
Why Nations Do Not Try to Start War 'Games' With War 'Game Piece' Equality

It is a political tradition for governments to be concerned about weapons of hostile foreign governments. Perhaps it is because they are sometimes used in war. Unlike a chess game wherein it is usual to start the game with an equal number and assortment of pieces, in war the players do not try to make sure that their opponent (s) have an equal number of pieces.

Another problem is with weapons of mass destruction; they are just too large to be used very much on a planet like the Earth. Fluid dynamic political balances make power relationships regarding weapons stable and not used when they are constant. Proportional quality and quality weapons changes by various nations tend to precipitate conflicts if/when conflicts occur.

That is why there has been attention given by politicians and negotiators to changes in weapons balances internationally regarding quality and quantity with demands that any signed treaties regarding weapons balances are honored (such as the A.B.M. treaty signed with the Soviet Union).

A Brief History of the U.S. Relationship With the Soviet Union and Russia

The U.S.A. became an enemy of the Soviet Union after the October revolution of 1917. It sent 2000 troops to fight for the anti-Bolshevik Army during the Russian Civil war. The U.S.A. was not willing to give diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union until President Roosevelt took office and sought to establish diplomatic relations in 1933.

During World War II a reconciliation to comrades-in-arms status against the Nazi Reich was feasible. The U.S.A. supplied the Soviet Union with weapons and war material to fight against German Nazi invaders. That pragmatic working relationship ended with the conclusion of the war as the communists under Stalin resumed their war upon capitalism, democracy and so forth.

The Soviet Union understandably occupied the countries in which they had fought Nazis after the war and forced their totalitarian communism upon the people of those countries. The loss of so many western nations to communism through force created a lasting belligerent status east-west. With captured Nazi scientists and native Russian genius the Soviets built a large nuclear weapons capability that they pointed toward Europe, the United States and other anti-communist nations.

Soviets provided material support for the Communist North Korean parties leading up to the Korean War. After the U.N. chose to hold democratic elections for a government in the South the communists attacked South Korea.

Until the death of the dictator Joseph Stalin March 5, 1953, the Soviets of Russia kept a Communism in one country policy and did not implement Trotsky’s policy of global conquest. With Stalin’s death Soviet expansionism and support for communist revolutions globally resumed with a vengeance. A large number of revolutionary and sometimes anti-colonial wars commenced around the Earth. The United States and N.A.T.O. were the primary opponents to a planet of totalitarian communism. Notably Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev tried to install nuclear missiles pointed at the U.S.A. in Cuba nearly causing nuclear conflict.

The issues that had divided the west and Russia ended with the end of the Soviet Union, or should have, during the Gorbachev-Reagan era (Soviets withdrew a quarter million troops from East Germany in December 1988 starting a political cascade leading to the termination of the Soviet State).

Continuing good relations with Russia is the most important political challenge for the United States today; equal to that of illegal immigration. To rebuild conflict with Russia comparable to the Cold War with the Soviet Union is counterproductive and harmful to U.S. national economic and security interests. Leadership that does so is unAmerican and/or daft.

Challenges for Christian Science Fiction Writers

Christian science fictions writers may encounter problems with different eschatological hermeneutics such as premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism that have different parameters for important topics such as when the apocalypse was or will be in space-time. Science fiction writers sometimes encounter disbelief and skepticism regarding theoretical parameters such as Calvinist determinism and material predestination in supercomputer artificial intelligence epistemology.

Christian science fictions writers may encounter problems with different eschatological hermeneutics such as premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism that have different parameters for important topics such as when the apocalypse was or will be in space-time. Science fiction writers sometimes encounter disbelief and skepticism regarding theoretical parameters such as Calvinist determinism and material predestination in supercomputer artificial intelligence epistemology. Postmillennialism for example places the apocalypse in the first century a.d. and the present age as that for building the kingdom of God that proximally started at Pentacost.

What the Perfect Socialist USA May Look Like to Democrats

Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would be President. The Democrat Party would own every corporation and business in the nation. Bisexual bureaucrat-CEO’s would supervise mandatory sterilization and transneuterization of all citizens. Dope or soma in the food supply would negate the need for private property that would be abolished as people became too dopey to know where they were.

Where the One-Earth Capitol Would Be Located

Probably Aristarch City, Mars would be the capitol. It would allow safer government concentration of wealth and remote control of Earth. Easier screening out of rift raft from Earth would keep the pleasures of compensation securely in control of government authorities experienced in management of hedonist pleasure facilities for-themselves.


Chess Champions and Defeat of Challengers 1 and 2 in Simuls

Probably the world’s first female chess champion Vera Menchik could have beat the world’s number one and two female challengers simultaneously- only a guess though. In the 19th century Paul Morphy probably could have defeated two of the top ranked players simultaneously, yet if already the champion what would be the point of trying to make other players look like patzers?

I don’t think Robert James Fischer could have beat Spassky and Karpov in a simul. On a good day maybe MC could beat Caruana and Karjakin in a simul- yet that’s a pretty Tal order; MC would lose at least some of the time and draw most of the time in the present era of positional chess. 

Why Very Advanced Chess Programs are Calvinist

Sure. Alpha-Zero or the next gen Alpha Zero could beat the World Champion with an average player as partner sharing moves in certain conditions. As a player that finished 3rd in blitz chess at Chess.com - Play Chess Online - Free Games out of 193 players yesterday with a 1320 rating and a slow wireless connection, and with a 1550 rating at Lichess after learning the game since 2012, and graduating from a programming course in 1981 I have confidence that computers and computer programming can beat human players with the right programming. A Super GM at a simul can beat even fifty players sometimes- Alpha Zero should have no trouble partnering with a patzer. Maybe its like asking if a fat auto-bound office worker could win the Olympic Marathon with very fast high-tech ford electrical power legs if he walked without help every mile or two for a minute.

