
Theory for Reducing Cost of Pharmaceuticals

 Reforming the patent system might be the simplest way. The USA produces 74% of the worlds new drugs so we shouldn’t do any harm to the profit incentive. New drugs are costly to invent and exclusive patents keep the cost of new drug sales high. Letting new drug patents become public domain after ten years so generic production would make the drugs cheap, yet 10% of sales price would go to the patent holder would lower the cost and keep the profit motive alive.


Some Want Scientific Proof of God

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors have different opinions about evidence. People definitely have different opinions about matters as present and objective as political matters like the history of Russian ownership of Ukraine or illegal migration. Cosmology definitely has different opinions. Just last week some decided that dark energy doesn't really exist and instead the expansion of space is an apparent effect of time and relativity.

One need have faith in order to interpret evidence in a particular way. It might be comparable to conspiracy theories that happen to be true yet are discounted and even ridiculed by many.

There is also the problem of the indeterminacy of translation of scripture written thousands of years ago. Many people today also have a particular concept of Genesis and what it means that is the standard metric for disbelief, and it to may be wrong.

Toynbee thought that Cain killing Able was a representation of technology of metallurgy and farming killing of the herding migratory political economy. There are lots of interpretations possible that those demanding scientific evidence aren't aware of.

  There are also personal experiences of life situations were one feels the work or grace of God. It is challenging to persuade people that it wasn't evident to them.

Science aka knowledge has developed numerous systemic approaches for inquiry about reality and empirical affairs. Most of that is irrelevant in regard to the Bible. After the Scopes trial evolution became an atheist doctrine, yet Genesis itself could have been describing an evolutionary approach when it was written on the Pentateuch 3000 years ago.

Science in a sense examines what may be observed and what is evident  it is a microscope while at the macroscopic level amorphous clouds of unknowing prevail. Extrapolations about Universe of infinite number and theories about recycling universes and  space-time origins and histories are without limit or proof of validity beyond a certain finite scale. Even at the quantum level scientists can have no certainty about what gauge bosons are made of. Knowledge exists in the midst of a 12th century map of the world with cloudy borders and inscriptions of 'there be dragon's all around.

 I like science yet it just a temporal interest. The eternal things of God are far more valuable to me.

Apparently one cannot mathematically process infinite sets of real numbers regardless of Cantor’s diagonalization argument and comparative cardinality. Because God entails all infinity it will be difficult to mathematically ‘prove’ elements one regards as qualities of God. It might also be difficult to create a theorem, as if it were string theory being worked on 30 years so far without end, to make a theory explaining all of God rather than an ‘observable’ portion of God, or an wholistic portrait of God caught in time, like how He was when the wave function collapsed.

Determining the location of one quanta by collapsing the wave function wouldn’t not be sufficient to determine the location of God. For that, if it were possible, it might be necessary to collapse an infinite wave function product of all possible quanta of the universe.

Then, if God as spirit is actually quantifiable as a waveform and that waveform is synonymous with the quanta from the unified field that the universe theoretically stems from the collapse of that wave function could only result in the number of 1 I would think, or perhaps cancel itself out to zero since the summation of locations of the universe content reduced from itself would be nowhere.

Happily nowhere in old English or some equivalent means Utopia. Ram Das I believe it was, wrote some small book of a size comparable to Roderick Chisholm’s ‘Problem of the Criterion’ named ; ‘Be Here Now, Now Be Here, Now Be Nowhere’ that describes the place fairly concisely.

There is the additional problem that a wave function can't be defined for an infinite region of space. Hilbert space allows infinite dimensions yet that won't transcend the criterion of the former. For an infinite number of quanta and field across an infinite spatial area- even of nothingness, calculating wave functions for an infinite number of quanta wouldn't be probably.

Stars Through Night Air (a poem)


Shadows of days disappear
families of forever silhouette silence
softly changing from being too past
outlines of darkness
in a veil of deep cold

Stars are loyal lights in the night
sky of oxygen and eternity
while life runs its course
children gazing in wonder at bright constellations
rediscover them again when old

Memories are visions
when the stars’ breath was mystery
and life was life, not history
fire of the sun placed to grow grass
lain upon after twilight

Stars remain forever
thrown across the Universe
like beaches of diamond worlds
joined with atmospheric heaven
in the smell of Earth’s moist lome

It was there and always shall be
a world without end
for a moment seeming personal
remembrance an old friend
others already gone away
where future too does send.


Awareness may be a holistic kind of circumspective thought within which ideas or ratiocination occur embedded in awareness. Awareness is a meta-thought containing all others that arise. Awareness is the cap on the volume of mind supported by and reaching into the subconscious. Does that sound plausible?

Free Will in Relation to Consciousness and Subconsciousness

Will is contingent upon consciousness. If one has consciousness one may choose to act or not. Some say conscious decisions to act are not made by consciousness, instead they believe conditioning subconsciously determines conscious decisions.

