
Yuman Victory (a poem)


Someday if all the forests die
rain drops may dream of you and I
echo no one there
crossing in the air
rushed anywhere
darkened sky

Rivers run empty, no one cares
mass ellipses flow with pattern pairs
digital waves rise
of uncertain size
to the prize
lifetimes share

Wicked snares trap octopi caught
toss them new lap bubbly snack pot
do more stir things too
remarkable stew
sloppy goo
wealthy sought.

Pro Fates Con (a poem)


Empty spaces may crumble gone
when structured lives mumble on
time slows down too fast
all is one at last
somewhere past
pro fates con

From a real human point of view
there isn’t anything they can do
a trite horseshoe toss
just chose who is boss
lost time costs
death is new

Were those eastern lands really stolt
Solomon cut with lightning bolts
iced cream wealth zone
expends news to own
power loan
clanging tolt.

Dimensional Templates (a poem)


The Good Lord transcends all time
evolving like a network vine
dimensions and fields come together
lighter than space, like a feather
fields are weather
solids fine

Simply cancel math subtraction
positive with new invention
unknown spots of each shape place
uncertainty fills most field space
motions base

Synthetic visions are of thee
what will become and ever be
evil clings to organic hooks
to cancel hope if body took
the ground shook
spirit sees.

US Misunderestimated Ukraine-Russia Scenario

 U.S. policy makers have consistently underestimated the consequences of wresting away 100% of Russia’s ancestral homeland in the Ukraine and reallocating it to others than Russians. In 1994 Russian power was at a low point and its throat exposed to top dogs of the west. The last great try at colonization by the west developed in the Clinton-British axis of annexation. Anyone that had read a Russian history book would have realized that a Russian wish to retake their homeland would emerge not too far in the future after Boris Yeltsin relinquished Ukraine near the end of his life. The time apparently has arrived. 

 International law goes just so far; it settles disputes between agreeable powers. U.S. Presidents have steadfastly refused to be bound by international law concerning foreign charges they have committed war crimes etc. They are unwilling to sit in the dock at the Hague for judgment and confer immunity from prosecution upon themselves necessarily. As U.S. Presidents they have taken the position that they are above the law, or obey a higher law (cynics might say that is Wall Street mutual funds and sovereign growth funds). Absolute monarchs and others with absolute power claim that sovereign right; it goes to show the problems with international law among disagreeable powers. Real politic isn’t about lawyer claims with paper; instead it acknowledges actual historical and contemporary realities and doesn’t try to turn back the tide because Democrats get a legal injunction banning it from returning. Getting Russia to agree to a good aboriginal land claim settlement like Nixon did with Alaska natives to get the trans-Alaska pipeline built would be an expeditious way to move on with post Cold War rapprochement and economic integration with Europe, America and Russia instead of building a half century of conflict. To fail to recognize Russian aboriginal claims on Ukraine is like failing to recognize French rights to Paris, British rights to London, Italian rights to Rome etc. Alienating and severing those claims may have seemed practical to President Clinton and other British educated lawyer-politicians in 1994 as they sought quick profit severing Ukraine and treating that Rus homeland as if it had been an occupied Eastern European nation that deserved independence as might Poland or the Baltic states. Reasonable foresight would have partitioned Ukraine in such a way that Russia wasn’t skunked. As it is Democrats can finally investigate possible Russian collusion with President Ronald Reagan to end the Cold War.

  Brits and Spaniards were pretty good at trampling aboriginal rights in the age of exploration. The U.S. rectified that history to a limited extent in an era before people generally made those concessions. The United States may pursue Clinton-British Russian aboriginal land claims to extinction in Ukraine further leading to renewed Cold War and a permanent state of hostility. Russian national identity includes at least part of Ukraine if not all.

Tribalism is a forerunner of nationalism, yet when nationalism is depreciated in favor of globalism it is tribalism that tends to return via identity politics. Democrats have dumped so much racial/tribalism politics that the word civil rights itself tends to be regarded as race rights aka tribal rights. Nationalism would actually be a step forward from that.

 Israel is fundamental a race reservation in the global community with a democracy. Their are compelling reasons why Israel needs a reservation to avoid extinction or genocide as perhaps their may be concerning American Indian reservation. The trouble with reservations is that some advantaged, large tribes within nations don’t like that and seek to eliminated them. If all people are equal before the law in some nations that can mean operative genocide, hence reservations still exist in an age of nations and sometimes a planetary civilization. Russia’s eastern Slavs are a large racial group, and the largely non-Slavic western tribes have long sought to annex the ancestral homeland of the Rus with various degrees of luck. It should have been easy to make a land settlement agreement through negotiation if inertia didn’t drive Democrat party government policy to solely help itself, exert its one-party rule domestic practice abroad and ignore objective justice for-itself.

