
What's behind tunnel-vision door number 1?

In the 1964 Presidential election campaign Senator Barry Goldwater was feared by the American left as an existential threat to human survival because they believed he could lead the nation to nuclear war with the U.S.S.R. Has President Biden’s lawyerly tunnel division brought the nation to the same place, or an even worse one, than Barry Goldwater might have if he had one them 64 election vs L.B.J.?

I don’t wish to take a side in the narrative vs. anti-narrative manner of blue versus red politics and social media since I am an independent. Neither will I take an anti-narrative position in contradiction of the prevailing Ukraine war narrative that blue and red together voted to fund 100% in the U.S. Senate.  The narrative and the error position of the U.S. Government are plain enough. I simply write my independent and objective ideas on this topic. Because Blue control of most social media and search engine sites tend to de facto censor reader prospects, and blue as well as red sites each expect at least mild compliance with blue or red political positions with conflicting or independent positions marginalized, harassed or attacked, my present post-Obama era writing is encountered by few readers so I have even less reason to not just write what I think. If I was a college professor I might have student protests or have my contract canceled. In the United States corporatism and networking compels general compliance and sycophancy for promotion.

  Former Senator and Vice President, President  Joe Biden, has moved the nation into the most confrontational position he or anyone else possibly could have over the Russian reconquista of Crimea and part of Eastern Ukraine (Borderland) that probably should have been named South Russia to disambiguate the historical balance of ownership. The President has a kind of tunnel-vision that leads him to see the darkness ahead as the only possible course to take to get over or beyond the mountain though the monster of nuclear war may be lurking within (or not). That is a gamble he is willing to take even if he is unaware there may be alternatives to the tunnel that goes deep into the mountain and perhaps not through to the other side. I believe Mr. Goldwater may have been a little more intellectually adaptable.

I want to note here that I should be happy to have a chance to use Cold War rhetoric that I have been gathering dust since I left college as an undergraduate. And I have some improvements on the venerable rhetoric such as military education in Nuclear Biological and Chemical defense. At Army chemical school we road around in helicopters a bit with radiometers simulating nuclear radiation detection. We also used charts and other items to make fallout pattern predictions.  We sacrificed Armadillos at Ft. McClellan’s Plains of Mars facility and read the entrails for predicting. Modestly I recall that by the fifth armadillo entrail reading I was able to predict fallout within twelve hours and thirty miles of a simulated incident, and that I am making a joke. It is necessary to explain that jokes are jokes in political writing so the droll won’t take them literally.

 A solution to the problem of war in Ukraine could still be made that would not make Ukraine’s President happy at all, yet would end the war, secure the peace and provide a means to rapidly return to a normative condition economically speaking not seen in Europe since 2014. Eastern Ukraine could be named Southern Russia and West Ukraine recognized by Russia as an independent state. Sanctions on Russia would end directly and a Marshall plan to rebuild Western Ukraine proceed.  Russian would need to pay to reconstruct Southern Russia since they did commence the military phase of hostilities. Arguably the military operation pre-empted further hegemonic N.A.T.O. expansion into all of Ukraine occupied by non-Russian elements.

Political concessions and compromises are sometimes useful to end or avoid hostilities. Peace is usually preferable to war, and more constructive. *

Consider some of the potential problems riding a juggernaut down into tunnel darkness.

  Russia and the Soviet Union together experienced between 20 and 40 million dead during the Second World War. They have concerns about facing a super-N.A.T.O. dream team made of the former fascist powers plus the former Warsaw Pact nations, and former Russian allies Britain and the United States. If Russia is backed into a very dangerous corner with President Biden demanding regime change in Russia publicly (as if he were a kid with no Presidential power to act on what he wishes) militarily or financially it is possible that nuclear war could occur. The Biden administration may believe a nuclear war is unthinkable if they don’t escalate the Ukraine conflict with select special weapons. What would happen if Russia did feel that nuclear war was their sole, remaining practical choice to complete financial or military defeat by the Super-N.A.T.O. team?

  A limited nuclear exchange might be winnable for Russia in a sense. Five warheads fired onto five western cities followed by an equal retaliatory strike by the United State would probably end the conflict. Conventional follow up military conquest of Russia prob ably wouldn’t happen because of the concern about remaining U.S. and European cities being vaporized en mass in the traditional M.A.D. policy of Cold War 1.0 If for example, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Boston, London and Berlin were vaporized the economies of those nations with annihilated cities would be thrown into a slum p worse than that following the take-down of the World Trade towers in New York in 2001. Russia could survive the loss of Moscow, Novosibirsk and a couple other towns more easily than the west could survive its loss. In fact fewer people would be killed in Russia in the limited nuclear war than were lost during the Second World War.

