
Omicron Panic and Skeleton Crews

 The new Covid variant named Omicron sent a stampede on Wall Street serving as an early warning of the dangers faced by a modern global economy designed as a world wide web quite vulnerable to exotic viruses. Plainly the Biden administration may face the same sort of challenges to keep the economy open intelligently that the Trump administration faced and failed.


 Establishments and bureaucrats are loathe to change unless they see a potential profit in it. Bureaucrats and government administrators are perhaps the least likely people to invent a way society can profit from adapting emergency response measures. Instead of making a profit government spends like drunken sailors on a failing slope in something of a supply-side paradigm believing in error that future economic growth after the end of the short or intermediate term pandemic will compensate for the avalanche of new public debt.

 The U.S. government needs to find intelligent redesigns to keep the economy open even during a pandemic with more serious viruses like ebola adapted to become an airborne pathogen; it needs to find a way to generate skeleton crew personnel within the private sector able to keep businesses functioning regardless of the severity of the pathogen. I am sure the government of the United States is doing such a thing nor is capable of doing so since creativity is required. I wish them luck tough and hope they can find the capacity to try.


Tubman, District of Geronimo, etc.

 I suppose it’s just a matter of time until Democrats try to get rid of the name of Washington D.C. Like the Washington football team formerly known as the Redskins, the names of a slave owner and a killer of Arawak Indians; a felonious, yacht sailing Governor returned to his colony-owning royal liege king in chains (Columbus) may be perceived to be a bad influence on the next generation of kinder, gentler Americans. The likeliest name to appear might be the U.S. capitol city of Tubman in the District of Geronimo.

 Some would argue that the founders were all white nationalists; racists seeking to create a nation. With no black signers of the Declaration of Independence no one on the left; the Antifah side left, can ever use the racist slur of Black Nationalist in reference to founders of the United States. Evidently the media has discovered a way to stop white people from being nationalists rather than globalists (globalism is preferred by the Global Plutocracy and the broadcast media). If there is a difference between white nationalists and whites only nationalists that subtlety would wont disambiguation beyond the ken of broadcast journalism.

  Without the inclusion of the slave-owning colonies in the revolutionary movement of the United States the British would have had enjoyed  remaining in possession of half of the thirteen states and with Canada to the north the new United States would have found the road to independence much more challenging. Nearly two-hundred and fifty years after the founding of the U.S.A. even in the former slave-owning states a mostly white jury in a national media event with Rev. Al Sharpton in the courtroom, deliberated on a verdict of guilt for three white men who drove up in a truck to confront a black jogger resulting in the young man being shot to death with a shotgun. Just two days after a black neo- Nazi killed six people with his car and injured fifty more probably or possibly because he didn’t like the verdict of the Rittenhouse trial, the Georgia jury disregarded that act of terror and convicted the three whites to the approval of the Rev. Al Sharpton sending a powerful message abroad concerning jury intimidation and black mobs matter.

 Video evidence makes a great improvement in finding true verdicts these days compared to b.s. majority opinions of biased witnesses as has occurred innumerable times in the past. Establishments do sometimes exert their power and position advantages to victimize people through corrupt use of the legal systems bearing false witness etc. Even so it is plain that some of the improvement can be undermined in regard to integrity by mass media and mass protest events that make it impossible realistically to find an unbiased jury panel anywhere in the United States. An improvement in that area may be wonted too in an age where mass mobs, civil unrest including rioting and terrorism may occur with regularity to influence juries. Show trials to appease mobs and rioters leave a bad smell to the legal system floating beyond the tragic elements of victims and defendants in actual criminal trials. Even if all three were actually guilty of breaking Georgia law, reaching a verdict two days after an act of mass terrorism in Wisconsin that might prevent terrorist reprisals in Georgia for an acquittal in Brunswick, is malodorous.