  U.S. leadership recently has made much of a ‘rule-based system’ that has existed since 1945 to support its worldview. In the administration’s opinion, Russia would be said to be violating that system if it actually invades Ukraine. In 1945 Europe was a shambles, and was divided between nations occupied by Communist allies and Western allies. Without the Soviet Union it is doubtful that the Nazis could have been defeated without liberal use of nuclear weapons by the weapons. For the west to achieve victory the Soviet had to defeat the million Nazis attacking eastward into Russia. German troops and aircraft occupied with attacking the east and Leningrad were not available to defend in the west against allied invasions through Italy and France. Without the Soviets the conflict would have taken more years to complete and Germany might have developed jet aircraft and the atomic bomb in the while. To wrest Ukraine away from  Russia; the principal Soviet component, was to terminate the system that had existed since 1945 based on rules and regard for national integrity. 

The buzz phrase ‘rule based system’ deserves a comment. Logically any form of government has rules and a rule based system. There is no particular merit in having rules in-themselves; they need be good rules to have merit, and are valid so long as they are relevant, functional, practical and just. For example, Genghis Khan had rules; they just weren’t good for Russian interests and Russians didn’t acquiesce in them willingly-dissenting for quite a number of years.

British lawyer-leaders including President Clinton may have regarded Ukraine as comparable to a Poland that should be independently after the end of Soviet post-war occupation of areas liberated from the Nazis, and that was a fundamental error. U.S. lawyer-Presidents of the modern era may view international affairs from the perspective of the adversarial system of justice wherein a lawyer advocated from each side make arguments against the other. If a President is a lawyer he should have a magisterial justice system viewpoint concerning international affairs as an impartial judge considering actual historical facts objectively to decide the merits and advantages of a case between two plaintiffs that are concurrently defendants.  It is ironic that President Clinton, educated in Britain that has a magisterial system, took a one-sided point of view and failed to consider the historical facts well enough to establish a long-term balance with fair apportionment of Ukrainian resources. It is good to benefit short term U.S. interests yet not at the expense of long-term public and historical justice. A President should have the wisdom of Solomon in dividing up failing empires if he wants to make international rules himself. If one is acting as an international magistrate one need separate from personal proprietary national interests, for if one does not, one may act as a king, fuhrer etc. with implicit bias.

Washington D.C. may not want to recognize it, but the Soviets were America’s primary strength ally in winning the Second World War. Russia- the Soviets- defeated the Germans on the Eastern side and rolled up their occupied European states right up to Berlin. Stalin wasn’t a nice guy, yet he was brutally tough and able to fight the Nazis more with blood than treasure. The other allies of the United States were important in the war, and Brits too delivered or escorted ships reaching Russia around Scandinavia to deliver supplies, yet it was the 20 million casualties the Russians suffered in their resistance that broke the back of the German war machine as much as the landing at Normandy and campaign through Italy. 

Britain was an important instrument for the American victory in the west providing intelligence, soldiers and material. Britain too had supplied the Soviets with tanks and other military equipment before the United State, yet when the U.S. entered the war Britain had retreated from Europe with the military escape across the channel home from Dunkirk. When Hitler launched Operation Typhoon against Russia he gave up maybe a million men (approx) to protracted, losing war and trashed vital and relatively safe East European regions for  manufacturing weapons potentially including an atomic bomb factory.

 The European states that became part of the rule based system after 1945 were either attacked by Germany, occupied by Germany, or at war with Germany or other axis powers. In short, the American and Soviet-Russian victory rule based system was achieved through war rather than diplomacy. When President Clinton and his British counterpart stole Ukraine they effectively divided the ‘rule-based system that had existed since 1945’ in twain and made a new system entirely ruled by western former allied and former axis powers against our former ally – Russia. The western alliance is primarily ruled by the primary western nuclear bomb power; the United States. The Democrat party believes it can define domestic and international rules itself to benefit Wall Street’s short term interests and Russia must submit. If the United States invades a country or supports foreign civil wars Democrats believe that is consistent with their inherent right to rule as it were, by decree to benefit plutocrats. Democrats haven’t advanced a single environmental bill through congress since the 2020 election and apparently have no plan to before the expiration of the present Congressional term, though they campaigned on the issue, in to benefit Wall Street short-term profits apparently.

Bad Political Engineering

 I thought it might be useful to mention an observed human political characteristic of the age of social media that is rather common; that of manufacturing worst-case scenarios for any potential new economic infrastructure without finding anything positive. One cites what facts from abroad one can and conflates them in elegant straw man arguments in order to have a case for disaster.

  One can use the paradigm of a hospital operating room for an example perhaps. One finds that in some African hospital people became infected with a blood born pathogen, maybe Ebola, and use that example as a reason why all hospitals should be banned (because they can be a source of blood born pathogen contamination and disease transmission. Worst-case political engineers would exclusively cite the inadequately examined African circumstance as the only meaningful element in a political situation to build a new hospital.

 Another example is the controversial paradigm of salmon fish farming. Opponents cite every pre-existing negative element concerning fish farming as the only factors involved. They worst-case the entire fish farming paradigm and find no positive elements, nor do they look for any. Positive engineering seeks out solutions for technical challenges regarded negative.

  Norway has a a lot of fish farms that produce something like a five-hundred million fish for market at any given time, while natural fish catches account for just five-hundred thousand. Worst-case engineers would cite the relationship as a proof that fish farms harm natural fish runs, without proof that any relationship exists. In theory farm fish and natural salmon runs are entirely separable and have no effect upon the other. Natural runs decline predominantly because of two causes; over-fishing and habitat destruction. It is possible for some poorly engineered fish farms to adversely impact natural habitats. That too is a result of bad government management. Bad government management can be caused by lack of effort by managers to finding positive remedies to technical challenges.

