
Dialectical Threat of Democrats

The American Democrat Party blue-bloods progressively brought the U.S. working and middle classes to their knees as they chased after foreign hog-wart ideas for public education. Nothing looked so good to the left as feminist atheism and the westernization of godlessness to replace the faith of the founders and Ronald Reagan. Losing the Cold War to capitalism, national self-determination and freedom meant that leftist ideologues had to undergo a rethink of methods and goals to combat the shibboleth-monolithic objects they abhorred.

The military-industrial complex itself was required to evolve new dialectical threats to replace the worthy former adversary Soviet Union war machine. Jean Paul Sartre had bridged the philosophical chasm between Marxism and existential providing a path for the tanks of capitalism to rumble into Red Square and military ontology at the Pentagon was re-theologized toward a doctrine of preparedness against existential threats in replacement of dialectical threats that lacked sales credibility for congressional funding.

Plainly when the late Senator Edward Kennedy attacked his hated party leaders President James Earl Carter in his primary race for the party Presidential nomination in 1980 he drove a permanent wedge in that split the party apart from its traditional focus on bettering the life of the poor and middle class. Kennedy abandoned the American working party paradigm of J.F.K., LBJ. and Scoop Jackson for a Harvard blue-blood agenda promoting sexist special interests, illegal immigration and globalism over U.S. nationalism. President Clinton consummated that new Democrat ethic of deregulating Wall Street and brought the party to be an accomplice of the elites of Harvard and Wall Street that is pure expansionism in unsustainable economics. Democrats in effect joined with Republicans at the elite levels to share the fruits of the Universal phase of a synthetic American universal phase of history (in Toynbean terms). Toynbee’s universal phase is usual followed, like a super-nova, with burnout and collapse into a white dwarf or even, black hole.

Pentagon military theologians were left with a rotting infrastructure as the nation was left with a rotting infrastructure while investment in foreign infrastructure ran ahead. The Pentagon was left with complex and difficult to finance choices between theoretical new weapons systems that would be obsolete even before a somewhat minimal 20-year shelf life. Wars to use the old inventory and reorder new inventory were difficult to find without sufficient conventional foes. Nuclear disarmament advocates did try to help eliminate all nuclear weapons that at least when limited to a few major powers had prevented another world war for 70 years; if nuclear weapons were eliminated a new global arms race to field non-nuclear weapons of mass destructions might commence a new round of pragmatic empirical threats to species survival of many species of terrestrial mammals as well as human beings if cross-over biological vectors had pan-lethal epidemic capacity.

A new generation of drone army tanks without crew compartments and cannon potential facing forward and backwards simultaneously might have been the least of the empirical and utilitarian threats challenging Pentagon theology. Capital ships and aircraft might have become challenged by stealthy, small, malingering air, land and sea attack drones drawing power from a number of sources like clouds of mosquitoes refueling before attacking large craft that aegis weapons systems could not recognize ore react to at all given the multi-environmental drone tactical capabilities. Nations and corporations would research mobile fuel cell power platforms to power particle beam and microwave anti-personnel weapons in order to more neatly depopulate dialectical threats allowing quick recycling opfor establishments for the use of imperial plutocrats globally.

The democrat Party under president Obama failed to advance a pragmatic approach to tax reform and simple through in the towel completely giving permanent and vast tax cuts designed by President G.W. Bush to the Harvard elites of Wall Street. He was the one percent's strongest ally that future Presidential candidate Congressman and Speaker Jack Ryan of Wisconsin seeks to emulate and even go one better on.

The problem with establishing corporatism and its perennial revolutionary non-sustainable expansion with the fires of creative destruction is the progressive abandonment of traditional statecraft and national logic for globalist elitism concentrating wealth and promoting establishment of a planetary proletariat divided on racial, gender and perversity lines with religious factionalism and sectarianism easily exploited too. Good governments in history try to improve citizen productivity from the bottom up. They realize that increasing education for all makes a stronger, more productive nation. The U.S.A. is in a new era technologically and also internationally and should raise its support for education minimums from its century old level. Americans should be the best they can be if they want to remain a little competitive the next century.

A strong national program that recapture political fundamentals would at least create a special tax on the most rich to pay for free Universal education for American citizens to as high of a level as they can and want to achieve including graduate school to the PhD level. No American should be prevented from completing graduate education for financial and social reasons rather than for lack of ability or interest.

Historical the value to a nation of mass public education was regarded as equivalent to mass conscription in time of war and national defense. My grandfather attended school to the 4th grade in the early part of the 20th century. I did a little better, yet could not afford graduate school needed to become a journeyman educator and work in Texas, Mississippi and abroad with volunteer work based on savings in East Africa and Eastern Europe. That for me was quite a waste and left little besides homelessness in search of painting around the nation riding a bicycle for more than 35,000 miles over a decade. None should be compelled to waste their lives with Democrat ‘progressive’ programming the speech and daily hate of their minions to make even ordinary employment the right of just those matriculated in the hog-wart school of swing.

Instead of capping American compulsory education at grade eight, the new tax plan should provide for the financing of free higher education, as high as it goes in order to make Americans a better work force that is more entrepreneurial and less subject to the three-generation planned obsolescence of the present day. Illegal aliens help subvert U.S. wage values and burn up a high amount of political time over decades. They are presented as success stories. Yet in three generations while Balkanizing the nation they too would to a large degree be cast off to the obsolete Americans rubbish pile of history who must join the politically incorrect and work for minimum wage while their grandkids are saddled with taxation to subsidize corporate health care policies. Corporate cherry-picking from the pool input aliens would require that those professional class servo-units of Wall Street bear truth faith and allegiance to plutocracy and perhaps even Exxon-Mobile and Halliburtion. It would be nothing less than fair and balanced if the most rich were in turn required to pay for the free college tuition of all Americans that want to attend college to the highest level.

When democrat party leaders choose to become servo-unit accomplices of global imperial elites and render the former poor, working and middle class to the future status of communicable disease infected warted hogs led by benighted foreign musicians a future was cast that not even industrial strength barnacle removers could dislodge should any democrat party theorists even receive a spark of interest in trying.

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