
The United States and 1990s Era Russian Economic Chaos

The reconstruction of the Russian political economy following the collapse of the Soviet Union has been a thing to marvel about. I read a book named An Economic History of the Soviet Union written by Alex Noyes long ago. Some day I would like to read another named An Economic History of Post-Soviet Russia.

I took a course on Russian governance from St. Petersburg University last year that had a good history of the 1990s to 2017 political changes in Russia- and there were a lot, yet the economic history is somewhat more vague. An American can compare it to the reconstruction of the South after the civil war, yet that was so long ago and in a very different historical era. For a modern nation to reconstruct an economic system from the ground up is something of a miracle in progress- and accomplished mostly without state violence (at a Stalin scale) or dictatorship.

The United States was concerned with international security and the problem of transition all of Europe too that had formerly been somewhat forcibly made part of the Soviet bloc. To get peace and prosperity for all while containing military conflicts in Serbia and Iraq-Kuwait while preventing nuclear weapons proliferation from old Soviet stockpiles (especially those in Kazakhstan) wasn’t simple.

Unfortunately some of the rough spots in present Russian-American and European relations were sewn in the Clinton administration era that did not comprehend the importance of the Ukraine and Crimea to Russians. While Russia was addressing some of its own problems with places like Chechnya the United States had issues with 9–11 and a war on terrorism. For some reason the U.S. Democratic Party developed a real antipathy to Russia and Vladimir Putin, and reasons for not developing closer relations were made to be more important than finding a way to go ahead and develop closer economic and social ties.

It is possible that bureaucracies and military industrial complexes are loathe to change old relationships such as old dogs can’t be taught new tricks (cliche).

Gregory Sachs is/was a good consulting economist, yet the huge problems of Russia changing to a privatized from a communist foundation were more than tweaking a few things like interest rates. It is hard to be a back seat driver for people with their own ideas. The entire structure required reconstruction and no one actually had any experience at that. Germany for example, after the Second World War, like the rest of Europe, had plenty of experience with western economic history, ideas and institutions. Russia was without most of those.

Democracy and capitalism allow competitive free markets, so it is difficult to find completely impartial, benevolent actors in macro-economics with the power to reform foreign economies- for that is beyond the interest or power of most corporations and governments, including the United States of America. Maybe the United States should have had a Marshall Plan for Russia, yet it seemed best to provide some assistance to Russia while allowing them to go ahead and organize themselves.

The Economic Balance of East and West

The historian of civilizations Arnold Toynbee late in his life regarded the world as being one civilization. With the economic entanglement between the United States and China, that is easy to see. Certainly there are many differences culturally, yet they are not separate civilizations nor is the world economy entirely localized in developed nations.
I would disagree that the east was ever in power of anyone besides itself. From the Shang dynasty to the Chin and Han China had no dominating power over the west. The Mongols were influential and devastated Russian lands however their conquest and Empire did not encompass much of western Europe. In the 14th century a Turkic-Mongol named Tamerlane conquered much of Iraq, the Caucasus and Southern Russia. The Americas were conquered by people from its East; Europeans, in the 15th century, and never recovered though a synthetic Euro-Afro American culture developed that became indigenous itself. Muslims conquered more lands that were formerly European obviously, yet the Arabs were not too Eastern of a people.
China regaining or recovering power is occurring within a western economic philosophy, or rather two western philosophical paradigms; Marxism and Capitalism. Much of the brilliant Chinese scientific contributions are done with collaboration from westerners or even while working at for instance, American Universities. China has lots of foreign investment, though some investors have relocated production to Vietnam recently to avoid the problems of Chinese tariffs and recalcitrance at becoming fully equal economic players on a level field with western nations on issues such as protection of intellectual properties, patents and currency valuation.
World economic powers of wealth and capital are trans-national these days, unfortunately in some respects, good in others. If one region of the world were to collapse the economy would be exploited for profit and redeveloped by others to exploit cheap labor or consumers. If the population of a region were to collapse from genomic terrorism and mass die off such as the 13th century Bubonic plagiues of Europe, others would swiftly move in to fill the shoes of the departed, and the population that remained might become more fecund and replace their population within a couple of generations.
regions of the world are no longer remote or isolated. People scour the world for investment opportunities or cheap places to live. If any part of the world were to collapse that would present an opportunity for regional reconstruction and renewal such that it would be better than it was before.
In my opinion the best prospect for collapse is simple the world population itself. The causes could be the collapse of the ecosphere’s ability to support human life stimulating a cascade of disasters such as wars, famines and plagues, or genomic terror effort gone awry.

Why Leftists Hope Hurricane Dorian Will Hit Conservative Voters

In the Northern Hemisphere hurricanes spin from the left (counter-clockwise) to punish the right as best as can be worked. Conservatives are like the calm at the eye of the storm around which leftist radicals fueled by the warm waters of the broadcast media circle in a hateful rage. Plainly a sunscreen at L1 need be constructed at and launched from a moon base to dampen increasing global heating and leftist chaos storming while time permits.

Leftist Coriolis forces are driven with bi-polar vector capitalization in pursuit of thermodynamic redistributionist goals. Equalization storms of temporal hurricane strength occasionally arise even though astonishing permanent Bush 2 tax cuts from a Left President sometimes drop all political direction like infiltration with a cold, occluded front.

