
About Withdrawing All U.S. Forces from Europe

The U.S.A. would love to have no troops stationed in Europe. Unfortunately Europeans don’t trust themselves enough to realistically let that happen. If one looks at European history it is easy to understand why.
Europe has started every world war. Without American intervention in Serbia its hard to say where that would have gone. Some would like to let Europe and its issues burn themselves out instead of intervening in the future.

Basing U.S. forces in Europe is costly. If the United States were to get them all out of Europe Germany might feel free to re-arm itself as best it can and just kick any malcontents into the gutter. ..some would think of opening concentration camps with free train rides for the recently homeless. The United States could watch. It would be like reality T.V. or almost as good.

Europeans are such nice people though that they would never think of increasing their nuclear weapons infrastructure. They could sign some kind of mutual love agreement like Hitler did with Stalin and that would further allow butterflies to fly free in the skies while flowers are planted along autobahns.
Russia might be a cheaper place for Americans to base troops in anyway besides being closer to potential Asian conflicts. Maybe some sort of security arrangement could be made with Russia if Americans are booted out of Europe. Then, if there was a need someday to return to Europe U.S. troops wouldn’t have to cross the Atlantic again.

Russia is an entirely manufactured threat to the United States. Europe has invaded Russia numerous while Russia just conquered the Nazis from the eastern approach. The Austria-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia 28 July 1914. The Balkan League including Serbia and Greece wanted to rid the region of Ottoman Empire occupiers of Europe. Germany would have none of that, and Russians supported Christian Orthodox Serbs; sound familiar?

August 1 1914 Germany declared war on Russia.

Suvorov did general around Switzerland back in the time of the Napoleonic Wars of course, yet Napoleon found it convenient to busy himself in Egypt in those days. With a strong German position in the EU today it is natural that the EU finds Russia a problem. Large numbers of recent Muslim immigrants to the EU add to the traditional anti-Russian position of the EU for Russian support of Christian orthodoxy instead of state-run religion such as prevails in Germany.

Russia sold Alaska to the United States to dampen British expansion ambitions a little. The only conflict with Russia the United States has had was the cold war and that ideological contest is over. Europe seems to be the source of ideological conflict with the U.S.A. these days more so than Russia.

Russia with such a small population hasn’t visions of global conquest. They want to keep historical Russia together such as it was before German annexation of Ukraine at Brest-Litovsk. They seek security from Western attack as well as Eastern and Southern attack in addition to hoping not to have nuclear war with the United States, China, or to be struck by a Muslim bomb.

Germany only pays 20% of the cost of U.S. bases. The U.S.A. pays billions and billions for maintaining bases, training troops and building equipment to defrappe war in Europe. The Rand Corporation reported that Germany pays 1 billion dollars annually for bases. The European Deterrence Initiative alone for the U.S.A. is 4.7 billion dollars in 2018. The U.S. defense budget request for 2018 is nearly 700 billion dollars. A huge part of that goes toward Europe related defense spending.

About rearming; Today Germany pays nearly 2% of its economy on defense spending. Nazi Germany in 1938 spent 17% and in 1939 23%. The numbers continued to rise during the war of course.

I am very happy not to have war. My father served in the U.S. Navy four years during the second world war off North Africa. Germany was a bit of a problem back then and caused a few U.S. casualties. I visited Berlin in 1987 and saw the ‘armies waiting to tear one another apart’…the Soviet equipment seemed rusty. My hope as an army reservist was for peace and prosperity yet one trained for war.

The Phenomenon of Super-Powerhood Conferred on the the U.S.A.

Why the U.S.A. is a super-power is a good question. It may be interpreted in several ways. Hollywood likes superlatives as does Madison Avenue. Super-sizing French fries was big for some time. It is a prestigious thing for some to be super. One has an ego, then one has a super-ego.

Economic and military power combined put the United States in a class of its own. Yet it is how one regards economic and military power that gives an amorphous character to the security or stability of super-power-hood. Weapons of mass destruction have numerous forms and methods of delivery. The world has become a small place in regard to modern transportation and the volatility of allocation of WMD vectors globally. Borders and distance no longer confer the natural security that they once did. Neither are economies of nations secure from disruptions form anomalous vectors.