Metaphysical Uncertainty (poem)

Dissipating fog passed over
spent shell casings of judgment
concerning land flowing below

Turned sideways, ontological perspectives
screen inferences about quantum reality in-itself
for-itself embedded in the Higgs field

That Higgs field with line branches of words
shapes thought of ideas for tomorrow
when sunset illumines birds with gold

Mystic regard for warmer things share
a common border; vacuum energy of space
describing fortunes of five hundred states of being

Like music of smoke and mirrors
collusion of collision cancels cultures
ram in the thicket, doubts.

Democrats Value Global Environmental Problems at $500 billion

 The Democrat’s present Big Big Really Big spending plan has set the value of environmental problems including green habitat loss, species extinction and global atmospheric heating at $500 billion dollars. They could force through any amount they want, for example %5 trillion dollars and a pack of regulations such as new zoning laws that conserve vestigial wild spaces, yet are more concerned with day care so three-year-olds can be properly indoctrinated. They boast they can save $5000 for couples struggling through life on $100,000 annual income while aspiring students and others living on fewer than $8000 income yearly get nothing including free community college tuition.

  The Democrats recalcitrance to make good on serious environmental economic reform after raising election hopes in 2020 should be remembered. It was largely a ruse concerning environmental issues. They conceded just enough to wrest votes from Republicans. Real concerns of Democrats may be reduced to a couple of important ones.

  Democrats use a one-party approach style of politics. One shouldn’t misunderstimate their intolerance or hidden agendas.  That could include a desire to have a dual Lesbian dictatorship not only in America, but in Afghanistan too, in order to liberate women from oppressive male subjugation. Another Democrat plan could be to unite California and Sinaloa into one province- a free intermediary province, that could provide a pathway for takeover of the American Southwest by the Sinaloa Cartel that would have its leader as Governor of all the Californias from coast to coast below the Mason-Dixon line moving farther north every year with the snow level retreating toward Canada.

George Washington was a White (not whites only) Nationalist

 George Washington was white and a nationalist, therefore he was a white nationalist. Muddying logic works quite well to serve the concentration of wealth socially with any dissidence to globalism and plutocratic interests disqualified in some way or other as a racist or general foe of the placid democrat persons in the corporate acceptable set for receiving views or even publishing in mainstream social media.

  Democrats have served to divide and conquer the electorate for the benefit of corporate plutocracy and trans-nationalism. The left in pursuit of global socialism; the policy of Trotsky rather than Stalin, long ago decided that nations were anathema to global socialism, and the concept of one-world utopia presumably with a dictatorship of the proletariat and some sort of administration class was the apple of their eye.

 Nations should be the laboratories of democracy independent from invasive trans-national economic controls. Nations should be places were a sovereign citizenship not undermined by illegal migrant trans-nationalists politically determine their own use of natural and public resources, set tax standards and social organization of political economy. Nations should be as independent as George Washington and  other founders envisioned America with liberty and justice for all that did of course require time to develop.

 The United States presently seems to be developing in a way that self-destructs sovereignty over its own borders making a farce of efforts for zero population growth to conserve natural resources. It is something like the Club of Rome’s situation as one of the original zero population growth organizations that was working in Italy as that nation had negative population growth achieved before the EC arrived and a flood of legal and illegal migrants arrived.

 Nation s did not cause the 20th century of war. The first world war (the one to end all wars) was a war of imperialism and aristocratic rulers. Because the Kaiser was given a golden parachute to live in Holland and the war wasn’t fought to a conclusion instead ending with an armistice with bad terms for the security of France among numerous reasons, the second world war followed. The second world war has been called the last battle of world war one.

 The balance of the rest of the 20th century wars were fought because of global communist Neo-imperialism of the post-Stalinist era in the Soviet Union, and western powers that stood against it. Additional wars were a consequence of the end of colonialism or to end colonialism, and over leadership of post-colonial rule often conflating revolutionary movements with international socialist war against the west during the cold war era.

