
Judge Garland Should Go Back Over Rainbow With Nuclear Option

In 2013 Sen. Reed used the nuclear option to end Republican filibusters on Obama appointees. Now they haven't got a majority and can't just force things through. The democrats have been consistent rule breakers to force their way upon the American people and would like to take control of the high court too. It isn't just a Republican responsibility to play fair unlike the Democrats; they also have a responsibility to keep another Democrat President from starting nuclear wars, or civil wars in Syria or elsewhere, to halt abortion and homosexual marriage and other issues Democrats favor yet many hate.


It would make a complete farce of resistance to abortion since Rowe v Wade in 1973 to let another pro-abortion killer get on the Supreme Court.


Some 'trust' Hillary poll Says; Americans Still Have Sense of Humor

Cruz Leads a Slow-Speed Internet State

One can discern the potential competence of a Presidential candidate on the basis of the Internet speed rating of the state they are from. Candidates such as Trump and New York that rate near the top are not trying to punish the poor with crummy slow speed internet access if it exists at all.

Those states near the bottom are probably seeking to isolate the masses from publication and reading access on-line at a high speed or to prevent people from playing internet blitz chess as a game that distracts people from cutting wood and destroying forest habitat.


When people waste their lives becoming literate and learning to write and communicate it is counterproductive to make internet access quality as low as that barely literate savages would expect. Americans ought not be graduated then turned into 2nd raters with slow internet speeds unable to avail themselves of contemporary technology for the commerce, productive, creativity and inventiveness as well as chess playing that occurs in cyberspace.

When states lag behind such as Alaska and Texas where even broadband internet speed on Verizon may be slower than the melting rate of glaciers it makes for a bad existential experience of social sludge where people are expected to say things like 'progrum' or crystal meth' 'whore' or whatever. Slow internet speeds and the prevention of chess make for a very bad social environment.

Kerry Visit Hiroshima; Site of Democrat Party Use of Nuclear Option

Secretary of State Kerry visited Hiroshima recently to note the terrible devastation caused when a Democrat Party incumbent dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. The Enola Gay dumped quite a load on civiliansBecause democrats hate the draft and a lot more would have been killed in taking Japan without nuclear weapons it made me wonder if a Republican would have taken Japan without using the nuclear option.



Obama's Worst Mistakes; The Real Order

  1) Syria
  2) Homosexual Marriage
  3) Permanent Bush Tax Cuts
  4) Ukraine
  5) Failing Ecological Economic Reform
  6) Canceling moon landing
  7) Speech in Cairo
  8) Egypt Policy
  9) Manner of Exit from Iraq
10) Failure to support a Kurdish State
11) Benghazi/Stevens fiasco
12) Libya


Obama Reportedly Designing Clinton Style Mortgage Crisis

President Obama was reported by the N.Y. Post to be designing a Bill Clinton style financial crisis. The article also said that a global crisis wouldn't necessarily be attached 'because the banks learned their lesson'. Yet with about a third of rental properties owned by foreign investors any U.S. home mortgage crisis might stimulate an international crisis.

Foreign investors buy up U.S. properties in the boom and bust cycles designed by Clinton-Obama style economies at the lowest possible price.


Priesthood of Believers and Ethical Reform

The kingdom of God should be allowed to develop a more concrete presence in-the-world through a priesthood of believers church structure. The present era of commercial Christian ministries preaching to a laity that supports them should be viewed as a temporal stage on the evolution of the church to fulfill the post-millennial eschatology of becoming a majority.

Commercial Christian ministries are separate professional hierarchies viewed today with an implicit conflict of interest in so far as they preach for pay. Ethically speaking business reforms are done to rectify structure to profit. Christian ministries also are viewed as having such ethics too much. Instead of making reforms that might impinge the commercial ministries profit, comfort or power those are set aside. Catholic church reforms to prevent priest child sex abuse just didn't happen until billions were paid out in civil legal settlements and dices closed with churches in hoc. The deeper history of the church shows a history of resistance to reform.