What Is Coriolis Effect? How Does It Affect The Hurricane Spin?

Examples of Capital- What it Is

Wiki has a good list of kinds of economic capital.

Capital - Wikipedia The main point presented is that capital is any asset useful for production. I should add to the wiki list that military capital is useful for producing war, peace and political capital. Christian capital is useful for producing eternal life with the Lord God.

I tend to regard anything of value as capital, since any material or intellectual property may be useful for production of other goods or ideas.

Consider invention of new ideas; pre-existing ideas combined together can produce a new synthetic idea(s).  That is comparable to arithmetic where with a two and a three, it is possible to produce a five.

Humans exist embedded in a thermodynamic physical field of being in which they are self-aware and aware of the field and characteristics of it objectively. If they were unchanging and static beings the concept of production might not be so important; capital is consistent with thermodynamic change or artificial production that supports human life and its proprietary interests.

Natural capital such as comprise forests and the services they produce in supporting human life, and oceans, rivers, clouds, the sun etc all may be regarded as natural capital beneficial to human existence. Ecological economics is a field that values natural capital and seeks to sustain or increase it so far as possible.

Social and political capital exist useful for production in marketing and political goals respectively. The late President Ronald Reagan had much social capital before he began building political capital, for example.

Scientific capital can reap innumerable production benefits. Even the Chinese lunar probe that discovered a gel like substance of unusual color on the dark side of the moon (possible ET scat), may be useful for something someday (coprolite research dump for exopologists).

A New Way to Store Information in Molecules for Millions of Years

Large corporations often have technical and intellectual as well as financial capital that allows quick production of material objects from new ideas they can invent, purchase or redistribute unto themselves from others in sundry ways.

An interesting example of capital is the dirt (regolith) of the moon. Apparently it can yield Helium 3 useful for fusion reactors (or not because there are scientific questions about that) and more immediately, lunar materials could be used to produce a sun screen to reflect light when the mirroring surface (600,000 square kilometers) are launched from the moon inexpensively (compared to Earth) to the Lagrange Point 1. Mirroring surface at L1 facing the sun could screen out 1 or 2% of the sunlight reaching the Earth and cool it down a little. That might be a practical dampener of some of the global warming problem. A moon base would be required to build the sun screen, and fortunately President Trump is trying to fund a moon base (although the global warming problem is not perhaps interesting to him). The moon dirt and other minerals have real value for production.

Monetary capital compounded with investment produces more monetary capital. The 1% have so much monetary capital as well as other kinds that it dwarfs the capital of the rest of society (at least that of the bottom half). The monetary and financial capital of the richest is so deep that it is like a gravity well such as the sun that brings all of the objects of the solar system to orbit around it and eventually gobble them up as would a black hole.


Select Strengths of the Electoral College

The Electoral College is a defender of the equal rights of states and the rights of citizens of the states. The United States is composed of fifty states. Each state is equal. Citizens of each state elect federal representatives and senators to send to attend the federal legislature. Senator apportionment of two for each state is permanent. Populations may shift about interstate yet states remain equal. The people of New York and California cannot just out-vote and plunder Alaska or Rhode Island (though corporations can plunder well enough).

The Executive branch is one of three parts of the federal government. The other branch is the Judicial and its members on high courts require approval by Congress (and the Congress is more or less equally representing all of the states interests). The Judicial branch is not generally a problem.

The Executive is elected by the voters of each state through an electoral college. That electoral college is selected something like the way the Congress is selected; two for the senators of each state plus the number of representatives. That is fair and proportionate selection of the electoral college. It keeps the election of the president fair and balanced representing state and popular interests together just like the legislature.

To eliminate the electoral college would throw the selection out of balance regarding states. To restore the balance one would also need to eliminate the extra representatives given to populous states. Perhaps each state would then have just three representatives.

There are 435 U.S. Representatives and 100 Senators = 535. There are 538 members of the electoral college. The people of states elect the electors and the electors elect the Executive (as the way the citizens voted).

Of course the most populous states would like to have their cake and eat it too getting rid of the electoral college yet keeping the extra representatives in the U.S. Congress. Such an act would be a reason to de-unionize the states and return to independent status so the most populous states would need to rely upon their own resources rather than plunder less populous state’s resources.

The equality of states as abstract entities is equal in my opinion. One sees that in the U.S. Senate apportionment. The people are significant too as relates to the composition of the Federal government legislative branch and electoral college for the Executive branch. So the representation in Congress is proportional as is the composition of the electoral college. That is pragmatic. People are not abstract entities.

The federal government is of the nation and the people. It is appropriate that its members are selected with the rights of states and the populous together for the Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches.

Some Democrats would of course like a Moscow style strong central government with states being fairly meaningless and subject to the transcending power of the Chief Executive. 

It is interesting that the Republic of Plato had two philosopher-kings ruling the people for life. He probably got his idea from Sparta, except Sparta hadn’t a philosopher ruling the military state. One could find the divine right of kings implicit in philosopher-kings ruling within the realm of forms paradigm of temporal forms, and blame The Republic for middle ages divine rights theories of monarchy, yet even some primitive tribes had ideas about god-kings long before Plato.

Socrates and his student Plato liked the oligarchy and hated the democracy. It is ironic that the concept of abolishing the electoral college would best serve to accomplish the absolute power of oligarchy or plutonomy through places of power like Wall Street in New York.

