
Biggest platform-fish eat political free speech

 Today the most political expression and language occurs on the internet. Internet platforms are generally privately owned and subject to corporate censorship. The most rich can afford the most powerful servers and set the rules for what language can be used, how it can be presented and listed in search engines and other visibility factors. Corporate media owns the broadcast news networks and selectively resents what is in their best financial interest as news; the Republican party generally seems to be the losers in the race for biggest fish able to eat the smaller fish.

Republicans have something of a dual nature; they have rich insider corporatists supported by people like former Senate majority leader McConnell and populist blue collar supporters like Sen Ted Cruz. Much of the conservative blue collar people are reliant on fossil fuel industry jobs and support obsolete and fatuous ideas such as global warming is really caused by puff the magic dragon’s flatulence that will stop when his digestion settles down. There are many conservative Christian fundamentalists with wrong end-times beliefs that believe the tribulation is ahead and President Biden is the anti-Christ and NPR is his puppet mouthpiece. President Biden is regarded in some paradigms as the anti-Christ. The left uses much of the above as proof of the racism of the Republican Party, and nationalism has come to be associated with the phrase ‘white nationalism’.

Because many Americans that don’t vote Democrat are pragmatists concerned with the U.S.A.’s prospects and believe the well-being of the nation and the national economy is in effect in their personal interest they tend to be nationalists. There is of course a great struggle by globalists to reduce nationalists and convert the exist middle class into downwardly mobile tools for corporatist globalism and the message is hammered down incessantly on the biggest platforms.

The bi-partisan politics that reinforce globalism over the national interests of the U.S.A. are helped along by the homosexual power movement that would use the United States as a tool to force homosexual marriage on the world under British supervision. Brits tend to be leaders at godless political atheism because of their application of the ideas of their very own Charles Darwin. Traditional British imperialism finds the promotion of atheism and homosexuality quite agreeable for building up their own interests among the English speaking world. Britain and the homosexual radical left would like to get rid of a Russia in opposition to homosexual marriage and not controlled by Wall Street.

There is confusion in the body politic concerning the difference between corporatism and socialism. In fact there isn’t much of a difference down the road as the body politic become drone workers without morality or faith under an imperialism agreeable to the 1% leaders in either Wall Street or Chinese Communist countries. I wrote this post because I read an opinion that no country is any better than another. People today haven’t read Plato apparently, and they should, for the ideas regarding one thing being better than others or not, and what is good-what the good is, is very old yet obviously unknown to plenty of moderns.

The concept of equality has been stretch and deformed to the point of meaninglessness and falsehood the past 20 years. Some nations have better political systems than others, some have less population density or better social safety nets. While none have sustainable ecological economic infrastructure perhaps they will some day. One might ask if any nation limits the amount of wealth a citizen might have in relation to the average income or if a nation as more secure borders against illegal entry than others. To claim that no nation is better than any other is a claim for the great mediocrity of contemporary political systems and the futility of trying to make government better. For some reason it is believed that one can make a better care, computer or casserole than any other yet no nation can have even a slight edge. If that were so than they all would be losers.

https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1497/1497-h/1497-h.htm The Republic


What Gravity is/Christian Cosmology/apologetics etc (video)

 What is gravity? Occasionally I speculate and write something about it. I have no idea about the extent of the Higgs Field yet it is popularly credited with doing marvelous things to energy and for mass these days. Blame it for creating the appearance of gravity too. So what is gravity? It could be an apparent effect caused by the shape or reshaping of the Higgs Field interacting with energy and mass. If the Higgs Field allows mass in three dimensions to be created from two dimensional energy slowing down in the Higgs Field, the Higgs itself might be morphed and reshaped making thereby the appearance of space being curved in relation to gravity.

If the Higgs Field is more or less than three dimensions, the field may allow quantum entanglement information to be saved or relocated from three dimensions and disseminated faster than light-itself an apparent phenomena in three dimensions- through the non-three dimensional field and return to three dimensional locations with something like a waveform collapse.