The will exists in the sub conscious and it is free. Otherwise there would be a lower level, more primary set of instructions controlling the sub conscious and a superfluous deceived consciousness.

Consciousness exists supported by the subconscious. It is not possible for human consciousness to keep all of their experience, memories, judgments and history active in conscious thoughts. Instead there is an innate middle ground of intellect that retrieves data from the subconscious in accord with conscious thought and the lesser intelligent yet active and closer related to emotion will.

Will exist as a modified reflection of conscious thought that needn’t be mentally, internally expressed in order to be present and act. It can retrieve subconscious information for consciousness and may also join with conscious thought and be directed by it. An aware mind freely chooses to act. Thought is in harmony with the will and subconscious usually, yet on some occasions they may not. An example may be a conscious choice to act peacefully while the will is to punch an offender as memory informs the mind of dire consequences of taking the latter course

I have heard a song or thought of something I can’t recall like the title of that song, and directed my subconscious to find it. Some time later the right idea appears in my conscious thought.

A human mind is a continuum of conscious, will and sub-consciousness that each have intelligence. Will and subconscious work for the conscious mind. It is a trinity that works.



Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC

I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from the past. I wouldn’t suggest people can’t learn from the past- 

Agriculture developed when hunting and gathering couldn’t sustain concentrated populations in towns. The transition period was 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering was the way of economics before that going back to when people started eating meat as the human line may have evolved from rodents circa 65 million years BC (Adam and Eve were spliced in to an existing human line).


When people sustained with agriculture could sustain civil organizations with rulers organized wars began. Raiders had something established to attack and civil wars could occur as well for regime change. Organized wars started during the late Neolithic Age too.


An excavation of Cohokia in St. Louis showed that the preceding ruling dynasty members were ceremonially killed when a new ruling family took over. So it’s an American tradition too.

Metaphysics; What It Is

Metaphysics is an activity. It can use many kinds of tools. It is bigger and smaller, simultaneously, than a bread box while being for-itself.

Free Will; A Binary Question

To be or not to be; that is an example of a binary absolute.In logic and programming there are disjuncts. A logic gate tests for a condition to be on or off. Schrodinger’s cat could live in a state compatible with life and death simultaneously, in theory, until collapse of the wave-function, however that super-position status doesn’t work for all mortal philosophical questions. Either/Or, Neither,/Nor are disjuncts of a sort. One shouldn’t expect philosophy to invariably provide weak, vague, uncertain answers and represent them as Truth because political correctness suggests that constructing ideas that will appeal somewhat to everyone returns the most demographic support.

Free will seems to be a question that cannot support affirmative and negative conditions on the same level, or on all possible dimensions.

It is also the case that people want to defend what they believe and sometimes strongly when they don’t realize they are wrong and are duty bound by themselves to defend their wrong, godless atheist opinions.

Marxism; Good Revolution Organizer for a Bad Economic System

Marxism is a practical idea for organizing revolutionaries that are from underdeveloped countries with concentrated wealth. The masses are led to class consciousness as oppressed, exploited people and brought to revolution with the belief they will share equally the wealth of the ruling class when they are deposed. That idea of upward mobility supports the revolutionary esprit. With victory the economic revolution following becomes a challenge to make productive. Alec Nove wrote a book named ‘An Economic History of the Soviet Union’ decades ago that examines some of the problems for Lenin and Stalin.

Marx had good sociological understanding of wealth in England that was his model. He had poor development of post-revolutionary economic models that would work. That sort of economic theory development has always been troublesome. China for instance is a work in progress that has used much of the economic structure of the West retrofitted onto Maoist socialism.

Sports as War Training and Gambling are Still Socially Ubiquitous

Gambling seems to be taking over sports. Betting on events on-line at a profusion of new sites is all over the internet People need on-line electronic gambling machines from international sites. Competition is part of the human condition from wars to martial arts. If WW 3 occurs soon because of competition to own Ukraine and for economic hegemony over the world, that’s because competition is more highly regarded than pragmatism, realism and cooperation.

Sports were developed as training for war. Competition among men to see who could throw a rock or spear farther, and the prestige of skill in hunting and self defense were important to tribes. Warrior and hunter were the original male occupations globally.

I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from the past. I wouldn't suggest people can't learn from the past- that's silly.

Agriculture developed when hunting and gathering couldn't sustain concentrated populations in towns. The transition period was 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering was the way of economics before that going back to when people started eating meat as the human line may have evolved from rodents circa 65 million years BC (Adam and Eve were spliced in to an existing human line).


When people sustained with agriculture could sustain civil organizations with rulers organized wars began. Raiders had something established to attack and civil wars could occur as well for regime change. Organized wars started during the late Neolithic Age too.


An excavation of Cohokia in St. Louis showed that the preceding ruling dynasty members were ceremonially killed when a new ruling family took over. So it's an American tradition too.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...