
Ransomware and Public Computers; Why Not Use Open Source Software?

Ransomware attacks on public computer systems are something of an enigma to me? What is so important data-speaking that the public governments pay exorbitant ransoms to criminals to free up the computer systems they are locked out of? Are the computer managers the kind of people that say progrum?

I am not very contemporary on computer systems technology so I am probably about even with managers of computer systems for government on inability to understand all of the stuff needed for state-of-the-art computer security. So why use windows with all of its secret compartment that hackers can subvert and not use an open source operating system such as Debian, Linux in its varieties etc. that have a lot of shareware and are more in keeping with the spirit of open democratic government?  If one eliminates the operating system as a swamp for hackers that leaves just the hardware (or something else like the servers) to attack.  https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php

 Some ransomware did attack Intel cpus and they offered patches for that. Intel is or was designing some kind of new cpu and maybe gpu that doesn't allow its microcode for the chips to be corrupted by the corrupt.

If computer managers back up their data in the cloud a priori they won't lose all of their information if a hacker commanders a John Deer tractor and herds a flock of deer to stomp the city computer system down or whatever (i.e. someone left a window open and rain overnight soaked the system). 


Cities, libraries and other government sites probably buy new computers always instead of used computers. That's o.k., yet if a hacker closes down government computers and the data is backed up in the cloud it's a good moment to upgrade the computer system with faster, more expensive cpus, install the free Linux or Debian operating system and download the backed up data from the cloud. Even the new 18 core, 36 thread intel i9 chip is just $1800 or so. Instead of paying ransom charge of $50,000 for nothing, government managers should just upgrade and buy an equal value amount of state-of-the-art faster chips and some older generation ones that are faster than what they have installed in their imprisoned systems.


Intel Core i9-7980XE Skylake X 18-Core 2.6 GHz LGA 2066 165W BX80673I97980X Desktop Processor  intell i9 Skylake 18 core $1879

Intel Core i7-8700K Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.7 GHz (4.7 GHz Turbo) LGA 1151 (300 Series) 95W BX80684I78700K Desktop Processor Intel UHD Graphics 630    

European Union Perfidy in Subversion and Anti-American Activities

Democrats often attack political targets personally instead of changing things through the ballot box. Former F.B.I. Director Comey's comment's about hiding his US citizenship and pretending to be Canadian seems part of the leftist-corporatist anti-American disposition that works basically for European interests in trying to co-opt or subdue the U.S. Government and use it as a dupe-minion. Canada is part of that axis of evil. James Comey is an unintentional dupe-tool of the ANTIFA axis of Euro-anti-Americanism seeking twin goals of socialism and concentrating wealth in 1/10th of the wealthiest 1%.

Part of the modus operandi is flooding the United States with pliable illegal immigrants and degrading the native born U.S. population so far as possible. The European Union has emboldened some enemies of democracy and brought them to unite with Latin American elements in attempting to subjugate the United States with broadcast media collusion. It is a dangerous trend and a divide and conquer strategy that would co-opt America before crashing Russia and bringing into effect a world economic government centered in Germany.

 The President's press secretary Sarah Sanders was thrown out of a restaurant in Virgina apparently for being female and pro-Trump. If she had been black people would have screamed about racism. Being female she seemed vulnerable apparently and an easy target for Virginia POTUS haters. A male might have been less likely to get the boot for being pro-Trump if known to have skills in mixed martial arts.

It's too bad. Sarah Sanders probably leaves good tips. In the future she should carry a concealed .44 automag as should the Homeland Security Chief that has crowds of intimidators trying to influence her policy through direct force at her home.


Sarah Sanders (via Twitter) "Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."


Pres Trump Should Give Repreive to an Endangered American Marten

President Trump should balance out the ledger for ecorationality vs eco-destruction for profit a little and reprieve the endangered subspecies of the American marten called the Humboldt Marten. Fewer than 400 of the little critters remain in existence. ther adverse and nvasive species have pushed it to the edge.

President Obama in effect told, the American marten to bite it, and let it wither and possibly dsappear. Maybe he liked invasive species from Indonesia, it's hard to say.