Gravity occurs at light speed, and that would be natural if light speed is the norm for massless particle-waves or energy not slowed down to three dimensions. When energy becomes entangled from two dimensions to three and becomes embedded in a steady state in the Higgs Field, the aggregation of mass in the field reshapes the field and draws other mass toward it in field curvature. The field itself may act at the speed of light and create the appearance of gravity acting at the speed of light. If the field is expanding or is something is acting upon the field that isn’t of the three dimensional mass the Higgs Field could seem to be causing space to expand. There is an obvious way to regard that condition though; aggregation of mass that causes the Field to warp and attract mass may reciprocally expand space of the field bereft of elements of the field drawn in the Higgs Field and mass interactive aggregation situation.

Gravity is a marvelous thing. If it is an appearance because people see through a glass darkly embedded in the mass of particle-waves slowed down to sub-light speed in the Higgs Field, humans at least have the promise of discovering how it arises some day. Like the time when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac by God, and Abraham showed he had such faith in God existing so as to be regarded as worthy of the promise, the appearance of gravity on this side of the cloud of unknowing may someday be rewarded by the saving grace of truth appearing; as when God sacrificed His Son Jesus Christ to save all of those of faith. The truth will set gravity theorists free.

Some people wonder about the relationship of God to the Universe and how the theory of evolution juxtaposes with the explanation of creation provided in the Bible. The accounts of contemporary cosmology and of the book of Genesis aren't in necessary contradiction or even in conflict as superficial reading or analysis indicates to some, though most haven't troubled to look to far into either field.

Consider what an eternal being who could create a Higgs field with a thought, or a thought of a field that has always existed like a library of every possible idea or universe that could ever exist, completely existing with God, would want to tell beings in a universe or thermodynamic process that he actualized, about how it came to be. I will give a shot at imagining what kind of reconciliation he would try.

Briefly He might say that; “I saw nothingness and brought light to it and over a period of time -days for you I will call them since general relativity wasn't existing yet nor even special relativity or energy and mass- I brought stars and dust to exist and man evolved innocently in an Eden of blissful ignorance until he/you/they grew smart enough to cultivate orchards, plant crops and etc. You were de facto booted out of Eden, into clothing, guilt with the knowledge of good and evil's difference and into the realm of Cain kills his brother Abel to just continue evolving in a wild format until I tried to correct your existential estrangement from my way of peace, wisdom and so forth.

Your first civilization incidentally was located at a spot that is now beneath the Persian Gulf. At least there was one guy who followed my warnings about the rising global sea level during the end of the Wisconsin ice age. He- Noah and his family build a boat and survived the flood that drowned those wicked people that kept going on with their immoral drift of destruction. Noah's sons went out to people living south of the Mediterranean Sea and became leaders, somewhat like the Verangian Vikings became leaders of Slavs living around the city they founded at Kiev. Hey, that brings you up to Charles Darwin and the present time with all of the interesting questions you can create concerning the paradoxes of the Higgs field, of mass, energy, space, time, a plethora of universes and modal logic possibilities without end.

It is a great time to be alive except for the planetary destruction of the ecosphere and so forth. The problem about ignoring my son's (Jesus Christ) prophecy concerning the great first century tribulation should have been surprising to me yet it wasn't of course. Some of you are still looking for a great tribulation and take that paradigm as an excuse to keep destroying the environment and to stop building the kingdom of God up on Earth through an egalitarian, literate priesthood of believers. I am supposed to be resting now though, so I'll get back to you on that.

There are many interesting historical researches going on today, and that have been in addition to cosmology that provide much information to consider for Christian philosophers and the thoughtful. I think it is the case that some established church authorities have sought to freeze various structures in place because the contemporary dogmatics support the economic positions of the authorities and that can lead to schisms and reform such as that Protestants established in the 1500s.

I have learned more about the history of the first civilization over time in Summer (southern Mesopotamia). Abraham was from the city of Ur. Summer was established circa 5400 b.c. so it was an old civilization by the time he got the call from God to exodus about 2100 b.c. That was a period when Summer-Akkad was in the final throes of its span and a good time for Abraham to leave.

Abraham and family journeyed north nearly to the Mediterranean and the west to Israel or Canaan. That region was between the two great early civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Learning that some of the information Abraham brought to Israel with him from Ur where he probably worked as a scribe has similar paradigmatic concurrence with ancient Sumerian data such as the flood during the end of the Wisconsin ice age should not be troubling to Christians. Instead they should be thankful that Abraham brought the truth with him.