 Norway’s situation of poor natural runs could be caused by long-term human encroachment on natural run water columns in rivers and streams inn addition to over-fishing with fish farming being more of a restoration of salmon to Norway than a cause of the decline and fall of natural salmon runs. Fish farm technology can be improved and even brought ashore, waste may be reprocessed and not added to the sea, fish may be fed with land-made fish food and in short very low impact on the sea can be effected. It is also possible to restore some natural runs, yet vast structural displacement or extirpation of natural water drainage system ability to support salmon reproduction may be nearly irreparable.

In the modern era worst-case engineering of political arguments often attack ecological economic transitions to more effective forms of infrastructure to adapt human economic activities to the natural environment with ecospheric sustainability. Worst-case political engineering is also used to block technological upgrades to existing infrastructure. Of course it is possible to advance existing infrastructure or ecological economics with such neglect of external factors that social elements do suffer harm. In other words worst-case engineering may occur through neglect, or en passant in the political game of finding positive upgrades to human economic and social culture.


Fish Traps vs. Commercial Fishing in S.E. Alaska

Fishing for king salmon in S.E. Alaska isn’t good. Most of the big fish are gone and with the Eleatic reasoning of humans fights over dwindling fish supply become intensified yet petty. Historically though, native Tlingit people didn’t need commercial fishing fleets at all to exploit the fishery resource as they developed a region-spanning network of fish traps to catch all of the fish they wanted without extirpating the resource through intense competition and overuse.   An integrated fish trap network spanning S.E. Alaska could replace the entire commercial fishing fleet on interior waters and create better sports and subsistence fishing too while bringing up to the present efficient fishing management of the pre-Columbian era.

Before going too far in this post, I should mention that when I wrote a brief piece on the members-only Wrangell page at Facebook inquiring if fish farming was a good way to create new jobs in the area, among a few initial good relies I received several abusive ones including death or dismemberment threats, that I was able to dampen down as the author creating the thread. The topic is difficult to bring up in these small communities where population is in decline some people cohere with inertially or historical inertial micro-economics without circumspection concerning macro-economic facts regarding world supply and demand. There is a paucity of philosophical thought or conjecture in the public sector concerning what better ways might exist to do things, though it should be self-evident. Language is something of a luxury beyond necessary use.  Kill the fish-eating ducks (to get more fish-someone once said that to me).

I don’t know if it was the native sector or the white people and others sector that was providing the threats- maybe both. One native fellow with a white name mentioned interference with native culture as a problem. Many Tlingit are of mixed race and may identify  with both cultures, and realistically Tlingits and other Alaska natives are mostly already saturated by and integrated with the national culture sometimes; traveling abroad to work.

Some locals apparently believe that the region will not be pressurized more by global warming and demographic increase challenges and change can be frozen, driven out or rolled back. I was told by one fellow that the Wrangell Institute still bothered him years ago and I didn’t know why as I got here years after the place closed. Recently the news that Canadian sites where native youth were buried in mass graves at boarding schools prompted an inquiry that is ongoing at the Wrangell site, closed since the 70s I believe. The Wrangell Institute inquiry is ongoing to determine if any bodies were buried there at what was an educational institute run by the US Government for native Alaskan youth. While forensic archaeology of such matters is necessary, present day economics and changes cannot be sustained upon archaeology and require investments too. To get out front ahead of changes decided by global powers it might be a good idea to develop an economy that could adapt and employ Tlingits and other Alaskans the remainder of the 21st century.

Fish traps were banned in Alaska for salmon fishing during the time of U.S. ownership of the territory and native Tlingit infrastructure had long fallen into disuse and wasted away probably during the period of Russian colonization when ships and boats with canon dominated the waters of S.E. Alaska. American fish traps were not regulated well if at all in the early 20th century and caught so many fish that the resource crashed, twice, and so fish traps were banned.

A modern system of fish traps to replace commercial boats could allow comprehensive and exact management of actual numbers of fish taken in the region and let adequate numbers of fish swim on upstream. To spawn. Regulation of fisheries and capitalism can be good, poorly regulated, bad. Sports and subsistence fishermen too would have a chance to take a good number of fish. In some locales the opportunity to catch a 50 lb king the next 30 years is non-existent. You may wonder why salmon fishery management shouldn’t be so simple?






https://wholeoceans.com/ land based aquaculture

 Politicians and pressure from commercial fishermen prefers a sloppy,  inexact, exclusive way of dominating Alaska salmon fishing. Power politically continues to support inefficient . Volatile, unstable stocks fishery management. Salmon fishing with such an exclusive group controlling it creates a tiny minority political foundation probably unable to adequately defend salmon spawning environments against antipathetic development upstream from polluting mines, from shoreline housing development and pollution from various sources such as flush toilets and sewage waste effluence releasing drugs and other chemicals into the water. Occasionally politicians that support gross logging are elected to bring insults to the Tongass forest that is the region where fish return. 

