
Was an Interesting Eclipse; Not Hale-Bopp Though

The eclipse was interesting...something less than totality here although it darkened enough that the birds started singing as it became lighter.

I took a few poor photos covering the lense with my eclipspe glasses. That distorted the photos and produced interesting images.

It's possible Democrats will blame Pres. Trump for the sky darkening. At least the event suggest that global cooling might be achieved in a real emergency with some sort of adjustable screen serving to partially block out sunlight.


Politics of Blocking Social Media Trolls

The politics of blocking social media supposedly is a gray area. Like the national debt, the lack of quality dental service for the poor, and preventing the U.S.A. from evolving to no more than a cheapest labor, no corporate tax zone for global plutocrats as an equivalent to airport duty-free shops. Government has trouble in deciding how to handle trolls attacking its social media web sites.

The fault lies mostly with Twitter, Facebook and others that allow hostile posts to co-exist with the good. If the primary page user is to really ‘own’ his page he or she needs the ability to edit what appears there or deny it altogether as any newspaper or magazine editor would.

The primary user generally does not have the ability to sort all posts into good input or troll- the equivalent of spam. Politicians need to be sensitive about the right of people to express their true opinions to those in political office-or even to political offices and departments, yet primary page user politicians also need to keep bad trolls from taking over the primary user page. The easiest and most democratic thing to do would be for Twitter and Facebook to create different streams of comments paths that the primary user may sort comments into if he wants, rather than to just delete them.

Comments that praise an evil and corrupt, malevolent democrat Senator seeking to flood the nation with illegal aliens ought not be posted for re-enforcing corruption while opposition comments are deleted or alternatively allowed to drown out the corrupt supportive commentary if there are so many that they dwarf those in support. Even corrupt political ideas need to be treated equally as far as input and expression goes. The main thing is to allow the primary user to sort ideas into friend and foe streams as he or she or uncertain and confused chooses.


How Would a Floyd Mayweather Jr vs Bruce Lee Fight Have Gone?

Mayweather's March 26 opponent has said that for Mayweather to train against a martial arts opponent as good as he is he would have to resurrect Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was a great Wing Chun kung fu figher of course, yet if restricted to nothing beyond legal boxing rules could he have survived seven rounds with Mayweather, Marvin Haglar, Roberto Duran, Thomas Hearns or Sugar Ray Leonard? I am skeptical about that.

WIng Chun kung fu controls the center line and moves forward to attack as a defensive method.One drives one's opponent backward off-balance and counter-punches a lot. Yet kung fu evidently uses a lot of different parts of the body to strike including elbows, knees, back hands etc. None of that is permitted in boxing, and neither are rabbit punches or intentional head buts.

One of the best things about wing chun fighters are chain punches with real speed. I doubt if that happens much even in MMA events though. Maybe Conner McGregor can execute one of those back flips with a heal strike on the top of Mayweather's head- who knows? It is certain that it would be an illegal kick however, as would be all of those brilliant Bruce Lee kicks. That style never caught on in professional boxing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mILPqwesNE Hagler vs Hearns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nf-i-V6HGU  Hagler vs Duran Highlights

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOHpqGaU_uI Leonard vs Hagler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_RPg9gRkVA 50 Best Mayweather punches

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXATamxkUUA  Mayweather vs. Leonard theory

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsrTEi_DLbM  Bruce Lee Highlights

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6n-BbXk488  McGregor Highlights

My Gestalt (a poem)

My Gestalt has everything just so
figures of dreams
conversations of creation
white supremists struggling
blacks with machine guns killing for Congo
drums from every continent
incessantly beating a rhythm of life

Arranged valleys and hills on the becrusted world
aged beyond the molten stage
phenomenal fields of quarks strung along
ideas of existential analysis
Moons awaiting drone probes
and 4-D print-out cities

My Gestalt has infinite parts
though the whole is greater than their sum
God with one Universal field-mind
One with three persons
and 17 trillion billion zero-dimensional points
some place where angels dance and sing
selects those He would save.

Two Minor Issues with E-Bay

Chinese producers evidentally are haters of Alaska and Hawaii since they won't mail anything there from e-bay commonly.  For decades the U.S. postal service have delivered packages to Alaska via dog sled and to Hawaii via Polynesian catamaran, so why do the Chinese exclude those two states in the back of beyond and include the 48 states and District of Columbia.

The Trump administration Justice Department might want to start a hate crimes investigation on China policy at e-bay.

The other issue is with the sorting gap. With thousands of Chinese producers listing their products that won't ship to Alaska and Hawaii, it would be helpful to be able to sort by country of product origin to find U.S. producers- that needle in a haystack effort, who can actually send a product to Alaska.

THere are Chinese producers with forwarding offices in China and Arizona that also won't mail anything to Alaska and Hawaii, and they definately should be included on the hate crimes investigation roster.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...