wisconsin) and fish the Chesapeake Bay. The Vice President’s apprenticeship four years should bring her to a ready condition sufficient to give the public confidence enough to elect her providing the Republicans run another plunder the environment candidate without charisma or good political ideas.

V.P. Harris should recognize that her party is the party of division in pursuit of a one-party system. Reinforcing illegal immigration and bilingualism does not support unification. Neither  do abortions, homosexual marriage or cutting taxes on the rich as did President Barrack Obama.  Her party divided even itself over the second infrastructure bill. Apparently throwing out the election plans for green, sustainable economic infrastructure, Speaker Pelosi has sought to force another pass it to find out what’s in it mega-bill of 3.5 trillion dollars through in order to give free day care to illegal aliens and others perhaps. Great potential for division and none for unification. Even with the support of Chief Justice Roberts, Democrats monomaniacally pursue policies that divide the nation in the long run as they downsize the white male element of the nation.

Basically there are two good and necessary ideas for a uniting the populous of the  United States in the long run.

1) Secure borders with a vast salt-water desalinization canal along the Mexican border piping up saltwater to Deming New Mexico to let it flow downhill  east and west making millions and millions  of gallons of freshwater with sunshine, evaporation and condensation for the U.S. southwest. Keep citizenship meaningful, Provide green economic help to foreign nations rather than flooding the U.S.A. with cheap labor.

2) Green economic infrastructure for sustainability with a guarantied minimum income, 60% income tax on the richest 1% and free college tuition including graduate school Free enterprise should prevail though incentives should be given to businesses that synergize ecospheric resource sustainability.

Most policies of both major parties downsize existing American and work to demote them to peon-subject status employed by global corporations in cooperation with  Chinese communist party elites. Billionaires invest globally and are fundamentally transnational characters. Without a secure polity, the people are divided by rich control of borders, language, culture and ethnic composition demographically. The nation that they would mold into mob of sworn to blindly follow wealth in fact live as meaningless proles  reduced through dope, homosexuality and atheism into mindless consumers unconcerned with traditional family units.  

The policies of division are requisite for the conquest of Americans by plutocrats. Unity requires respect for God and political consensus to find ways to let people be free without forcing their particular way or preferences upon others. An enlightened electorate of intelligent citizens able to encounter ideas in a marketplace of ideas should be the most effective way to address the challenges presented by demographics and environmental over-use and abuse.

A brief history of how the U.S.A. got to its present state of disunity should include a sketch of the problems with U.S. leadership since the Reagan administration.

President George H.W. Bush inherited the Reagan legacy of federal debt and budget deficits and the end of the Cold War following the Red Army withdrawal from East Germany in January 1989. If 41 had been re-elected perhaps the problems might have been avoided. 41 was a phi beta kappa in economics; his problems were in his primaries and the media attitude toward him. NPR joked of french maids in Nova Scotia and Pat Buchanan ads seemed to imply some sort of Bacchanalian revelry with leather clothing, whips and chains. 41’s relationship with spokesman Marlin Fitzwater were regarded in the same vein as that of Monica Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton. None knew if it was factual.

Democrats ran a slew of candidates in 1992. Either John or Bob Kerry would have been good Presidents. Instead Democrats choose the media favorite Bill Clinton in 92. The Clintons bent U.S. politics until the present with unwillingness to stay off the stage.

President Bill burned a Christian sect at Waco on the 52nd day of a siege inadvertently helping elect President Bush 43  in 2000. Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky affair shattered respect for the Oval office and set an example for loose social morals and public lying for cover-ups that has since become routine. Probably people didn’t really believe Donald Trump’s denials of sexual impropriety with a dozen or more women; it was just that he ran against the rather detested and distrusted Hillary Clinton in 2012  who was herself believed to be a consummate lying lawyer ala’ Lady Macbeth. 

Hillary Clinton’s campaign in effect defaulted victory to Donald Trump- the Genghis Khan of American environmental plundering. The Hillary preseidential obsession reminded some of the division with an ax the way that Sen Edward Kennedy elected Reagan by running against and wounding President Carter in the 1980 Democrat primary. Sen Edward Kennedy developing brain concern and dying from it later seemed to take up rather crazy policies during the 1990s increasingly until he finally died. Kennedy and Clinton destroyed any semblance of political unity in the United States. Neo-imperialists are rarely the best or the brightest people with great leadership ideas.

During the Clinton administration Anglophilism raged with Bill Clinton promoting British Thermal Units in conservation jargon and the Youth-knighthood-states being common media lingo equal in quantity to that of sharing rem. President Bill’s Lewinsky troubles helped promote the Newt Gingrich era in Congress of an (illegal) contract with America approach to politics during the 90s. Cutting taxes and promoting irrationally exuberant growth became de rigeur almost unto the present, except for slumps from Covid 19, the 2008 derivatives and home mortgage crisis and the 2000-1999 twin towers and cyber-tech crises.

President Bush 43 lied or deceived the nation about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as a reason to go to war. He said that rebuilding Iraq would cost 50 billion dollars; the cost would add several trillions present and future dollars to US public debt. Because President Bush 43 benefited politically from the war as the Democrat intifada ended along with the Twin Towers people suspected some high-level perfidy was involved. Apparently 43 had an oil company that Osama Bin  Ladin or a close relation invested in. 

Osama was apparently allowed to escape from Torah Bora  with a tardy Pentagon delivering a dud BLU 72  bomb to his cave. He sheltered in Pakistan where President Obama reeled him in on the 10th anniversary of 9-11 before the shelved item became spoilt. President Bush 43’s inept handling of the economy with prolific spending and no-bid contracts for Halliburton in Iraq seemed to lead to the 2008 financial crisis that was in part blamed on President Clinton’s policy of compelling financial corporations to spend on loans for housing, yet derivatives were a clever instruments designed, I believe, by quants employed by elite brokerages and banks.

People were much relieved to have President Bush 43 gone from office, and Hillary Clinton running in 2008 helped get the fast-tracked Harvard product Barrack Obama elected to the White House to usher in every wacko leftist policy of benefit to Harvard and Wall Street. He made Bush II tax cuts and vast federal deficits permanent twisting arms to do it when not appoint Harvard alumni to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The balancing of the federal budget that was a major campaign issue as late as 1992...it became lost afterwards generally with supply-side economics and the concentration of wealth. Perennial deficits became default annual choices for both parties. Deficit hawks perished The only exception was the final year of the second Clinton term when Congressional Republicans owned the disgraced President and had their way with budget cuts to the poor. 

Now the nation is politically splintered; the traditional middle class being replaced by cheap foreign workers and other politically elements compliant to the rich. Legal and illegal immigrants generally are more politically compliant with sinecured middle class sponsors. The federal debt that may reach 34 trillion in 2022 if the second Pelosi infrastructure bill goers through, and it will generate the effect of displacing real ecological reform that would discomfort the economic structure of established wealth.  Arnold Toynbee noted that an inability for an established economy to change is one of the prime causes of the fall of civilizations. An environment in decline and numerous foreign threats that cannot be easily remedied for a  divided national culture satisfactory to the wealthiest brings gloom to some unhappy party sitting on a dock o’the bay..

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...