The Utility of Doctrines

 Doctrines are a good way of summarizing complex ideas for the simple or of objectively stating policy. To be in-doctrinated is to learn a doctrine and there isn't anything implicitly wrong with that. Some social or political doctrines may be better than others. I think the point is that one needs to think for oneself about doctrines that one has to determine their worth. Presently corporatism is indoctrinating everyone to accept their policies concerning tax rates, homosexual marriage, population density, the harm of nationalism in regard to the United States in an era when all of the cheap labor is in China where Wall Street wants to invest. 

There is much anti-Christian dogma these days and doctrine that followed Darwinism. People aren't generally philosophically well informed enough concerning not only Genesis and the Higgs field to reconcile the idea that evolution isn't necessarily anti-pathetic to the Biblical book of Genesis ideas- they haven't much interest in ancient history, literary interpretation, anthropology and other fields that are needed to make well-informed determinations concerning the viability or veracity of certain controversial ideas. And of course a dozen people will emerge with false doctrines if a profit could be made with it in some way. So I think a good idea is to use the Socratic measure of uncertainty concerning deep subjective epistemology and examine for oneself any sort of doctrine and belief system encountered to decide what elements can be useful in constructing your own personal doctrine most useful for-yourself.

On America being de-platformed until the Impeachment trial is over

 Russell said that Plato was a fascist- of course that was during the second world war. Socrates and Plato supported oligarchy instead of democracy of course. The best part of the Republic was the concept of forms that was elaborated better by Plotinus in his Enneads roughly six hundred years later. Presently so many people with comments about the U.S. political seen are being de-platformed. It makes one realize that the system is something of a joke with corporatism having taken over entirely. One may find it silly to be considering various political systems when one's own is just owned by the rich.

People even mentioning the nominal insurrection tend to be de-platformed these days. Facebook may sort one out and just allow political sites they believe a writer belongs in- partisan sites. Quora may suspend editing for a while because questions seem not to be apposite for the impeachment proceeds, etc. The rich really own social media from which the U.S. electorate may experience partisan banning during important political times- social media is the ban media when it counts. For the government not to have its own citizen websites and server to prevent gross censorship in favor of corporate policy preferences makes the democracy seem somewhat like a pet.


Which Americans Should be impeached to preclude running for President?

 The Democratic Party is beginning the process of deciding if Donald Trump should be convicted of impeachment. I can hardly wait until they finish that and move on to Hillary Clinton to prevent her from running again in 2024. Some might consider impeaching George Washington to get to the source of the problem. About anyone living or dead could be impeached in the post or pre-office holding paradigm. Impeaching Americans that aren't President of the United States, even if they were in the past, is a great new trend that can increase the efficiency of returning Democrats to the White House down the road.

If President Trump was legally guilty of some felony crime while in office he is not immune from being charged by some federal prosecutor for that. What he should be is immune from a partisan majority in Congress usurping the judiciaries role of hearing criminal cases of American civilians or choosing who to make ineligible for political office by partisan vote. Inciting a riot or inciting an insurrection probably are actual criminal offenses, and it is not at all the role of a kangaroo court of Democrats in congress to prosecute. In a civilian court any defense attorney could easily have kept most of the Democrats in Congress from being on the jury; they are  hate group with Donald Trump their target the past five years. 


The Higgs Field is an interesting concept

 I am interested in the Higgs field's effect these days. It seems that in the popular realm at least much isn't known about the field that gives mass to massless quantum particles.

Is the field comparable to an electro-magnetic field and the massless force-carrying particles it has named photons? Of course the Higgs field is far more primary, and all of the other forces presumably occur within or subject to the Higgs field.
There are paradoxes concerning the nature of the field of course. Are the basic forces of this contingent Universe of mass not fundamental because like the mass of the Universe it occurs just as a secondary phenomenon of massless particles being slowed down in the Higgs to sub-light speed so they seem to have mass and three dimensions rather than two? How could those forces not be present at the higher, primary level of the Higgs field and just in the secondary somewhat illusory region of mass in the Universe?
What are the dimensions of the Higgs field if massless particles are two-dimensional at light speed? Does the Higgs have any sort of force carrying particles (not the Higgs bosun) and is that massless too, or is their a higher protocol field that allows the Higgs field to exist? etc.

