
Rep. Don Young's Constituent Survey

I received my second e-mail with a constituent survey from Alaska Representative Don Young recently. For the second time taking the blind-to-the-result-when-taking the-survey poll I scored first place with the majority of Alaskans that after looking at the lengthy roster of issues the Congressman asked most concerned the constituency, took the last option; 'other' (aka none of the above). 

The poll results highlight what most Americans suspect about the Congress- that it is out of touch with social reality.

I looked at the numerous options including increasing military spending and making America energy independent (we already are the world's largest producer of oil). Many Americans actually would like to be independent of fossil fuels for energy. I found nothing mentioning global atmospheric heating or ecosphere decay. Ocean acidification is another element of the whole destroy the ecosphere coordination of industrialized and post-industrialized nations. One might wonder if U.S. dentists sending impressions to Chinese dental labs have risk of receiving novel coronoviruses contaminated dental constructions in return- perhaps in saliva or germs upon dentures, crowns etc. What does President Trump know about that, and when did he know it?

The Congressman provided no opportunity to mark those as concerns they would like President Trump to address. In fact there is no space for a suggestion for better questions on the Congressman's next poll. An amusing Congress. 

At least Democrats are working to bump out U.S. workers and keep down wages with illegal aliens when they aren't cutting taxes on the rich. Right; restoring a progressive tax rate that reduces the concentration of wealth and pays down the national public debt might have been useful question concern options for the Congressman to ask.

With Rep. Young one has a Hobson's choice of supporting his policies of destroying the forests, oceans, waterways and increasing atmospheric heating or voting for godless atheist policies of Democrats. It is better to abstain in some cases from voting for either party and its lackeys.


Quantum Monism and the Wave Function

Reading a recent book on Quantum Mechanics- ‘What is Real’ precipitated an idea concerning the wave-particle duality that I Have thought about recently. The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics suggests that Q.M. describes simply sampled elements of particle-waves without saying anything about a ‘real world’ quantum realm or ocean underlying the physical world of the Universe that I will refer to forthwith as the entangled world.

The entangled world comprising the physical, observable Universe is that in which quantum particles have become entangled with other particles and formed steady state clumps. The clumps are called energy and matter. The Universe and the perceived empty spaces or voids sentient human beings experience observably, objectively is also one of which they are part. One wonders what field or force enables the entire steady state of material, energy clumpiness.

Einstein and Bohm disputed the simplistic view of the Copenhagen interpretation. Einstein believed there should be some underlying force or field that allows quantum particles to exist and enter into material entanglement. What that quantum substructure could be like is interesting to consider. It could account for gravity, dark energy and dark matter.


The wave function postulates the probability of a particle at every possible location in the Universe. Its probability will of course be greatest at the point where it is observed. If the field is Parmenidean monism in character, particles that arise from it to become part of the entangled Universe are likely not of a unique character; they are simple elements of force structure of entanglement at a given location that is charged by the entire field. There are no individual particles in the unentangled field; the force entangled becomes particles or waves, as the case may be, when they become entangled. Scientific experimenters are themselves part of the entangled field.

Gravity seems to lend support to the inference that entangled clumps are attracted to other entangled clumps; that phenomenon is observed in the Universe and called gravity. Quantum entangled clumps in the Unentangled field draw in other entangled clumps in a way that could be described with Einstein general relativity illustration of warping space like weights on a rubber sheet. The mechanics of how entangled clumps draw together within the meta-Unentangled field is a question I need leave to the experts.  The unentangled field characteristics might be able to account for dark energy and matter too I suppose, depending upon the geometry and dimensionality of the unentangled quantum field, or better, unentangled monistic field.

Whenever researchers consider new particle-waves or force carriers of the entangled Universe they need determine and observe the presence of quantum wave particles in the entangled state. That realm may not be able to explain why entangled clumps afloat in unentangled monism draw together, for the unentangled monism may not be directly measurable or quantifiable from the contingent, entangled Universe or Universes.


Pres. Trump Brought Two Fine Int. Relations Policies in Two Days

With the signing into law the U.S.M.C.A. today President Trump brought his second major foreign policy initiative to the nation in two days. The Trump Middle East Peace Plan announced yesterday with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Middle East leaders in attendance was the single most realistic Peace initiative approaching a final settlement, ever (since the Balfour Agreement). The terrorist gang leadership of the Palestinians (i.e. Hamas) of course summarily dismissed the plan because they would lose terrorism employment if peace and a two-state solution became actualized.

A foreign policy loss arrived as a present from Britain when the Brits decided to accept Huawei 5G Internet wiring of their nation. American intelligence officials have discouraged its use because of the threat of providing Chinese spooks with a view to Western intelligence rather easily. Britain liked the cheaper cost of Huawei as an alternative to European products that cost more without superior performance. That is a very old story in the rise of China as a nation with cheap labor costs receiving Western investment and sales. Karl Marx did say that the capitalists would sell them the rope communists hang them with; apparently that follows the law of supply and demand.

President Trump has rectified the problems inherent in the previous N.A.F.T.A. agreement and built portions of border wall to prevent illicit trans-border migrant workers from undermining the consequences of the agreement. If large capitalists can undermine national and international trade agreements (or communists) by relocating cheap labor illegally the end result would be the concentration of wealth and impoverishment, comparatively, of the majority.

To continue to generate good foreign policy works while the House Democrat impeachment managers continue to try to convict the President of partisan imaginary crimes with the conviction of believers in Nessie trying to prove the Loch Ness monster is real and a threat to Scotland's national security is remarkable. Even with a public hearing that finds no evidence that is persuasive enough partisans never stop bring in new,material, and never would.


