
Micro-dimensional 'scuppers' and the Bottomless Pit

Not being a physicist, my wording of these questions will have parameter inconsistencies with standard physic’s contexts I should think-yet I will write these several ideas anyway. Essentially I had an interest in why it is that particles become increasingly heavy as they approach the speed of light, and infinitely heavy at light speed thus barring more acceleration. What is it that would be added to, for instance, a hydrogen atom that was subject to an accelerating force?

Then of course considering string and M-Theory artifacts that have filtered down to the general public, I wondered if the criterion that could provide answers to my question might not be a dimension protocol that affected particles and waves.

Salvador Dali painted an interesting conceptual picture named ‘The Persistence of Memory’ that had a scuppers as one might have found in a British lifeboat at the bottom of a landscape over which was draped upon a branch a melting down clock; memory perhaps would drain off in time into the scuppers. Are the micro sub-Planck length theoretical dimensions posited in M-Theory just artificial ‘scuppers’ that contain particles too small to be measured in the standard four dimensions? Are the smaller dimensions simply artificial concepts developed to explain a difficult concept such as Einstein used to explain how gravity worked upon all objects or particles (except anti-gravity) within a gravitational field equally when he compared the effects to ‘curved’ space-time?

Of course there is ‘real’ substance to the smaller dimensions in that larger particles or possibly waves too cannot enter into them. That is large particles and waves are not small particles and waves and cannot ‘run’ with them anymore than a giant basketball player could fit through the wing window of a Porsche. Very small sub-plank length strings have a realm of ‘behavior’ so small that only they can exist in that context.

Yet why is it that particles accelerated to the speed of light become infinitely heavy? Could it be compared to that Porsche that if traveling a low speed or no speed parked in a lot won’t get traffic tickets, but if it goes faster and faster it will be given tons of traffic tickets becoming heavier? Is it that as a four-dimensional realm particle travels at faster toward the speed of light it’s string base traveling the in the micro extra dimensions is collecting more baggage or tickets at an accelerating pace that become infinite toward the speed of light?

Or is it that as it passes through more of the super-string ‘scuppers’/dimensions at a faster pace it’s grounding or base becomes associated nearly simultaneously with more of the micro dimensions and it becomes mass of ‘infinite weight’ comparable perhaps too a magnetized object that increases it’s realm of contact to an infinite field?

Could the fact of mass be a phenomenal association of existent four-dimensional waveforms with aspects of the micro-dimensions that are ‘stickier’ than those of energy? Is energy and are photons travel at light speed and that have nearly no mass as waveforms or string vibrations transparent to the micro-dimensional fields of superstring theory because of phenomenal characteristics of waveforms or particles accelerated into acting as waves in space-time?

I will nearly leave off these questions here, with the comment that in part I wondered about the infinite weight characteristic and interesting points in common between black hole singularity as their infinite weight and mass and those of very small particles that acquire infinite mass accelerated to the speed of light. Also, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit that is mentioned in the Biblical book of the Revelation is referred to somewhere perhaps in chapter 18 as that which was, and is not, yet is (I seem to recollect). That ‘bottomless pit’ could perhaps be a reference to the infinite curvature of space time at a black hole, and it’s possibilities of time travel with the paradoxes generated thereof.

Could gravity intruding into the standard four dimensions yet mostly iceberging below the surface as a characteristic of the micro-dimensions then be a quality or aspect of the micro-dimensions or particles themselves that seem to warp or fold space time most directly?

The way that quantum superpositioning acts to have particle/waves at all probably worldlines or places in the Universe that are selected probabilistically to collapse when measured in the Heisenberg uncertainty context seems another interesting aspect or phenomenality of the relationship of space-time, gravity and waveforms to their configuration in the very small realm of superstring waveforms and branes posited by superstring and m-theory.

The cumulative effects or phenomenal appearances of particle waves, mass and probabilistic existence as well as travel of photons perhaps as continuously sampled massless or nearly massless probability phenomena arising in relation to sub-micro dimensional protocol provides much food for thought-and of course the interesting notion of the beast that would lurk one day in a n infinite quantum gravity pit-maybe.

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