Protestant churches have the same commercial Christian recalcitrance to reform when reform conflicts with priestly power, profit and prestige. While business should reform to profit and not reform to be more moral or fair within capitalist practice-theory today, church ministries should not place profit or morality, ethics or christian concepts. Many churches admitted homosexual marriage to their doctrine in contradiction to obvious scriptural references to homosexuality being sin. Churches losing numbers may have sought to reverse the loss with appeals to homosexuals.

A priesthood of believers would help reassert a Christian moral and ethical presence in society that is in decline as global corporatism increases its stranglehold on national politics and finance in the United States Global corporatism supported homosexual marriage before the corporate proxy Roberts court forced it upon the nation. Pay Pal is just the latest of innumerable corporations and CEO's that have expressed support for homosexual marriage. Business and finance is completely queer-friendly and CEOs that don't support that and say so publicly are terminated. Ordinary people must do business though the beastly business finance structure and the commercial Christian priesthood hasn't done anything to relieve that, nor can they. Instead they continue to support corporate global policy and their political proxies that nominally mention popular evangelical political choices that have little or no chance of reversing the general corporate trend.

Commercial Christian ministries reinforce and vaguely model the global corporate business environment; a priesthood of believers would not..

A priesthood of believers would have two different forms. One in performance of worship and the other in performance of Christian sharing and support networks.

Church worship roles would be equal among believers with roles rotating weekly. Small worship groups of ten or twelve would make it a friendly environment though all could gather for a sing-together. There would be old and new testament readers. A secretary taking prayer requests and concerns, and there would be a reader of a sermon provided by a theological qualified source. Additionally five minutes would be given for anyone to have a say. 

A 'show off' slot for the very gifted sermonizer of ten minutes might be optionally set aside, yet with three functioning ranks of beginner, intermediate and elder with time in rank and tests required for promotion there should be no shortage of qualified people.

Because tithing in the commercial Christian ministry is highly inflated over that of the Old Testament that was one-tenth of a producer's crops to be distributed every third year in three parts; to widows, orphans and non-working priests, that one-percent to priests has risen 900% to ten-percent. That should be changed back to one-percent in the priesthood of believers structure.
In the financial and Christian sharing network support service section of the priesthood of believers a vast Christian presence would develop nationally. Attendance would be kept and participation in worship recorded and available on-line to every priesthood of believers church location. Attending a worship service in Portland Maine would be the same as attending a church in Portland Oregon for the individual Christian. In either case his or her presence would be necessary since he is a professing Christian participant weekly him or herself.

Practical Christian support would entail financial security against emergencies with each individual building up an emergency account of five-thousand dollars. Christians could use that as an alternate to commercial businesses for certain payments and tithing.

The basic Christian believer's account would be filled over time from tithing, contributions above tithing, and from payment for working for Christians. It is not a savings account though. Withdrawals would meet certain peer-reviewed criteria and accounts could not be allowed to surpass $5000. Once one's account was full the tithes could fill the accounts of others if needed for peer-reviewed reasons, go to church expenses and missions.

The priesthood of believers sharing networks could comprise job exchanges with rated values whereby members could receive fair compensation for their account or trade for needed services such as medical, dental, roofing or transportation. The priesthood of believers might also have a member's motel and monastery franchise nationwide growing from bed and breakfast environments. Members that had a history of membership solid enough to reinforce the belief that they are actual members; perhaps a year in attendance and continuing attendance at least monthly would be eligible to use the service for a nominal cost. Such Christian networking and priesthood of believers evangelizing through lifestyle would have a positive ethical presence amidst society greater than the rather dog-without-teeth biting at political issues approach through impotent politicians.


The U.S.A. Went Wrong on Ethics

Cicero covered Natural Law well. Modern atheists don't reason that deeply. I think the atheist today is more of  a fashion atheist instead of a conscientious atheist. They don't want to be bothered with inconvenient truth and simply negate it. Some go for Nietzsche though and the beyond good and evil paradigm. The  globe's ad hoc informal  plutocratic laws personify the movement beyond good and evil with an element of Hobbe's Leviathan tossed in perhaps. Some would say it's the fault of the Clintons. It could be deeper than that.

Without the spirit of God people are lost.

AI Hasn't Self-Awareness

AI has lots of information and no awareness. It has been trained to recognize language and meaning without any knowing. For those that wonde...