Trump Impeachment Trial Could Go Beyond 2020 Election with Witnesses Brought In

The thrilling episodes of the Trump impeachment trial continuing through the election year brings viewers new drama watching Rep. Adam Schiff discourse to the public on the President's misdeeds in  bullying the Ukraine while NBC's The Blacklist is off the air and isn't expected to resume until July or August 2020 if I recall. The Impeachment Show could be renewed for the 2021 season with a few more viewers if too many booriché outlaw assos don't drive them off.

It is possible that witnesses enabled by a few Senators on the Republican side such as Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Mitt Romney will bring more excitement to the drama with stories of Hunter Biden dashing through the mud-filled front lines in the battle of Ukraine vs Russia on the Eastern front to bring relief to war-bedraggled Democrat Party forces.  


Witnesses might include the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, as well as the British Royal family, MI-5 and 6 and French President Macaroon to clarify the role President had in asking for an investigation into Democrat Party elite machinations in the former Soviet Union state of Ukraine.

The author of the Steele dossier and sundry former KGB members and former Ukraine Soviet intelligence officials may have the true dope enfilading the effect an investigation of the Biden conundrum would have on the 2020 U.S. Presidential election directly. Plainly foreign investigations sway U.S. voters quite a bit and would change the minds of millions and millions of Democrats to vote for President Trump-as he well knew it would.

If the investigation into the Biden board membership and trench war had gone ahead the leftist  media such as C.N.N. and the Washington Post, New York Times et al would have flip flopped to all in behind the election of Donald Trump. It is lucky that the matter was caught with deep insider informants to Rep. Adam Schiff or the public would have never known.


Internet and Other Media Leftist Collusion to Influence U.S. Elections?

I am surprised that the topic of collusion between Democrats and foreign media to influence elections in the United States hasn't been raised. Even British tabloids often give unfavorable coverage to President Trump. Democrats were all over the Ukraine looking for things to benefit themselves and their election interests one would think, at least with foreign policy victories for propaganda purposes.

With the Internet being entirely international one encounters lunatic leftist that hate President Trump in chatrooms and foreign media alike. many of the left view the United States as an obstacle to world dominion by whatever variety of lunatic, ineffective and ecologically destructive policy they have. On the other hand, many foreigners hate global warming deniers so much that they seek to influence the 2020 election to get rid of president Trump and convert the United States into a socialist ecotopia like that of the former Soviet Union and Ukraine.

I personally believe that all of the political parties are incompetent at ecological economics and reforming economic infrastructure with directed evolution of free enterprise to a synergistic relationship between mankind and the ecosphere.

Americans should  be able to be politically self-determining and hear American opinions amidst the cacophony of global opinions.

Select U.S. Mexican 20th Cent History Items (an update)

Some accounts have President Hoover deporting one million Mexicans during the great depression. That might have followed Mexican nationalization of oil fields with U.S. oil company assets. That is a little like the situation in Iran in the 1950's that led to the coup and restoration of the Shah.

I wasn’t familiar with it. Apparently President Hoover authorized the deportation of Mexicans that were believed to be illegals during the depression. Economic panic stimulated state and local governments to enact an ethnic cleansing policy of Mexican foreign nationals. However a large percentage were birthright U.S. citizens. Fortunately that could not recur because everyone now has good I.D. and on-line birth records.


The issue underscores the need to have secure borders and citizenship accounts so people may know who is and isn’t a U.S. citizen. The spaced out way benefits drug traffickers and Democrats that value corruption as a normal, desirable condition.

The Mexican Government did not declare war on Nazi Germany until very late in the war. * They seemed to be recalcitrant, and might have hoped that a German victory would give them a new deal for retaking land from the United States that formerly belonged to Spain. Clear citizenship would help to disambiguate issues of where people have a lawful right to live, and serve to avoid hurt feelings that can exacerbate international conflict relations.

*A reader had another account of the time of entry of Mexico into the war that is substantially different, and apparently factual. Mexico entered the war in 1942 with a declaration and material and economic aid, though not military participation. The Bracero program supplied labor during the war to the United States. Apparently the course of the war brought U.S. and Mexican policy a little closer together, for during the 1930s Mexico had nationalized oil fields owned by U.S. oil companies, and of course that created a rift.

Mexico provided material and economic assistance, though did not participate militarily until 1944. Mexican President Ávila Camacho felt Mexican military participation could get Mexico a better international political position after the war, so in 1944 he sent Mexicans to pilot combat training in the United States. Mexican Squadron 201 a.k.a. The Aztec Eagles flew 739 missions out of Manila Bay in 1945.

President Camacho also allowed Mexicans to enlist in the U.S. military and appx. 15,000 did. About 1,492 of those were lost in the war.



Reasons Why God Exists

If the Universe exists, something exists. Everything has a source or an origin.

Scientific studies, researches, observations and inferences have found much of the physics and structure of the Universe. There may be infinite Universes. Those Universes had an origin; a first cause of being and becoming.

Some physicists speculate that nothing gave rise to everything. 

Virtual particles emanating from a vacuum entangle and remain steady like a cloud of nothing precipitating raindrops. If the vacuum actually had a field that produced or emanated virtual particles, that place or situation is considered the beginning of everything, yet it already was, or always was. Something or someone may have existed before, and the field could itself be a thought in the mind of God.

Even so, if the field emanated myriad universes that at some stage inducted content-energy/virtual particles from the vacuum field, in one of those Universes it could have produced an intelligent being twenty times greater than a human being of Einstein’s genius intellectually. It is not certain that a human-like brain could not be made to appear in some Universe’s order of assembly, call it evolution if you like. That super-human super-genius understanding how a Universe is physical made could have created an infinite number of Universes himself as a littler god or a big god depending upon one’s point of view.