 Because salmon swim in the open ocean before returning to specific rivers to spawn at various intervals a vast numbers of fish are lost to international fleets taking fish in extra-territorial waters. With poor fishery management and inefficient use of resources because of the unwillingness to use Tlingit fish trap network infrastructure paradigmata, another way need be found to increase the annual stock of fish in S.E. to meet world demand for salmon; good fishing for sports and subsistence sectors, jobs for more Americans and a stable, sustainable fish supply, and that could be new age fish farming. There are problesm with present fish farming methods that should and probably could be overcome with rational systems analysis corrections, research, applied new tech etc. before fish farming were to exist in Alaska. The state could set some very high, ideal goals for fish farming that if complied with would allow fish farm developers to go ahead.


  Fish farming was banned in Alaska too. Worries about pollution from salmon excrement, contamination of local native fish stocks by genetically engineered or foreign fish, and pressure from the commercial fish special interest groups prevailed to make fish farming in the state illegal. Yet with new technology and  regulations the state of Alaska could conditionally allow fish farming the meets criteria for non-pollution, non-genetic engineering and non-foreign species. Those might be rigorous criteria for the new industry to meet yet the financial incentive exists. Norway’s comparatively dirty fish farms send the salmon excrement into the sea in areas with good currents for dispersal. Even so they produce 400 million fish at any given time and if those fish were worth $5.00 apiece when grown that is a two billion dollar sustainable prize.

Regulating fishing to use non-polluting, healthy fish farms and fish traps that renewed the ancient Tlingit network of fish traps could create enough aquaculture to defrappe the ingression of environmentally unsound and ecosphere eradicating shore business that is typical of the contemporary global unsustainable economic practices. Alaska native capitalists could join with other investors to create thousands of jobs and double the number of salmon caught and marketed from S.E. Alaska.


Ministry of Love Guidelines on 'Hate Speech' Impinges Free Speech for Authors?

Did Mark Twain write 'hate speech' and would his works be permitted at p.o.d. sites today (like Lulu and Kindle)??

Using the N word qualifies as hate speech today. Lulu has a new user list of rules that can get one banned without compliance. If one must be in agreement with a ministry of love's lexicon and not use proscribed words to publish, the intent of the word may be less of an issue than the presence of the word at all. If one hates injustice and writes about that- characters in a novel might not be permitted to use realistic speech, the ministry of love's guidelines may prevail and the book erased from inventory. I belileve this most recent limiting of free speech follows Spotify's posting of nerw rules because of the Neil Young- Rogaine thing.

Hi- I just signed in to the lulu page and signed a compliance with new criteria thing, yet I wonder how that will affect publishing at security for authors. Can one still use characters with realistic speech an opinions in writing fiction? Must authors screentheir own writing content and take out anything a Ministry of Love corporate guideline would regard as hate language?   Need all characters be in compliance with loving Democrat party people and use their sort of lingo?


                                                                   Gary C Gibson

P.S. I have 41 original works here I believe it is, so am wary about capricious and viscious corproate delettions of content.  


Democrat's Day Care Bill Impinges Global Warming Bill

 President Biden’s new try to get a day care for democrats bill through congress shouldn’t be packaged with an anti-global warming bill for it doubles the prospects of failure. Packaging two controversial bills together each with different opponents is simply senseless and appears to be even disingenuous. Old Joe Biden's concern preference for old machine politics seems to subvert a modern green reform bill. Maybe the Demos are waiting for a female President to seem modern.

Anti-global warming technology and regulations sponsored by the US, government deserve a bill of their own with a work-around the objecting Senator Mansion who wants his coal cake conserved. There are innumerable anti-global warming bills one can pass that would let Black Lung Matters continue for the time being able to slow carbon emissions, heat absorbing asphalt sprawls, auto exhaust etc. that could be written into an Environmental Bill unobjectionable to Senator Mansion.

It should be possible to include more and better infrastructure in a Green energy anti-global warming bill to double-down on creating sustainable jobs and living conditions form the future. I especially like the super-conducting power lines within a liquid hydrogen cooled pipeline running along interstates underground that was featured in a Scientific American article years ago. To wean the nation off fossil fuels requires better, cheaper, more efficient alternative technologies to exist.

When voter-consumers walk into a store they will buy whatever is best generally. If two different products are available they will bin the better one in other words, so building the start of a super-conducting energy infrastructure nationally to energize very high speed electric trains in tubes, homes and business would be a good idea. California showed that getting even modest high-speed trains has a zillion costly challenges making it nearly impossible to upgrade/ President Biden is proving that Democrats are incapable of getting any kind of substantial energy bill passed, and that the rich don’t give a dirp about government efforts to move ahead on investments to reduce global warming enough to get Republican support for a pure clean-energy, infrastructure, anti-global warming bill.


The Lakers still have a chance

  Wtaching the L.A. Lakers defeat the Knicks then become crushed by Milwuakie might give us the tale of two cities if cities weere involved rather than sports teams; even so the Lakers have a chance to win the title actually with quite a few young players supplying energy. Paul Westfall might be good for an eastern team, yet for the west the Lakers might start Kobi-light Malik Monk/Bradley and Reeve/Anthony and get a shooting forward for Mr. Westfall.