 Nations are comparable to cells in a body that is the Earth and its economic demesne (including the Moon and Mars too perhaps). The cells need meaningfully secure cell walls (borders) to keep themselves free from adverse viruses, and to internally function. Lysing the cell integrity with various adverse forms of migration and transnational finance  can subvert the cellular function and kill democracy globally. One then gets some form of dictatorship of an imperial kind.

 The world does have numerous challenges including global warming, over-population and mass migration. The most efficient way to solve those problems would be with the rise of good national policies supporting secure borders and ecological economic policies that are economically sustainable. If the United States for example had good national policies of efficiency and sustainability with a balanced federal budget it could then be an example to other nations including poorer ones, especially to its south that have a long tradition of dictatorships, government corruption and in Mexico, mass drug trafficking in support of sales to corrupt U.S. consumers. 

 To repair the inefficient economic practices of one country could be a sourdough starter to repair or develop other nations on similar sustainable lines. Global plutocracy and imperialism of elite Neo-aristocrats work directly against that. Even the United States government has basically laid down clueless as covert crypto-currencies build a stronger, more secure currency for the rich that might have a way to survive with fortunes intact a possible decline and fall of the U.S. dollar because of the vast public debt of the U.S. government. The Democrat Party in recent years has been to concerned with legalizing dope and teaching homosexuality in public schools to be concerned with  dangers to democracy that are clear and present. It spent the entire four years of the Trump administration chasing a fiction about Donald Trump as a collusionist with Russia, and the Steele Document turned out to be a product of a Clinton campaign operative. Homosexual marriage was forced by the left and Chief Justice Roberts further dividing the electorate. That was unfortunate and avoidable for if marriage had been left to itself a rational institution and homosexuals started legislation for themselves to secure their own communal interests realistically the conflict could have been avoided for the U.S. electorate probably would have tolerated homosexual contractual behavior as a principle consistent with self-determination and privacy.

 Homosexuals likened themselves to repressed Negroes during the Obama era an irrational device to enlist public support and self-righteous termination and oppression of expressions of dissident options about homosexual marriage.  Along with the rise of concepts of hate crimes and hate speech the conflation of homosexuality with black in the leftist-corporatist lexicon of repression so far as to make the terms interchangeable have made it child's play for plutocrats owning the broadcast and social media to divide the electorate on completely non-economic grounds and to marginalize dissidents that don’t support homosexuality or deficit spending policies from Washington D.C.

 A politically segregated social media is another tool for global plutocrats to buy the U.S.A. Some people of course are in favor of that.  Some Americans would like a classless society ruled over by rich plutocrats that asked nothing of them and expected no political dissidence or opinions about how the rich manage political affairs. Imperialism does command some regard from those that might enjoy the role of being comfortable subjects with no moral boundaries or political self-determination responsibility.

 It is the tax rate of the rich that should be the real political issue for Americans today; it is far too low. If homosexual marriage laws were reversed and the masses of Americans were prosperous and clever enough to eliminate poverty most of the substance of race issues would fade away.

Will Crypto Currencies Further Flim-Flam U.S. Dollars and Government Policy?

 Since the Reagan administration began running vast federal deficits under the Rubric of Lafferian supply-side economics the dollar has developed a dubious, curious nature of being valued on the basis of the full flim-flam of the U.S. Government that relies on the wealth of public and private resources to give the dollar value. That is, since the end of the gold standard in the Nixon administration the dollar has value simple because people believe the government can make good on it through taxation if it needs to. Taxation on the rich though has progressively been reduced since 1981 having the effect that wealth is concentrated like unto that of the gilded age before the great Wall Street crash of 1929-30.  Crypto currencies are an alternative to the dollar. Crypto values may be set by the market.

 Rave speech demotic by the broadcast media has served to subvert perceptions of integrity of broadcast media and neo-government for a few decades. The present social ethic is that power works and that real constitutional rights are those of pragmatic power rather than those on paper. The public accepts passively the slide of financial power to 1% of the people of the United States and chronically porous borders that allow subversion of the labor wage values within the U.S.A. The gradual closure of internet free speech emasculating dissent and subjugation of politics to  policies of interest mostly to global plutocrats have been assisted bite the unanticipated rise of the era of global crypto-currencies that are already a favorite for global computer hacker-extortionist ransoms.