Alpha-Zero would need to study the partner’s chess games and learn how the player moves. It would need to know what openings the player knows, how far into the middle game and the sort of end game techniques the player has. If the 1400–1600 player has played 10,000–20,000 blitz games at Chess.com - Play Chess Online - Free Games and Lichess, and if the two partners had a way of communicating and sharing before the match so they would be on the same sheet of music regarding how to play (such as Bogo Indian or London System, Italian Game or Spanish, Berlin Defense or hack attack etc), I think they could together come up with a winning plan. Alpha-Zero could anticipate the chaos of inaccurate moves and blunders the partner uses foreknowing a litany of corrections or move vectors from the occasional or frequent inaccuracy.

The pair could practice the tandem chess against Stockfish 8 or 9 eventually and see how they do. They could play against PlayMagnus. Alpha Zero needed just four hours to learn how to play chess well enough to beat the best chess engine in the world although some seem to think that Stockfish might have thrown in the towel intentionally. Alpha Zero would know every game and move the World Champion has ever played and have several options paradigm to use for every move the champ made with options paradigm extending ahead for thousands of moves though games seldom reach 100. It would have the moves the patzer makes in subsets for every possible game the champion might play, and plan vectors and variable winning responses to any theoretical adversarial move.

Alpha-Zero learns too fast to have trouble playing and winning against a human-even the WC, even with half of its petaflops tied behind its back. A very advanced chess playing algorithm creates a deterministic board environment. It is Calvinist.

Y Women Have Had a Separate Yet Equal Chess Game League History

There really isn’t such an item as women’s chess. Women have had their separate leagues and title rankings yet the game is the same.

Women have separate basketball leagues and the cultural history of males and females differs from nation to nation. Vera Menchiks was the first female chess champion and she was just a 1600 player as I recall. Her father was a manager of estates of a few Russian nobles so she had early exposure to the game. Most women were not so socially positioned. Vera Menchik - Wikipedia

Women play chess with men on-line a lot nowadays and I suppose in local chess clubs too. Women GMs or WGMs qualify for the title with fewer points required and that is a carry over from history when the average women did not rate as high as men on average. Susan Polgar played as a Super GM or plus 2700 player for several years, yet no other women has crossed that line.

Sometimes people talk about abolishing the women’s title’s and just lumping them in with the men. Maybe most chess players wouldn’t mind however many nations have systems that would.

Being a class A (plus 1800 rating) requires several years of study and work so many people just don’t want to put in the time. Achieving GM status at 2500–2700 requires an early start in life with years of learning and practice. A WGM title requires a 2300 rating. The title itself has some value in being a paid chess coach so I think it unlikely to be phased out soon.

Chinese Oceanic-Spratly Area Grab

The issue of China building military facilities between the Philippines and Vietnam on built-up reefs and tiny islets called the Spratlys in the South China Sea is a problem. The invasive and forcing presence of China in other people’s backyards where they can intimidate and influence nations from an advanced position is not unnoticed. Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, the Philippines and Vietnam have land facing the Spratlys. Chinese military in the area is a threat to several other nations at it would allow different vectors for attack (i.e. on Taiwan, Vietnam etc.).

What the U.S. response should be to the build up is not certain. Chinese gaming theory may have decided that the U.S. will not risk economic damage to trade relations by vaporizing the bases. A good reaction would be to halt all development of those waters and create a great mariculture habitat experiment to maximize production sustainably with all proximal parties participating.

The location should be something of a demilitarized zone. The militarization is a provocation that increases defense costs and vigilance of nations that need to spend more on civil and ecospheric reconstruction and progress.

It is understandable that China with a vast left-wing population would be looking beyond its borders for additional food from the sea and minerals from below the benthos. The other nations want food from the area too, and haven’t the military power to dominate as China might wish to start.

Trade Warp While Demos Hate Straight

Americans are mostly concerned with earning a living. Wealth is being concentrated yet most including Democrats aren’t concerned about that. The trade war is of more concern to the 1% than everyone else. Fifty millions Americans share less than a half of one percent of the national income and the top 1% take 25%. Changes in the U.S. economy are not nearly as determined by trade relation changes or tariffs as tax policy and wages paid by the 1% to low income Americans.
The top 10% pay nearly all of the taxes the federal government receives even though the middle class pay a substantial portion of their income. Those earning an average of more than a quarter million dollars annually have far more interest in global tariffs and trade than the majority who actually just experience economically what the rich want to hit them with to get their political support. The media reinforces the narrative the 1% want the public to hear and think about.
Democrats cannot be made to be more patriotic. They support loose borders and illegal immigration and that directly harms labor supply and demand negotiating on the wrong side of the labor equation. Democrats blame Republicans and white males for everything and Democrats have been reinforced by a judiciary that runs toward corporate homo hegemony policies that expropriated marriage in order to end the concept of nuclear families and hetero-reproduction so far as possible; Demos hate straight.
Patriotism is a concept rather obsolete for Democrats. Theodore Roosevelt was patriotic, Barrack Obama seemed embarrassed to wear an American flag lapel pin . Times have changed. Those without savings or property, without good paying jobs and so forth have a hard time becoming all patriotic or thinking about tossing themselves onto a live grenade to save Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates The top 400 that already average 315 million dollars a year increase their share of the national income even if Pres. Trump is jigging around some of their global capital shifting relationships.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...