Quantum cosmology is different than QM. It is a needed developing field. Evolution is a way of regarding temporal phases in thermodynamics.

 God ((QM x Evo)) = human present experience

Evolution has no purpose, no teleology, in itself. Benefits are relational terms and problems or possibilities of the criterion. One must look to that and regard evolution as a tool of God if looking for purpose. Consciousness has no purpose for evolution although it has a function. Evolution without God is a great pile of nothing meaningful at all. It is a sand pile as high as a pyramid that fails and flattens out eventually. God ((QM x Evo)) = human present experience. QM-Quantum Mechanics

Science is made with extrapolations of structure and function based on observations. That approach has developed much knowledge, yet the knowledge is always contingent and temporal until a deeper explanation and basis is discovered. Newton's theory of gravity was true and functional and later surpassed by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. In time one expects a deeper explanation to surpass that though the theory itself will remain valid within a limited parameter. 

It is possible that massive gravity or even a deterministic holographic account of gravity could explain away the General Theory. Gravity itself could be just an appearance of a completely determined Multiverse possible made with the assembler language of mathematics. Uncertainty is virtually certain. Socrates said he knew that he knew nothing in the first well known expression of epistemological doubt.

Human beings enamored with their own discoveries about the physical construction of the Universe have with ample ego inferred that they are for-themselves the smartest kids in the Universe (room) and that god could not exist. I have above shown that He logically could exist and actually should exist if a Multiverse exists.

The 19th century German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel believed that God was a process of trying to realize Himself in history. Hegel’s concept of God is appropriate for a God emanating from a vacuum and field evolving Himself into awareness through history as a kind of Gaia for the Universe. If God so evolved in-himself and for-others he might choose to send an authorized representative of Himself to mankind and any other sentient beings; Jesus Christ.

There are numerous ways that God may have arisen from a vacuum field. The fact that a vacuum field exists at all at some point instead of really nothing is something to consider. Another point to ponder is would a mind existing before nothing-before a vacuum field, have a reason to want to think about anything such as contents of Universes, as objects and what relationship would he have to those that would be most efficient or useful for-himself.

There is a horizon problem regarding what can be known about the Universe that implicitly coheres in its physical construction concerning space-time. With the present science what pre-existed this manifest Universe and what follows its end, if there is one, cannot be known by science. One may speculate about theoretical causes of this Universe and where the Universe itself is in regard to other possible Universes, yet one cannot directly observe or verify those speculations. 

If like some theoretical particles some day science allows a human mind to break the bonds of the speed of light and be everywhere in the Universe as a finite yet omniscient observer, it has challenging to speculate what the bounds would be for that mind...just this one Universe or every possible Universe that could exist? If the Universe is a Multiverse and there is an aMultiversal timeless neo-eternity of vacuum containing it, would our human mind-explore have the right stuff to be omnipresent in the eternal vacuum (that could really be just a phase-field of some sort that itself changes in an unknown way) of non-being and be in all times and places in each Universe of the Multiverse that ever was, is or will be?

There are many tough questions and challenges for science to answer, and they aren't necessarily antipathetic to the story of the Bible; more perhaps, irrelevant to it except as supporting props for accurate interpretations of the book of God.

Since Darwin’s theory became popular many people have dismissed the idea of the existence of God summarily; that is they repeatedly have made summary judgments regarding the being of God having regarded the weight of the evidence of science and evolution vs. the Bible’s creation material. They usually are unfamiliar with the Bible in detail and have encountered a lifetime of science. They are persuaded that the Bible is a Neolithic story that evolution science has superseded; in short they are not philosophically minded enough to consider the question of cosmology in relation to a Supreme Being at all. For various reasons they prefer to regard themselves as virtual lizards evolving in the tangled bank of environmental destruction on Earth underway in order to over-produce goods and comforts for human beings most wastefully. 

They regard Evolution as a true belief that requires the falsification of God. That paradigm is wrong on the logical scientific and philosophical axis as well as on the Biblical axis; it is not at all uncommon for people to notice that the basic order and parameters of the Bible book of Genesis concerning creation bares structural similarities or parallels to evolution. They are not actually in opposition logically; God may have evolved the Universe and for that matter, Adam and Eve could have been not simply legendary representative beings; they may have been Super-beings challenged by all of the philosophical, ethical and moral challenges humans experience after the fall and set in to the mortal coil of temporal thermodynamics.

I need leave off this essay here and will leave with a url for my free e-book with some ideas on the topic. Sometime I hope to write a revision with updates on various interesting matters.


Where is the Presidential Candidate That Wants to Zero Public Debt?

The 2020 Presidential race is lacking a candidate that would choose to eliminate public debt. Democrats would like to add trillions and trillions to public debt as if they were nuts with no concern about busting the U.S. economy thereby. They don't mind risking Social Security, Medicare and all the rest of social infrastructure programs that could be eliminated if the Big Crash occurs.

President Reagan started the debt ball rolling with his use of permanent Keynesian economics relabeled supply side economics, to stimulate economic advance, grow the military and out-perform the late Soviet Union. Well, that program worked. Unfortunately not even the inventor of public spending that adds great public debt to stimulate the economy, John Maynard Keynes, regarded the policy as anything beside a temporary and phenomenal technique. Neither he nor most economists before the Arthur Laffer era thought the policy could be permanent.  

Over the course of history great public has been proven to be bad policy, I believe, with few exceptions. Debt has led to wars. Debt default usually harms the poor first as conservatives denounce the lazy or corrupt poor that won't work honest jobs as they have. Everyone it is held can advance socially to a better class if they try. Unrealistic as that is, the option of cutting spending on the poor that have poor political representation and economic leverage remotely equivalent to that of the rich is the first to go.