  It is ironic that in an era where terrorism and asymmetric war may become the sole effective means of communicating dissent to repressive government policies fructified in one-party rule, that anonymous use of crypto-currencies to create a new infrastructure for the rich for the new world order the potential for a free marketplace of ideas in social media to communicate dissent with less violence is the first free media gutted through leftist, neon-fascist corporate controls. Violence is a form of communication. Violence is a muted, dumbed-down, unintelligent form of expression unsuitable for intellectual and/or artistic messages. Sometimes over the course of history violence was the common language an establishment shared with the poor.

 Christianity and faith in the Lord is a completely different ethic to that of worldliness. It largely negates the utilitarian calculus of war as politics through other means familiar to Clausewitz.  Civilians as elements of economics that use war as an economic tool are not considered as such. Instead they are regarded as sinners unless saved, strutting about on a comparatively meaningless temporal stage.

    I would like to comment here about the rock, paper, scissors nature of the broadcast media power to control or shape public thought; the zeitgeist, in support of their interests of reinforcing the increase of power and wealth for special interest classes as they interact to repress dissent and alternative directions of development of the political economy of the U.S.A. including that of ecological economics. Rather than using perpetual revolution the broadcast media organs of the rich utilize perpetual propaganda or deconstruction dissimulation for effectuating repression. The endless sort of social strife generated as everyone pursues narrow self and special interests increases in the U.S.A. as the ideals of the founding philosopher-warrior political class is deconstructed over-much. Each generation of the 21st century need become as wise as serpents and be spiritually as gentle as doves to pursue the necessary ideal political economy, as ideal as that envisioned by the founders, if it is to adapt the national and world economies that has far too many people using the planet’s finite natural resources in a very inefficient system ecologically speaking.

     Relying upon blind chance evolution of an ideal temporal political economy through concentrating wealth in an ostensibly free market of global corporatism owned primarily by 1% of the people probably is the path to very dystopian futures with civilians and all people being legitimate targets of war by insiders and outsiders as everyone is an element in a self-destructive global system. In war a legitimate target is one that well supports victory. That is, utilitarian principles guide a government’s conduct of war at the core (e.g. fire-bombing of Dresden, nuclear incineration of the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), including public relations consequences and propaganda choices.. Utilitarianism can have an abstract object group it seeks to benefit or bring the most good to; that is it could be the greatest good for the richest, most powerful or revolutionary. Utilitarianism can have a moral relativism and implicitly has subject-object variability.

     A factor exacerbating determinative social fatalism is false eschatological beliefs held by some Christians, Muslims and godless atheists (they believe pre-tribulationism is the essential rather than just a popular Christian eschatology) alike that an apocalypse lies ahead. That apocalypse occurred in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in his own time perhaps after the maximum numbers of people possible are saved (an indefinite time paradigm).

    Crypto-currencies are private and secret and appear to be a solid alternative to the dollar. Early in U.S. history the U.S. government expropriated the right of banks to print their own currencies and the U.S. government became the sole entity with the legal ability to issue currencies of legal tender. Without legislation they government has relinquished that right and has stepped aside to give crypto-currencies the inside position as a reliable substitute for the dollar that may be able to survive possible deflation of the dollar that could arise as confidence in flim flam deficit spending policies, accumulated vast public debt, great tax cut  for the rich support of the Obama and Trump administrations and networks of secret crypto-currencies serving rich plutocrats like a global invisible empire of a plutocrat Klan arising to degrade U.S. dollars to the status of slum dollars for those holding the bag of public debt.

