
On the end of the Internet as we know it, this one goes out to those still able to decipher data bits in crystal lattices...Small worlds network modeling of the Internet finds remarkable associate cluster conformity and neuronal transmission pathway congruence with other small worlds networks outside the universe of computing. Perhaps the Braham Institute of Cambridge U.K. has discovered some sort of electronic arterial sclerosis that isn't subject to pharmaceutical remediation yet it seems unlikely, since the origin of the Internet was in an U.S. Air Force project to make nuclear war survivable communications with redundant and independent routes of communication. September 2008 seems somewhat early for a conventional over-use gridlock of Internet bit sharing to occur, yet demyelination paradigms of data guide-paths precipitated into catastrophic transformation could develop consequent to concatenated information piracy creating an extreme Shannon entropy concurrence. Possibly a lot of global electromagnetic detonations producing (emp) pulses could shut down the global telecommunications network before an alternative system of flagging could be improvised. Space aliens could take over the Federal Government at any moment too, yet it seems improbably because of the inability of any intelligent life in the Universe to comprehend the rational for federal economic management policy that takeover by hostile aliens is improbably before October or November 2008.

Senator Edward Kennedy split the Democratic Party nominating primaries in 1980 when he ran against the incumbent Democratic President James Earl Carter. That was before the Internet era and before the creation of scheduled technological disasters. Ted Kennedy was the last candidate that sought to release committed delegates in order to change their vote allegiance. Hillary Clinton seeks to release the bound delegates forced to work for the Obama campaign (a candidate that claims to be able to unite the nation following the split after the civil war of 1860-1865). An Internet collapse will transplace U.S. time to the pre-electric era when slave importation had been forbidden just 20 years after the end of the articles of confederation era and federal sailing ships patrolled the coast to arrest slave running illegal alien ships. Senator Kennedy loathed Jimmy (The Peanut) Carter perhaps because of his southern, British ancestry (something similar to the Bill Clintons incidentally). Senator Edward Kennedy has again engineered support for a major split in the Democratic Party once again setting up a Republican victory by his declared support for Obama. In theory a racial bomb will go off if Obama isn't elected to 'heal' the racial divide and end the war in Iraq that ended in 2003 followed by an incompetent era of nation rebuilding efforts unassisted by Senator Obama the last three years still seeking to 'end the war'.

The interesting question to consider here before the Internet era ends possibly in September thus halting Internet campaign contributions to Democratic candidates is; 'How much is Obama really like J.F.K.'? We will briefly review President Kennedy's history from the intercepted alien historical rave communique of the time period before he ran for the Presidency, coincidentally in the year of Obama's birth (watch this for space alien juxtapositions)...

The young John F. Kennedy was raised in a cross binned hurricane. He was drowned and left for dead and raised by a toothless dispirited hag when his cigarette boat was cut in two offshore by a fast Japanese tourist cruise ship passing one night. John Kennedy and his crew of coke-heads with adolescent adjustment problems had engine troubles and were adrift before suddenly discovering their fast boat cut in twain and themselves plunged into the shark infested waters. With Senator Kennedy's leadership the ship was pieced together with super-glue and motored slowly to Kevins Bar in Molokai Bay where they survived on for a month on coconuts and pina coladas in a reality television show before rescue and education in an Indonesian madrasa where they ignored fellow students bowing to Mecca and became followers of Rhinehold Neibuhr. So did Barrack Obama.

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