There isn't anything wrong with balancing the federal budget and eliminating public debt. Public debt of immense scale such as the 23 trillion dollars of U.S. public debt could take generations to pay down. Virtually anything that is done with an imbalanced budget could be done better with a balanced budget if politicians had a clue for the trail of innovation, invention and resourcefulness and management. It is easier though to select more politicians with bad policies without a concern about eliminating U.S. public debt or reforming free enterprise with directed evolutionary selection for programs and policies that restore the national ecospheric vitality and promotes all citizens from the bottom up out of poverty, social or medical insecurity. As was said in the Wizard of Oz, and could be said of many politicians; "If I only had a brain."


On American Greatness (and that of the rest of the world)

God is great. People should not be too concerned with self-image instead of achievement. The United States is probably greater than it ever was, it is simply the case that the content has evolved and mass urbanization and demographics have increased tremendously from the beginning. The U.S.A. has an identity crisis- perhaps a perpetual crisis, and as it has lost its frontier character it has found so many different values and peoples thrown together and there is necessarily conflict with those values. The problem is compounded by the will to power by so many groups, and the failure of plain governing authorities with good ideas to lead and fuse national character in to something more than greed and ecological ignorance. Even as the nation increases in education and technology it has decreased its environmental quality and certain traditional values as well. There is no question that in former times for example a century ago, ordinary Americans were of a more self-reliant and spiritual character. That was in part a result of the more sparse population and freedom of Americans from the intense socialization of the electronic media. The electronic media supplanted traditional agencies of socialization such as the Church. That does not mean that the nation is experiencing challenges today that are not capable of getting successful responses, though it may seem improbable. One major political party- the Democrat Party, is failing to represent ordinary lower and middle class Americans at all well. Its constituents are quite differently socialized than the politics of the masses from the past. It is programmed by the electronic media and socialized to seek power for itself as special class interests. It is a very shallow representation of the interests of real Americans that serves it poorly, for it has no plain empirical comprehension of the real challenges to the nation or what responses should be to the challenges of which it is largely discognizant. The Democrat Party has proven an ability to divide rather than unify the nation. It has gone along with tax cuts that have concentrated wealth too far while it failed to assure that the most poor would find it easy to rejoin the workforce at any part of their lives. The party has become too urbanized and simultaneously globalized and imbued with post-modernist philosophy that is more important than empirical common sense for the body politic. Republicans of course simply pursue tax cuts and the enrichment of the rich while not doing enough to defend a more egalitarian free enterprise system economically. Each party has failed to recognize the disastrous land use policies environmentally speaking that have brought the ecosphere into steep decline and brought a global mass extinction of species. Humanity depends upon the web of life of the ecosphere and need learn how to do economics without destroying it. It is very likely that if the web of life on earth is finally broken, humanity will become a casualty too. I think Christians always were going to be on their own with a different ethic and view of life than the lost without faith. Christians are the salt of the Earth, yet they need to have right opinions about the Bible too, and not be too overconfident that they correctly understand everything in it. There is a large disagreement about when the tribulation was for example. Some believe it already occurred in the first century A.D. and others think it ahead. Some believe that God evolved the Universe and life on Earth with his omnipotence, and others that it popped into being in six days without comprehending general relativity or the book of Genesis in its historical construction. Those failures of comprehension can make Christians lose their savor as the salt of the Earth (well, some at least), because in their error they make themselves pessimists and detached from concern about the well being of the ecosphere of Earth instead of being its stewards. Atheists are as bad or worse in misunderstanding the Bible and in making superfluous and rash inferences about the existence of God because of the Darwin paradigm of evolution. Christian error allows the schism socially and logically to go unchallenged; many are lost because they cannot believe that God could have evolved the world.
Philosophically speaking the nature of human speculation and orthodox opinions are interesting. Humans have ideas and groups of ideas to form sets of ideas that are given structure and become orthodox with the ratios and relations are true. Yet every aspect of true opinions of sets lends themselves to speculation and theoretical sets in order in improve knowledge. Believe it or not that process can be applied to theology too. I was amused by the subject and wrote a brief poem about reason and ratios today.
Reasoned Sets, Ratios and Metaphysics
Reasons set the ratios of sets relationships of elements known and the unknown theoretical relations forming metaphysics of sets' speculations Content of so many arguments about elements and relations inclusion and exclusion categories cats, eagles and dogs Universe with Wordsworth theoretical elements and field notations discursively captured phenomena before membranes, big bangs and other dimensions sets of theoretical speculations ossify in reasoned doctrine dripping stalagmites all.
The entire planetary ecosphere likely was evolved by God in co-dependent directed evolution from the beginning. Directed evolution is consistent with Universe pre-determinism and pre-destination. One cannot remove an arm or a leg here or there and not affect the entire organism in which humanity coheres. Many don't realize the evolutionary history of ecological systems or those of the water with a semblance of competence. The faithless have always been a part of society. Tolerance of diverse opinions politically is the essence of the marketplace of ideas that enables natural production and selection of the best ideas socially. Those ideas actualized drive human progress forward. Society need advance in competence rather than simple decadence or comfort of an empirically myopic character.
Eventually some politicians will need to comprehend the principles of sustainable ecosphere with a sustainable environmental business economic plan. It is far more than remediation for global atmospheric heating that is needed. The ecosphere health issue is important enough to the well-being of mankind that is should be an issue for itself unencumbered by partisan riders for social issues that are completely divisive. In the Toynbean paradigm of challenge and response both parties are failing the challenge of sustaining a health ecosphere on Earth. The United States has great potential as do the rest of the world’s nations. Building a reformed free enterprise economy that works within directed political economy parameters to restore the ecosphere and assure that all Americans have a good life quality with freedom is a great challenge that can be overcome someday, with work. Politicians should attempt to accomplish important non-partisan issues legislation that sets aside divisive social issues to work the reform needed for the future and present. Many of the special interest groups pursuing their own agendas to benefit themselves will need to find remedies for that within an egalitarian economic reform that is task oriented to accomplish work that benefits all of society without destroying the ecosphere’s health.

