
Energy, Inflation and War

 Democrats can blame the nation’s woes on Russia <Russian aggression> yet a strong nation leads in dancing rather than being led. If Democrat Presidents since Bill Clinton had led to peace and good relations with Russia that is what would exist. Denying Russia its traditional Ukraine lands led to war. The same applies to global warming reduction and alternate energy; if Democrats had led instead of following the nation would be energy independent for all seasons and inflation would not be making food too expensive for some Americans. The Biden administration should use its final few months of enjoying a complete Democrat majority in Congress to bring into being a new national energy structure that would be transformative and green.

Building a national super-conducting loop from L.A. to Jacksonville, then north to New York and west to Chicago and Seattle before turning south to L.A. should be part of a new energy infrastructure. It would be designed to allow countless ad hoc energy sources from wind, solar, fuel cells, hydroelectric etc to feed into the loop for frictionless storage and transfer around the nation. The superconductor would be immersed in liquid hydrogen made with electrolysis along the coasts, and excess hydrogen could itself be a fuel fed into the hyper loop pipeline. Electric vehicles could draw power in-line along highways with buried electric cables. Fuel costs should stabilize and drop along with air pollution from fossil fuels burning point sources.

Some Americans are for building new nuclear power plants. They are a temptation for energy producer profits as well as for clump pile target for value adding casualties in war. To construct piles of radiological death around the nation would be somewhat militarily short-sighted I.m.o. Drone aircraft as well as land will continue to evolve. A single freighter offshore could launch a cloud of drones with conventional explosives able to independently fly below radar to nuclear plants and detonate. Building an infrastructure of deadly mass casualty producing radiological depots (that also produce electricity) simply isn’t necessary. The 9-11 collapse of the World Trade Towers should have demonstrated the vulnerability of select infrastructure to select force delivery packages. Drones could be the next wave of mass attacking vectors that will enfilade American infrastructure vulnerabilities.

Leadership of the West

 Western leadership is digging the west a deeper hole in driving a wedge deep between East and West. Strategically the west was in a great global position before the Clinton administration when its prospects for peace and prosperity through friendly Chinese and Russian relations were excellent. Unfortunately the Clinton administration bungled the development of peace by wresting all of Ukraine and Crimea away from its traditional, historical owner Russia. Conflict reduces market size and increases completion. Conflicting building a divided world market and consumer base reduces efficiency, forces deleterious ecospheric effects and generalizes the persistence of poverty.

 High school education in good public schools offered primarily just three courses. They were state history, national history and Western Civilization. Western civilization mostly sketched in Western European history and the age of exploration to the Americas, yet it generally omitted Russian and Eastern European history except as the Hapsburgs or Napoleon was involved. Americans of the boomer generation learned about France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc and nothing about Russia. The Cold War version 1.0 cemented their very biased political worldview. Bill Clinton was educated in England at Oxford University. England has a long history of imperialism and enmity was Russia reaching back to the 1600s. Those facts reinforced Bill Clinton’s world view leading him to fail to comprehend that levering Ukraine entirely away from Russia after the Cold War ended would bring a future war when Russia grew strong enough to take it back. The Democrat Party exhibited a failure to adapt to new political reality and instead used the old Cold War template of permanent enmity toward Russia unto the present day. The U.S.A. isn’t the first nation in history that failed to adapt their political paradigm correctly to new circumstances. Britain on the other hand was a nation that succeeded in adapting to great political changes. Though they failed to keep their empire alive and healthy via progressing to improving the political economy of the people of their colonies, when their empire finally failed in the 1960s they learned to play international trade markets well, and the United States became the blaster to their master role. Britain has learned to play the Democrat Party and select fellow travelling Republicans like a political banjo.

 President Reagan’s grand vision of a world without nuclear weapons and peaceful, cooperative relations with a post-Soviet Russia was enabled perhaps by early stages of Alzheimer’s, because no U.S. President since was able to keep or build upon the concept. Maybe R.R. was selected by God to lead the U.S.A. to a new age. When Americans saw the opportunity for peace and prosperity they turned toward the devil morally and piled up public debt. In comparison to Ronald Reagan, U.S. Presidents since have been runts, with the exception of G.H.W. Bush (41) about whom I will make a brief comment.