The United States had an insular status free from European military invasions for some time. Natural oceanic borders were helpful. after the end of the Second World War the nations that were nuclear weapons super-powers were all on the allied side of victors over the Axis powers. After the end of the Soviet Union the economy of Russia was not able to attain the kind of growth needed to rival Japan or China as a challenger to world leadership. The Chinese economy is about equal to that of the United States in size, yet they have just 300 plus nuclear weapons versus 6300 of Russia and 6000 of the U.S.A. so they are not considered a super-power in combined economic and nuclear accounting. Neither have they the great military budget expense of the United States for conventional weapons. It should be recalled that larges numbers of nuclear weapons help assure being a target rather than to increase security in some ways.


One might like a super-power to be necessarily beneficial to all nations and in some respects the United States tries to achieve that at least indirectly through the vehicle of capitalism and free markets that improve the lifestyles of all people. Modern capitalism unfortunately has numerous unreformed weaknesses in performance and unintended down-sides in development that tend to be uncorrected with philosophical and analytical laziness or even rationalization primarily accountable for that.

One of the implicit weaknesses of a super-power is its inability to change and upgrade its economic and social infrastructure because of the inertia of the establishment and its resistance to change and adapt successfully to new challenges. The historian Arnold Toynbee noted that challenge and response of civilizations as a critical element for their rise and fall with the decline being a failure to adapt as well as over-expansion of commercial or military success into a Universal phase (like a star nova before collapse).

History does not always repeat the past. So the United States may find a way to evolve an ecologically economic reform of capitalism limiting over-concentration of wealth and transform the social and environmental structure of the planet through positive leadership emulated. Super-power status is however like a time of the day where the sun shines brightly through broken clouds. The historical day moves on though.

If the U.S. Reforms N.A.T.O. by Leaving It

Germany is the N.A.T.O. super-power in the absence of the U.S.A. German power could beat the rest of N.A.T.O. combined. If the U.S. wasn’t in N.A.T.O. maybe Germany would transform it into the 4th Reich. Alternatively they could sign up Russia to become the new Soviet Europe or The Europus Corporate Entity led by continental 1%’ers.
If the United States wanted to reform N.A.T.O. and leave it the parameter ought to be that forming large multi-national defense organizations alternatively known as practical, aggressive war structures for explicit expansion are illegal and would be met by ad hoc war coalitions of willing attackers in anticipatory defense.

Whale Steaks and Blubber Aren't For Sale in the U.S.A.

Only very few, and primitive people, want to eat whales and whale blubber. Knowing that they are eating a semi-sentient species with the largest brains on Earth ruins the taste for modern people. They would rather eat mint-flavored high-protein soy bean applets and cotlets energy snacks with B complex fortification.
Cannibalism persisted in the world until recent times in primitive locales. Whale eaters are like that. So whale steaks and blubber can’t be bought in the U.S.A. except possibly on the black market in Western Alaska, if it exists.

If the Soviet Red Army had Conquered West Berlin in 1989

The former Soviet Union started withdrawing its forces from East Germany in December 1988. I believe it was a quarter of a million soldiers that were pulled back. So if they had reversed course in 1989 and invaded West Berlin that would have caused fuel shortages in the Soviet Union for civil consumers of gasoline as all of the Soviet Army trucks would have required fuel.

Pink Floyd’s concert at the former Berlin Wall probably wouldn’t have happened. Instead, Metallica would have been commissioned to perform at the battle-line from the trench-works dug around Berlin to contain Soviet expansionism. A-10 Warthogs would have swirled menacingly around Berlin while vast right-wing fireworks displays followed by oil-based fog from machines would have confused Soviet Red Army forces.

If there were vast concentrations of explosives buried beneath Berlin in case of invasion they would have been detonated creating in effect, a vast sinkhole that eventually would have filled with rainwater and become a fishing spot of note.

Very likely static electric discharges across the sky would have followed a Soviet Red Army invasion of West Berlin. Tremendous Van De Graff field generators with stealth technology and fueled with synthetic cornohal would have been moved under cover of darkness near Berlin and cast crackling power lines over the city before it became a sinkhole. Then, with some softening up, the Meissner field would have taken effect and lifted the city to move it thirty miles west.