 Like the vast mass switching of allegiance that is exemplified in the prisoners and diner’s dilemmas the dollar may at some future time experience a great exodus from the public perception of it as a potential slum currency to the more attractive realm of crypto-currencies backed by the market . Full faith in the invisible monetary empire of plutocrats buying into crypto-currencies like Elon Musk may make the trickle become a flood stimulating the collapse of the dollar. It wouldn’t be too surprising to discover that plutocrats like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates buy into or start crypto currencies themselves. Crypto-currencies of solid value that rise in value like gold when the dollar collapses might let the 1% that already own more than 35% of national income and control most of the other entirely purchase vestigial independent elements of the private sector if the dollar collapses. Crypto-currencies without borders relying on market values and with the full faith and credit in the worldly rich holding it could be an excellent tool to subtly accelerate the decline and fall of the value of the U.S. dollar.

 One might wonder if Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton and English royalty have bought into crypto-currencies, or if Belarus has a high cost of living. The U.S. government to remain solvent may need to invest dollars in crypto currency speculation. Alternatively some future administration may need to relocate the U.S. capitol to Belarus after the Washington D.C. capitol is sold off for crypto-currency with other U.S. public properties like Mount Rushmore to pay down public debt.



Inflation Just Might be Good for the Rich

 I should have been an economist and learned all about ways to make money with theory and speculation.  Inflation could just be good for the rich, including economists. The entire topic of what prospers the rich while seeming to be harmful to the poor and lower middle class isn't as simple as finding a diamond ring dropped into a muddy lake .

 Inflation drives up prices. The rich own the things being sold and pass on the costs to you. Real estate goes up in value, and the rich own those rental builds that working people try to pay for. Lesson one; it is better to own a building rather than renting an apartment. The rich collect rents from about everything besides owning stock shares that might increase in value along with inflation (that is a challenging topic to consider).

It seems to me that if 50 million Americans take home less than a half of a percent of the national income that inflation can be a pretty effective way to skim that 1/2 percent back to the rich. People need to have enough income to work and the rest I suppose is targeted for return to the rich through a variety of means. It might be better to have an ideal society or at least make some progress toward building one rather than just letting everything ho in the most loose, stupid version of neo-capitalism the society can tolerate while it is fueled with theoretical dollars backed only by the full flam credit of the U.S. Government (not exactly the same as the gold standard) or planetary plutocrats. I wonder if Congress will charge more people with contempt of Congress since contempt is almost a common opinion regarding the quality of that August body's works in regard to public debt, social egalitarianism, border security and so forth.

There are many things to capture one's attention if they attention to news. I live in a place that hasn't cell phone service, and hence no internet, electricity or whatever (or a road to a store) so I value the news somewhat objectively when I encounter it, and it seems rather stupid so ordinarily that I am concerned that writing about it might give the impression that I believe that everyone making news is stupid- and that isn't the case at all. Instead I believe that society is uncoordinated rather like the L.A. Lakers when Lebron James is injured, and that people have some erroneous notion that capitalism builds or evolves the best social environment willy nilly without need for competent government and good ideas. Alternatively maybe the politicians and media regard everything that passes like water under the bridge is good retrospectively, simply for being past.

It was said of old Russia that when the Tsar was having troubles he would send someone to foment a pogrom against Jews in some regional capitol. I have wondered if inflation causing incidents aren't also used to keep democracy down and under the thumb of the rich. No one wants to talk these days about raising taxes on the 1% when inflation and Covid 19 are on fire. It doesn't seem like a good idea to be concerned with abstract economic situations that might make the too big to fail Corporate 1%ers think about relocating somewhere else to build their widgets (like China or someplace that is really loyal).


A Capital Tax is a Substitute for Haitian/French Style Revolution

 A tax on concentrated capital held by ultra-millionaires and billionaires is a satisfactory replacement for revolts like those of Haitians against slavery and the French against royalty and aristocracy where the masses yearn for a semblance of egalitarianism. With wealth so grossly concentrated in one percent of the people economics and Wall Street are basic threats to democracy, as much as was the British aristocracy in 1776.