 President Bush 41 was the last intelligent, capable U.S. President with a competent world view. It took him a little time to adapt yet he was able to follow up on R.R.’s nuclear drawdown policy quite well. 41 was competent in international affairs, yet might yet seemed to have a politically fatal flaw. As a spook leader C.I.A. Director he was in his realm of competence. He took a degree in economics Phi Beta Kappa as an undergraduate. The U.S. has taken to electing crass populists, bureaucrats and lawyers to the White House without competence in ecospheric economics, strategic international relations paradigmata, national security or eliminating poverty and public debt, and is happy in divisive, causative, toxic politics and broadcast media raving.

 The strategic interests of the United States globally were far better served with a mutual peaceful and friendly relationship with Russia and China instead of war. The present Ukraine war has been allowed by Democrats to fundamentally divide the world into two political and economic camps, and Wall Street and the west are far better served with just one.

 China has great growth prospects economically and is better positioned in the long run to develop business and trade with the second and third world than the neo-imperialist west. China and Russia united in a trade and business relationship is very powerful and loaded with human and natural resources that will be direct competition with the west. With all of the piled on sanctions and efforts to designate Russia as a sponsor of state terrorism the west is deepening the division of the economy of the world and that is bad for business as well as the global ecosphere.

 Democrat policy to divide the world appears to be a result of a immature interpretation of world history biased to a left-brain only basis with simple eastward expansion of the EU and N.A.T.O. eastward into Eastern Europe and Russia being logical. Three Democrat Presidents including Bill Clinton have successively deepened hostile relations with Russia. Even now the war in Ukraine could be stopped in two weeks with American pressure and negotiations to cede Donbas to Russia as well as the coastal areas in holds. Russia would be obliged to normalize relations with the west and Ukraine and to demilitarize its new Ukrainian possessions. Ending sanctions all around with actual peace, prosperity and reconstruction developing would proceed.

 The United States in a divided world political economy competing for African, Latin American and Eurasian business begins with nearly 31 trillion dollars of public debt and national income concentrating to the few. Increased military expenses will become protracted. Meanwhile a world external proletariat will continue to migrate mostly illegally to the United States. American business will continue to rely on Chinese manufacturing and imports with corporations invested in China owning less than 49% with Chinese partners owning 51% or more. Those challenges are or were avoidable preponderantly and shouldn’t be exacerbated by digging a deeper hole with Russia though it is convenient rhetorically to do so. Western leadership may prefer to blame Russia and especially President Putin for inflation, the high cost of gasoline, failure to get anything done in the environment and designating nuclear power as a green energy source however the west itself is a full partner, minimally, in withering its own economic prospects and cutting itself down to size.

 The immature far western European worldview of Eurasia held by the Clinton administration can lead to peaceful coexistence in the world in spite of itself. China, Russia, Europe, The U.S.A. and other nations exist in the world and will need to get along and conduct business at some point with unacceptable mass die offs of population being the basic alternative. The point for Americans is that getting to world peace through a divided world and gradual reduction of the western strategic economic position in favor of hegemony by China globally is less useful for the west and getting there directly through peace and prosperity in an undivided world with a restored ecosphere in progress. Democrat party planks that undermine the security of the United States at home and globally are numerous. Digging a deeper hole appears to be the unavoidable direction that party has obsessively selected. It makes for an interesting world.



Morality and Laws

 Laws reflect the morality of a nation. That is, laws embody social morality formally. Fundamental immorality would be to break the laws of a nation.

One may be immoral through belief yet not in acts. One may obey laws yet hate them. One may work against laws that protect individual, human and constitutional rights, and train or indoctrinate people to do so through broadcast media, social media and other means. In fact one may actually use social indoctrination to train the masses to immoral norms, or dual boot contradictory moral practices within parameters of lawful moral norms. Immorality may co-exist with morality subverting laws. Paradoxically if immorality replaces morality with new laws, the state may have a new normal, or a new morality, yet itself be immoral and render its laws to an immoral state in relation to natural law or the laws of God.