  Lebron is sort of Mr. Basketball wisdom and the team is playing better even with Westfall not shooting pointers so well as he would ideally, like Kobi.

Mulling over patches to the Russia narrative

 Strange hearing expert blasts from the past speaking ahout public ragdio in support of the conflict-with-Russia narrative. Most recently former cheap of staff- the Moses Snake of Power holder Admiral Mullins, appeared with comments concerning Ukraine. Mr. Mullins if you remember, spoke before Congress during the Obama administration in support of homosexual marriage; making what seemed to be lustful sexpressions toward SecDef Bill Gates (or some similar potentatecy).

Extremists (audio-sic) who dissent with homosexual marriage might believe former madmiral Mullins ought to have been keelhauled, given 50 lashes from the cat-o-nine tails, hung from the highest yardarm, given a dishonorable discharge and fed to sharks, yet he would be a corporatist supporter of Russia as invaders of their former homeland narrative- like all paradoxically trending corporatists of government and public radio and is promotable. The plot thickens to a degree comparable to Ludlum’s Aquitane Progression. Maybe a half century of economic sanctions will follow the Reconquista of Ukraine rather than a soaking nuclear exchange of the usual suspects. The west may patiently wait for the elevation of a strong homosymp to the Russian Presidency to make things right for global corporatrism. If I could afford Bitcoins I would guess they are presently a good investment until the internet crashes with EMP. Pie-sus of eight might be fair substitute for those that passed the bar-d-har-vard.


I suppose this comment wouldn’t pass corporate muster with Ukraine initiative neo-cons, yek (that means spirit in Tlingit), however I am mostly censored anyway at Blogger with zero views these days per post so it won’t disturb anyone. Besides I have a photographic memory of everything I hear, so I need to comment while I can before the sound-waves fade away into the great oblivion taking them all.


Digital Universe vs Naturally Evolved Universe

A digital universe created as it were by a pointillist artist of physics is a novel idea of the 20th  century that has emerged as a secular rival to natural evolution theory. Some might regard natural evolution as complimentary to a digital universe embedded within in initial parameters of a Universe without setting them. In that sense evolution itself would be a fluke determined incidental to a Universe that may have had many alternative boundary conditions. What is a digital universe?

If undifferentiated fields of unknown origin are the fundamental phenomena of being, points made from breaking up fields into small units would be a logical egression to engender pluralism. Points or strings as units could be fundamental components – each digit assigned a mathematical variable or constant value, or infinite scalar field ordinal and cardinal relative values, of a proto-digital universe. An omniscient artist emanating fields relative to spirit, or a spiritual digital programmer-author setting boundary conditions, or even some sort of self-starting digital designer from eternity might know to control fields and field variations and compositions so well as to order all of the basic physical constructions, atoms, molecules and relativistic fields of a universe construction. I believe that is what is meant by a digital universe. Although there is another meaning to consider.

 Some regard a digital universe as a simulation that seems real to sentient minds embedded within it as if they were in a Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions or Matrix Resurrection paradigm. In that simulation a real universe made from natural evolution is believed to still exist, yet sentients are unaware of the real universe and in some way have their minds with apparent bodies existing within a fake, simulated universe. The developments of virtual reality entertainment devices were people experience visually comprehensive places produced for their eyes see has supported the extrapolation as in the movie Tron, that people can in some way live in a digitally constructed universe operated by a computer though someplace outside a natural physical universe exists.

Simulated universes aren’t likely to have much cosmological investigation into boundary conditions of the timeline origin of a universe. They won’t have WMAP observations of cosmic background radiation to inference the earliest dispersion pattern of mass and energy in a big bang of some kind. They aren’t likely to invest in Hubble or Webb space telescopes to view the oldest and earliest stars of the Universe (or their aged light). One might wonder if any Universe that exists should need to have a big bang and inflation origin or if the observable universe of any existing universe should necessarily be such that the original light is within view of observers living while the light can still be observed if the Universe is expanding.

 Why would a great explosion at point time=0 occur anyway? Some have speculated that energy was concentrated at an infinite point singularity like a Dictator with all of the money in existence and that is was destabilized all of a sudden and burst out in a cosmic spending spree that last only for a while, and then the entire Universe was inflated greatly because all of the new space was rich with energy and demand for more created economic inflation (some humor in that paradigm). The break up of a singularity because of quantum jitters is not a cinched theory though, even if subsequent observations seem to support it, since there may be innumerable alternative explanations for that start including digital scripting.

If energy were dropped into absolute space from a concentration dispersion into nothingness seems natural. At what speed would energy disperse? Einstein might have written that the speed of light squared- moving away from itself would be the pace if he also assumed that the initial space existed and existed with dimensions without qualities except possibly polarization and that space had no qualities like slope. He probably would have considered that a Designer of Digital Energy might have set the Universe to occur within a charged field. The premise that empty space itself has no velocity or slope, asymmetric charge or field that would affect the speed of energy or its form as mass is the usual. For all I know (which isn’t much), space alone may have infinite speed characteristics naturally and dimensions could be single quality fields that may intersect to comprise standing wave phenomena for some time before moving off. Or cycling through to some other space-time. The four dimensions of this Universe could be broken off pieces of dimensional fields that remained locked up with the energy-mass consequents from the entry point of digitization.