President Trump Apparently Intends to Make a Destroy-Wetlands-and-Streams Measure Law

President Trump seems willing to implement one of the most irresponsible wetlands and stream destruction acts made in the past few decades into law.


President Bush 41 brought a fair degree of wetlands protection to the nation and President Obama made some effort to do that as well. President Trump though is quite the opposite in working to destroy the nation's remaining wetlands in order to firm up red state voter support. President Trump may be trying to show Brazil by example that the Amazon rain forest could be made into a splendid profusion of farms, asphalt ribbons to parking lots and golf courses.

Some Americans value wetlands and stream quite a lot. When this generation passes and the politicians in D.C. are simply departed memories downwind, the next generations will not have the chance to experience the natural health of a profusion of wetlands destroyed by the power of President Trump, godless atheist Democrats and collaborators (mass transit tech and innovative systems could be part of a green ecospheric renaissance).

I hope he reconsiders. The world's land and water use is not generally planned rationally at all in an ecospheric health conservation context. If Democrats were not a party of dopey, homosexual favoritism, abortionist, godless atheists irresponsibly working to flood the nation with illegal aliens that make forming good environmental opinions in the electorate impossible and divided, the sort of act of President Trump would never arise. The idiotic and false parameters for impeachment is the sort of thing the Corrupt-o-crats are after. No party is good in D.C. ecospherically speaking; no not one.

Business is important and a lot of good business people couldn't give a rat's ass about the environment. The environment is regarded as an externality to their economic interests if it is regarded at all. Those without a proprietary business interest in destroying ecospheric health (it sustains life on Earth and will for some few centuries at a minimum) might support a rational land-use plan for the nation that would be a good example to other nations of how to restore lost environmental health and sustain a robust flora and fauna rich ecosphere at the same time as sustainable business continues within free enterprise parameters of directed economic evolution.

The entire planetary ecosphere likely was evolved by God in co-dependent directed evolution from the beginning. Directed evolution is consistent with Universe predeterminism and pre-destination. One cannot remove an arm or a leg here or there and not affect the entire organism in which humanity coheres. Many don't realize the evolutionary history of ecological systems or those of the water with a semblance of competence.

Eventually some politicians will need to comprehend the principles of sustainable ecosphere with a sustainable environmental business economic plan. It is far more than remediation for global atmospheric heating that is needed. The ecosphere health issue is important enough to the well-being of mankind that is should be an issue for itself unencumbered by partisan riders for social issues that are completely divisive. In the Toynbean paradigm of challenge and response both parties are failing the challenge of sustaining a health ecosphere on Earth.

Reasoned Sets, Ratios and Metaphysics (poem)

Reasons set the ratios of sets
relationships of elements known
and the unknown theoretical relations
forming metaphysics of sets'

Content of so many arguments
about elements and relations
inclusion and exclusion
cats, eagles and dogs

Universe with Wordsworth
theoretical elements and field notations
discursively captured phenomena
before membranes, big bangs and other dimensions
sets of theoretical speculations
ossify in reasoned doctrine
dripping stalagmites all.


How Applied Post-Modernism Devastated Democrats

Post-modernism comprised a number of fields including certain philosophical movements especially those concerning truth and the verifiability of truth. Subjectivity became a pervasive outlook; some regarded that as overly introspective and in support of confusion or denial concerning the reality of the world. Social reality supplanted empirical pragmatism. Select elites regarded the entire movement and its effect upon the masses as possibly a good thing since they were becoming more malleable to elite persuasion.
The Persistence of Memory, 1931 - Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali- The Persistence of Memory

In the early 20th century the majority of the lower classes of Americans were earthy, godly people. They would even serve in major wars because of loyalty to government and virtue to a certain extent, for good or bad. During the Vietnam Conflict era post-modernism and draft resistance catalyzed a me-first subjective outlook. With birth control and affirmative action the establishment began to lose credibility and became suspect by the new masses. What was being lost though during the time of accelerating urbanization and technology advance was the earthy and Christian pragmatism that had been the backbone of the nation. Certain elites regarded the entire mess of over-population and ecospheric degradation as threatening. They believed that a new social organization needed to be cultured that would reduce population and stabilize environmental loss. The traditional economy and family unit were regarded a villains. Radical transformation was sought after, and that required the masses to be ideologically severed from owning real property, farming, the Church and heterosexual marriage. 

President Trump represents some of the values- especially economic values, and the new elites of Harvard, M.I.T. and of California hate that- hence the fabrications of the Mueller investigation and the Impeachment. What the new elites lacked was faith in God and the U.S.A. and willingness to trust and get the masses to follow new economic reform guidelines voluntarily. Instead they work to dupe the herd into being sycophantic echos in metaphorical cattle pens of political control.

President Trump is the ultimate carpet king do-it-yourself TV commercial owner-salesman who measures the world in square feet. That is good for business and bad for the environment. As an indoor guy the wilderness is just an undeveloped area to the President. That is bad news for Alaska wilderness areas- the only quality ones remaining in the United States, and bad news for the prospects of survival on Earth since the wild isn't superfluous. The trouble is that there is just no realistic alternative with Democrats being godless atheist redistributionists seeking to enrich the most rich and add trillions and trillions to the public debt on their course to restore the power of Harvard elites. 