The United States probably has the best form of hybrid government, or did before it crept in to corporatism-socialism. Many are always at work these days trying to destroy it-sometimes inadvertently.

Electoral College is Right for the United States

The electoral college protects state's rights. States are given electors according to their Senate and representative numbers. It is part of a brilliant and accurate design to permit a federal system to function while letting states keep a substantial element of self-determination.

What is the Electoral College?

There are complete idiots in the Democrat Party that would abolish the electoral college and let concentrated urban populations in a few states determine the winner of Presidential elections. States need proportional election of the Chief Executive as well as the Congress.

Another alternative reform, if the electoral college were eliminated, would be to allow every state to have two Senators and just three representatives in order to allow democracy to flourish in each state on a level field. 

With elimination of the electoral college state's rights would essentially disappear as a federal executive and congress composed of urban proles passed whatsoever plundering laws they liked to extract anything of value from the less densely populated states.

Why Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College—And Republicans Don't

One better reform than abolishing the electoral college and the states would be to let the states be free to leave the union altogether and keep a loose confederacy. The large urban center dominated minority of the states would be allowed to keep the federal government and its public debt. 

Trumps Challenges; To Reduce Global Warming, Fund the Moon Program and Grow the Economy

Ecological economics theory has sustainable growth in quality and zero growth in quantity. Classical economics has a robust growth rate of more than 5%. President Obama was borrowing a little from ecological economic theory to explain the insipid 1% growth rate that was satisfactory to select Harvard marionettes of his administration I would guess; typical Democrat party trickery with Eleatic economics.

A history of economics and capital named Capital in the Twenty-First Century, written by Thomas Piketty, explained that the rate of growth tends to follow select patterns during the growth phase compared with a mature economy that settles down to a lower rate, China’s economy is has grown rapidly the past couple of decades in keeping with their entry into limited market economics with an immature economy. Looking at Piketty’s charts one would guess that China’s economy would settle down in two or three decades. It might be compared to where the United States was in, oh, the 1950s.

President Obama’s economy was not a sustainable ecological economic economy with sustainable infrastructure. Democrats don’t actually understand what that is and try to substitute ‘Cargo Cult’ economic policy for actually well-founded ecological economics. With so much work outsourced abroad these days the 1% was deceptive; it was a government job security and bureaucracy economy with high, unemployment and underemployment compelling citizens to live on government programs. Quite an unhealthy situation.

The Trump economy is the Obama economy plus plundering natural resources for an extra few percentage points of growth. Neither Obama nor Trump has a clue about Ecological Economics or capacity to lead the nation toward that. The President should at least use the L1 solar reflecting mirrors to cool the Earth 1% as his campaign idea for reducing global warming. It would require building the mirrors on the moon of regolith and launching them to L1 with the low delta v required…even an electromagnetic mass driver on the moon would provide most of the push. President Trump’s moon program is just what is needed to get the mirror project going. Of course the Democrats won’t fund the moon program willingly though it will be needed to cool the Earth in the decades ahead most likely. The idea was developed at a Sept. 2001 White House meeting on global warming, probably before 9-11. The timing is appropriate for politicians ignored warnings then too.


President Trump has the challenge of dealing with a growing Chinese economy that is in the classical economic criterion while transitioning the nation to sustainable quality growth only. That is beyond his capacity so he is just growing it the old fashioned way by exploiting endangered, natural resources causing harm to the ecosphere and adding to global warming. really, all of the politicians running for the job are clueless- even the Yang campaign seems to have some fairly socialist ideas about giving 1000 dollars to everyone in the nation without working. That would create a surplus of gamers I would guess.


Genetic Editing Can Create a World of Problems

In a couple generations biophysics has learned about the structure of human genes to how to edit them. Probably terrorists lag behind a generation.

It is possible today to use biology as a weapon rather easily for those with a PhD. Nations may also use genetic design to improve their human stock from enhancing biceps to brains, endurance to an ability to live better in space. Certainly some will go in new directions especially as humanity is free again to be free from other's interference at some time and space different from Earth-now.






Mazhar Adli [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)]

Decline of Catholic Moral Theology at John Paul II Institute

An interesting article in The Church Militant describes problems associated with the reform of the John Paul II Institute in Poland.


Issues of clerical celibacy that might have been resolved with a return to a license for priests to marry face the ironic challenge of the tanglefoot of the corruption of civic homosexual marriage. For the Catholic Church to return to the freedom of priests to marry would risk allowing in homosexual marriage- creating a complete farce of ecclesiology in support of the doctrine of sin. When the Christian church over-accommodates itself to worldliness it subverts its own integrity as well as fails to bring the lost to the Lord. A priesthood of believers would better work in a literate era with perhaps somewhat more of a Levitical function rather than a sacerdotal stress. Good luck Polish Catholics.

Build Camp and Ride Lots for Homeless Californians

California is good at a few things involving technology and conservation. Unfortunately the state’s major cities have had decades to fix the urban homeless population problem and hasn’t. The reason for that may be the nature of democracy itself, for it tends to elect bad politicians that haven’t good ideas about how to improve civic matters, too often. For the homeless problem the solution is simple; build suburban camp and ride lots for the homeless to commute downtown.