The psyops team having completely confused the opposition force would have allowed the decoy, holographic Berlin to remain when the real city moved west. It would have been the fake city of West Berlin that actually followed the sinkhole into the oblivion captured in the term; not a bite all day.

The Economic Challenge to the U.S.A.

Reforming capitalism; an upgrade in theory from Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations paradigm published in 1776, is long over-due. It should attack the over-concentration of wealth and power once more as Adam Smith’s paradigm did regarding the monopoly on free trade de facto by the aristocracy. Too much concentrated wealth and power gives de facto monopoly of trade and the channels of capital flow to the 1% aristocrats of the present era.

While reforming capital theory and its application in the world it would be a good idea to integrate the new paradigm with an implicit ecological economic structure that advances economic enterprises that are synergetic with recovery of the planet’s ecospheric health.


Did Nikita Khrushchev Martinet the 1960 Presidential Election?

Election voter tampering probably goes on quite a bit in the world. While 12 Russians indicted by the Mueller team for trying to tamper with the 2016 Presidential election may seem insignificant since they didn't influence much. It does remind Americans that the world is full of election tamperers that should face justice.

It may not be too late to investigate the 1960 Presidential election and overturn the results. It is said that Chicago Mayor Dailey tampered with votes in effect throwing the decisive Illinois vote to John F. Kennedy. If Richard M. Nixon was the true winner it is time to correct that and make him so posthumously.

Was Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev a grand master martinet pulling the strings of American puppets gullible enough to vote for the Democrat candidate? Were Soviet GRU agents infiltrating Madison Avenue bewitching consumers with desires of decadence? Could My Favorite Martian and Mr. Ed have been deep covert extreme leftist communist plants?

Pres Trump, Like Churchill, Is Candid in Brit Politics

President Trump is providing a lesson to British politicians in candor and plain truth about the Brexit issue this week. They can use it unable as they are to get beyond "polishing the turd" on exit tactic planning.

President Trump gifted Brit PM Theresa May with a plain public line about the U.S. response to her wishy-washy half-backed plan to remain in the EU though not of it and thinking she could also have the U.S. free trade special relationship cake and eat it too.




President Trump's analysis of the prevailing Brexit plan that Brit foreign minister Boris Johnson resigned over in effect kicked the turd into the gutter.

British politicians are comfortable with byzantine bureaucratic treachery rather than plain talk. U.S. politicians are just indolent, backward thinking and incomprehending about reform parameters necessary to renormalize economic policy with ecospheric and security criteria. On both sides of the Atlantic they just want to have a freezer full of cash without accountability.

http://thehill.com/homenews/news/396732-artist-carves-russian-f-trump-into-crop-circle-ahead-of-uk-visit  British artful hatred of American democracy and its executive leadership


Ought it Not Be a Hate Crime to Hate Lima Beans?

A man charged with a federal hate crime for harassing a women wearing a Puerto Rico shirt shows the idiocy of the federal hate crimes law. If the man was perpetrating some sort of crime of assault then he should have been charged with that- yet federal hate crimes for being a partisan against a symbol? If he had harassed someone from Vermont that wouldn't have been a hate crime?  

The man harassing the women  in the video is probably perping a misdemeanor of some sort and even disorderly conduct. People harass people a lot. I was harassed by several hispanics from Chicago to Ashville N.C. riding a bus. In England while sitting in a rural restaurant a pair of guys started harassing me and wouldn't stop until I took out a sharp lock blade knife to clean the dirt under my fingernails. People use words much to harass strangers for whatever reason. It's hateful but is that a federal felony crime? Criminal offenses should be crimes if perped against anyone regardless of race, national or state origin, religion or personal sexual behavior (that isn't already a crime). If one wants to hate Boston for trading dumping Babe Ruth like a turd, can't they without looking over their shoulder for the G-men?