  For the United States to actually invade a nuclear armed Russia it would be necessary and probably not possible to take down all of the Russian nuclear weapons capability using a vastly greater number of nuclear weapons than would be used in a limited retaliatory strike, so it might as well jump to an unlimited nuclear strike on Russia hoping Russia hasn’t got time to reply in kind. In my opinion those are a pair of reasons why the tunnel approach to resolving the  Ukraine conflict may not be an optimal choice, although President Biden prefers it and has indicated that the conflict may be protracted and even generational since it is one between “freedom  and authoritarianism”. The Democrat Party’s force their way through lawsuits presumably is regarded as that of freedom rather than attempted one-party neo-authoritarianism obviously to avoid the appearance of waging a war of authoritarianism against authoritarianism. I believe the new language is not just dredged from the Cold War 1, it is necessary because he cannot say that it is a battle of free enterprise versus communism, because Russia has free enterprise too these days, generally speaking. Maybe a better description would have been Corporatism vs. Free Enterprise  Developmental Corporatism with a Roman Republic style Dictator appointed to lead a quasi-Republic until the time of crisis and/or war is over (Romans selected a Dictator for a year (renewable) until peace resumed and civil crisis ended.

Barry Goldwater’s campaign slogan was “In your heart you know he’s right”. The 1964 national vote tally said “no”. Regarding President Biden being right I would say; I don’t think so. Maybe a re-election slogan for Joe Biden could be “Onward, onward into the tunnel road Old Joe- snatching conflict from the jaws of peace; where it stops, no one knows”.

* Peacetime may also be periods of inflated political egos and irrational market exuberance. Recently in support of the prevailing political narrative concerning the immanent danger to N.A.T.O. Russia presents by annexing Crimea and invading the Borderland (aka Ukraine), it has created timidity and analytical Lillyputianism disease wherein Russia is a vast right-wing threat to little n.a.t.o. that requires President Biden to rage defiantly like Churchill in his darkest hour (paraphrase) that Russia will not get a single inch of n.a.t.o. land because the U.S. will defend every single inch of n.at.o. lands under article 5 of N.A.T.O.!!!

  The remarklable shrinking of N.A.T.O. defense capability versus Russia in the minds of the western media and U.S.Government calls for a comment. 

1) The Soviet Union/Russia let the former Warsaw Pact countries it had occupied since it recovered them from N.A.Z.I. occupation during the Great Patriotic War (aka W.W. 2) voluntarily. It had only captured them because of taking tens of millions of casualties and with the Western allies as partners. Russia or the Soviet Union before the Second World War had no capcity to conquer Eastern Europe at all, and only invaded Hitler after Germany got Stalin to sign a treaty that green lighted Soviet invasion with a no competition agreement.

2) Russia today has no capacity to invade or to occupy N.A.T.O. nations, nor the troops to garrison N.A.T.O. nations. Russia has a somewhat modest modern military modeled on the U.S. military post-Vietnam volunteer force of quality rather than draft style quantity. Neither has Russia indicated an interest with fighting directly with N.A.T.O. in N.A.T.O.’s  super-sized, post Cold War 1 condition that now has most of the members of the former Warsaw Pact nations including  the former East Germany as members. N.A.T.O. was designed to battle the entire Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union. When the west flipped most of the Warsaw Pact to its side leaving just a diminished Russia facing it alone, Russia’s potential for invading N.A.T.O. became even more remote. Intelligent western leaders and media should be aware of that, unless of course they are simply too dopey and busy being queer. It is possible that queer Corporatist policies combined with liberal dope intoxication lead to diminished military ability of N.A.T.O. members and an enlarged sense of detachment with an integral, tranquil state of fear and paranoia and avarice. Winston’s unexpressed maxim be invoked that even paranoids have enemies.