The excuses for covid 19 masks

A year after the scything wave of Covid 19 entered the nation there still aren't a lot of clever, innovative designs for masks to prevent public transmission of the lethal virus. The Congress is pursuing a conviction of the former President for impeachment so he can't run again though. Unimaginative work as a sour grapes for failing to get a conviction of Trump-Russian collusion to win the 2016 election. It would be good for the government to encourage some designs of better filter masks in preparedness for some unforeseen airborne pathogen of the future.

One of the reasons people don't like to wear paper and cloth masks is that the amount of air one gets is reduced. A nation already suffering from legal dope, booze and Co2 need all the oxygen they can get- not less. So designing better masks that work well and that could be mass produced through use of the defense act would be an improvement over the la me way things are.

A better air flow quantitatively need arise. That probably means using rechargeable batteries good for at least ten hours of powering a small electric air intake fan that pulls air through some quality, drop-in filters in a thin rectangular box. Air input to the breather would surpass that of normal breathing, yet the air input level might be adjusted by dialing up or down the speed of the electric fan.

Air probably should be filtered on entry and exit. The air tubes should e made to snap on to a variety of face coverings from futuristic full face and eye covering masks to some that just covers the nose and mouth. Maybe Halloween mask manufacturers could be the ones to produce masks in large quantity should a new wave of unforeseen airborne pathogens of a lethal nature appear from some place with a runway.

Does mask wearing reduce oxygen input and make people stupid, or harm pregnant women? Like global warming CO2 reduced oxygen input could be bad for the brain? Perhaps better masks should be designed with rechargeable electric batteries that increase oxygen input.


The Corporate Left address is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

 The Senate’s task of trying a private citizen on charges of impeachment as a private citizen seems wrong. True, Donald Trump was POTUS, yet no longer is, and the effort by a partisan faction in a different congress after he has left office is not only vindictive, it is like a vote by Democrats on who they will allow to run for the office of President- a nice swindle of voters if they can get it.

The resemblance to ex post facto legalities aside, Democrats have generated a wealth of extremist trends since the Obama administration gutting much of the regulations that required a general consensus for new laws to be made rather than a voter of one. Trying to make elections by popular choice obsolete via impeachment is another one to add to their list of trashing the Republic.

ANTIFAH has at least given the White House as their e-mail site, and that is another irony of the left in that they support the concentration of wealth and the rich these days, as that is the policy of the Democrat party plainly. It was President Obama who made Bush II tax cuts for the rich permanent after all, along with every Democrat in Congress besides Bernie Sanders. The left have helped to close down the Internet for anyone not reflecting their master's voice- Wall Street, as they pursue like most Americans, politics after the fashion of blind moles hungry for the little things. They cannot package political platforms together coherently in a way that would actually benefit the poor and middle class majority instead of the rich. The  banality of evil in accepting mass impoverishment of the poor, insecure borders at the outsourcing of national production to China, abortion and homosexual marriage is finds millions of willing minions persuaded in the morality of dispensing with fundamental rights of free speech and the marketplace of ideas that aren't their own. Politics doesn't really need social media where free speech is certain for any political viewpoint is a verity for them.

Philosophers at least should have a circumspection of contemporary history in order to see the large trends of society. Capital grows at a faster pace than wages so wealth concentrates over time historically. Investing in China means that capitalists can skim the work of more than a billion people there as capital increases faster than wages. Corporatism and communism each repress publication of dissenting points of view ( I have had my writing banned from or the entire site taken down at more than a dozen sites for example) so the trend of reinforcing policies the rich most desire rather than those of the poor and middle class is rather inevitable.

One of the interesting points about Adam Smith’s nearly 300 year old economics text The Wealth of Nations’ is that it was written largely before either corporations or environmental conscientiousness existed. That is a reason it is so popular with unreflective votaries of the system. Restoring free enterprise economics within an ecologically sustainable parameter probably will require reigning it concentrations of wealth and the size of corporations, and that is as improbably as converting the trillion miles of highway surface of the United States of America into solar power generators.