What is needed is some political leader that excels at innovation and who comprehends the principles of ecologic economics so well that he can understand how to adapt it to free enterprise actualization with directed economic evolution that respects traditional American values.


Apparently Democrats Want a 2nd Impeachment Trial in the Senate

 Democrat leaders apparently want a second impeachment trial in the Senate. Dissatisfied with the House impeachment they feel a desire to have another one with witnesses, depositions and testimony in the Senate. That isn't the way it's supposed to work. Witnesses should only be called after the prosecution and defense have made their cases, if the Senate needs more input or data for clarification.

The streamlined version of a constitutional impeachment process is for the House to have what amounts to a trial and the Senate acting as a jury to decide the verdict to convict the President of impeachment. When the House chooses to impeach a President it has made a material finding with a higher standard than that of a Grand Jury. It has in effect had a trial and rendered a verdict. The Senate is supposed to convict or acquit the Democrat's finding.  Democrats want to jury rig the Senate's deliberation process and make another trial of it, and that is wrong.

The House acts as the prosecution in an impeachment movement and indicts a President if partisan or if the President has committed high crimes or misdemeanors. The House prosecutors aka impeachment managers make their case before the Senate, and the President is permitted a defense; then a vote should occur although more witnesses or other material may be brought in. In a purely partisan prosecution a purely counter-partisan acquittal is anticipated.

Democrats did not charge the President with specific crimes in the House kangaroo court. The Democrat Party is regarded by a few as lunacy in post-modernism bereft of truth and incompetent at legislating. Anti-global warming remediation for example should not be packaged with poison pill riders such as socialism. If the party were serious about that issue it would promote atmospheric remediation with free enterprise and directed economic evolution with a few good regulations and incentives.


Are Fox, Google Search Englne Listings, C.N.N. etc Repressive of the Public Sphere?

There is a brief review of Jürgen Habermas' thesis of the Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere that seems apropos for this particular 2020 Presidential race.


If the public is holding the bag on vast public debt and don't really participate in the public sphere except as left or right party sycophantic echoes how can America ever be great again? That would require no public debt and the poor very squared away, with a great ecospheric restoration to health.


Lunar and Martian Construction note three

Exploiting readily available building materials on new solid planetary objects (or ones that are mostly ice) will use a number of innovative construction techniques eventually. The Defense Advanced Researched Project Agency recently invented a method to make living  bricks grow with bacteria, gelatin and CO2. https://www.slashgear.com/darpa-backed-living-bricks-could-reproduce-self-heal-and-slurp-co2-15606931/

Using the local chemicals of planets, moons and comets to form buildings is an obvious efficient approach. Bringing a sourdough starter to add to a growing structure could have innumerable variable components to shelter humans in adverse environments.

Ice shelters, and dirt-regolith domes moved into place with A.I. driven bobcats would compete for ubiquity with electromagnetic charged particle fields attracting material for growth and stabilization. It may also be possible to make a kind of laser-sculpted dwelling in the right material as an opposite of the 3D printing approach.

If some process were made to produce charged particles from local materials (i.e. dirt) a magnetized thin-wire structure such as is used to build a chicken coop could be made into any sort of shape to which the charged particles could stick and be fused permanently in place. N.A.S.A. is also experimenting with growing mushroom fungus into shaped structures. https://futurism.com/the-byte/nasa-grow-moon-base-mushrooms

Another planet- a large one six times the size of Earth (in mass probably since the discovery was made measuring gravitational impact) may have been found orbiting a star relatively near the solar system. Proxima Centauri c is just 4.2 light years away. The red dwarf star doesn't provide nearly as much sunshine as Sol and the new planet may be very cold- perhaps more than 300 degrees below zero. It is too far away to be warm.


In a couple of centuries when technology exists in various combinations to allow Earthers to visit Proxima Centauri tech to grind up the large planet to make six Earth size planets may be developed. Then Earth normal gravity could be established to allow human settlement. A lot of new geo-engineering and construction techniques will need to be researched and developed before actual use- in theory.


Slop Socialism of Democrats is Bureaucrat's Dream

The Democrat Party has largely abandoned free enterprise principles in their approach to governing philosophy and implemented slop socialism where one bumbles into government debt and gross inefficiency to add a hodge-podge of programs to bring everyone into reliance on the government for services. A plain socialist system might be more efficient than slop socialism, yet no one wants pure socialism in the U.S.A. except for a minority of socialists.

Democrats seem to have made accusations and litigation a continuing process, a perpetual revolution, to attempt to always remain in political power in the executive branch notably. Today speaker Pelosi finally said she would send the impeachment over to the Senate next week. The Democrat insider-media axis of leaking to maintain a pejorative narrative continues. A leaker plead guilt to sending S.A.R. reports to the media; one wonders if the reports themselves were also made by a Democrat.



Slop socialism flourished in the Obama administration era. Inefficient Obamacare excluded a large number of the very poor-especially if they traveled from state to state seasonally looking for odd jobs and were homeless. Iran was given a nuclear missile development program so the next generation of Americans could have vast public debt and a nuclear weapons rich Iran too. A nuclear arms race in the Middle East with Saudi and Israel  building batteries of nuclear ballistic and cruise missiles wouldn't really be a safety improvement for anyone.

Ballistic missiles travel much faster than jet aircraft. For defense against Iran's developing nuclear missile armory Saudi and Israel would each need to develop 100 counter-strike missiles to point at Iran. Then again, with three players each might want to have 100 more to counter-strike the other two belligerents. The situation is ripe for a Shi'a-Sunni-Jewish tripartite arms race. The world would wait to see who would win the prize for best-decorated nuclear missile with 50 megaton warhead.

