
Corporatism as Collectivism Attacks A.N.W.R./Democracy

Corporatism vs. Democracy, Individualism States’ Rights and the U.S.A.
In the post-cold war era’s absence of a monolithic communist foe to free enterprise worthy of all the resources of the united governments of the west to resist, rhetoric for a de facto corporatist, authoritarian hegemony over western democracies have still sought to utilize authoritarian collectivism as a straw man lever upon public resources. Conservation of public natural resources is not some sort of shame that must be exploited by a few particularly financially well-endowed transnational oil corporations. Corporations are a form of collectivism too in some instances; organizations with definite hierarchies and a limited set of citizens that enact collective actions to exploit the environment comprising the common heritage of mankind and the necessary minima, proximal basis for material support of human life on the planet.

Corporate collectivism is a result of Mussolini’s socialist background combined with the Reich’s fascist propensity for assuming direct power and political control of business, enterprise and the state. In Corporatism the state works with a few dominant corporations to dictate the lives and political destiny of the citizens. Individuals in a corporatist state discover their political liberties to create competitive business or political infrastructures and free expression reduced over time into existential non-sequiters silenced with the quiet of falling snow. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and it’s possible oil reserves are still a target of ongoing corporatist rhetoric seeking to politically lever the plundering of the U.S.A.’s final significant world-class oil field in order to dump more billions of corporate profits globally while eliminating the nation’s security from absolute reliance on foreign oil after ANWR is exhausted in a fleet of low mileage SUV’s.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if exploited would subject the high Arctic’s decreasingly rarified air from direct assault by thermal and chemically pollution. Injecting polluting elements into the high arctic is an accelerant upon a world environment’s decay simultaneously with a decay of world oil reserves over the next decades with an ongoing over reliance on fossil fuels that may produce several concurrent social and environmental problems if not catastrophes for the next generations. There isn’t really a rational basis to suggest that conservation of vital national and world resources already owned by the public sector is collectivist, while vast taxpayer spending on a national highway grid to provide a place for fossil fuel powered vehicles to drive and burn gasoline in low mileage SUVs imported from global distributors is in someway an example of rugged individualism or otherwise not collectivist. Corporatism is simply inclined to dominate mass media communications and propagandize the public until bulling its favorite legislative licenses to plunder through the U.S Congress.

Corporatists fundamentally misunderstand what democracy is, and instead believe that de facto censorship of political opinions by non-corporatists should be firmly developed, and that a republic means that transnational corporations should dictate what political actions the public should get as the oligarchic elements of corporate collectivism have the only real capitalist opinion and the alternative is godless atheism such as Fidel Castro or Kim Il direct; of course no opinion could be further from the truth.

Democratic societies of such as a size as to preclude direct electoral decision of individual issues elect representatives to legislate what political actions the public desires. Some occasions have a majority opinion formed and given to the elected representative, as a basis for what decisions should be made. The rights of all citizens have a core value that is respected and protected in all circumstances, and of course free expression and individual rights are inviolate.

In a republic a certain greater license is given to the representatives to make decisions for the democratic public on the basis that their beneficial opinion may be better informed than that of the masses because of political and historical circumstances. While the public elects the representatives of a republic, and still is free to express their own ideas publicly including those of conserving environmental resources, allocating government expenses, protecting the nations borders, or redirecting investment strategies in national public infrastructures and investment or tax incentives for individual business and national corporations, the representatives may act on their own to select what courses of public policy are in the best interests of the democracy for-themselves, with the major limitation on that liberty being the public electoral right to recall and replace the representatives with those more amenable to the will of the public majority from time to time should the representatives corrupt or disregard the public interest.

In a corporatist states the republican representatives are beholden to a global corporate elite and seek to give them whatever they desire with the opinion that transnational corporate profits are the ultimate good, and necessary as well for a healthy Christian society. Corporatist hegemony over democracy and a republican democracy is an essential corruption of democracy and is instead a transition into an elitist collectivism with central board committees deciding behind close doors the future of all in the ‘republic’. When they ignore plain environmental evidence such as the pollution of Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Love Canal, the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay and numerous waterways from coast to coast only slowly cleaned up at tremendous cost over the decades, the estrogens in the Arctic ocean that have produced hermaphroditic polar bears and in the Saint Lawrence seaway and Puget Sound p.c.b.s have decimated beluga whales and orca whales respectively, and with volumes of environmental evidence of the decline and extermination of numerous species the disingenuous ignorance that seeks the exploitation of valuable public resources such as ANWR that invariably produce environmental externalities or even superfund sites is irresponsible. I hope congress swiftly moves pass its most recent effort to stuff global oil corporations with ANWR oil and surrender the people of the United States to a future without a significant major oil reserve that will perhaps be need in 2050 or 2150 for plastics, food production with fuel for farm equipment, or a host of other vital national interests that could require use of that particular non-renewable resource. Like the engineers stone at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, ANWR should not be turned over until the end of the era, or when the republic is in vital and true need of that resource. Alternate energies and transport forms are a vital interest for the nation that the next president may address intelligently.

Nebraska's recent judicial beating that decide anti-corporate farming laws to be unlawful impediments to interstate commerce may be another anti-sovereignty, anti state's rights action subverting state's rights to legislate and rule for themselves so long as individuals are treated equally and with equal justice. Is it also an assualt on interstate commerce for state police to issue traffic tickets to truck drivers for speeding or driving drunk? Have states no right to provide zoning and ownership criteria for themselves as well as regulatory measures within the criterion of true equality for individuals? Must U.S. states be prostrate before the wishes of global corporations that would just make obsolete U.S. family farming?

In a corporatist or authoritarian state modeled on the principle of a benevolent dictatorship in which the leader knows best, could the present plundering crew of corporatists make a serious argument that President G.W. Bush is actually that brilliant leader with the best interests of the nation founding his ‘vision’?

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