DIplomacy 101 re Valuable Real Estate US/Brit vs Russia

 Diplomacy 101 should be a required course for a government that seems to fail at it. Too many sycophantic bureaucrats and technicians unable to think for themselves and speak with an educated, independent, objective voice seem to run the state department and dominate D.C. The present maladroit American vector in opposition to reason and history is an educational experience for observers that have read Being and Nothingness, The Critique of Dialectical Reason and Toynbee and Treadgold’s works on history exemplifying theory as fact. State and N.A.T.O have a colonialist view of Ukraine and Russia and narrate use-truths that define their own social reality. Russians probably want to repossess the Ukraine- the borderlands, regarding it as something like a stolen truck.

U.S. diplomacy concerning potential or actual belligerents isn’t too subtle; it means give up or we will sanction and conflict you and yours until we bury you. It would be a preferred alternative to have creative means of transcending paradigms that draw American interests to use their diplomats and politicians like puppets and mouthpieces in support of plutocratic policy. Like Hitler, President Clinton and the Brits thought they could ‘jack the Ukraine from Russia in 1994 and nothing meaningful would follow except profits. They couldn’t have been more wrong. President Ronald Reagan was the only one in his administration that wanted completely bilateral nuclear disarmament. 

 When most of the west were mired in a Cold War mentality President Reagan shepherded the west and worked with Soviet Union leadership toward ending the conflict for good, and communists sought Reagan’s free enterprise and democracy.  Reagan understood real politik; Democrats today are a media kool-aid drinking crew of one party-rule (themselves) with hate for all opposition. When time moved on and with Reagan long gone evil lawyers frumped the dark side of the force exploited the nascent Russian Federation like carpet baggers looting nations.

In the United States the rise of the black internal proletariat generated a worldview in opposition to the historical majority monomaniacally taken up by the Democrat Party and is used to view the world. In the proletariat’s view there are allies and foes of just demands of proletarians. Race is used as a metric for legislation rather than economics and classes impartial of race. The dwindling white middle class majority that had kept concentrated wealth in check with progressive taxes for a generation became targets of downsizing b y Democrats and Wall Street that had policies in support of borderless globalization and cheap labor. White middle class conservative anti-disestablishmentarianism was thought of as fascist. Not all white American males were of the same political opinions though; the civil war for example scythed the best whites of north as well as south.

Democrats have joined with Wall Street to synthesize a point of view enabling capitalist colonization of the globe, importation of cheap labor  and eliminating all resistance to Wall Street’s concentration of wealth and partly shared values of the internal proletariat such as homosexual ‘marriage’. Russia is regarded as resisting British, butch and foreign political power.

  Russian plainly wants the Ukraine returned. I admonished the Democratic party not to elect Bill Clinton or Tom Harkins in the 1992 primaries yet they did, against good reason. Harkins and Clinton were too much the anglophiles investing in British territories and/or education. MI-5 may have made videos of Bill Clinton as an Oxford Rhodes scholar getting serviced by British girls or smoking dope or using cocaine and would have had him effectively by the balls for his future (vis. Bill Clinton-Jeffrey Epstein-Brit royal axis of evil). I doubt that Mr. Clinton just started getting serviced by women transported by state troopers to hotel rooms as Arkansas governor. 

Did the lawyer-President Bill Clinton abuse his power to get service from Monica Lewinsky the student-intern? Did the nuclear N.A.T.O. ready-for-war at military peak efficiency leader President Bill Clinton abuse his power over Boris Yeltsin- leader of a vulnerable, weak Russian Federation in disarray transitioning from communism? Democrat Party leaders are a bunch of lawyers believing they are pursuing litigation against Russia with a winning hand; as if they were Aleph Beth Corporation (just a fiction example to illustrate the point) lawyers levering a poor negro to give up his home and modest inheritance because of legal threats and asymmetric power disadvantage. Democrat lawyers are instead trying to defend and honor a (approximately.) thirty year old political mugging by President Clinton and the Brits. 

  President Clinton advanced British imperial interests (as Rhodes scholars are purposed to do) by taking advantaged of the weakened state of Russia in 1994 to get President Yeltsin to sign an agreement with Britain and the U.S. to relinquish Ukraine. That was comparable to the agreement Vladimir Lenin signed with Foreign Minister Molotov to relinquish Ukraine to end the war between Germany and Russia. Each submission would engender lasting and avoidable political harm to those that made the agreements. The First World War armistice laid heavy burdens, reparations and land grabs on the Germans and helped foment the Second World War (though by no means the sole cause), Since then the U.S. has learned to give generous terms to powers it has defeated in war in order to make allies of them so far as possible. 

 England has been at odds with Russia since the Tsar rebuffed and deported the Chancellor expedition about a half millennia ago that was the  first English mission to Russia. England has been too happy to be the master with the U.S. blaster in its relationship with Russia when ignorant and compliant U.S. anglophiles  have kissed British political asses instead of thinking for themselves of U.S. national interests. The Brits are not all bad, yet they have an imperial spirit at heart of minion-subjects under rich authority and one need be mindful of that. Brits may leap into avoidable conflicts for potential profits knowing the U.S. will bear the lion’s share of the costs.