The Obama administration also gave tax cuts to the most rich leading the way to further tax cuts. In slop socialism its okay to enrich the most rich more, including Hollywood and Sports millionaires and billionaires and politicians, while throwing some bread and circuses to the lower classes, because slop socialists don't invest in making free enterprise work for everyone at all and can't differentiate between free enterprise efficiency with a good progressive tax rate and capitalism that isn't defined by a Marxist paradigm. Slop socialists tend to believe that inefficient government policy and the machines of big corporate will lead to the Utopia of socialism and a pure environment bottled and sold with special homosexual, greenish-purple, three-sexed rangers providing tours for the public of Bambi's realm.

Oh right; the Obama administration also greased the way to force homosexual marriage on the nation instead of establishing a new yet different structure for the queer persuasion; slop socialists prefer to expropriate rather than procreate. Plainly ecological economics within a free enterprise context isn't on the Democrat's radar screen.

With the Democrat abandonment of free enterprise as the founding principle of political economy the work in that field for reform to apply it to repair the ecosphere and restore a more egalitarian and creative economy simply doesn't develop. Without a free enterprise, egalitarian, ecologically economic realism party to challenge rich Republicans the concentration of wealth crowds unchecked and that too oppresses free enterprise for all.


Clear Solar Window Panels are Making Progress

Creating clear solar panels as transparent windows is an idea that could transform ordinary buildings into energy producers. Windows might be made that release light at night into the interior perhaps with a mirror surface appearing at night facing outside when the sun has set.


If transparent surface coatings for glass could retrofitted to cover glass or automobile then entire office buildings with glass panels could be made into energy producers. Presently the transparent windows from one company have about 10% conversion efficiency.


Quantum Wave-Particle Duality note

The quantum world is logical and structured. I would think that most if not all structured systems have a large part determined a priori rather than chaoticly formed with retrocausality.

Regarding quantum wave-particle duality; The apparent phenomena observed are part of a structure and field of the entire Universe. I like the quantum super-position questions and sum-over-histories paradigm for interesting thought. To the point though; consider an ocean wave or swell that is an area phenomenon rather than a point phenomenon that it could be taken for if measured at a particular location where its energy is focused or elicited with observation. Maybe it is like that, although just analogously. The strength or location measurement of a wave may be greatest where it is observed.

Social Trophic Order

Agree or disagree; Electronics and machines supporting social networking, racketeering command and control is the gist of modern society. Philosophical questions of pros seem to be about trophic order (dinner place settings) in support of the quest for comfort civilization. A casualty of the human comfort prime directive society is the ecosphere. The pool and SUV have far higher priority than the lynx, cougar and forest.

Socrates said that failure at being virtuous was bad, and putting an innocent man to death was worse than dying oneself. Plato was a student-apprentice of Socrates acting like a scribe recording what Socrates said in the brilliant dialogues. Plato was quite a good writer. From The Apology page 41 "But you also, judges, must regard death hopefully and must bear in mind this one truth, [41d] that no evil can come to a good man either in life or after death, and God does not neglect him." Since Socrates was on trial for his life (or permanent exile) the statement was especially pithy.


Faith vs Assumption

An assumption is an unverified classification made with inference from similar cases/instances. Faith is nothing like assumption. Faith may be construed to be trust, yet faith may arise from any number of causes with none being an inference. Faith may be trust in witness accounts, and faith may occur outside a religious context obviously. An example would be faith that the world economy won't collapse because President Trump is good at business. An assumption might be that if the U.S. economy has a recession it would recover in due time because it always has. One could assume that any Democrat Presidential candidate would support some illegal drugs being made legal, abortion, homosexuality and illegal immigration, is cold to Christian fundamentalists etc, yet have faith that eventually a right-thinking Republican could be elected to right a few wrongs. One could assume that any given Democrat presidential nominee would want to add trillions to public debt, eliminate private gun ownership and would tailor environmentalism and environmental remediation to appeal to socialists because it has a large element of the commons to it. One might assume that some Republican candidates and President Trump would disregard the harm fossil fuel burning causes to the atmosphere, yet have faith that in some way an environmental economist would run for and be elected to office in time to curtail planetary mass extinction while there are a few rhinos, tigers and Kodiak bears remaining alive. One can assume candidates from both parties increase the concentration of wealth. A run-of-the-mill assumption can be made easily about future events- Faith requires more than that.

If most ideas were a form of propositional or syllogistic logic it would be easy to say that the premises of faith were verified when the conclusion verified the premises. If one has faith that a tenth planet exists beyond the Oort Cloud though the evidence is sketchy presently, the discovery of that planet would verify the accuracy of faith in that planet existing. Socrates discussed belief and problems of it in The Meno, I believe it was. 


Suffering, Stimulus, Response, Challenges and Adversity etc

 Suffering is a form of adversity. The coefficient of adversity when too high precludes the development of civilization. Alternatively when it is too low societies tend to stagnate. Arnold Toynbee's paradigm of challenge and response is a parallel of stimulus and response. With no stimulus the mind and body atrophy (as in a sensory deprivation chamber for example), with too much stimulus the mind and body can break down I suppose; imagine stimulus as fire or heave weights (a couple of tons) or a dozen loudspeakers blaring one of the worst songs of the 1960s in an endless loop. An appropriate and high level of suffering such as a distance runner or a football player might use to build up stamina, endurance and strength is a golden mean.

Morality is a description of what people socially actually do behaviorally. Cultures repeat certain behavioral norms/patterns. Deviations from those are said to be immoral. A religion or re-allegiance is a horse of a different color. People have allegiance to certain objective ensembles for various reasons; some good, some bad and some ugly.