Insurrectionists (poem)

   The insurrectionists misunderstood Plato and Aristotle

tomorrows snowfall
the leader's ego
the wrath of the furies
a federal reserve magic money machine
in back of the big bank store
corporatism of the rich

  The insurrectionists in the woods
with lumber should have in retrospect
built a platform with their own planks
structured nationalist ranks
individually free of the call of global atheism
those smug networked sardines
swimming a commercial electronic sea

  Educators with rule books for crooks
digitized for fried laws of evolution soon
yuman will change to an evil demi-urgent beat
inductin the Higg's field paths of prosperity
priests sharing rem of Mao
in realms of bliss and wonder
where the erased are forgotten yet torn asunder

Insurrectionists of past times forgot
the golden glow of Shanghai showing
future visions of sugar plum faeries
capital increasing faster than wages
billions of workers managed by insiders
trickling untold riches upward
where the capitol is owned  by those with no name

Spirit became insurrection to nameless
persons of interest
with the false religion of pim-ps
waves of advertisements from the same source
a machine stirring brain waves
with advanced sewage processing
insurrectionists  regarded as meatheads

An insurrectionist contemplated action vs inaction
like a Christian Bodhisattva making green cider
signs of art for wonders how
many massless particles could be made from nothing
to be thickened
in a Higgs field's current live stream
a nation secure from economic threats.



On the possible forms of God conjecture

I like the question. One wants to compare the forms of God that are possible to something in the Universe, or something of experience or conjecture; maybe a Platonic form ala' Plotinus' Enneads might help with, or thought as an abstract form of spirit-for-itself. Contemporary metaphysics and the Higgs field provides even more material.

Consider the idea of God existing along in the dark for a second and ask- would he want to create a light in the darkness for a workspace-Universe of being rather than non-being. What might happen with that?

The Higgs field is something of somewhat unknown dimensions. People like to say that it was like a sombrero that was absolutely stable and then had a quantum jitter from nervous instability perhaps and then it hyperinflated a lot of matter punishing anti-matter mostly into oblivion.

Matter these days is regarded as a secondary phenomenon of energy entangled or slowed down in the Higgs field where massless particles get the appearance of mass travelling slower than light speed and get thick. That variable speed of massless particles is a wonder- all of the mass of the Universe is just entanglements of massless particles in different yet regular quanta, and gravity is some sort of Higgs field phenomenon that moves all that entangled energy that is mass together like an efficient filing clerk putting all of the M's in the M-file automatically.

God may have flexed a thought in his perfect and whole mind and an undifferentiated region of monistic glory pluralized like a fractured window into a zillion virtual points and strings bring energy or light to the darkness in however many dimensions were useful and used fully.

How much thought went into the energy of mass configurations foreknown to God are beyond me. I suppose quite a bit of time and space went in to the contiguity of possible Universes that might be interpreted from within contingent minds.

https://baonline.org/write-for-us-2/ bible advocate



Banned again from another corporate social media site

 I was banned (temporarily) from another web site- Quora.com this time. Apparently they want very neutered questions. The one they hated at Quora was apparently this one; 'Should illegal aliens work as corporate censors to allow fair and balanced corporate propaganda?'

I was going to ask the following questions today, and will post them here instead.

Which former presidents, living or dead, should be impeached

Did the word of God shatter nothingness into a plenitude of 2-dimensional strings

What possible reason could God, alone in darkness, have to illuminate his workplace (the perfect whole was shattered into myriad strings by someone in darkness illuminating his workspace)

Did Vichy France leaders incite the resistance?

Do solitary beings in darkness learn to create light

Is the impeachment trial of more value to Americans than stimulus checks

Were steroids used in sports in the 1970s

Could a human have broken Babe Ruth's inflated clown-era home run record without steroids

Was Kobe Bryant as great of a Laker as Jerry West

Would Tyson Fury have been a good pro football edge rusher if raised in Indiana

Are Lebron James and Larry Bird a better all-star team selection at forward than Rick Barry and Michael Jordan

Should the Biden admin accelerate lunar base development before the nation goes broke

How long is frozen beef good to eat if cached on the moon

Can one barbecue steak in lunar low-gravity vacuum

Do flying drones deliver hot pizza fast anywhere

Has anyone swam entirely across Puget Sound under water (with scuba)

Is nothingness better off without being or vice versa

Was Socrates a fascist

Is it better to have no morality than bad morality

What are the odds of Trump being convicted in the impeachment trial

Should Trump if convicted be sent into exile at Elba or Wrangell


Traditionalists and Iconoclasts

 If it's don’t broke don’t fix it is a corollary of traditionalists. There are iconoclasts and Genghis Khans that seek rapid change and Marxists seeking to redistribute wealth to the masses from the oppressive conspirators and collusionists at the top. Anarchists just want change without anything in mind as a destination- they seek just to liven things up. Nihilists off their meds have doom gloom, malaise and nothingness as the inevitable and fatal attraction.