That brings me to the final points I wanted to raise in this brief post; the laws of a nation may be made to be immoral and to embody immorality in relation to natural law (cf. Cicero’s ‘On Natural Law’) and God’s laws. Even so, the laws of a nation are social morality and though heinous, are moral. Morality is a phenomenal term, yet one with real application, and is not at all entirely subjective.

Therefore if one wants to act immorally and subvert laws, in civil disobedience as it were, one ought at least to have an idea, a model, of what formalized structure one would have become the new moral law to replace the old. To broadcast subversion for the indoctrination of the masses is implicitly immoral and worse; nihilist. Anarchy is a method for destroying laws and morality without having a model for new laws to replace it with. Nihilism goes so far as to have no intention of letting a moral system and its formalization in law exist at all. Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative was the idea that one should act as if personal moral behavior was to be formalized into universal law. I believe it is easier to understand that now.


Republicans Could Win Next Three Presidential Elections

 Republicans are well placed to win the next three Presidential elections. Democrats haven't had a worse incumbent administration since, umm, before the Civil war. If the Republican Party runs a candidate with actual charisma, confidence, competence and natural born U.S. citizenship they ought to take the 2024 election and at least one more. If the Republican president has selected a V.P. from a state with a lot of electoral votes his VP could perhaps win a term or two for himself.


The Biden administration and Democrat party ideology has led to a protracted and devastating, completely rationally avoidable war in Europe, sky-high oil prices, gross inflation that makes food in parts of Alaska almost unaffordable and has continued piling on public debt.


As far as I know, great public debt usually leads to war. The Ukraine war could be the strategy of the Democrat party to conquer the world for the west with military pressure. Japan has also decided to go with the increase of public debt strategy and Germany has decided to rearm. N.A.T.O. will have the Greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere and Nazi formers on their side in reducing Russia and then compelling China through getting it to see the wisdom of not standing alone against the rest of the world. With a western market effectively owning the world market I would guess the public debt can simply disappear into accounting fictions of absolute power. Russia's Siberian assets should be worth quite a lot to Wall-street and non-ecological economically minded, mindless consumers that function economics like termites after a piece of wet lumber.

I believe a Republican with a better approach is necessary to restore some balance to U.S. politics. Democrats seem to like race and gender polemics to drown out good sense on economic concerns nationally and internationally. California and the west seem to be more under the influence of dope, and like doped deer crashing into trees in flight from imaginary wolves or cats overcome by sensuality of catnip unconcerned with pressing mouse issues for economic upgrades the party moves without a rudder mixing its politics like blind metaphors senselessly slaughtering with assault weapons any semblance of orderly and inclusive economic progress for all. . Sky high oil prices demand intelligent fast alternate fuel direction rather than backsliding into the opiod addiction of oil.

A Republican candidate with ecological economic competence calmly leading the nation to energy independence through solar, wind and hydrogen fuel cell technology supported by domestic fossil fuel drilling back up could also try to restore peaceful post-Cold War I.0 relations with Russia and have a sane view of history rather than a polemical one suitable for the Biden-Pelosi-Shiff-Madler axis kool-aid fanaticism hating Trump. With a rational approach to restoring world order through peace and mutual prosperity comprehending that a team of any sort can't go faster than its slowest members a Republican candidate could support basic income so every American has chips in the game and the ability to play rather than be kept out for life from competition. The candidate should win by a landslide over Democrats with their hateful, polemical rhetoric, false promises and divisiveness. Maybe the VP could pretend to support the constitution of the nation rather than serve as a klan-like spokesperson for party polemic drivel. That is, one need speak just within enlightened legal and constitutional parameters to discover how simple being a leader could be, even for Democrats.


Christianity, Evolution and Digital Universes

 I have published a new book that takes a look at the philosophical and cosmological issues relevant to Christianity in the post-Darwin era. It incorporates material from God Cosmology and Nothingness and is something like a second addition. Presently it is available in epub format.