 I am not sure that materialistic minded people value relationships less than intelligent people. Materialistic minded could mean a behavioral doggishness regarding the bones of the world for-oneself and snarling or dog-fighting to keep control instead of thought about macro-social circumstances or philosophic reflection. Materialistic minded people can regard people as quite important too; for good people might have material value to the materialistic in that they bring good material things or security. Dos a dog love his master? Those that are energy minded (E=MC2) may also have a fair regard for people and relationships. Jesus; the spiritual minded sine qua non is said to have said; (Luke 14-26; "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

U.S. Could Move Troops To Kurdistan from Iraq

Iraq's Shi'a leaders want American military forces to leave; maybe sending them to Iraq would be a good idea.

After the U.S. withdraws military forces a renewed Shi'a-Sunni conflict probably will evolve. The United States has no interest in general regional Middle East conflict occurring and yet would probably not intervene in the national spat. An Iraq civil war would place Kurds in an odd position of choosing sides or remaining neutral. Iran would probably be expected to intervene on behalf of the Shi'a theocracy that would grow under Iranian tuteladge. It would be good to have the U.S. secure the peace of certain neutral allies in the area that aren't adverse to an American troop presence; a new state of Kurdistan.


American foreign policy recently treated the Kurds rather badly as has the west for a few centuries. Maybe they don't trust Kurds as a consequence of Kurdish General Suliman Saladin defeating the last of the Crusaders at Acre, yet Kurds always were territorially protectively inclined and that isn't historically unusual. One must move on to trust and support allies with a certain pragmatism.


Turkey should  concede, with the proper incentives, the formation of a new Kurdish state with some Syrian and even a Turkish territory in order to stablish the Middle East while the Shi'a foment wars across the region and seek to attack Saudi better etc.

A strong upcountry base to defend various Middle East tactical requirements would be useful for maintaining peace in the region while Iraq moves into its desired interminable civil war phase. Maybe the Trump administration should think twice about blocking Iraq's right to have civil war free from foreign interference except for Iran.

The Ordinary Human Super-Power

Thought trumps evolution; it is the ordinary human super-power. Human thought is a higher power able to overcome evolution that rules mass and material objects. Matter and energy flow in the order of physical forces of nature. Talus slopes form at the base of crumbling cliffs and mountains when small rocks flow downhill in the Earth’s gravitational field; humans are able to move the rockpile upslope or even fix them back on with concrete patches if they wish; thought overcomes the blind physical forces of nature.

Human thought occurs in a higher level and fundamentally different order than insentient matter. Human thought isn’t deterministic in the same way that matter and energy are determined to exist in and part of physical forces of nature; gravity does not manifest itself much without the presence of matter and the energy locked in to mass.
Evolution occurs on Earth as reconfigurations of the forms of matter and energy. The human body is a part of that field of evolution yet thought is not. Thought is in the world yet not of it. Spirit is a higher super-power than thought. God is spirit and precedes the realm of thought, perhaps comparable to the way quantum reality and super-positions precede the steady state field of matter and energy.

The planet’s ecosystem challenges caused by humanity can be overcome with thought. Though that comprehends right configurations and uses of economic infrastructures and natural resources. Human thought does compile in a way that is analogous to material evolution, yet the analogy is weak and inexact as human thought may compile and constructions ideas and images in any way it likes or envisions. Not all humans evolve thought in a similar way or at the same pace. Thought is comparable to a construction project in mind that puts together structures and relations, orders and assemblies sometimes fortuituously with graceful inductions or methodically with plain work effort.

Humanity tends to seek after its own well-being as individuals, families and groups. It shares a doggish or wolfish trait in desiring the bone in the den and snarls when the employment bone seems ready to be snatched away. After the two great wars of the 20th century and the rise of communism to statehood a large portion of humanity took to the practice of blaming nationalism for conflicts and selfishness. Communists found better welfare and well-being in a socialist paradigm theoretically; their bones and dens as individuals were thought incorrectly to be safer within the socialist paradigm. The human trait of not-thinking enough and satiety with simple unreflective doggishness remained. The fault was not in nations but in ourselves an in our leaders.


Sanctions on Iran are Probably Good for U.S. Oil Producers

The Trump administration's unfortunate stress relationship with Iran has the unintended effect of benefiting the U.S. economy by driving up the price per barrel of oil. Because the United States is the largest producer of oil on earth and Iran in fourth place sanctions on the fourth place guy tighten oil supply a trifle and with the restricted supply drive up demand. Luckily for the oil market whenever Iran sends missiles to Iraq or attacks ships or Saudi oil facilities there is a temporary increase in the price of oil as investors fear, or rather, bank on, the possibility of war.                   

When war in the Persian Gulf and Middle East becomes a serious threat or actually occurs that is very good for U.S. oil producers. With an actual conflict with Iran the price of oil could double. Full disclosure- I have no shares of any any oil producers or suppliers.


President Trump's Iran issues actually benefit the U.S. economy.


Democrat's Crank Impeachment Wave May Have Run Out of Gas

The crank impeachment wave of the Democrat Party may have hit the bottom and broken short of the beach where it was intended to be a tsunami that would wipe out settlements of voters that elected the President in 2016. The wave actually never reached the Senate with the articles squirelled away in Nancy Pelosi's drawer. Speaker Pelosi may be so ashamed of the flimsy impeachment process her co-cranks worked that she won't send them to the Senate hoping the furor will cool off.

Senator Lindsey Graham said that the Senate may go ahead and change the rules in order to process the impeachment anyway in order to not have to keep everyone in an emergency status. Very likely the Senate will dismiss the lawsuit as a worthless piece of junk as soon as they can. The crank Democrat wave might increase the number of voters that are skeptical about the value of the Democrat Party agenda.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...