Traditionalists want good lifetime paint on their electrified, white picket fence. Those seeking change may want to drag people from their cars and impale them on the fence. Traditionalists are not fence sitters.

Some traditionalists have given other traditionalists a bad name. Slavers for example enjoyed the tradition of owning slaves. Free people enjoy the tradition of freedom and wish to remain so.

Some traditionalists have read a lot of history and would like to encourage to avoid the often recurrent errors of the past. Some anti-traditionalists want to step right back into those traps and snares because they didn’t read about them because they were out rioting and boozing.

One great field for traditionalist and the antipathetic mob of neo-scientific atheists has developed along the evolution fault line following the social earthquake of Darwin’s tome ‘On the Origin of Species’. Especially after Big Bang theory arose atheist forces have produced a ton of anti-Christian traditional stuff seeking to purge society of belief in God. They believe they are too intelligent to believe in God or Jesus Christ. Mostly those are thoughtless, faithless people that are simply coming out of the closet of atheism in pretending to be Christian when it was the majority opinion and tradition.

Philosophical thought and reading have been traditional for more than a thousand years by those with intellectual or spiritual interests. They still read Plato, Aquinus and Kant; enjoying modern cosmology, Higgs field theory and classical contemplations of theology and traditional mysticism such as Plotinus’ neo-Platonism and have no trouble in continuing belief in God and the veracity of the Bible as they read Wittgenstein and learn of the history of ancient Sumer and the late Wisconsin ice age as they interpret and correlate Biblical history and interpretation of ancient literature along the paradigmatic and syntagmatic axis of meaning. Some of the rote-educated professionals that hate thinking for themselves outside of Professional occupational lines are quite agitated about ridding society of all of the uneducated traditionalists that just go along with what they regard as obsolete ideas.

Fortunately life does not go on forever on Earth so one need not endure the restive souls determined to change the dirt of things now and forever so they can go to the worms more assured of the meaninglessness and futility of everything ultimately. In some ways those seeking general change who are against traditionalism gratuitously are boat rockers on dry land with the frigid northern waters, waves and wind somewhere in the distance, unthreatening to their glamour.

Measured progress from a stable base and in an equal protection of the law environment are traditional pursuits of western liberalism. It is interesting how quickly super-heroes of comic books have become the vanguard of anti-traditional and evolutionary change in support of values that concentrate wealth and destroy the real civil liberties of mankind.

Business stimulus since 2008 mostly excluded the poor

 The poor have seen little of it- just $2000 over the past year. So much more went to business that already had the inside track on economics. Business has been getting trillions of dollars since the Obama administration almost continuously.

I wonder about all of those trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve gave in zero-interest loans to big banks- maybe 20 trillion dollars. The marginal reserve means they can loan out electronic dollars worth 9 times the amount they borrowed - about 180 trillion dollars, and get real dollars in return. They aren’t loaning out the money though so much as sitting on it. With that kind of power they could leaver the government quite a bit to support their absolute power, or they could dump the dollars and crash its value globally.

U.S. Government isn't defending free political speech realistically enough

 The U.S. Government should take some measures to defend democracy and the marketplace of ideas directly. To allow corporations to be the primary social media for citizen political speech is absolutely daft. They concern themselves with writers having neutral opinions undisturbing to their masters.

Television studios cost millions of dollars but a few gigs of digital space very little- the government spends more on toilet paper than it would for a web server hosting 320 million citizen's free expression and security domains of very modest size for citizens with a social security number.

The constitution was largely written more than two centuries ago. Free speech was being censored by private and global interests today. The government should feign an interest in being modern sometimes rather than rolling over as mutts for special private interests with deep pockets.

About travelling quickly to Pluto

 On travelling half the speed of light to pluto



Mr. Trump won't be jailed for inciting anything

 People have liberally used the word ‘incite’ concerning former President Trump’s roll in the D.C. events of January 6th. No court would be able to convict anyone for inciting a riot much less insurrection on the language Donald Trump used in my opinion. He simply invited his supporters to go to D.C. Of the 100,000 to 200,000 people that did demonstrate some few hundred rioted and entered the capitol building that was lightly yet bravely defended by security.

