
V Frankl Thought People Seek Pleasure if Life Seems Meaningless

 Frankl was profoundly influenced by his time in. Nazi concentration camp. He developed theories about recovery and finding meaning afterward.

Those finding life meaningless may not be able to afford pleasure. Such people may feel that without pleasure, life is meaningless.

This prompts me to mention Huizinga, a ubiquitous citation reference in the field of education who was an historian regarded as a quintessential humanist. I don’t find Huizinga interesting or a meaningful philosopher as others have yet he did rather invent or popularize the notion that play is the creator of culture. It is understandable that teachers regarded Huizinga as the greatest scholar of the last 25 years of the 19th century. I thought Sartre and the Apostle Paul distant runner-ups to what Jesus said.

The death camps were unthinkably bad and existential crisis for sure. Europe has a great history of pathos and stupidity concerning conflict and with President Biden’s help is experiencing a Renaissance of pathos in the Ukraine War.

The meaninglessness of pathos may transform the USA, Europe, Russia and China into Ukraine s in the fires of the future. Pleasure is kinda expensive for many of the poor who need satisfy themselves for meaning with observation of the Democrats leading the charge to apocalypse or large waves of disaster scheduled tentatively for 2025.


Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reasonably well.

Thermodynamics for living beings compels the input of material for existing. Accumulating capital is natural. Food, shelter, clothing, defense weapons, tools etc- people built up as much as circumstances allowed. Socialism requires more cooperation than capitalism as well as sophisticated governance. That part often fails.

In primitive societies where things are shared and tools are simple even knives are given to another if they ask for it to prevent jealousy. With such a simple tool kit everything a tribe has is more or less interchangable and of the same quality.

More advanced forms of capitalism with low taxes on the rich can concentrate wealth and stifle competitive capital accumulation by the masses, and that poverty can nip inventiveness and progress in the bud unless the ideas trickle up to the rich.

Social governance implies management by uninventive bureaucrats leading to another form of mass social repression that fails to maximize social potential.

There real isn’t a substitute for good political sense that assures universal basic income for enabling initial capital, environmental economics sustainability, great human relations on international concerns and progressive taxation to let creative and productive entrepreneurs prosper yet not concentrate social capital so much that the political economy can’t evolve and adapt to emergent coefficients of adversity.

The Problem of Evil, Omnipotence and a Level Four Multiverse

 Dr. Degrasse Tyson was credited with saying that God can’t be omnipotent and let evil exist at the same time. There are numerous theological responses yet I like this one using physics.

If there is a level 4 multiverse individual minds switch to the appropriate universe with each decisive thought; without being aware. Minds switch between Universes in that Tegmark theory. All of the Universes already exists fully actualized. That is sentient minds follow their own free will world line.

God is good and without sin. If people are willing to have faith in The Son he can save them with the atoning sacrifice. Otherwise people forge their own path to eternity without God that evolutionly becomes hell.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson isn’t a theologian and doesn’t talk about the numerous varieties of cosmology enough. He could even provide a review of good new cosmology books for non- scientists with new theories each year so people would know what to buy.

Religious Historical Research is Millennia Old

 People have researched the origin of particular religions for more than 2000 years. That sort of scholarship isn’t anything new. It is wrong to conflate their separate histories for that does lead to the construction of neo-modern myths in replacement for sound scholarship.

The origin of Manichaenism differs from that of Zoroastrianism and Islam. Many haven’t even read a basic scholarly text like Berhof’s Introduction to The New Testament. I have a free summary to save the cost of buying that public domain book published in 1915.


One may read the history of Asian religions and the origin of Hinduism and Buddhism and the way it traveled Eastward as the Mahayana and Hinayana, proliferated and differentiated into Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Soka Gakkai and other forms

It is a mistake to conflate Taoism and Shintoism or Roman and Nordic paganism with several varieties of aboriginal American ideas of belief in a great spirit.

One may believe that Middle Eastern and fertile crescent religious practices and beliefs had a common origin yet they did not. Marduk, Enlil and the tale of Gilgamesh didn’t have the same origin as Osiris or middle African religious complexes.

It is important to differentiate and learn in depth and detail the several systems independently and with understanding so far as possible, as it is with numerous philosophical and cosmological systems rather than glossing over and making summary judgments that are dismissive or in some cases, affirmative. Good scholarship leads to deeper understanding and may reaffirm faith in the one true God or not as the case may be. A path to God is probably made by God for an individual if that is what the spirit wills.