  Russia needs Dnepr river frontage and Ukrainian real estate for historical, economic and security reasons. Western Ukraine tends to want independence, and bringing those interests together is the realistic and necessary solution to the troubles. Diplomacy that has those to goals might give Eastern Ukraine to Russia and allow West Ukraine to join N.A.T.O. Even Russia might be able to live with that.  

  Stabilizing the Ukraine region and its century of problems concerning western tries to annex it should be done intelligently rather than stupidly and forcefully as U.S. leadership desires. Getting Russia to align with the west in most trade and security matters might be a positive influence on China and its global ambitions to divide the world toward socialist-corporatism-authoritarianism and pure corporatism. The west faces the challenge of taxing plutocrats enough to keep democracy alive and China has continuing demographic challenges that seem to require socialism and Neo-authoritarianism to de frappe. 

 Capitalism in a socially totalized world with no free, wild lands or way for individuals to live outside the social economy requires regulation of wealth and diminishing ecosphere health to keep democracy/republics well functioning. Otherwise democracy becomes nothing more than tokenism as a mask covering plutocracy with greed and power dominating socially and environmentally albeit usually hidden behind the media they own. The U.S. has slid so far into the plutocratic swamp that written social media opinions of dissent are labeled trink- treasonous ink (trink isn’t a reference to the German word meaning drink). Dissent is discouraged in corporatism.

With Europe, Russia, the U.S.A. and India all on the same sheet of Eco-economic and defense sheet of music Chinese aggression toward what properly should be an independent Taiwan should be easier to contain. China should find greater advantages in working with the west and Asia than being an opponent. Dangers presented by planetary plutocrats are challenges to east and west, China and the United States. Russia and Ukraine are simply chips in the global poker game big Wall Street investors play.

Rise of modern democracy followed rise of religious pluralism

 Religious pluralism was a basic stimulant of the rise of modern western democracy. I would like to say that it was essential for the rise of ancient Athenian democracy too, yet on that subject I am not well enough informed to make an opinion as I might about something like Socrates supporting oligarchy instead of democracy. It isn’t just a coincidence that societies in history with religious pluralism developed democracies before other nations with a more Catholic view of politics that remained true to feudalism, imperial monarchies and aristocratic social structures. Uniting individuals or princes to oppose monarchy or authoritarianism creates a natural draft of democracy to oppose tyranny.

Human social structures have their own dialectical dynamics that exist and operate rather independently of any rational or philosophical idea that is the purpose of the organization. It has the case that in modern history organizations may conflict with other organizations with the belief they are in opposition to ideas or philosophy when in fact it is nothing more than social organizations in conflict. Ideas and philosophies maybe examined in reasoned dialectic rather than conflict. People exist in organizations to secure their own personal living interests sometimes without more than ostensible, nominal belief in organizational philosophy. Organizations may adapt their operating philosophies to secular paradigms to increase their power or prosperity. Organizations have a life of their own that in the modern world are a basic cause of war.

Yet conflicting organizations centered around beliefs have been a driver in the historical development of democracy from societies that were previously monarchical or uniform. Religions may be associated with the organizational or ecclesiastic side and beliefs, philosophy and thought with the spiritual side. As ecclesiastical organizations differed interpreting scripture they organized and reformed in accordance to their ideas. Philosophical or theological pluralism stimulated organizational and ecclesiastical pluralism that grew in secular society too. In some cases as in Lutheran Germany, secession from the Catholic Hapsburg Imperial Empire grew with German princes sponsoring Protestant churches with the principalities eventually going to war with the Hapsburg Imperial, Catholic Empire and losing. Even so Protestant theological independence grew taking secular political separatism along with it. For a large part of human history free thinking individualism wasn’t allowed and religions need be in accord with the will of state political leadership. Religious tolerance only followed the growth of more democratic political systems, yet even today may not exist at all in some Muslim societies.

  In the United States in social media modern atheists often write acerbically, hatefully of believers in spirit and have a nihilist attitude toward discussion about God. Atheists are an ad hoc anti-spiritual sect in conflict, fundamentally with the freedom of philosophical thought inclusive of contemplation of spiritual affairs or contingent modal logic extrapolation of the relationship of God to Multiverse parameters in regard to eternal being, quantum cosmology and so forth. Free thought differs from organizational dogma, and many atheist with evolution ideology are absolutely intolerant of free thought as it may bring more than purely materialist concepts into consideration.

An example is a digital universe. If the Universe is a digital simulation one has numerous questions concerning its relationship to God or Spirit in-itself (not just on a technical examination to discern if or where scripture supports the idea of the Word creating the Universe digitally) and to natural history; does a simulated universe trump a naturally evolved Universe because it might have been written in seven days by an advanced programmer in a form that appears within the simulation to have taken 13.2 billion years to evolve?

Philosophical contemplation is not restricted to particular lines of inquiry as popular organizational dogmatics might wish. Philosophy always reserves the right to reason and for individuals to think for themselves. Philosophy is a pluralistic procedure rather than one of simple, dogmatic monism, and one finds many philosophers ion societies that developed religious pluralism even within one sect.