The accusations against Donald Trump seem mostly political and vindictive by people that liberally hate him. What concerns me more is the trend for the desire for opponents or haters of someone to transform language into something more useful for their purpose. That is known as the big lie and has always been one of my concerns.

Adults are always held accountable for their actions- even rioters, rather than some vague power of other persons wearing the original MAGA or even a tin foil hat.

Will nice and neutral be cancelled aboard the radical Biden bus?

 Neutral questions that express no partisanship are difficult to write. Since the anti-evictionists that sought to find a remedy in the capitol weren’t able to, MAGA hats may become collectors items that some will be brave enough to wear in places with non-neutral persons of apposite hate.

I am not sure yet if writing hatefully toward neutral writers on political topics is still pc for social media (isn’t that an oxymoron since its mostly owned by billionaires that tolerate only a certain range of answers).

I tried to find QAnon on social media and encountered that website where there is a lot of weird self-porn posts and not much else. Maybe only extremists used that anyway- what was it called- Y2k or some kind of fortune cookie oriental term.

I have always worn a mask. Of course I was neutral in 2020 and voted for none of the above (NOA). In fact I suggested that Halloween masks be adapted to protect the eyes and full face and let people work in sweatshops again like social media server farms (lol).

Trump was the sole realistic alternative to Hillary in 2016 and many still believe that the entire homosexual marriage thing is bent although Corporate is trying to program youth to be happy with that.

Free Speech and Corporate-owned Platforms

 Free speech in corporate-owned platforms has all sorts of limits- just like what one says at Susi’s home may be different than what one cay say at the Anarchist Clubhouse. Tolerated speech and free speech seems to be the primary division. The internet apparently is a bunch of corporations plugged in to fiber optic cables, satellites and other digital data infrastructure corridors. If a writer uses something like Google to write he has entered that particular corporate twilight zone and is subject to the corporate determination to allow something to be viewed by the public or not. It is as if google were a vast neo-leftist garage and everything that goes in to that space is subject in some sense to their will. Lawyers would need to elaborate on the complexities of private property rights of non-property owners who use some one else’s space for business, vacation or whatever- including writing.

I believe the government has a need to create its own server for citizens to write their opinions and ideas in order to allow democracy to exist with the marketplace of ideas it requires for meaning. Unfortunately I think the elected people don’t really understand the problem or how the Internet is constructed- most people don’t. Right now Google has the inertia for more than a trillion dollars worth of deep pocketed public use. Free speech cannot just occur within platforms entirely owned by vast deep pocketed, networked investor private corporations and be remain free. and I am not referring to the dollar value in some sort of a stupid ‘freedom is not free’ Orwellian double entendre.

Why Immigrants Still Want to be U.S. Citizens though some say they aren't treated well

 American immigrants that arrive legally are treated quite well. The first year earning average is about $7500. (these are approximations) and the second year is $15,000 annually. Those are higher wages than most of the world.

Alternatively, illegal migrants subvert the wages of the existing legal workers by providing cheap under the table labor. Supply and demand applies to labor as well as production. There are numerous corporatist sycophants that will say that illegal labor supply has no effect on wages or the environment and are positive for Wall Street and the economy. Creative writing in economics is a useful tool for the powerful.

The left and Christians have provided a lot of support for illegal aliens in the U.S.A. In Oregon many communities have illegal alien service and support centers, and many cities have declared themselves illegal alien protection areas in a mild insurrection from support for Federal law.

The basic problem with illegal aliens is really demographics; there are tens of millions of them and they tend to be on a Trump trash-the-ecosphere- kind of job socialization. Being from poor countries usually they haven’t much concern about the environment. That culture will reinforce a generation or two ahead of workers and just consume and work without much concern for abstract ecospheric conservation or restoration goals and select other political concerns of the more prosperous. If the U.S.A. is already over-populated in relation to the ability of the ecosphere nationally to sustain the economy too far in to the future there should be a concern about limiting the opportunities for illegal and legal immigration until a global ecospheric restoration and ecological economic reform is created.