The President could require his people to list the Humboldt Marten as an endangered species and make it illegal to trap as they still do in Oregon. The President could provide a sanctuary where the Humboldt marten could have a chance of remaining alive.


https://www.fws.gov/arcata/es/mammals/HumboldtMarten/humbMarten.html image credit:US Forest Service

Sarah Sanders Given Boot from Virg Restaurant for Being Female & Pro-Trump

 The President's press secretary Sarah Sanders was thrown out of a restaurant in Virgina apparently for being female and pro-Trump. If she had been black people would have screamed about racism. Being female she seemed vulnerable apparently and an easy target for Virginia POTUS haters. A male might have been less likely to get the boot for being pro-Trump if known to have skills in mixed martial arts.

It's too bad. Sarah Sanders probably leaves good tips. In the future she should carry a concealed .44 automag as should the Homeland Security Chief that has crowds of intimidators trying to influence her policy through direct force at her home.


Sarah Sanders (via Twitter) "Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."


Democrats often attack political targets personally instead of changing things through the ballot box. Former F.B.I. Director Comey's comment's about hiding his US citizenship and pretending to be Canadian seems part of the leftist-corporatist anti-American disposition that works basically for European interests in trying to co-opt or subdue the U.S. Government and U.S. it as a dupe-minion. Comey is an unintentional dupe-tool of the ANTIFA axis of Euro-anti-Americanism.

Part of the modus operandi is flooding the United States with pliable illegal immigrants and degrading the native born U.S. population so far as possible. The European Union has emboldened some enemies of democracy and brought them to unite with Latin American elements in attemptiong to subjugate the United States with broadcast media collusion. It is a dangerous trend and a divide and conquer strategy that would co-opt America before crashing Russia and bringing into effect a world economic government centered in Germany.

EPA Misunderestimates Methane Leaks- What About World's?

Methane is a radical greenhouse gas leaking into the atmosphere from sloppy, dirty, unconcerned resource and fossil fuel managers nationally and worldwide.The EPA may underestimate methane leaks by 60%.  https://insideclimatenews.org/news/21062018/methane-leaks-oil-gas-climate-change-risks-natural-gas-slcp-global-warming-pollution-science-edf-study

With such a bad example by the American energy industry it is likely that places like Africa and Russia have even lower standards of caution. Antarctica is melting 3x faster than was believed until recently, and much of Russia is under 200 feet of elevation above sea level. People really should care more and just insulate better, use more geothermal and solar power quickly. It would also be a good idea to put power line for electric car charging in highways fairly soon to expedite the termination of fossil fuel vehicle use.


President Trump probably could assure re-election on the environmental issue alone if he were to take a leading conservationist stance to restore the ecosphere and eliminate fossil fuel use and point sources of other greenhouse gasses. Voters that find the Democrat Party morality and anti-Americanism onerous would like an alternative platform candidate that doesn't have neo-suicidal  ecospheric policy.


A Note on Socratic Irony

I learned much about Kierkegaard in the course Kierkegaard and Socratic Irony. I read Fear and Trembling and Sickness Unto Death in mid-1977 and hadn't a clue about Socratic irony. I viewed Kierkegaard as a Christian writer somewhat like an isolated individual, maybe something like a westernized Dostoyevsky, though purely philosophically and religiously driven.
It was interesting learning more about the Romantics and Hegel and the way they viewed social reality. Themes in philosophy from the era continued to evolve through various forms, though with the amount of writing people besides professional philosphers, and even many of them, might easily overlook or forget particulars of the content.
The contrast of social viewpoints  of Kierkegaard and Nietzche's philosopher of the eternal recurrence; Zarathustra, are interesting. Without understanding what Socratic irony meant to Kierkegaard and the way he regarded society in its unexamined life of somnulence it would be difficult to contrast that with Nietzche's summary dismissal of the masses as metaphysically unaware sheep in order to see the differences.


