
Jews Invaded Canaan, Conquered/Overcame the Walls of Jericho

Jewish Conquest of Jericho

Those critics of the veracity of the Biblical account of the fall of Jericho to the Jews usually are not well read in the Bible. Since the account is of such importance to those godless atheists determined to defend sin by throwing mud onto the Bible-especially the old testament, I will reply here a bit.

First there are three primary threads useful for getting to a true opinion of the Jericho incident.
1) History
2) Linguistics
3) Archaeological record.

One might ask, did the Jews ever really invade and conquer Canaan? Did they have a reason to falsify the Joshua account? Is the alternative more true. That is, the Jews did not invade Palestine before 1000 a.d., never built the Temple, and the Dome of the Rock built by the Arabs doesn’t exist and is instead a holograph perpatrated by thieves that float the actually Dome on an anti-gravity platform with a need to fool the public?


I will use the King James version for Biblical citations and quotes. It was Shakespeare’s era of English, was translated from the Greek Septuagint translation by 70 Jewish scholars in the 3nd century to 132 B.C. from Hebrew.

This is an article by a Dr. Woods who did his PhD dissertation on bronze age pottery. He finds Kenyon’s recently released final findings off the mark. It has rigorous scholastic standards.

https://youtu.be/AnUnp2qMBCs Jericho archeology

I rather like considering some of the history of what is know about the way the books of the Bible were put together with tools of linguistic philosophy and history.

Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote in the Blue and Brown books of the problem of the indeterminacy of translation, and that certainly is an issue with some parts of the Old Testament.

As I understand it, the Hebrew alphabet wasn’t made to exist as the first phonetic written language before 1500. In my opinion Moses as a Prince of Egypt who would have been about as knowledgeable at hieroglyphic as anyone could be, was the inventor of the Hebrew alphabet as a written language. A literate fellow with time on his hands after exile to live with the Jews. Having learned the Hebrew language too while in Egypt, making his own written language to write in Hebrew rather than Egyptian is a reasonable probable development. Even so the language would have had huge gaps and an inadequate vocabulary for hundreds of years. It would have been slow to develop enough scribes to learn, teach and expand the project.

The Old Testament books of the Pentateuch were assembled in the court of Solomon and Jeroboam circa 1000 B.C. hundreds of years after the events recorded in Joshua. It has been speculated that four different authors put together the Pentateuch and /or revised it. Some of the Old Testament may have been worked on as late a s the 5th century B.C. I believe that much material existed from ancient times but the idea of adding it to a formal group of books was a project that evolved under divine guidance rather than with a master secular plan. The value of the archaeological records is contingent upon an interpretation of the book Joshua account. Or at least the contentiousness is built on finding differences between archaeological, historical and written accounts.

It is safe to say that the Jews conquered Canaan some time, including Joshua, before the time of King David. Jericho was the most important city in early Canaan, and was probably known far and wide for its city walls. To conquer Jericho would entail overcoming its walls. The Greeks overcame the walls of Troy with deceit.

In contrast, pre-Columbian cities in north America had no city walls except for one small walled city found in North Dakota I believe, where a slaughter was discovered to have occurred in battle. That aside, the lack of walled cities exemplifies that the development of defense walls requires particular social circumstances including frequent invaders and location. Wall Mart has locations on frequently traveled route yet uses its wall for sales of consumer goods.

The account of Jericho had to enter the written record some time. Moses is thought to be the progenitor of the first five books (Pentateuch) that made it down through centuries to David, who may actually have been the guy that started the project to get the old testament assembled. Solomon his son was perhaps the sponsor of scholars that worked on correlating the Moses data.


Who wrote the book of Joshua? Joshua himself seems to have composed part of the work. A Bible scholar looked into the issue somewhat and publish an article here.

Keep in mind that the Hebrew alphabet might not yet have been fully developed, and in Wittgenstein’s paradigm of the indeterminacy of translation the meaning of the Joshua account may be amiss. For example;

If there wasn’t an adequate word symbol for beat, victory or trashed, the writer (whoever it was) who may or may not have been an eyewitness summarized the event for ordinary understanding of people of the day- hence- Joshua broadcast psyop music at Jericho for seven days and the walls came down-that is, they surrendered. To defeat Jericho meant to overcome the walls. It could have been a synonym for victory completely disambiguated for all near and far.

Of course one might wonder how many stones for city walls to fall would need to fall. Would it have been adequate for a section of the wall to collapse? If five stones were all that were left standing would that falsify the account.

The entire episode appears to be one of advanced psychological operations against the Canaanite holding the interior lines inside the walled city. For seven days an armed party circled the city with a loud horn making a fearsome or strange sound. Given all that time the insiders may have become terrified and undermined sections of their own walls (at least a dissenting element may have). When the great shout rose on the seventh day fear and terror was at a max and someone pulled the keystones out letting the breach in the walls occur and the Jews pour through.

Joshua 6:20 “20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.”

It seems to be excellent history for the day. The uncertainty of the exact meaning together with uncertainty about the line of communication from the historical event to inclusion in the Talmud via ancient and no longer extent sources (scrolls) make it fairly high quality in my thought.

Critics of course prefer a naive realist interpretation of the Bible taking it all literally as atheist Biblical literalistic. They don’t go far into consideration of the circumstances of Bible construction at all.


MVL Covfefed Wesley So in Rnd 2 Norway Chess for Draw

French chess champion Maxime Vachier-Lagrave covfefed iWesley So in round two playing black 38, 40, 42 Ng4. So had the bishop pair and white yet settled for repetiton induced draw at Norway Chess 2017.



President Trump Proposes Largest Green Project in History So Far

President Trump has suggested building the largest green solar energy electrification project in world history. That is, he would cover the vast wall through the desert along the Mexican border with solar panels. That’s a rare project so fine that it should receive Democrat Party support as the opportunity to do so is not likely to occur again soon.