Imported cheap labor; a variety of human trafficking

Humans shouldn’t need to journey to foreign countries to find a job. Neither should citizens of a nation or state be bumped from a job or not be able to find a job because of the availability of cheap foreign labor for corporate employers to exploit. Labor trafficking may be one form of human trafficking that usually escapes notice. There are perhaps numerous forms of human trafficking ossified as establishment norms. President Biden may have notice that the labor market is comparatively tight in the U.S. presently. A war in Ukraine stimulates demand for Ukrainians to find good-paying (compared to Ukraine wages) in the U.S. President Biden decided to take in 100,000 Ukrainian ‘refugees) dislocated by war. Senator Graham of South Carolina, whom has championed arms shipments to Ukraine to protract the war that is useful for clearing out arms inventories in the U.S., is from a state that continuously airlifted military supplies from Charleston area airfields during the Iran and Afghanistan wars. Southern arms manufacturers and delivery airlifts may be humming again during a protracted conflict in southern Europe. There is a difference between refugee streams caused by natural disasters and refugees streams caused by human political and economic policies.  U.S. chief executive attitude toward Russia since 1994 was not one of genius at finding peaceful economic relations with liberty and justice for all Ukrainian stakeholders. if Russian tsars had not referred to the region as the borderland (Ukraine) and had instead referred to it as South Russia modern U.S. Presidents would have found the art of painting nation-building by the numbers not as challenging to rightly interpret. The war was a disaster for all except  perhaps for those that profit from cheap human labor trafficked internationally.

I know this post may sound somewhat harsh to some people. Consider this; if the United States were in the midst of political reform like that of the French revolution now, at the conclusion the rich would have a greatly increased portion of the national income. The American electorate has been divided into partisan red and blue branches fighting over social issues including race and gender, instead of non-partisan economics concerning allocation of national income. Fundamentally there is a profound lack of intellect leading the Democrat Party. As partisan patches on portions of the economy to advantage some people are applied, objective approaches to just fixing non-discriminatory entire economic classes and categories regardless of race or gender are ignored so the rich win and actually improve their position during the polemical era of Democrat party reforms.

Human labor trafficking today is not so different from the way it was in the U.S. in the 1800s when thousands of Chinese workers were imported to build railroads and deported when done. Obviously none had U.S. government provided medical coverage. That historical phenomenon is usually regarded as an example of white racism in error; it was an example of human labor trafficking by American and possibly British capitalists. I would think that slavery in the United States followed by southern conflict labor until the 1930s and later the Bracero program and illegal alien migrant labor comprised a continuum of cheap labor for domestic capitalists. Today that form of human trafficking of labor over international borders is done under the rubric of ‘globalism’. It would be better if businesses relocated rather than labor, for when the labor wages rise without concern for the subversion of imported traffic labor, business can relocate to new nations with cheaper labor until zulu wages rise. In that way life should become progressively better globally. Nations with the most efficient production will export to those affluent nations that are consumers creating a balance that slowly reverses and the cycle continues around nations between production, consumption, wages, real estate values and profit if corporations don’t avoid paying fair tax rates and wealth isn’t so concentrated and protected internationally that politicians become sycophantic minions of global plutocrats and oligarchs.

Development of technical sophistication in economics through free enterprise need guard against international trafficking of human labor lest the advantages of a capitalist, free enterprise system to ordinary people be negated. Global free enterprise should occur with labor secure in nations. Whenever manufactured crises result in economic slumps it is concentrated wealth that buys up distressed properties. When national labor values are subverted via human trafficking a global race to the bottom results with concentrated wealth and a planetary proletariat with approximately equal standard of living fighting among itself at the other end of a bifurcated spectrum.

  I should note that capitalism differs from free enterprise. In the Atlas Shrugged/Ayn Rand paradigm they are virtually the same and the capitalist whom is a hard-working, inventive individualist is opposed by legions of parasitical mob workers seeking to expropriate the fruits of capitalism for-themselves. Capital may be had and increased by anyone through almost any means though, unlike free enterprising, inventive individuals and small businesses. Criminals for instance may build up capital through theft. Since crimes are defined by government policy, when capitalists run governments capitalist crimes may occur systemically. The felony edge that allows unfair competition in an evolutionary economy may become collusive, mass felony capitalist behavior without defining themselves as being legal felons. The label of felon would be reserved and applied non-wealth class behaviors. If capitalism isn’t well-regulated a large set of criminal behaviors by capitalists will not only be uncorrected, they will be regarded by minions as virtuous. Society will suffer for that and develop along dis-optimal lines with free enterprise becoming expropriated unto uncreative ad hoc neo-collective capitalists in organized capitalist crime. 

With crime being defined by the ruling class, criminal collective felonies by the ruling class on the masses may continue for some time. A democracy may react to capitalist crimes first by individuals and then by majority sentiment eventually promulgating new regulations  to limit the felony exploitation that in turn may be rolled back by political partisans. By that time though, the ruling classes usually has evolved into a new form of exploitative felony behavior to supplant the old. 