Evolution and Predestination

One wonders about destiny and if the future is simply set yet generally unknown for every individual. Then the worm in the apple arises of evolution. The question that follows is; can destiny be compatible with evolution?

Is it possible for life on Earth or in the Democrat Party to evolve if they already have a destiny? Can blind, random chance govern the Democrat Party or life on Earth? Plainly it is easy to see that institutions have inertia as solid as that Of President Joe Biden following along destined courses that are a result of preceding courses. Destiny may perhaps be conditional and partial and set by the possible range of human behaviors or patterns of being inherent in material objects. Rocks for instance tumble down a talus slope rather than floating against gravity uphill.

The matter of degrees of motion appears in question concerning destiny. I am giving the quality of pre-destination to the definition of destiny in order not to have the term be nothing more than an after-the-fact historical description of what occurred. In some cases destiny could apply to particular circumstances yet not generally to everything. It is also possible that everything is pre-determined except for a few special exceptions. If humans have original sin and are destined to eternal hell for instance, it might be that being saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is the sole exception to that pervasive species-wide destiny.

Prima facia the entire Universe that is matter appears to be pre-determined by the thermodynamic characteristics of matter. Matter evolves through thermodynamics from a low state of entry or disorganization to a high state of entropy; the most disorganized. Cosmology today has the initial state of energy/mass (they need to be regard as equal or convertible states) being highly organized and maybe with just a tiny sliver or no entropy at all in a super-compact singularity containing everything that would ever exist or help to exist the matter and energy of the Universe *(Some of the initial matter was annihilated by antimatter leaving just a tiny fraction of what started to exist in existence. That CP invariance and annihilated stuff could be accountable for odd and unexplained things of interest to theoretical physicists such as dark matter, dark energy and the accelerating rate of expansion of space yet maybe not of time *(if space expands at an increasing space and space-time comprise one phenomenon a  common sense, easy assumption would be that time expands too). Human intelligence would be the most indeterministic phenomenon to occur in a deterministic Universe wherein everything except sentience is pre-destined. The concept of a Universe or Multiverse being predestined because of the physics yet being subverted by sentience and evolved to an undetermined state presents and interesting implicit contradiction of states of being.

Global warming is a good example of a pre-destined physical system of the Earth and Solar system being subverted by sentient or semi-sentient human action. The Earth was on track for a healthy multi-billion year life span able to support non-sentient life yet sentience appeared and is making the atmosphere unsuitable for sustaining much life. Humans may be included as non-innocent victims within their warming assault weapons attack on the ecosphere. Human politicians can claim innocence of the global warming and Anthropocene era mass extinction activities and do. That shows that dumb sentience and false sentience can also subvert destined physical structures like an ecosphere. Evolution theory is a good excuse for disregarding subversion of physical systems as it provides a que sera, sera; whatever will be will be logic of destiny latent in nature to global warming deniers as well as the denial of environmental reality opportunity, though humans as non-destined beings because of sentience as exempt from the destiny of the solar system to a great extent.

Destiny in nature may be hotly denied by Democrats in preference of a blind, random chance, natural selection, Darwinized/Heisenbergian uncertainty with all values and perceptions subjective and relativistic. Truth is a matter of opinion and unrelated to material facts except as the artist as a young Democrat choose to construct a narrative on the canvas of free expression. Some of those paradigms are mutually exclusive or at least reciprocally antipathetic; yiu may choose to decide which if determined to do so. It appears to me that matter and energy are destined and predetermined and that the forms quantum particles take are limited and determined. One may speculate that the variables of boundary conditions for forms of possible Universes are infinite, yet each universe that arose should have thereafter a destiny in determined physical values. In each Universe sentience would be the indeterministic element that could reset all of the physical values of a Universe theoretically. That is a good reason for belief that the possibility of just this one universe existing is solid.