Eastern societies brought numerous forms of Buddhism into existence. One wonders if the nihilist, absurdist core of Buddhism rather than belief in God reinforced monarchy necessarily rather than secular pluralism to match organizational, sectarian pluralism. Shi’a Islam developed from a dissent branch of Muhammadanism via Ali that also led to the Persian society that evolved the first modern Muslim democratic society or parliament until the U.S sponsored coup of 1954 ended it and restored an imperial government.


If Quatrains SIng (poem)


Actualizing engines
of mathematical mind
with spirit calculating
position stages in time

Universal energy
quanta mapped just to be
dimensions intersecting
quatrains of space sing to thee

Infinite sets of numbers
appearances unto verbs
more forms of everything
for quarks shape things of Word

Thousands of points will arise
and myriad dreams fill skies
points complete empty spaces
progress moves in pace with lives

Add tensors to Hilbert space
increments and change erase
metaverse’ past digits
shaping new widgets in place

Nothingness shadows being
field particles stretch easing
data never ends in time
somewhere with more lines flowing


Misconstrue (a poem)


Could anyone just misconstrue
the evil mankind may do
building to inflate new wars
the same open door they use

Environmental health goes
slaughtered like buffalo
proplits present trash the past
wealth must amass they know

People bet on a flunk wreck while
crocodiles give those toothy smiles
no rhyme or reason shall endure
propaganda journal income piles.

Grim ‘na green - poem


Cool slick fish gleam in dawn’s first light
the hook is set and coffee right
before where nevers
wind force levers
smash tethers
strike in sight

Building canisters rotate round
tuna cans opened with sound
more food consumed
energy loomed
just groomed
quite unsound

Rain grains of mainframe calculus
equations work quietude plus
stalks of tomorrow
talks of sorrow
blame morrow
it can fuss.

Polarized Intersections (the poem)


 Polarize fields in vector space
intersect dimensions in place
particles through zones
qualities they own
spin to right
rise in sight

  Fields embed across the Higgs field
limit at light speed they can wield
Universal force
like a talking horse
of the norse
sword and shield

  Exogenous forces shape the new time
metered chords start to rhyme
forms recur in space
replicas too chase
crumbling race
rumbling grime
news at nine

  Recurrent algorithms find
limericks don’t talk prizes in brine
sweet atoms comfort
when mift freqs shock tort
welding glow
fuse below

  The world is a fast pork u pie
energy much slows to mass in sky
left right left right left
cadence hop shop curls left
heartbeat heft
wonder why

  God’s abacus set tensor space
with values of infinite grace
unknown field membranes
His power remains
puzzle plain
eternal pace.

Freedom to Choose (the poem)


The end of time moves on stage
for each one sudden age
a shear fork provides the Lord
to save His from Hell fires cage

A Universe fades away
times runs down, the lost would stay
Jesus is the open door
eternal life on the way

Balance to begin and end
with mathematics to send
a Universe through the Word
energy has herds to mend

when the Lord calls the choice is yours
salvation or drown offshore
sink to everlasting hell
not even a yell; either/or.

Shufflin Blues (poem)

Shufflin moves along the streets in fall
with em uncertainty too free in fall
the stich of time flyin over hills is Sol

It all will go to rain and snow just think
some health will go with rain and snow just think
the wonder of new rumbles get to wink

The roof to bear the weight of, fate of worlds
when snow remains ponderous strain of worlds
so ripe crowned snowflakes up-swirld

Pale heat shall flex the stars and Mars this spring
water will warm and flow like wind this spring
the Lord arise to ascend from death we sing

August arrives to fry so shadows may know
what news sap rolled silent, cooling snow.

Fish Farming at Wrangell; has the time arrived?

 I wasn’t sure where I would place this post (my blog being the alternative) if anyone is concerned about finding new businesses locally where even senior citizens could be employed doing something and fish farming hasn't been considered. Norway for instance has 400 million farmed fish and half a million wild fish "at any given time".

Drawing in a new industry to Wrangell to create local jobs in an environmentally friendly way could be a goal with some evidence of existing. Would new fish farms in a district with good location and water between Shoemaker Bay and the old mill site be Wrangell’s way to develop jobs? Would the state sell small fry from the King salmon hatchery a few miles south to an entrepreneur? Would fish farming be compatible with those catching a dwindling supply of wild fish?


Wrangell has underutilized capacity at fish processing that could be filled with fish farm stock. The pathetic news report of just 48,000 extra king salmon for all of S.E. allocated mostly to commercial fisher-persons is caused by Eleatic commercial over-fishing quotas rather than sports and subsistence fishermen taking fish. Regardless of the harm to fisheries health the state always sets too low of escapement and sports and subsistence fishing quotas so the fish numbers invariably dwindle to a fraction of what a free unfettered fish stock naturally is. Therefore the politics may be right for King salmon fish farms at Wrangell to compete with European and South American fish farms as the national supply of King salmon is far less than demand. Creating several stable year-around jobs at Wrangell would be useful for those that want to work.


One of the main objections to salmon farms is fish excrement. U.A.S.E. should lead research to invent a way to filter the fish excrement from water, capture and concentrate it for land farming fertilizer sales. Exports of fertilizer to Washington farmers (if the excrement is good for farming) could be a secondary local business.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...