Democrats, of course, were against stopping the Bush II tax cuts from expiring and forced the measure through with full support so the rich could concentrate wealth. Democrats are usually against large projects that benefit everyone, or that aren’t specially designed to enrich the rich so they may be against the Trump Solar Wall too.

A Few Useful Energy Making Urls (wind and solar)

Shouldn't Pres. Trump Cancel His Visit to Khan's 'Terror is Normal' London?

While it would be good for Londoners conditioned to submit to the increase of the Muslim proletariat and terror through copious immigration to have President Trump visit to provide advicacy for western civilization to those committed to its decline, it would bot be a good thing for the interests of the U.S.A. The United States has too much economic work for the President to work on including construction of a saltwater filled, evaporation-condensation fresh water making border control canal to try to bring some rainfall to the southwest and irrigation to crops.

London has a Mayor holding the opinion that terror is a normal part of urban life. President Trump should leave London to its terror. Iceland and Alaska are better places to visit if the President just wants to  beat the heat of D.C. in the fall.

The mayor of London has made it plain that President Trump is unwelcome in his terror-filled city.


England Has Built an Internal Proletariat of Jihadis

Arthur Meyer Salman Abedi's parents were from Libya. Toynbee would have classified the Manchester bomber as a member of the internal proletariat. His was a Muslim upbringing in England, though he is thought to have travelled to Syria to learn from his co-religionists in terror. Many opponents of national integrity go to some lengths to make worst case analysis of political facts in order to support a disningenuous 'we are the world' paradigm. wherein western civilization is really trying to destroy itself and its own people are actually the terrorists rather than foreign trained, travelled or migrated Muslims.

England has imported and reinforced a hostile traditional rival civilization (an arrested one) to its homeland where it is trying to grow to supplant the traditional British historical values of the isles. If war and terror is what they want domestically then they will continue policies that bring in Muslims from the Middle East to swell the numbers of the internal proletariat.


History is still a true paradigm regarding civilization. I'm not of the 19th century German romantic epistemological relativism unto nihillism that is a recrudesscent ideology of the left in the Democrat Party that emanated from Dewey's ideas early in the 20th century. English demographics on Muslim immigration are empirically objective, statistical facts.

 People travel a lot these days. If some nations have the mosts terrorists or Avian flu etc those are nations that one wants to ban travel from to stop them from attacking "the far enemy". They try to form local terror franchises however and sometimes provides foreign training schools for recruits. If you look at a world map of where terrorism occurs, its reasonalbly easy to determine where it should be contained. Plainly though nations with much terrorism and terrorists do not have all of the terrorists.


Leaked N.S.A. Document Seems Like More Partisan Treachery

The Justice Department has charged a 25-year old female defense contractor named Reality Winner with leaking the classified document from the N.S.A. that reports that Russian military intell may have tried to hack into 2016 election software. The entire incident and its timing seems like more partisan b.s. Even the construction of the document seems suspect.

At any rate Democrat Party symps unhappy over Hillary losing seem to have no allegiance to the constitution of the United States regarding its laws. Stealing and disclosing classified material they have sworn to safeguard is nothing at all for the godless atheist rabble.






The Democrat Party has quite a record of untrustworthiness since the first Bill Clinton administration.

The defense contractor in Georgia only started work after the election in February and disclosed the paper that was created in May. It may be she had no other purpose besides getting some goods to attack the Trump administration in some way from classified N.S.A. sources. It is impossible to say of the N.S.A. is reliable at all itself since it is rotten with homosexual and Democrat haters of Trump.

A Comment on Relativity

The special theory is different than the general theory of course. The speed of light is finite, and nothing goes any faster, yet light (photons) from distant galaxies may travel billions of years to reach Earth observers. The relationship of time and mass are interesting to consider. Photons supposedly have no mass, therefore photons experience no time in-themselves. Photons exist within electro-magnetic fields phenomenally. 

For me at least it is easier to think about photons and the special theory within the general theory of relativity paradigm. Gravity also travels at the speed of light. That suggests an implicit relationship between photons and gravitons as if they were identical. At the least one wonders why gravitons are limited to light speed; what other factor enters in and constrains them? Time is a relationship between configurations of mass from micro to macroscopic and cosmological. Change in the configuration is time. As one approaches light speed mass becomes increased to infinite. It's all quite interesting and full of reciprocal relationships.

Demos Upgrade Impeachment to a Normal Way to Appeal Election Loss

The Democrat Party intifadah after losing the 2016 Presidential election has made for a lot of hate expressed public against the winner President Donald Trump. Talk of impeachment among Democrats started immediately as Trump assumed office, and continues though some council careful timing of that action.


Democrats have sought to lever the Donald Trump's pre-election contacts with foreigners from Russia as an impeachment causus beli, andas well as the firing of F.B.I. Director Comey; an inevitable event since he was so politically involved in election events regarding Clinton emails and was an appointee-lawyer of Barrack Obama from Chicago.

Former NPR reporter Juan WIlliams writing in The Hill said of Democrats and who might be their new leader; "Warren satisfies Democrats who want to go toe-to-toe with a president they view as illegitimate, corrupt, dangerous and even treasonous."


Democrats have little besides hate and sabotage to offer the nation these days. They seem to be irrational and want to just cut taxes on the rich as did President Obama and let Federal Reserve loans pay the difference between inadequate taxation and the cost of the federal government. Hate and sabotage are the preferred actions; emotion instead of reason.



My Personal Link to SIgn Up for Chess24

For those wishing to create a chess playing and training account, here is my personal link to a good site- 


Chess24 also has articles from GMs and coverage of many chess events.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...