Like park and ride lots that work, camp and ride lots would bring a suburban population of commuters to the urban core and back. Dedicated buses would operate all day to bring the urban homeless to a safe camping area with real policemen security the site, real surveillance cameras and strong, semi-private cam sites. Residents could stay for a year, free. They would have a post office with free postal box and clean, secure toilet facilities-with individual toilets to avoid problems associated with semi-communal facilities used by unsupervised homeless people.

Each homeless village for two-thousand souls would have a medical clinic and detox facility. The savings to taxpayers would be great in not needing to arrest people downtown or provide emergency medical transport to emergency rooms.

The downtown terminus would be like a job and counseling center for the homeless who could use the location for phone calls, work searches, food and so forth.

With the exclusivity of urban centers where the jobs are located many of the poor are precluded from looking for a job without the risk of living on the streets. If the poor individual looking for work has no drug problem it is possible they will learn to get one in the urban jungle of despair. Living on the street is an unhealthy environments with urban traffic noise, pollution, crime and complete lack of physical security, cleanliness etc. It would be useful for anyone in such a situation- and many there are for not everyone has the intelligence and wit to innovate some sort of productive employment and living situation with all of the up-front costs and low wages- to have the knowledge that they can have a functional and secure base from which to search for a way to improve their life should they wish to try.

It would be necessary for security purposes to register every camp resident. The state should make sure they all are supported with real i.d. cards that are requisite for getting a job. It would be necessary to have language translators for foreign residents, and illegal aliens and their culture should be in a separate facility than legal residents and citizens in order not to harm the Americans with a host of foreign problems that could adversely impact them. Sacramento and L.A. have ample space to construct secure camp and ride facilities if they had the good sense to do so.


Mirrors at L1 to Cool Earth Would Be Made on the Moon

At least one Presidential candidate (Andrew Yang Democrat) has reiterated an old proposal made to the US Government in Sept. 2001 to cool the Earth with mirrors in space. The mirrors would be built on the moon, of moon rock, and delivered to the Lagrange Point 1 between the Earth and the Sun.


Mirrors built at the new moon base would be huge. Altogether 600,000 square kilometers of solar photon reflecting surface on a mesh would be required to cool the Earth one to two percent. In order to have the option of trying to build a sunscreen in space at the Lagrange Point the Congress need fund the return to the Moon program fully and quickly. Technology that is new requires some lead time.

Obviously it would be good to get some private businesses at work for the government on design coordinating with existing N.A.S.A. moon base plans.

Optional planning could include  space transportation that would use electro-magnetic propulsion along a straight track on the Moon to accelerate objects to very high velocity toward some sort of orbiting, recycling Earth-Mars ferry as Buzz Aldrin mentioned numerous times.

Electro-magnetic accelerators such as were made in the Star Wars program and later for navy canon perhaps on Earth with a specialized pointy heat shielded projectile moving along a fifty-mile track to orbital escape velocity would be one way to get cargo into orbit rapidly. Creating a network of electro-magnetic accelerators on the moon and around the solar system would provide the adaptability needed to let people discover niches in livable places without requiring a central bureaucratic or even corporate apparatus to plan for everyone involved with some sort of theory.

Plainly there is no easy fix to the world problem of too many people with too much dirty technology disrespecting the ecosphere of the planet. All of the efforts to transition global economics and political economy to sustainable principles (ref. Ecological Economics 2nd ed.) need continue. The overall problem is worse than is usually reported.
N.A.S.A. image
During its flight, NASA's Galileo spacecraft returned images of the Earth and Moon. Separate images of the Earth and Moon were combined to generate this view.

Why Doesn't U.S.A. Recognize Taiwan as an Independent Nation?

While President Trump is trying to defend intellectual properties from unscrupulous Chinese expropriators why doesn't he recognize Taiwan as an independent nation?

If Taiwan wants international recognition of its independent status the United States should join the seventeen nation that already have; http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/countries-that-recognize-taiwan/

President Trump seems to be fairly lax on allowing the Dictator of North Korea to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles; he also appears to be recalcitrant about recognizing the independence of Taiwan- why? 

Independent, free nations need stand together or fall separately in a world full of dictators, imperialists, communists and other scum lurking behind every false front they can. It is disgusting that 17 small nations have recognized Taiwan but the communists of the U.S. Government has not. Perhaps they are simply afraid.
Flag of the Republic of China.svg


The Supreme Court of Retrocausality

I would bet that the founders didn’t intend for courts to have the power of retrocausality that could expropriate legislative power to make laws. They undoubtedly thought courts should have the power to decide if a law was constitutionally consistent or not. That differs from post hoc rewriting and redistributing a laws meaning. A Supreme Court should go no farther than nullifying a law and sending it back to the legislature for rewriting.

The founders in keeping with human history regarded marriage as a legal establishment that heterosexuals did. The laws that built up concerning marriage were made entirely with that premise. When the Corporatist-leftist Roberts court redistributed marriage and more than two hundred years of American historical legislative construction to homosexuals that was a good example of retrocausality-with the court arrogating legislative power. If the Court regarded marriage with a modern phenomenalist lens wherein genetic intercourse to produce a blastocyst and zygote was irrelevant to marriage that was a particular opinion (everyone has one). The opinion should have stopped there and not retroactively redistributed those included in the paradigm and laws concerning marriage.