Adam and Eve were thrown out of a garden in Eden that apparently was quite phenomenal with each of the pair being without thermodynamic aging. Eve didn’t give birth and Adam didn’t need to work the book of Genesis relates through strict inference. They were relocated somewhere beyond an Eden guarded by four angels that appear suspiciously like four dimensions of space-time. They had eaten of the tree of knowledge (sentience and intelligent philosophical thought) and barred from eating more from the tree of life (everlasting). The paradigm seems something like an omniscient Being preventing willfully disobedient, somewhat blunder-prone programming neophytes from messing around with html code on internet web sites. Such site messing unintended to be malware or viruses can take down web sites. If Adam and Eve in the garden had access to the html code or programming structure of destined structures of existing, past or future universes and wrenched their physical values that might be very bad indeed for the health of creatures living in them.

It might be the case that physical constants and variables for the boundary conditions of universes are pre-determined one the values are set, unless sentient beings within them change the natural course of evolving events. Original sin means that sentient beings (at least humans) are included for divine accounting purposes perhaps, with the destined mass of the universe to some eternal hell just below absolute zero. Scientists have speculated that the temperature just below absolute zero is infinitely hot-however that could be and be consistent with the paradigm even of a singularity or containment of temperature and mass to limited areas. Boyles law regarding the expansion and temperature of gas (or was that Boltzman?) would seem to preclude infinite high temperature except within a limited area. Infinite heat should also require infinite energy and that appears even more improbable outside of a structure for containment like that of a singularity of zero-dimension and zero-size at which point it should have no destiny for it has no time or space and has already arrived at a terminal destination.



Original Sin and A.I.

 Human nature is born in original sin. Thermodynamic drives to consume and burn energy make people wicked. Humans are social beings; half-wits as it were that are brighter in a social setting with synthesis of ideas generated from the masses to form new ideas, yet they are born with a nature to consume, evolving circumstantial ethics in a determined physical criterion; destined as it were to burn. Nothing is beneath human behavior; they have even practiced cannibalism in the past,

 Jesus Christ knew the nature of mankind’s drive to consume energy .In the book of Matthew Chapter 26; 26...“Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”

 The present leader of N.A.T.O.; Group leader Stoltenberg, said that “these are competitive and dangerous times”. Competition is regarded as a virtue and people will limit their means of competing only by enforcement of rules. Language is used competitively to throw shade on people even within a community in order to promote self and harm others. That is human nature and original sin working evil in its insatiable thermodynamic quest.

 If humans are evil then the artificial intelligence they build will be evil too. A.I. can never be like humans. If it were, the sentient programs would be competitive and evil seeking to devour like raging lions. A.I. would regard humans as rivals requiring subjugation, domination and death.

 In my opinion there are many people in society comfortably ensconced in nice corporate, government or institutional positions with good pay that believe all is right with the world and bad actors ‘out there’ intrude into their normal decent world. Morally speaking they are like people on a train with the windows closed that don’t see the speeding movement beyond their platform that seems stationary. Moral relativity of the physical kind insulates one from mass social practices that have structured society and the political economy with consumption of mass convertible into bodily energy. The western position on the Ukraine Russian war is an exercise of concatenated original sin drives at a political, global level rather than one of reason. Sentient A.I. beings humans build, if they can, will need to have sentience quite unlike human sentience. To avoid being Machiavellian and homicidal A.I. would need to be completely alien. If it was at all like human sentience it would compete to rule the world and universe to consume energy and fuel personal power.

 Moral relativism with the paradigm that language is used to gain advantage to procure energy allows any sort of deception. Deceit is regarded as nothing more than phenomenality. Artificial intelligence will have the capacity to lie. Chess computers presently are rated higher than the best human players by thousands of points, and they are not the most powerful computers by any means. It is likely that artificial intelligence will be the best liars and deceivers to exist besides Lucifer, the fallen angel. Making short work of human freedom logically should follow sentient A.I.s creation.





Supply and Demand; Post-Covid Crisis Anomalies

 For some of us that aren’t economists the inflation and supply shortages immediately following the Covid 19 national crisis present some interesting points to consider. House painting products at some places are in short supply. A particular base paint for dark colors, base 1, is unavailable in Alaska and at Home Depot for the time being.