Because ex post facto laws are disallowed in modern democracies (although litigants may pursue civil monetary reparations usually without luck), felony capitalists are comparable to creators of designer drugs that can stay a step ahead of regal recognition of laws by producing new designer drugs to replace those outlawed in continuing legal/illegal synthetic dialectics. Global capitalist investors often use quantum computing to skim wealth off the top of planetary human business resources. The dialectical evolution of capitalist crimes is a process of thesis/anti-thesis/synthesis progression paralleled in politics by the rise of a repressive, exploitative, non-creative, exploitative class of capitalist sycophants to the top reinforcing its own agenda and narrative.

Even communists had greatly intelligent and creative individuals working for them that in an American system might have their invention rights taken by the corporation they work for.

The Ukrainian war exposed an example of variation of human labor trafficking recently on the morning it was announced the U.S. made a sale of vast quantities of liquefied natural gas to the European Union. Senator Lisa Murkowsky (Rino- Alaska) let slip that 2200 Ukrainians work in seafood processing plant in the state as she sought to ban Russian sea-foods from Alaska (there are Russian sea-foods in Alaska?). If procurers of imported labor argue that there aren’t enough Americans to do the work (because the wages paid are quite low), I would reply that they should bite it as the fishing presently is bad and might improve if fewer fish were caught with work supply equalizing with higher wage labor supply. There is a paucity of large salmon in the waters of Alaska these days so bad that subsistence fishing itself is sometimes curtailed. Chinook isn’t skookum no more.

I was somewhat miffed to learn that the state trafficked cheap human labor here while I could not get hired to a seafood processing plant myself in the winter of 2010-2011. Instead I slept on the ground in Anchorage with the temperature zero Fahrenheit for months unable to get hired. That winter then mayor, now U.S. Senator Sullivan made camping in Anchorage parks illegal without providing reasonable alternative places to survive the winter. Hostility with Russia, protracted war in Ukraine and trafficking human labor are probable more to the liking of the Marine reserve officer than peace, prosperity and egalitarian democracy with caps on human labor trafficking and the number of corporations an individual may invest in at one time to three.

 I don’t own a seafood processing plant myself so getting cheap foreign labor to work there has no value to me at all. In fact it has negative value. Supply and demand works in labor too, as well as sales,. Availability of cheap foreign labor means that corporate employers and political procurers can exploit foreign workers and domestic to the maximum extent employers desire. They need not make accommodations for domestic workers to do heavy lifting for example through the intelligent use of wheeled carts or other mechanical equipment. Instead they can use cheap human labor that is essentially disposable and keep the cost of labor down. Instead of preventing injury or unemployment to U.S. citizen workers and paying a livable wage, employers throw in disposable workers at lower wages than Americans could work for and afford housing.

There is a simple injury method that can readily be fixed by anyone with a brain if it were of value to do so. I injured my lower back this way myself long ago and suffered a life-long problem when needing again to work jobs that required males to do heavy lifting. It is very simple. I lifted 80lb. Bags of potatoes from one table unto a shoulder and carried them across a space to a conveyor belt. In a few hours the uneven lift on one shoulder caused a vertebra/disc injury. I weighed 160 lbs at the time so I was lifting half my weight and one side of the vertebra/disc was crushed in comparison to the other side. 

I saw another tall, thin yet strong fellow injury the same way moving heavy fish boxes of about 80 lbs from a table to a cart a few feet away. The uneven lifting, turning and twisting motion caused him to wince by the end of a couple of days, The role could easily have been dampened with the intelligent use of an adjustable height wheeled cart. Disposable labor may have trouble getting medial treatment for lower back injuries and usually walk off with them, exacerbating them over a period of years. Trafficked labor may fear reporting injuries too, as they may be banned from hire next year.  Like older Americans that cannot afford to pay $230 per month for Medicare coverage of injuries or illness and for whom Obamacare coverage costs twice as much as their monthly income, imported  seafood workers may not qualify for be able to afford any sort of Obamacare Medicaid or Medicare coverage. Trafficked labor is cheaper than healthy U.S. labor.

Labor in Alaska seafood processing is cheap (though some crab meat sells for $10 a pound and one can take in $850 dollars in one crab pot with 80 pounds of crab for example). Political procurers and human labor traffickers can always get more. Human labor trafficking is a corrupt establishment defended by corporate and publicly financed broadcast media. The war in Ukraine will provide cheap units for human labor traffickers that U.S. and International corporations can exploit 


When cancel culture goes too far; The Karjakin Conundrum

If political speech that is discordant with political sentiment of the powerful is sufficient to get a candidate banned from the candidates tournament shouldn't more care be taken to inquire into the political ideas of additional candidates in case they are subversive too, using alcohol, tobacco or vote for Democrats? A new kind of ethics inquisition could examine past and present chess GMs and eliminate players from chess records that support the wrong side of things. Waterboards, not chessboards, float political boats. History and Candidates tournaments ought to be written by Victors on ethics committees or sundry Corporate or Communist bureaucracies such as interviewed Alexander Solzhenitsyn for his book The Cancer Ward.