Retrocausalty of the court is not necessarily good. It makes a farce of the will of the people expressed through representative government. AS legally elected legislature constructs laws and builds and establishment for a particular purpose and later the court redistributes those covered under the law in contradiction of the intentions of the legislature and people. Examples abound of retrocasual malfeasances that could arise over the course of history.

Consider Medicare. It was established by the legislature to benefit older Americans. So someone sews and the courts decide Medicare discriminates against everyone that isn’t retired and extends those covered under the law universally.

Another example would be the rights of citizenship concerning running for public office, attending college or passing through border control. The court could decide that citizenship discriminates against non-citizens and extend any benefits provided by citizenship to non-citizens; instead of nullifying the exclusivity of citizenship concerning laws and sending it back to the legislature to reconsider.

If the court is simply f’d up in its opinion and has support of corporatism as does Chief Justice Roberts, remedies may be difficult to find.


Duras Gambit 3M Blitz

                                                                    I played black in this three minute blitz game. Had mate in one for about three moves and didn't see it.


The City of God is a Great Read

The City of God is a great read. Some people enjoy reading history and its primary writers; for them the book is essential.

The City of God - Wikipedia

It is in a sense the first apologia for the fall of Rome to Alaric and the Goths in 410. Later, other authors such as Gibbon would place the blame for the fall of Rome on Christians. That was an error; for the fall of Rome was perhaps predestined by the end of the Republic and development of an imperial society with the upper classes becoming the globalists of their day while Rome itself was something of an afterthought where plebeians were pacified with bread and circuses while the rich were developing vineyards in France and hedonistic pursuits etc.

If one has read Augustine’s Confessions one learned something about the theologian-philosopher-author’s background. Augustine was well-educated and even understood the neo-Platonism of Plotinus. He was able to think about the nature of time and transcending issues concerning the city of God and the city of man comparatively. Augustine understood that transcendent Christian values surpassed the paradigm of the crumbling of imperial Roman rule.

Christianity became the unifying principle for what would become modern Europe a thousand years later. Christianity brought spiritual unification through the dark ages in the aftermath of the fall of the pagan European world with the faded glory of Rome perishing under foreign hooves. 

The City of God is a kind of proto-evangelion for a lot of future philosophy and theology including protestant theologians such as Paul Tillich. Tillich in the 20th century noted the dichotomy of empirical political social outlooks that were somewhat cyclical or reciprocal. Specifically heteronomy, autonomy and theonomous social structures. Paul Tillich | American theologian and philosopher

Augustine and Tillich found dual time experiences in the now in regard to the point of view of existence one has. The City of God in some senses is reflected in the amillenialist position generally favored by the Catholic Church. The Kingdom of God is of the City of God, and the Kingdom of God exists in heaven and on Earth through the transcending presence of the Spirit of God in the hearts of believers. The viewpoint is consistent with post-tribulationist Protestant theology and differs from chiliasm or the belief in a pre-tribulation period with immanent apocalypse and Second coming of Christ


Will the Von Sanders Plan to Nearly Double Public Debt Work?

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has announced a new plan to add 16 trillion dollars to U.S.public debt. Will it work though?

Nearly doubling the U.S. public debt with $16 trillion dollars in new public spending might achieve making the interest on the debt not only a trillion dollars annually; it could possibly rise to near two trillion dollars annually and that would be something to brag about.

British public debt of financing the counter-revolutionary war wasn’t retired until just before the start of the First World War. Debt repayment to the moneyed class diverted much potential spending in the domestic public sector impoverishing the lower class more so than they would have been otherwise. The United States today hasn’t learned the British lesson of vast left and right wing sourced public indebtedness.

Some people would like to achieve elements of national ecological economic policy with new laws and regulations that would direct the free market to achieve the goals the public consider vital interests concerning environmental decline and global warming. Those reforms to shape free enterprise would not add anything to the U.S. public debt, yet what fun would that be?

It is possible that the ideas of political philosophy and political economy are so strange and politicians so uncreative that they are clueless about the opportunity for a democracy to direct the free market to work toward the public good intentionally. Thankfully no educated and intelligent souls are running for the Presidency in the Democrat party who could threaten to put off the increase of public debt. The rich enjoy the interest payments and making the nation owe them. Large tax increases could be relied upon ostensibly to pay off some of the interest. One need only vote for it to discover what's really in it.



Election Year 2020 and Pres Trump Hasn't Started a War Yet

President Trump faces some tough prospects because of his growing record as a peace monger. He is the first President since Ronald Reagan that hasn't got the U.S. involved in a new foreign conflict. That kind of reputation will make him an easy target for Democrats who traditionally know how to get international conflicts started.

The economy is good yet Democrats are agitating for doom and the chance of recession in order to fix it themselves with a Democrat President. The public debt is great and Greenland won't bail out the U.S. Government with undiscovered gold veins and diamond pipes under the ice amidst volcanic flows.

The President does seem to rate a flunk at environmentalism yet the public itself should do more to design business and construction activity that restores a healthy wild ecosphere rather than displace and erase it. That requires intelligent thought- and the public should not rely on the illusion that spoiled crats would do much in office besides host celebrity galas at the White House and create homosexual hegemony to help erase boundaries and any good sense in the nation.

Because the Democrat Party is all in with illegal migration to the United States the population actually could double in 30 years from 320 million to 640 million putting the lie to the idea of conserving the ecosphere.