 Concentrated wealth owns the broadcast media and controls internet social media sites preponderantly. Hence forms of censorship and repression are common. Like the impossibility of criticizing one’s employer corporations publicly and keeping the job, repressive controlling structures- part and full time controllers, limit public expression not only in repressive government forms like socialism, they also do so in nominally free enterprise systems like corporatism when wealth becomes concentrated so far as to bring into being an ad hoc aristocracy.

 Designing tax structures to address the problem of concentration of wealth and power shouldn’t be too difficult especially with the help of computers and artificial intelligence systems that would tax the real value of capital on a given day of the year and verify the value of capital and the commensurate tax on a given day of the year when payment is due electronically, say, with bit-coin or a federal crypto-currency.

 My opinion is that the masses should control at least 51% of the national capital, and that individuals should not have more wealth as a percent of national income than a tiny fraction in order to prevent inappropriate and threatening political influence. A certain percentage of people benefiting from or seeking to benefit from a repressive political system will always speak in defense of it. With government officials like Chief Justice Roberts and Senate Republicans so heavily invested in Wall Street it is challenging to foresee a prospect for solid legislative remedies in favor of the people of the United States.

 Since the 1970s the rich have divided and conquered the U.S. electorate with a number of policies that eliminated the strong white male middle class through promotion of cheaper, restive workers from minority and female portions of the economy that had neither awareness, coordination or temperament to defend a democratic and equitable tax system. The new majority simple wanted to bump out strait white middle class males in the economy rather than to rise to equality within the tax paradigm that had existed since F.D.R. had the balls to tax the rich and end the depression (unlike Barrack Obama who forced the permanent renewal of the Bush II tax cuts by refusing to let them sunset).

 There is no certainty that concentrated wealth is the most productive form of free enterprise. Free enterprise does not requires gross concentration of wealth. In a world with finite resources concentrating ownership of enterprise into an aristocracy can be counter-productive and inflexible as might be witnessed with the inability of government to find and adapt working global warming reduction systems. The new majority seems to be happy enough to just play dress up and put on white middle class male economic clothes instead of taking charge of the body politic in an F.D.R. kind of way and restoring a 70% tax on income of ultra-millionaires and billionaires and making a 3% annual capital tax upon the excess capital concentration of the ultra-rich.

 From a practical point of view the experience of living in a corporatism or socialist system may be similar if the economy is advanced. Even so the experience may be quite bad for independently minded individuals that like free speech. Recently I tested Obamacare to discover how it works for single males living on $600 of social security in Alaska. I discovered that Obamacare could be purchased for just $1000 a month and that would be quite a nice opportunity for the poor to imagine they could afford if they could have earned more money in a non-repressed life (Medicare medical would cost appx .275 monthly and leave the poor $600 a month guy about $375 a month for luxury goods like food, shelter, clothing, electrical connection, phone etc.). If the poor were meaningfully employed to given real opportunity to advance they might do better.

  President Obama created a nice system for middle-class women and homosexuals with a health care system that dumped all of their health information to corporations so they can examine the data and decide who and how to breed.

 Not only is the economy and corporate infrastructure too big to fail, it is also too big to allow violent revolt to end the existence of the 1%. The vast supremacy of government military over the citizenry makes real revolt very improbable. The government fundamentally is a servo-unit of the 1%. For pacifism to be a virtue it should be in defense of a free and unrepressed human condition rather than one of fatalistic subjugation. To allow islands of freedom or social classes to fall into subjugation under repressive dictatorships or classes of concentrated wealth should be anathema to a majority. A tax on capital and raising the income tax of the rich is a clear and present remedy to the challenges presented by inimical wealth.