World Marbles champion Ludvig Von Gates said that chess is just a game like marbles, and Sergei shouldn't be banned even if he said bad your mama jokes.

Was Mikhail Tal an anarchist seeking to undermine the Liberal World Order with brash, non-union game plans? Was Robert James Fischer, disgruntled enough to seem anti-Semite, though he was Jewish enough to be World Champion, a communist? Are Quislings lurking in FIDE rolls? Can GMs with sympathies running toward imperialism or fascism be permitted to assault social media sensibilities with FIDE support? Ought not M. Botvinik and all red communist (or is communist blue these days) world champions be retroactively stripped of FIDE ratings and titles and be cast onto the chemical ash heap of history east of Eden? Can’t a three-hundred question test be put together to elicit criminal political opinions  from subversive GMs that need be taken before each tournament? Does FIDE have political officers as efficient as those of the player political branch of the Soviet Communist Party or the Nazi Gestapo to sort through social media for hints of player political incorrectness?

There is just one player to have led in a World Championship chess match with Magnus Carlsen besides Magnus Carlsen at any time (I don’t recall if V. Anand led at any point). That player was Sergei Karjakin. Booting Mr. Karjakin from what should be a non-political chess championship qualifier seems plain wrong. Dictatorships don’t tolerate dissent. FIDE might consider moving to chess boards and getting off waterboard style social media political correctness. What if Mr. Karjakin actually has the best chance to thrash MC in the WC this year? The Candidates without Karjakin will put an asterisk on the WC for 2022- *Magnus Carlsen was world champ in 2022 except perhaps the best qualified challenger was banned from challenging.


Spirit and Memory (poem)


Fine arts of time and space
poetic constants of fields
recursive dimensions in place
uncertain parts of temporal pace
being and becoming
virtual samples to face
the Lord

Fine constants of time and space
field membranes unfolding place
dimension branes that cross and race
virtual times of massive grace
relative lines of shapes to send
somewhere for nothing could ever end
the Lord.

Virtual Universes (poem)


Topology recursion
tools of tomorrow slow down
tone variations strong
tech of forever night sky

Fields flex virtual points here
wielding power to be there
feel foreign instants spent
shield singularities lent

Expats measure time run down
etches of easy masses
extra confusion stops dead
even virtual worlds grown.

More Adjective than Objective (a poem)


Now running algorithms
not destiny’s ranking shelves
known to run roughshod through time
nap nature’s broken health

Artful green plans are time
presentations of spring growth
part of abstract paradigms
reflect imagination

Beneath the spirit stars shine
breezes flow along the Rhine
beyond empty space and time
blending more past peacefully

Each recursive canvas wears
ever laws of thirds to brooks
reach perfect grades due
ecosphere time unmarred.

Apps and Nothingness (a poem)


So many impractical hells
built quick with fine whistles and bells
threw good time under buses well
leaving spent uranium shells
convenient half-truths to sell
before the other world map fell
an overclass owning war banks
sharpening stank-rising smells.

Eve of Destruction (a poem)


Mathematical notation
exponents eve up convection
dimension crushing construction
superscripts add close instructions
knot molecular prescriptions
relativistic descriptions
elicit belief convictions
salvation is the only way
through the dark day of destruction.

Union Mysteries (the poem)


So the common enemy
union history blunts fact
power drove the Euro
crushed lives without much tact

The rich victimized many poor
open door dreams through ages
royal stages of media fronts
racked up blunt wealth, things, pages

Dark demolitions guide them
plush up lem, turnover tides
confusion guides over loss
thug big boss did not confide.

Rain and Snow (the poem)


Cold wind carries winter rain
to patches of dying snow
wind carves frozen drops low
sprouts spring precursor grains

Rivulets increase green veins
begin times moving endless flow
hectic pace of new spring rain
hill shelters hold winter snow

Remembrance of warmth yet strains
cold nights and days one does know
fade from trails frozen tracks go
stinging flesh and black leaves pain
wind will bring warm summer rain
nostalgia for deep snow.

Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance effici...