At least staying out of a new protracted war may be one benefit (of course Iran, China, or Canada could attack at any moment requiring national defense) of re-electing the President in 2020. It is kind of an interesting thing to have the chance to watch Donald Trump to see if he can keep up his activity level and tweeting four years more. I would rather be sailing that interacting with the media in his position.

'Disloyal Jews' and President Trump

President Trump commented about Jewish voters being 'disloyal' because more than 80% voted for Democrats in the 2016 and 2018 elections. Republicans support Israel much more so than Democrats who harbor anti-Semites such as Representatives Omar and Tlaib. President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy there; a bold move of support for the Jewish state. President Trump is correct in his sentiment, yet he fails to recognize that Jews are somewhat paranoid globalists that distrust white people as a result of European history. Jews haven't good sense when it comes to political matters outside Israel. They are good at making money.

Jewish support in the United States is largely from white Christians; a group that make up the core of the evangelical branch of the Republican Party. Without White evangelical support Israel hasn't enough support in the U.S.A. to perhaps continue to exist. The Democrat Party really would cut off aid to Israel eventually if it becomes too powerful, non-white, anti-Christian and Muslim.


Many American voters continue in a 1960s era paradigm. Jews were liberals joining the Hippie-era Democrat party in opposition to the Jim Crowe South and southern conservatism generally. Needless to say that is a very different and somewhat historically remote paradigm from the political facts of life, Demographics and income allocation regarding races and time-in-country now.

Jews trust globalism, Wall Street and the power of Hollywood propaganda embedded in contemporary corporatism, democratic socialism and globalism wherein they can thrive through investments. Some of the historical mistakes that led to two world wars devastated European Jews are repeated in the United States insofar as the political facts differ from the beliefs of political social reality. The differences lead to results out of phase with what was expected.

If ever there was a nation besides Israel that Jews could be loyal to, it is the United States. It is a nation founded on the principle that all men are equal, and upon ideas rather than a racial tribe or royalty such as one finds in most of the world including stilted Europe with pride in degradation and allowing Muslim moral leadership to develop within their dark abyss.

Media slander of conservative white Americans associating them with NAZIs is disgusting for those of us with a parent who served in the Second World War. Without white Americans the NAZIs would have won. Without white Americans the constitution would not have been written. White Americans have conserved a semblance of world peace such as was possible the better part of a century. A peace with as much freedom as possible. It is difficult to imagine any other racial group or nation that would have even been interested in anything besides domination, repression and corruption as was usual most of human history.

With Jewish liberalism reinforcing migration of Muslims to the United States and atheism, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to reduce the imagined threat of white Americans being a latent NAZI  element who would force them into crematoria, that historically wrong judgment brings real emergent threats that exist in Democrat and global corporatist-socialist trends into effect.

Nuking Mars Deserves Recognition as the One of the Century's Stupidest Ideas

Nuking Mars even before mankind has set foot there is a breathtakingly stupid idea. It is one of the dumbest ideas ever set forward and is worthy of an Ignoble Prize. That the otherwise intelligent and creative billionaire engineer corporate innovator (Space X) made the gaff is the wondrous paradox. It is a kind of bi-polar intellectual product that is the antipode of Elon Musk’s good ideas.


That any human being would suggest nuking one of Earth’s nearest neighbors even before Democrats declare it too friendly to Russians says something about the human condition. What about nuking GJ 357 d  that is orbiting a small star just 31 light years away and is a super-earth in size? Nuking that planet could become a great human project, and it would require a fast propulsion system leading to derivative tech benefits. That world could be nuked within a century if humans put their backs to it.


N.A.S.A. discovered other planets that might merit a good nuking


The star Proxima Centauri has a few good worlds that just may need nukular carpet-bombing to become paradises fit for billionaires- these little gems are merely a few light years distant and can be given special delivery packages dirt cheap. 


Terraforming a planet would require some substantial amount of intelligent thought. Star Trek had a terraform bomb in one of its films yet that is probably quite a way out.

Mars need be carefully studied in its natural condition and kept in a natural condition as much as possible except where humans live under domes and other artificial constructs- even artificial mountains and underground. Scientists need study it any way, in detail for centuries to learn what can be learned about it. Nuking Mars would F it all up and probably pollute the water and ice such as does exist. 

Warming Mars up artificially is another bad idea. It would etherialize water that would be lost into space. Space-heaters for Mars with mirrors is a devastatingly bad idea. Water and ice on Mars and the Moon should be conserved and regarded as important as water to a desert dweller.


What About Buying Greenland?

President Trump recently expressed an interest in  buying Greenland. There are 50,000 people living in Greenland, and each might decide to sell if given two or three million dollars. Just 100 billion or 150 billion to the United States. Would they actually want to sell for that so industry could mine it after the glaciers meltdown thanks to global warming and fossil fuel vehicle exhaust?

Initially I was thinking that Greenlanders might want a trillion or two for Greenland- maybe 20 million apiece from a trillion. I suppose it's a reasonable offer rather than giving them California if all of the Californians were to move to Boston.

Royal Danes of Hamlet could then refer to people that live in the former city of San Francisco. They could worry about pollution and over-population more comfortably while Greenland is being savaged by rapacious developers. Going north may be the future, yet some sort of ecological economic program for a national economy within a free-enterprise reformed version of capitalism directed through regulations to intelligent design for sustainable economics could be more cost effective.

