
House Majority Leader's Ehtics

About the ethical criterion of the Congressional House Majority leader, it is worth reflecting upon the overall effectiveness of Mr. Delay’s job performance as a primary component of the set of ethical traits that comprise his complete ethical set. Ethical goals after all are the methods by which one accomplishes goals rather than the goals themselves perhaps.

If Rep. Delay in shirking the paradigm of energy reform toward non-fossil fuels in the U.S. transportation sector has done that with good or bad ethical practices, it may be more significant to those that support budget and trade deficits rather than those whom would prefer that the private transportation energy sector be directed toward home and independent power domestically produced instead of upon foreign Islamic Governments basically. Working toward malapropos goals implicitly defeats the existential validity of ethical procedures, so far as one works toward what might be considered ‘evil’ intentionally. Of course many of the devotes of foreign and domestic fossil fuels that encourage a surfeit of carbon dioxide emissions into the planetary atmosphere may plead or effect ignorance of any evil effects of burning fossil fuels in vast quantities. If so they are using a ‘Garden of Eden’ ethical defense style in which they plead of ignorance of the knowledge of good and evil, disingenuously.

Fossil fuel use in the United States contributes two substantially different deleterious effects; one is upon the nation’s budget accounts and the second is upon the world’s carbon dioxide percentage in the atmosphere.

In the long run the Chinese economy is a far more desirable place to send oil products than the United States for Trans-National economic managers. The Chinese have a far greater potential for producing material goods than does the United States presently, and the Chinese work cheap for the time being. Oil products sold to China fuel Chinese economic growth and the transnational investors in that economy, which can export the cheaply made good to nations such as the U.S.A. The United States will simply be a place to sell oil to at the highest possible price, and a place to sell the goods made in China at low prices. It is a win-win gouge of U.S. ‘consumers’. This nation needs leadership that can support the move very quickly toward an egalitarianization of energy production by private U.S. citizens with wind, solar and fuel cell power generated in homes. The interstate highways should have a power grid connect in line that allows electric vehicle to draw power off of it as they require. Homes could interconnect to sell power to that grid.

In some future year, liquid hydrogen in pipes may provide an environment for high range low-temperature superconductors to conduct electricity from the Rocky Mountain States to the rest of the U.S. The Delay leadership has no ethical procedures toward that.

Carbon Dioxide emissions have been considered as a primary cause for one of the mass global extinctions of the past. Human activities of the past 150 years already are having as great an effect as a 100,000 year period in exterminating existing species. It is a serious issue that the daft ignore too quickly. The Williams-Riley pump is a biological concept that describes how carbon dioxide is absorbed by single-cell algae to build shells. The shells then sink to the seafloor eventually to become compacted into a limestone thereby having removed much of the CO2 from the atmosphere that landed in the ocean. Too much co2 and the ability of the ocean to absorb and dissolve it is overloaded.

Dewey McClean theorized that if the Williams-Riley pump were stopped atmospheric Co2 would double in 25 years. With increased Co2 levels in the atmosphere the temperature increases with the greenhouse effect. The sorts of plants that can live in a high-co2 environment are different than those optimal for human life/food. Burning fossil fuels might be a reasonable thing for Chinese economic growth, yet it is a lazy and profligate way for trans-nationals to gouge Americans, delay change and bring about alterity to the atmosphere that is similar to that which is theorized to have caused mass extinctions in the past. Much of this immediate conjecture is derived from ‘Evolutionary Catastrophes’ by Courtillot page 59 and 60.

GaryCGibson - 07:53pm Apr 14, 2005 EDT (#100 of 124) "I say fear the civilians, they're taking over"-Barry Goldwater 1963T

The political inertia to just occupy the Federal Government and collect good salaries, kickback contracts and favors to friendly supporters isn't a new phenomenon in government. I think that ethics panels do well to try to hold congress people to high standards, yet is it really possible?

Do citizens of the United States still have much of an interest in strengthening their nation and it's borders, comparative economic advantages, renew the infrastructure, conserve the environment, help to play it's part in prevent a global mass extinction perhaps of it's own king too one day as even presently 100 species a day are being lost, defend the rights of the oppressed in this country as well as abroad in nation's with oil reserves, balance it's budget and assure that the most poor of Americans are specifically given support to be hired by transnational corporations through incentives?

Yes the Congress passed another tax cut for the wealthy today, and perhaps the senate will too, yet the computer technology exists to recognize specific Americans that are down and out and have difficulty being hired for whatever reason concerning personal faults or public persecutions (each are known to occur) and nothing is done to establish a government method to get them hired.

Tom Delay was a chemical businessman in Texas perhaps, yet in the environmental field he is probably a Neanderthal although I'd hate to be presumptive about that-maybe he even opposed ANWR exploitation !

Tom Delay did help bully through redistricting in Texas, yet he has other ethical challenges that made the news. It isn't the negative faults that are surprising in congressmen; it is the lack of good, pragmatic and useful legislation that is notable. Ethics can't do much for that, unless they have a simply abstract desire ethically to assure that the nation has a trade surplus, budget surplus, more and higher paying jobs, becomes a world leader in environmental technological infrastructure changes and development and so forth. That is, a positive sum approach with liberty and justice for all should be a categorical imperative that leaves them feverishly sleepless in the desire to get it accomplished.

The Congress people should also have such a desire to renew good faith with foreign nations through eco-tech business assistance and create a good environment for democracy that they can't relent until the world is on a healthy and better footing, respecting the rights of those nations to be self-determinative all the while.

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