 The inheritors of the former white middle class male American tradition still look to the Republican Party for hope in self-delusion since Republican leadership represents corporate wealth and the 1%. In recent years the masses of working class Republicans, disenchanted with the immorality of homosexual marriage, abortion and undermining of citizenship through mass illegal immigration have looked toward a splinter Tea Party/and Donald Trump billionaire in-party alternative. Looking to a billionaire to reform taxation means cutting taxes on billionaires and in the case of Donald Trump, electing an extremist global warming denier whom has biodiversity blindness. The complication of homosexuals on politics have made words like bye, and even morphemes like bi, disreputable and replaced with words like ‘bite’. Using rave jargon people don’t have much political circumspection. Actually there is about a zero percent chance of a good presidential candidate from either party in 2024.

 While Hillary Clinton operatives apparently did sponsor the false accusation of 2016 Trump-Russia campaign collusion leading to four years of extremist Democratic politic persecution of President Trump culminating in the January 6th riot at the Capitol in knee jerk reaction, the mass Republican movement blindly submits to Wall Street leadership that is very unRepublican philosophically speaking. Neither party has its oars in the water; each reinforce corporatism/socialism and the concentration of wealth and power in 1% of the people (actually a global plutocracy).





 A successful revolt might resemble an anarchist apocalypse that would reign destruction upon everyone and grease the skids for a repressive dictatorship of some form dissatisfactory to about all except those that are in the pocket of repressive regimes. The point of good government in the modern sector is to assure that all of the citizens aren’t experiencing repression from corrupt networks or the power of concentrated wealth. A national minimum income free health care for the poor and free college education would go a long way to bring the U.S.A. into a modern political state rather than in-growing within a hybrid system of traditional repressive government and economics on a very large scale. If it were based upon sustainable, green ecological economic reform that would be better.


International Forums Substitute for Do Nothing Congress on Global Warming

It is well known that the U.S. Congress isn't capable of decisive and adequate action to radically slow global warming. Fundamentally people aren't bright enough to comprehend the problems facing everyone nearly as well as their own, so they vote for personal pork and run exhaust into the atmosphere without concern. At election time Democrats talk a good game on global warming then do nothing. It would be great if the problem were solved and humanity could move on, yet that just doesn't happen any more than the federal deficit is reduced.

 Democrats ran on global warming campaigns even including building a sunscreen at L-5 in space. Now they have set it on the back burner with day care and parental leave for homo-couples and some straights on the front burner. https://news.yahoo.com/obama-urging-governments-action-un-120628866.html

At least former President Barrack Hussein Obama was explaining everyone  rowing in the same direction (no mention of oars needing to be in the water though) to get somewhere at the Glasgow conference before chastising Russia and China for being in the eastern hemisphere or something like that (or it might have been for not showing up to confess their polluting natures).

Some people believe the world will end and so nothing is required t repair the atmosphere's health, and they may be correct since not fixing global warming and increasing population and immorality may result in some sort f global catastrophic change. At least bitcoin can be counted on not to crash in value from its near 70,000 dollars for one if the dollar collapses after the internet collapses and EMP blasts wipe out data on computer memories.

  It would be interesting to remake James Stewart's Its a Wonderful Life and have Big Bird or the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man replace Harvey the Invisible Rabbit who it is revealed is a global warming denier persuading Stewart (maybe John Stewart could play Jimmy) to join the dark side of the force. 

So long as the U.S.A. can blame Russia and China nothing will be required of Congress for the next few years.

Tricycle baby carriage and LA Lakers issues

 One might wish it was as easy too invent an LA Lakers line-up and game plan as easily as it would be to manufacture sit-down, high quality tricycle-baby carriages; even electric ones for a reasonably price. With a very interesting team the Lakers seem to lack a cutting small forward like Talen Horton -Tucker who could sharply go to the hoop with a reverse layup; he is injured. Lacking Alex Caruso's tenacious defense since the trade the Lakers have two important elements missing/

LeBron James though very old in basketball years is still in the top 2% of people anyone wants on their team. He does seem to be the sharpest passer the Lakers have, and when he is out of the line-up do to injuries to ankle that recur when opposition yippies target his ankles because they can't compete otherwise with the old fellow, the Lakers suffer.