Greenlanders might want to be recalcitrant about asking too much from America- I can't be sure that a debt marker for a trillion or more from the U.S.A. really ever would be paid off; if you decide to accept, take the cash payment up front and invest in something stable like bitecoin.

Racism is Core of the New Democratic Party

Racism is the core of the reformed Democratic Party. It is a logical and inevitable development following the demographic lines and corporate preferences for mass marketing sales and a dumb consumer society. Support for illegal immigration reinforces Democrat Party racist demographics.

The Democrats are not alone in being a party fundamentally antipathetic to white middle class males and traditional American social values. Wall Street also is globalist and a complete disrespecting manipulator through the mass media and Hollywood agencies of socialization. All of those classes and internal and external proletariats that are not the historically white middle class or white rural Americans vote against white candidates and in preference for non-whites whenever they can. In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections black Americans voted more than 95% for the black candidate and President Barrack Obama.

Wall Street is happy enough to practice creative destruction on white Middle America and to promote values that work best for billionaires. Creative destruction of the white middle class redistributes wealth upward to the rich networks with fingers in every pie. Any economic chaos loosens properties and securities with some going into those global service networks, refinancing, and duplicate purchases of replacements. Though rich white people lead in practical measures the direction of the Republican Party they are fundamentally antipathetic to the interests of white Middle America too. The long term outlook for white people in America is not good.

Republican leadership on the high court worked together with Democrat appointees to force homosexual marriage upon the nation. Homosexuals and non-whites are the long term Democratic Party core. Of course they have a majority of white American women too, yet just a simple majority, for not all are so historically illiterate as to comprehend contemporary history.

It is interesting that the first two Muslims elected to the House of Representatives are outspokenly against Israel. Muslims are also, in the long run, and anti-white middle America element who will work with Democrats to change the nation to a rather confusing yet ignorant global populace mixed up with a zillion entertainment items and tech. Averageness intellectually will prevail through ubiquitous reinforcement of entertainment content instead of intellectual content that is a threat to absolute political control of the nation in the unified corporatist-socialist consumer society. Independent ideas are inconvenient.

In an intensely populated mass demography with invasive, pervasive mass communication and fairly easy money for most citizens (yes many are left out-maybe 50 to 75 million from don't earn easy money) that is consumerist what is left out is individualism and intellectual excellence in the social sceinces and humanities. Wall Street values dominate and the Democrat brand is anti-white and homosexual. Those values are reinforced with pejorative use-truths and anti-nationalism, incessantly.

Thus the Democratic party is no longer one of ideas- that is good ideas. It is superficial and gives some token interest toward environmental issues yet ties those in to socialist redistributionism at the same time. The party is one pursuing cultural change to promote their constituency to insider position in politics even if they are devoid of good ideas and intelligent thought.

There isn't anything that would change the long term direction as far as I can foresee. Practical ideas are unpopular with Democrats too. President Obama did make the Bush II tax cuts permanent after all.


Democrat Pres Candidates Can't Fix a Single Dmn Thing

Democrat Presidential candidates are generally, vastly clueless about how to fix anything wrong with the country. Instead of fixing a single important item they advance grandiose schemes with the devil in the details; they just want vast powers to spend more money on a dozen large issues without having a clue how to fix a single one.


Democratic approaches increase size of government, ossify economics toward a socialist and corporatist mileau, and degrade individual liberty under socialist power. Democrat party directed thought and speech control is reinforced through Hollywood and media propaganda conditioning of the public.

The cash bail problem is one such issue. Bernie Sanders brought it up as a part of his grandiose prison overhaul agenda. Fixing the cash bail problem is an important and worthwhile venture; if only anyone had an idea about how to actually eliminate cash bail and find some better replacement.


Democrats in the House plainly have the power to pass some reform of cash bail bill. The problem is they seem to have no interest in actually doing so-why?


Take Rikers Island for example. As I understand it, people arrested for something might not be able to afford cash bail. So they stay at Rikers Island for maybe six long months being victimized by prison gangs, while they are awaiting trial. That isn't justice and it also costs money and takes up space to incarcerate citizens needlessly. What is the solution to that? It requires quite a bit more than pompous abstract schemes, it needs specific remedies.

I wrote a little already about another concern of Democrats- private prisons...they want to abolish them.*

Another issue is patent reform. Patent exclusivity for decades limits competition. It makes drugs too expensive; it slows human technological progress in a time when that is really needed to overcome demographic swelling and eco-habitat degradation. During the Obama administration I wrote about patent reform numerous times, as well as suggesting they pass a law to give tax incentives to hire those out of work first, and of course nothing was done.

Patent reform would enable inventors to continue to receive profit from their invention after it became public domain in three years from patent award. Existing patents would grandfather in and remain exclusive for twenty years after the law was reformed. 

Inventors would receive a 10% royalty from anyone manufacturing and selling the new invention thereafter- even drug companies would profit from generic production of their expensive to develop drug. The more companies that produce it, the more people that buy it, the greater would be the profit from royalties. There would be an incentive to produce the drugs most for the most prevalent illnesses first.