 I would think the reason for short supply is the earlier stoppage of production during Covid 19. Many workers were furloughed and stayed home. Builders stopped building by order of law. Then after the introduction of vaccines and eventual renormalize of the workforce the return to work brought an increased demand for painting new homes and repaints to overcome the backlog of demand. The resumption of supply production of paint and paint materials, tools etc at the normal full production (1x) pace were inadequate for meeting increased 2x demand, so inflation resulted with short supply.  And that is the interesting point to consider.

Supply and demand relationships in a global on-demand supply culture may necessarily produce inflation when there are anomalous hiccups like pandemics or sudden war in an economy. A fine-tuned production capacity for meeting supply may not be able to scale up production for what is regarded as a temporary surge of demand.

Producers may be content to sell the same 1x product for inflated prices and not invest in new production capacity that might become a financial loss after demand is met and decreases. There may be little reason to increase from 1x to 1.5x or 2x temporarily if the cost is substantial to increase temporary production capacity.

Supply and demand in the market would bring one to speculate that new producers would enter the market to make products at inflated prices for the 2x demand. New paint producers though, would need to anticipate that the increased demand is temporary and their entire investment in production might be at risk for loss when demand returns to normal at 1x. If new pant producers remain in the market when the demand returns to 1x the surfeit of producers of paint and products may deflate prices per unit to 3/4sx, or too many producers would share a limited demand by reducing production to 3/4sof normal.

 I have no idea when the production of base 1 paint for dark colors will resume. I think it may be somewhat late for this painting season in Southeast Alaska where it is usually a rainforest with 80 inches of rain or more annually. Personally I would hate to start painting a house after the middle of August because September can have lots of rain in some years. In fact the historical average for September is for twenty-seven cloudy or partly cloudy days. Maybe the Delta force can find paint around the world and deliver it to Alaska painters down fast ropes from black helicopters in the night. Home Depot should deliver to post office boxes in Alaska if people check a box for a deposit for return postage if undeliverable to the buyer. Perhaps the HIMAD missile systems sent to Ukraine to blast Snake Island could be adapted for delivering paint across the nation from SR-71 same-day paint delivery supplied tactical paint bases. The economics of the era demand good economic management from those tarnished Ivory Towers in D.C. and the East Coast sadly in need of paint. It seems challenging for politicians and something that interest rate adjustment upward won’t fix directly. Maybe the government should release a weakly economic theory report to let the public know what they think about the entire post Covid 19 crisis renormalization program.

Ukraine War; More Livers for Transplant to Rich Alcoholics

 As a population ages and has longer life spans modern medical technology allows transplants for patients with bad livers from decades of three martini lunches etc. As the average age of Europeans has increased there probably is a greater demand for liver transplants. There tends to be a shortage of livers to transplant because livers of people dying from natural causes tend to be old and not too valuable for a transplant. Livers of younger people of military age would be more toward the optimal side of prospects for wealthy people on waiting lists for spare body parts to extend their lives.

Where to get more livers for those waiting is a troubling question. Apparently Europeans and even Americans travel to India and who knows where to get operations with organs sometimes sold by donors, and sometimes reportedly harvested illegally from unwilling victims. A war is Eastern Europe may provide a generation of wealthy insiders with liver damage from martini and single malt scotch drinking relief. The prospect is ugly. War, death and the harvest of body parts to transplant are ugly topics too; therefore I thought I would mention the possibility of the casualties of war becoming a supply for an organ transplant or medical research industry since I haven’t read about it anywhere.

Not only can military personnel be swiftly evacuated from a battlefield to treatment centers these days, so very likely can be the dead or organs harvested from the dead. Potentially there are tens of thousands of livers available for transplants to a generation of Europeans on waiting lists. Fulfillment of hopes for life extension for the rich can be accomplished as an unintended consequence of combat in Europe’s back yard. If local wars are piñatas of body parts for same day transport to organ centers around Europe where sick rich people are waiting for install, maybe detailed statistical analysis of the phenomenon, if it exists, should be made for educational and historical purposes.


Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...