
Can AI Be Programmed to Find Best Uses of Eco-Resources on a Moon or Planet for Humans

If A.I. can be programmed to find the best and most efficient use of natural resources on a planet for human use and optimal survivability sustainability that would be useful. The Moon, Mars and Earth are obvious places to develop artificial intelligence programs to consider quantities, qualities, and synthetic recombinations of resources.

The questions of property ownership aside, since they tend to negate theoretical calculations concerning the optimal configurations of mass in a finite space, lifeless planets and moons that have known inventories of resources including gravity and mass convertible into energy, volume and surface area as well as minerals could well be examined by artificial intelligence to provide scenarios of the best possible uses comparable in some respects to the move calculations of chess engines yet also finding synthetic structures and combination-patterns for resources extraction over-time.  https://medium.com/applied-data-science/alphago-zero-explained-in-one-diagram-365f5abf67e0

One might innovate innumerable design scenarios from which to select a line of moon or planetary development or at least better understand the possible most-efficient and effective line paradigms for development.

Army Creates Futures Command- Yet War Through Other Means?

The Army has created a new four-star command to address the future of war in light of all of the technological and surveillance advances as well as weapons. It may look at cyber-kinetic issues of coordinated civil and military terror gradations though systems infrastructure interdiction and seek to apply risk management concepts.


War through other means is an inversion of conventional military applications to seize what resources politicians desire when the conventional approaches aren't feasible because of power asymmetry. Mass civil illegal immigration may accomplish what a military invasion could not in conquering a democracy. The threat of globalist takeover of American politics through foreign social media interaction with ubiquitous foreign opposition political opinions comprise a clear and present accelerant on destructive domestic political trends that synergize with illegal immigration in undermining national citizen security and primacy over foreign interests within the United States.

It is an interesting development that the United States needs to balance the civil rights of citizens and equal protection of the law for visitors and foreign legal residents with free speech on an Internet that is pervasively dominated by foreign opinions about U.S. political and social concerns that functionally are treated as of equal value with American. The next war may arrive in one of several forms ranging from conventional to technologically tactical and subtly insidious sabotage. It may as well be like a myocardial infarction persisting over weeks or months with previous sclerotic buildup in national self-interest arteries through broadcast media collusion with foreign powers.

Ann Coulter examines the Trump-hating left in new book


Aggressive Modern Defense- 3 Min Blitz

I played white in this game against a very aggressive modern defense. Too aggressive. Played a tactic without an overall board strategy.

Soviet Collusion Took The Hot One From American Shelves?

  What collusion kept the best can of shaving crème ever invented off the U.S. market? In the 1970s Gillette invented The Hot One. It was chemically formulated to become self-heating shaving foam upon emerging from the can. It was a brilliant improvement in shaving- especially in cold weather. It was available for less than a year then disappeared from U.S. shelves. There were rumors about why it disappeared.

The legends said that all of the other producers of shaving cream made an ultimatum to stores and suppliers that if they allowed The Hot One to be shelved and sold they would not sell any of their other products to the stores. It was a grand conspiracy or at least total collusion to prevent the best product for shaving since the razor blade off the market. If Special Investigator Mueller wanted to contribute anything worthwhile and lastingly useful for the people of the United States that shave he would investigate and explain what happened to The Hot One and include that in the report on Russian collusion.

I saw a few cans of The Hot One on the shelves of the Hudson Bay store in Whitehorse Canada in 1990. Yet on might next trip through the Yukon it was gone. The best shaving product in decades was erased as completely as Alex Jones’ Prison Planet from the public social product media.

One might wonder how the Russians were involved in the disappearance of The Hot One or if the former Soviet Union’s 3rd Directorate special products collusion division choose to work with corporate America to ban The Hot One in order to destroy American faith in free enterprise and capitalism and instead to promote communist socialist values; slowly molding Americans or the future decades into a wrong belief that free enterprise could not produce a self-heating shaving cream.

Special Investigator Mueller might determine if Gillette is selling The Hot One to Russians. It is a cold country and The Hot One would sell like hotcakes to the starving there. If The Hot One is not being sold in Russia, President Trump could leaver Russia to relinquish claims in Ukraine to any land west of the Dnepr River in exchange for release of The Hot One for sale in Russian markets. The Hot One potentially could influence the results of the next election in Russia; for any candidate the can claim to have liberated Russia from cold shaving with The Hot One is likely to be regarded as  a hero.


Media Pounces On Trump Tweet About S.A. Expropriation of White Owned Farms

Why does the media attack President Trump for commenting about the South African Government expropriation of land from white farmers without compensation that has already started?  Would they think its a good policy?









Kalashnikov EV Not Yet as Fast as a Speeding Bullet

Kalishnikov is manufacturing an electric vehicle that goes zero to sixty in about six seconds with a 350 mile range. While it's not as quick as an AK-47’s muzzle velocity there is something about the Kalishnikov name that has a certain element of guerilla about it. One might expect the Kalashnikov EV to have some Aston-Martin Bond-like machine guns behind the headlights, yet one can’t have everything.

Luckily for Kalashikov, the U.S. Army hasn’t decided on a new combat rifle yet to provide a name for a Tesla EV competitor. The Tesla  Heckler and Koch G28 model doesn’t have much of a sound for sales. So the Kalashnikov EV has got the field to itself for a while in the electric vehicle field of car names with recognizable combat panache.