The Green New Deal was another grandiose and wrong Democrat plan. It would tie up trillions of dollars of public money in a wrong investment and preclude investing in alternative plans that would be useful. Free enterprise is the best tool for solving economic problems. Capital is a byproduct of free enterprise. Democratic socialists seek to redistribute resources at government fiat, and implement wrong environmental policies while ossifying the economy and making it difficult for free enterprise ventures to adapt to cohere within ecological economic rationality. How often do Democrat candidates use the phrase 'environmental capital'?

Free enterprise is a great tool, and capital is a good byproduct, and all that is need to direct it toward resolving ecological economic challenges is good regulatory management by intelligent politicians. A political leader should understand environmental economics, classical economics and social philosophy and value theory well enough to be a capable of advancing the reform of capitalism through measure that would provide incentives for sustainable programs, good land use, intelligent building design and efficient resource use while restoring the health of the environment.

That may sound difficult. Yet there are some that are qualified. Looking to hoary socialism or putting manacles on free enterprise will simple advance repressive government despotism, tyranny and eventually dictatorship of some authority while the world falls into more desperate times.

* For Profit Prisons- Corrupt or Not?

Fundamentally arresting the innocent or violating constitutional rights of individuals for the economic advantage of the corrupt seems to be the largest problem. Yet I disagree that privately operated prisons are inherently evil, though I am no expert.

If the Judiciary were privately run then there would be an enormous problem that ends democracy I would think. Yet private contractors responding to government contracts should create efficiency, and the contracts need not be extended if their performance was poor.

Maybe the largest problem is that the government writes poor contracts that don't reward private prisons for performance or take away money for high recidivism rates. Prisons that produce excellent 'graduates' should be rewarded.

The private sector is supposed to produce better products or services through competition and the profit motive. If government officials writing contracts are stupid or corrupt they wouldn't even know what sort of results to reward or penalize.

Governments like to expand in size too. Government jobs are fundamentally the best-paying and safest bet for ordinary people to work for with good retirement and health benefits, good pay and easy hours. Building more public prisons staffed by union workers is very expensive and difficult to change or close too-probably more difficult to shut down than a private prison.

The corruption of the old south before the end of peonage, involuntary servitude, share cropping, work gangs and reconstruction era neo-slavery in for-profit subjugation was a terrible offense against democracy. Plainly history shows that different cultures merging can be brutal and slow to change. Before modern technology it was challenging even to communicate well from city to city for many people. That social isolation allowed the corrupt to flourish and corrupt organizations to prosper. Nearly all human social organizations seek to increase in size and power. People occupy roles in organizations with inertial drive seeking to be materially rewarded and secure.

Free enterprise given some liberty to experiment with the means and methods to deliver select reform criteria may produce better results than government thinkers that have largely failed to generate satisfactory results so far.

Many have noted that drug dealers often called low level go to jail a lot. No one has commented that illegal mind-altering drugs cause brain damage in people, and that altered brains and thought can drive people to commit crimes-even if they are not drug sales crimes. Stopping the epidemic of brain damage; opioid use cause brain damage and even marijuana is believed to damage white matter-the corpus callosum connecting the haves of the brain together.


If Dissidents of Hong Kong Owned Guns Would Freedom Reign?

Hong Kong has had a spate of civil unrest with dissidents protesting mainland Chinese imposition of right of extraordinary rendition of citizens of Hong Kong to distant prison and black sites. I suppose it could be held as an example of state tyranny when citizens are disarmed and have no real capacity for armed resistance against state corruption.

In the United States 10,000 people are killed annually by drunk drivers versus 100 killed by 'mass shooters'. The media and Democrats flail about seeking to disarm American citizens to prevent the death of 100 yet say nothing about taking away cars and booze to save the 10,000. That is because tyrants and dictatorships prefer passive cattle without ability to protest the feed lot conditions that peers with guns that support democracy and a fair tax rate on the rich so they cannot become oligarchs or royals.



U.S. Reps that are Foes of Israel Shouldn't Expect Free Pass to Visit

When a pair of Muslim malcontents were denied admission to visit Israel recently some Democrats were upset. Some thing happened to some people and they cared about it. They had no good reason to be miffed except for stupidity and the expectation of U.S. privilege to trample on any nation's interests they desire.

Obviously not all U.S. politicians are hacks and enemies of select nations itching for opportunities to stir up evil if they can get inside, yet some may be.

Michigan and Minnesota are as much to blame for electing radicals that are out of touch with the historical stance of Americans as friends of Israel as the Representatives themselves for seeming anti-American as well as anti-Israel.

When Israel relented and gave permission to Rep. Tlaib to visit her grandmother if she promised not to organize terrorism or intifadas, the representative decided not to visit.

As a practical matter U.S. Representatives should not expect to be well received if even allowed to visit nations they have expressed obvious hatred and malevolence to. The eagle and stars and stripes do have some prestige, well, a little except maybe in the Democrat party in some places, yet wrapping themselves in a flag so they can have a chance to subvert foreign nations isn't a reasonable expectation.

During the Reagan administration the subversive Canadian author Farley Mowatt was banned from visiting the United States. Actually I like Mowatt's writing such as I have read of it (Never Cry Wolf and Before the Norse. One must wonder though, in comparison to Talib and Omar, he seems fairly tame. Would many nations actually want Tlaib and Omar to visit? Perhaps Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un would roll out the red carpet for them?

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...