If the Lakers can hobble through the regular season and the other old fellow Carmello Anthony can on occasion contribute a few twenty points in twenty minutes games off the bench, and if Russell Westbrook can figure out how to pass as well as Pete Maravich, and if Anthony Davis can play good defense without injury an Achilles they have a good chance to win the title. All in all its the most fun team to watch in years with something like an older all-stars with younger going up against mostly sharp younger teams with decent centers and good three point shooters.

Lacking a John Havlicek kind of guy who can use Anthony Davis like  Larry Bird or Danny Ainge used Kevin McHail Davis has a little too much coverage on him. When LeBron was five years younger he drew defense to him like flies and that would have worked. Unfortunately James in now probably perceived as an equal threat to Davis and when James is on the bench there isn't another forward shooting threat. maybe Dwight Howard's offensive skills could be dusted off and used more on special occasions close in.


Democrats’ Social Pork Technology Failed to See Lisa on the Horizon

 Like ships passing in the night echos of prior political eras (41 and 46) the triple B’s pf Presidents past and present juxtaposed aspects of dubious temporal zeitgeist deleteriously. The build back better plan arrived like a cloud of flies on dead meat; the corpus delecti, of the green environmental reform movement that floated President Biden’s boat a year ago. When the word green or environmental show up in contemporary affairs around election time Democrats arrive to take the issue unto-themselves as a spearhead for social programs.

  While honesty is lacking in the use of global warming and green economic reform to camouflage social spending bills that appear suspiciously like pork for constituents, if the build back better (or back biting bitch as 41 bit-coined the triple B term) putsch for inadequacy had poltical ergonomic efficiency it would have dwelt allocating 5 billion bucks or so to buy a single Republican vote in the Senate. That should have been easy.

  Of the initial 3.5 billion dollars in the BBB plan just 500 billion was (appx.) for green tech investments to slow global warming acceleration. That five billion invested in purely green projects for Alaska might have brought Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski around to support the triple B plan in its present reduced size. Select insider politicians have a Boston-Harvard-DC axis of investment kickbacks that sometimes is blind to common sense politics that essentially are alien and external to it.  DC politics preponderantly are a dull kickback of power pork.


  Alaska is divided between those that hate government regulation and want to actualize under the pursuit of happiness article of the constitution, the right to launch car to car missiles whenever rodent scholar rage motivates them (as well as getting rid of traffic signals that impede happiness and freedom (like seat belts do too), and those that love government regulation and regulators and want to compel every home owner to have a uniform tori/spirit gate regulator perch on his/her or its property for the happiness of visiting regulators to land upon.

 Alaska has a population of fewer than a million people and many live scattered over a constellation of roadless rural areas. High arctic air pollution might have a stronger effect than mid-Earth air pollution proportionately acting as a catalyst for permafrost melting and release of vast quantities of methane gas into the atmosphere. Investing five billion dollars in fuel cells, wind, solar and geothermal energy production for every Alaskan city with more than 100 people living there might have attracted the Senator’s vote because she is facing an election.

  Her constituents could regard her choice to kill plentiful low cost green energy unfavorably when the temperature is forty degrees below zero and oil stove fuel is running low with exorbitant prices only Boston and San Francisco millionaires and billionaires could find trivial.

 Five billion dollars of spending on home energy with green refueling locally is preferable to some paying oil companies cash forever that would be better spent on food and warm boots.

  Alaska’s government following Jay Hammond, with the exception of Steve Cowper, was usually uncreative and reliant upon oil sales revenues to fund itself. One could write suggesting energy and business diversification for decades and Alaska politicians would be like cold stone walls of disregard falling back to their natal streams of reliance on oil revenues to fund state government spending.

  The kind of people elected to government at the state and federal level serve corporatism far more than democracy is at any rate generally toady to corporatism these days. One gets elected to share the rem of oil revenues, public debt, and Wall Street percs.


Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...