Steve McQueen 1959.jpg

By CBS Television - eBay itemPhoto frontPress release, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30971349

Does Mueller Believe Trump Org CFO Has Russia Stuff?

(disclaimer- I have applied an element of humor in this essay and hence disavow about everything in it). 


Special Investigator Mueller of the laconic probe to determine if President Trump while candidate colluded with Russians to influence the election his way; in particular if the candidate cooperated with Russian hackers to get filthy, ditgusting dirt on Hillary's phone and computer files and/or those of the Democrat national committee, has given immunity to the Chief Financial Officer of Donald Trump's private business organization. While Mueller did management to work to get President Trump's personal lawyer convicted of eight different non-violent crimes, none of that had anything to do with Russia. I wonder if the look into the President's personal business that does not have any obvious relationship to Russia or collusion, is a good precedent to set. Can't any future President have a years-long investigation into their personal business interests to distract them while in office, on the basis of mostly partisan accusations of something or other, involving collusion or political influence unendearing dirty tricks?

Why not look in depth into the members of the Supreme Court and their financial and personal business affairs for two or three years, every five years. With Rep. Duncan Hunter's recent indictment the need for Homeland Security to establish a more KGB-like 2nd Directorate to investigate and ferret out the truth of all federal level politicians is emerging. Who knows which politicians are really loyal to the nation and which have deep foreign collusion? Without torture of the Congress and the President, how can the truth really be found out?

What about Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos etc? Shouldn't Special Investigator Mueller put them under the microscope, as well as their personal lawyers and Chief Financial Officers, to determine if they know any Russian and have colluded to influence elections, business or social media?

The U.S. Congress and Supreme Court should have subdural surveillance chips with gps tracking and audio recording devices that could go into the 2nd Directorate of Homeland Security that would be removed after the politician's term of office is over. Democrats will sign off on the plan for the President right now. So the Party should get on it while it's hot.

Select Moral Criteria Against Universal Nuclear Weapons Development

This post is an improved version after some interaction with a fellow advocating the moral basis for the development of nuclear weapons by any nation. It is a political tradition for governments to be concerned about weapons of hostile foreign governments. Perhaps it is because they are sometimes used in war. Unlike a chess game wherein it is usual to start the game with an equal number and assortment of pieces, in war the players do not try to make sure that their opponent (s) have an equal number of pieces.

Another problem is with weapons of mass destruction; they are just too large to be used very much on a planet like the Earth. Fluid dynamic political balances make power relationships regarding weapons stable and not used when they are constant. Proportional quality and quantity weapons changes by various nations tend to precipitate conflicts if/when conflicts occur.
That is why there has been attention given by politicians and negotiators to changes in weapons balances internationally regarding quality and quantity with demands that any signed treaties regarding weapons balances are honored (such as the A.B.M. treaty signed with the Soviet Union).
If there is an existing balance of power, in peaceful relations between nations, a change in the balance of power in weapons qualitatively and quantitatively between the nations favors opportunities for new conflict between nations. I can understand why nations that desire aggressive war would first want to change the balance of power.

In reply to those that feel there is no moral basis for denying nuclear weapons development to every nation.. “No moral basis’ is too broad, people tend to go for the all are and none are choices rather than some are and some aren’t, from the square of opposition. There are moral arguments pro or con for virtually any position and some are valid. It is a very high standard to prove that no valid moral arguments exist for a point.

Consider utilitarian arguments; act and rule based as well as consequentialist. Nuclear weapons are used largely on other nations rather than within one’s own to suppress dissent. Do nations have an innate moral right to have weapons designed to kill millions of citizens of other nations? The rule base version might decide their is, a priori, no reason to allow the lives of millions to be endangered, albeit with some mitigating circumstances, while the act based and consequentialist might decide to go ahead and let every nation arm with nuclear weapons to determine experimentally if it the best method of securing the greatest good for the greatest number.

Within the latter criteria; should the United States tolerate development of nuclear weapons by Germany and Japan on the principles of political, democratic equality? One could consider the criteria in the case of John F. Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis that nearly brought World War III to fruition. Another moral argument would be quite plain; the development of nuclear weapons by Central Asian nations generally, that are independent, would greatly increase the chances for nuclear war and perhaps cascade billions of deaths. I believe some would conflate democratic and demographic national equality principles with the right to keep and bare nuclear arms, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.

The other point was about making an inference about aggressive war and nuclear weapons; I tend to regard anything less than a strict, necessary inference as fundamentally invalid. People commonly use or assume points that they can make a plausible inference for in rhetoric yet for those that require more than guesswork and speculation-such as in writing a computer algorithm, there is a great difference between necessary and unnecessary inferences. The latter might be regarded as psychological in some cases.

What Pres Obama Lost While Golfing

President Obama golfed 333 rounds as President. He took 217 days of vacation. Thus he spent 540 days on activities not concerning public business. The opportunity cost was substantial. He might have spent a few of those days fomenting legislation to employ those out of a job longest, first, with tax credit incentives to employers, have reduced patent exclusivity to three years with 10% royalties for inventors after that in order to increase the pace of business development, and unified homeless and poor people’s community clinics with an expanded V.A. hospital network to provide free walk-in health care for the poor for free, creating at the same time a back-up national emergency public medical service able to process millions of casualties.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....