One should have enough respect for scholarship and investment of life's work that has been invested in research, as well as oneself, to development a sober understanding of field studies.

Avatar Drones Casing New Jersey Joints?

 If you have ever taken a programming course you might learn of the criterion of writing specific instructions in algorithms to accomplish particular tasks. There are test conditions, loops, etc that can be used to send a robot named X to go somewhere, do something and return. That sort of program would be on the very low end of programming algorithms today. Especially if compared to AI. One will need to get new software for home burglar alarms down the road to guard against sophisticated robot thieves with programming to pick locks, bypass alarms and accomplish particular criminal tasks. Maybe avatar drones are casing the joint of New Jersey for future adverse missions.

Quantum Entanglement and Consciousness

 The hypothetical unified field includes space-time. It may all be one kind of thing at T=0.

Energy is defined as the ability to do work rather than a substance. Work coheres in space-time. The prospect of a wave function at singularity is something to consider as if it could be bound to T=0 null space-time.

I tend to believe consciousness is a definite locality encountering experience, at least for human beings. Space-time is experienced as a locality. There isn’t a universal time as I understand it. Time is bound with space locality and change of an observer from point a to b. If it is considered as a substance that seems more logical. There is much to think about in regard to space-time.

There may be a continuing primary field from the singularity hosting the basic fields and space-time that remains in existence. That might help explain inflation and gravity.

I tend to like the idea of quantum entanglement with consciousness since 3D matter is enabled by massless particles entangled on the Higgs Field.

Kingdom of God and The Realm of Forms

 The realm of forms was an idea held by some philosophers of The Academy yet not ordinary people. I don’t believe Socrates believed in a trans-migration there, although he believed in God. Instead it was an inference of logic. Plato may have regarded humanity generally as living like prisoners chained to the cave floor while alive on Earth. The realm of forms wasn’t heaven.

For early Christians the kingdom of heaven is with Jesus Christ and God in a real place unlike the realm of forms. That place is more like an expression of the power of God to create anything as the author of reality, than a warehouse of forms or prime patent designs for everything that exists.

History is Written by More than Victors

 History is written by any interested party these days. Actually there always were people unaffiliated with winners that wrote history. Procopius and Solzeshnitsyn wrote enfilading histories of their own oppressive rulers. It is also hard to say that the Christian gospel narratives of the disciples of Jesus were written by victors in a military or political sense. There are numerous examples of history written by third parties. History is written by the defeated too. Trotsky was writing a history of Stalin from Mexico City when he was killed by an assassin putting an ice ax in his brain in the middle of the eleventh chapter I believe it was. It is an excellent work of history that has survived.

British Philosophy Isn't Simply Dry Scientific Empiricism

 It was Russell that got Cambridge to award a doctorate to Wittgenstein for the Tractatus; sort of the Finnegan’s Wake of epistemology. Russell was Wittgenstein’s faculty advisor.

David Hume is hard to regard as a scientist though his negation of cause and effect except perhaps as descriptions of proximal phenomena has some practical empirical utility. I don’t consider Bentham and Mill scientists either in their development of utilitarianism although it is an empirically and objectively applied ethical governance.

Bishop Berkeley’s development of ideaism can’t be classified as scientific and Hobbes’ The Leviathan and even Marx’s Das Capital, written in London while Marx worked as a librarian are not very scientific.

President May Change Name of USA's Tallest Mountain to McKinley

 When the Dena’ina tribe arrived in Alaska between 500 and 1000 a d. Some continued southward to become Navaho. Navaho call themselves the Dine’ pronounced de nai, phonetical about the same as that of their northern kin. Neither group anticipated their tribal name would become a political football interchangeably with that of dead the President McKinley during the Obama administration.

The Trump administration could sell naming rights of the tallest Hill in North America on eBay or just change it back to McKinley. Since the next Democrat President will probably revert it to Denali or ‘the Navaho people’ selling the space for five years might be practical.

Athabascan Indians arrived in Alaska about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago yet others passed long before that are lost to history. No one knows today who the actual first people were as their coastal tracks were submerged long ago with sea level rise during the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age. Still, the Tanana Chiefs are an ancient lineage and so McKinley-Denali should be renamed for the with Tanana or Tenados attached to the northern summit.

  There used to be 27 names for the mountain that could easily be found in a Google search. After politically correct purging just two names turn up. One is the name of a race and the other is that of an assassinated President. Mikhail Tal was history’s most exciting chess player. If it can’t be Tenados or Tanana let it at least be Tal.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...