Laws are supposed to be objective and apply to all people that perp some objective activity. Hate crimes fails that standard royally because politics decides which symbols are protected. A complete list of protected symbols needs to be published on the Internet and updated regularly so people can hate a chance to experimentally hate them and argue about the hate-worthiness of federally protected symbols. Maybe the EPA and Justice could get that done together.

Who believes all those symbol haters are very bright? People have been killed for wearing a T-Shirt with some symbol of an opposing football team like the 49ers or Raiders in the wrong part of town.  Have Democrats been charged for hating government officials patronizing their restaurants as symbols of President Trump? If one wears a T-Shirt with a Che Guevara beret'd face at some sort of veteran's biker rally that might be problematically dangerous.  Does the Democrat Party hate the confederate flag?

If one wears an Uncle Sam shirt and is white in some parts of America that could be dangerous. People react to symbols really stupidly. Loyalists attack and hate on opposition symbols; that is just the way it is. Even overseas soccer fans have hated and clashed in hatred of sports rivals. Hate is a way of life unfortunately.

And people are trained to be passionate. A former President famously hated  brussel sprouts. Some youth have expressed hatred of lima beans. Advertising and video programming present strong emotion as a virtue. Performers of songs need to seem passionate and persuasive. Advertisers want people to emotionally react to symbols and labels, products and items that can be purchased as emotionally as possible so they would love to buy it. Who make ugly but efficient cars? Cars are as attractive as possible and used to be sold with attractive women sensuously caressing the car as the object of desire.

So Americans should be trained not to be too emotional if they want to avoid the paradigm of hate crimes written in to federal law. One can like one's home town sports team and mildly dislike the traditional rivals just a little bit. Hating them is out of the question though. I am sure at least the Democrat Party has eliminated hate of any sort of symbols from their collective behavior patternology (some hate words with the ology ending).

Sexual Violence at Okinawa Marine Bases; The Nominal Criterion

Sexual violence in the military is not unique to the eleven U.S. Marine bases on Okinawa. It also occurs in the military generally among American military personnel.
Some persons have enlisted in the Marines to escape civil crimes. I recall one high school girl who was murdered in Alaska by two fellows who enlisted in the Marines subsequently yet were tracked down and apprehended by the state police.
In just two years- 2015 to 2017, 65 Marines at Okinawa bases were jailed at courts-martial for sexual offenses. The warrior mentality may not be at the top of the moral food chain, although original sin corrupts everyone from the fellatio of a U.S. President by a student intern to the Marine at Okinawa convicted of bestiality.
War such as Marines are thrown in to does not occupationally attract the best and brightest kind of people. Dull, savage and loyal killers aren’t usually the kinder gentler souls writing calligraphy although there are some martial arts movies to that effect.
The morality of the Japanese occupation Army in the Philippines was not renowned for excellence. Even so, one would like impeccable warriors that are better than Lancelot at moral values; warrior-priests that would not step upon an ant unless ordered, who would then execute the order without trouble.
U.S. Marine Corps Sexual Violence on Okinawa

The nominal criterion is that there is a certain percentage of individuals that will perpetrate crimes. There may be specific training remedies and punishment configurations that would reduce the number of incidents. Yet the United States has an ineffective prison convict corrections philosophy domestically. It may not be reasonable to expect that the military would have a better system.

Wikipedia has an article on the 1995 case where three marines abducted and raped a 12 year old girl from Okinawa…
The trial concluded in March 1996. Prosecutors had asked for the maximum sentences for the men, 10 years each. The judge sentenced Gill and Harp to seven years' imprisonment; Ledet received six and a half years. Their families also paid "reparation money" to the family of the victim, a common practice in Japan.
The three men served prison terms in Japanese prisons and were released in 2003 and then given other than honorable discharge from the military. After release, Rodrico Harp decried prison conditions in Japan and said that the electronics assembly prison labor he was forced to do amounted to slave labor.

Ledet, who had claimed he did not rape the girl, died in 2006 in an apparent murder–suicide in the United States. He was found in the third-floor apartment of Lauren Cooper, a junior Kennesaw State University student and acquaintance whom he had apparently sexually assaulted and then murdered, by strangulation. He then took his own life by using a knife to slice open his veins at the elbows.” -1995 Okinawa rape incident - Wikipedia

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...