Subjectivism and Contextualism

Contextualism is the circumstance in which language occurs and it's relation to the complete complex of compresence and given lexicon. It would be a neat trick to say that language and concepts depend on the language meanings and that meanings and language depend on the occassion of use circumstantially as if word meanings popped up from the ground itself to put words in the mouths of speakers. Contextualism probably should not be transmografied into empirical realism (an oxymoron).
Words ought to be used for pragmatic purposes rather than for theoretical juxtapositions and relationships as if they were mathematical entities in Platonic realist states as lexical quanta in orbits. Skepticism is great. Vanishing temporal phenomenalism.  Everyone in the 20th century offered refutations of Descartes it seemed, for one reason or another. Descartes' method was a correct tool for the day to get people thinking about the nature of things and it worked quite well. It still is useful. Verification of propositional knowledge between words, objects, events and ideas is conditional. 
Questions of deontic, alethic and epistemic modality may be formalized yet remain subjectively considered and the context is constructed too. Maybe existential-dialectical power could be quantified and contextualized in unified utilitarian-pragmatism.
Words have an Occam's razor origin about them. If the tiger running one's way at full speed needs to be confirmed to be a tiger with salient contextual relevance and proven through elimination of alternative explanations that are relevant that could take some time. Nature early in the history of mankind may have filtered out souls from the world of physical being that spent too much time eliminating the posibility of error in their naming objects. A woman was consumed by a 21 foot snake recently, and another women by an alligator in Florida. Reality tends to act heterodoxically with namimg and necessaity. For a philosophical lexicon one must develop contexts for the use of philosophical language. One may do that, yet physics and metaphysics seem to be a large measure of the content. Words are like paint that may be used to form an accurate picture or not as the artist's capacity and will allows.
Austin wrote on page 159 of Other Minds : "The wile of the metaphysician consists in asking "Is it a real table ?" (a kind of object which has no obvious way of being phoney) and not specifying or limiting what may be wrong with it, so that I feel at a loss" how to prove" it is a real one.* It is the use of the word"real" in this manner that leads us on to the supposition that "real" has a single meaning ("the real world" "material objects"), and that a highly profound and puzzling one."
 I believe Austin was referring to Bertrand Russel's Essay on Metaphysics where Russell went at some length considering the meaning of table and examing the reality of a table as well as what the word real means. In 'Other Minds' Austin in effect goes on about verifying language in word and object relationship, and states of affairs in order to test the truth or falsity of proposition. Maybe its because people know more about quantum theory these days that it's harder to take Austin's paradigm for objects and attributes of objects naively. It is a very old philosophical line of inquiry. 
People know what an object is and the way words are applied to describe it, or even work with it. I believe it was W.V.O. Quine that wrote about words as addresses of meanings in a lexicon (Ontological Relativity). Force or energy exists Universally and is in quanta in various relationships of motion. Wave function collapse and quantum decoherence lock quanta from all possible positions into a steady state of entaglement with like particles. Quanta in the steady state comprise matter in various forms that may be perceived as objects by rational beings and others able to interpret that data in such configuration. One can know as much about the unified field as one can and that is the object of philosophical and physical interest. The art of reasoning, the art of naming accurately and the art of knowing mechanics like chess are played better by some than others.
One knows that substance exists such as quarks or strings and that in a steady state of entanglement after the Schrodinger and wavefunction collapse and quantum decoherence matter exist in forms of various kinds that people can perceive or not depending on the context of their faculties. What a forest is like unto itself when no reasoning  being is in it, no one knows except God. It is possible to construct words and understand and express relations about the forms within the steady state field as well as one can. The value is live. 
Skepticism vs Certainty in language and the correspondence to word and objects brings a hazy uncetainty that may be part of the nature of things, so one chooses to use probabilities. With Pierce one might use language trielectically to attempt to discover new things and it potentially could be productive; at least for an A.I. constructing with tremendous power a vast number of theoretical propositions about the unknown.
I have been influenced quite a lot by the linguistic philosophy of W.V.O. Quine, Saul Kripke, P.F. Strawson and others. Word and Object by Quine and Individuals by Strawson consider subjective epistemology vs empiricism. Quine wrote The Two Dogmas of Empiricism that invalidated the empiricist outlook convincingly. The boundary between intentional and extensional thought and words are never concisely delineated as empiricists prefer. Words and knowledge about 'external objects' are made from thought too. One cannot just speak about external objects as if were not also defined with the mind. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle regarding the observer effect on quantum states is consistent with the ambiguous linguistic paradigm for epistemology.
Quine's 'Ontological Relativity and Other Essays' describe language lexicon-Universes existing each within their own ontology. Each lexicon or ontology is self-standing and the terms are not imbued with an element of Platonic realism about them. To a certain extent words and word phrases in some epistemological debates chase around lexical meanings and agreements. A goldfinch or any other perceptible bird-as-an-object is what it is regardless of what it is perceived One may use Sartre's terms well here about objects in-themselves, for-themselves and for-others. Two philosophers perceiving an elephant each might believe it either a goldfinch or a woodpecker variously, and be wrong about the object in-itself though in agreement that they are correct..
Language truth values in corresponding words to objects have functional accuracy value rather than truth for-itself. A truth theory such as correspondence theory wherein accurate and commonly associated word relations to objects determine the truth of propositions about actual objects perceived, has pragmatic communication value instead of transcendent accuracy. Who wants to name an iceberg the Rub al Khali desert? That is only right considering the paradigm of humanity existing within a quantum Higgs field wherein Adam was given to assign names to everything for-himself.

Austin's excerpt from Other Minds pages 147-187 seems to be more about the way language is used and they way certain terms such as 'to know' are meant in the context of their use rather than an investigation into the nature of mass, energy, physics, metaphysics or the mind and its place in nature or existence. 

The Relationship of Biblical Theology to The Word of God

The KJV is the word of God- Dr. Kenneth Gentry's book He Shall Have Dominion is a theology book I encountered while taking a graduate program in reformed theology. Biblical hermeneutics has validity. It's just that one must not confuse non-canonical writing with what is. It is comparable to real landscape (the Bible) and maps to the landscape (hermeneutics). Theologians like works like those of Augustine's and so forth. One can rightly say that anything that is not scripture is not scripture, yet that does not mean that books about Bible archeology or getting a driver's license are not valid for-themselves, nor that commentaries about the Bible or of Bible history are not right.

One mustn't confuse categories and the validity of content in appropriate categories. It is true that one only needs the Bible and not a list of theology books, yet theology books in a sense may just comprise the disciplined Bible study of others. It can be useful to know where the pre-incarnate Christ appeared in the Old Testament or references to the Savior by the prophets. That’s the sort of thing theologians compile.

The history of the church has had a lot of debate over the meanings of key concepts like The Trinity. It is unfortunate that different opinions arose, yet many find their way into dogmatic theology and hence church doctrine in time. All the denomination differences about infant baptism, communion, rapture date, eschatology, etc. One can read some theology to compare and contrast their content and hold that content up to that of the KJV as well. Using Venn diagrammatic logic as it were. To discover what is right for-themselves. People even have different opinions about the Kingdom of God, when and what it is. Jesus' statements often seem to be misunderstood by church leaders hence the value of works of theological rectification such as Gentry's that are the best available.

Theology does not need to be all exhaustive and inclusive; simply accurate so far as it goes in going over content in the Bible. It must not be deceptive through commission or omission; simply faithful and consistent to Jesus and God as expressed in the Bible.

National Controversy About Being White Continues as Population Declines

White people remain controversial in the U.S.A. though they are the only racial group in the nation with population numbers in decline. Fortunately they are being replaced by a surging illegal alien and hispanic population that is highly fecund- booya to stable population or negative population growth. How could 320 million souls be enough already when wildlife don't mind.




-note; the timing on the rally is good for the profit potential of the leaders yet bad for the Republican party mid-term prospects as it will loom large in the news cycle for a couple of months nearing the November election. Whenever the retarded element goes out and acts like a repressive majority or a challenged minority it promotes hate and distrust of white people or whatever race the majority is.


Expand Mueller Agenda to Investigate French and Swedish Collusion to Elect Barrack Obama?

Shouldn't The Mueller Investigations Unlimited Team be expanded to include research into French national collusion to elect Democrat Presidential candidates including Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton? Was it purely circumstance that President Bamako was so swiftly given a Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing virtually nothing early in his term? And what about English collusion to get a subject of her majesty's government elected to the White House? Wasn't the Bill Clinton grooming by the Oxford selection committee intended to place a minion in top U.S. leadership for kickback and control purpose?

What about Obamus Coronatus- the ancient sea creature named for former President Obama; another incident of collusion to elect a king by elites? That fossil is hard evidence.

Foreign control of the American government may be too easy when the people's party of Democrats is more of a foreign collusion device these days for globalist control of the U.S.A. and American foreign policy. Fundamentally the goal is to eradicate the native middle class and stifle the economic power it has and replace it was second and third worlders, women willing to attack the government and execute foreign interests and transform America into a nation of dupes enriching the global 1%ers that increasingly own everything on Earth. It's too easy after one's nationalism is broken, to move toward limitless vistas of dystopian scenarios.

The Democrat Party ought rightly be renamed the Party of Collusion with Foreign Governments and Persons of Interest.

Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance effici...