Would Internet National Capitols Be Cheaper than Physical National Capitols

 National capitols are perhaps traditional places where a territory or nation could be ruled from. Before the rise of electronic communication or transport machines ruling cities where lived the powerful were accessed by human or horsepower generally. Many cities in drier areas were founded along waterways or confluences of waterways. Farm to market roads and other trading routes culminated at cities of civilization. Plainly it would be possible today to have a nation without a physical capital and it could instead be located on the Internet with a non-profit server not reliant on Google or some worse for-profit governor of free speech.

A physical capital is costly and vulnerable to insurrection and takeover by just a few hundred people with zip ties and legislators must hide in physical basements to avoid capture or summary execution. Internet politicians could instead have the invulnerability of trolls technologically rather than just through policy, of course, so it might not be an improvement.

How corporatism and communism unified

  Hitler’s national socialist economic policy was corporatism. That is why Wall Street is so gleeful about investing with Chinese partners in a Maoist-Leninist NEP policy adapted to the 21st century. Each like to censor individuals with independent ideas. The 1% of corporatism and communism are about power especially when material goods are plentiful and easy to produce.

Communism and corporatism aren’t the same in structure exactly although they tend to produce the same results in repressing individualism and free speech eventually. Hitler’s corporatism and Chinese Maoist-Leninist NEP economics upgraded work well together. Wall Street enjoys the privatization of some of the Chinese economy and has partnered with it. The synthesis of corporatism and communism was quite a natural evolution. Toynbee wrote that the Universal phase is the last of of a civilization before its souffle’ like fall. Irrational exuberance can affect any herd of investors that lack the immunity of common sense and historical perspective.

Republicans lack the next J.F.K. for 2024

 Probably Donald Trump won’t run again in 2024 except as a spoiler. The best chance for Republicans would be a John F Kennedy kind of younger fellow. He should have some comprehension of populism and of interests that are important to independent and poor voters like environmentalism and border security.

That candidate should abandon the border wall concept and suggest an irresistible new concept of making a vast construction project with earthmovers and dozers along the border to construct a series of fresh water making desalinization-evaporation-condensation canals using pipeline siphoned up with solar power saltwater from the Pacific to New Mexico. En passant one would get real border security barriers yet also create millions of acres of new farmland for the U.S. southwest deserts and Northern Mexico and thousands of jobs during and after construction.

For some reason good ideas are hard to get in U.S. politics these days. Instead everyone relies on and has absolute allegiance to corporations and franchises-who will bring the marshmallow of the moon back to Earth to feed us all (ref Arthur Hoppe).


Economic interdependence isn't a basic precipitant of war any more

In my opinion economic interdependence of nations or clusters of nations isn’t much of a factor for precipitating military conflict today. I am referring to general wars rather than specialty or designer wars of a limited scope.

Present global interdependence is developing planetary collectivism and corporatism. There should eventually be a repressive minority of 1% ruling the world, and any sort of war would essentially be civil and, insurrectionist morphing to revolutionary. Such conflicts would require the breakdown of the economic order through sabotage initially and with the large planetary demographic fact only chaos and vast loss of life would occur by the billions from various causes.

Right now nuclear wars are the sole usual unlimited kind of general wars possible and those make losers of everyone because the weapons are too powerful for Earth. Therefore biological war is the only practical kind of war that might use direct and traditional criteria of military conflict, and biological wars bring wildfire demographically speaking and are rather inclined to bring mass human die off, chaos and so forth.

Perhaps social purge wars and such that draw the term fascist to them from the victims will be the norm for war-in-other-than-military-forms (besides economic wars to segregate undesirable members of society).

Adam Smith Didn't Foresee Corporations

 Corporations weren’t foreseen or existing when Adam Smith wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations’ or by the founders of the U.S.A. in writing the constitution. They have grown in darkness in a manner of speaking, undermining like a vast fungus or sinkhole underground the principles of democracy for individuals equally sovereign more or less. People wrongly believe they are the pinnacle of capitalism and fear addressing their monstrosity lest they be regarded as communist sympathizers. Karl Marx needless to say had no understanding of individual free enterprise and creativity and was something of a natural corporatist or collectivist himself. He merely wanted business and what would emerge as collective enterprises of corporatism to be owned by the public. Today the vast corporate/Maoist-Leninist global economic empire for plutocrats and other nefarious usurpers of democracy is the dominant fact unrecognized by most Americans at least.


Template for National Change; Soviet Union's Evolutionary Model to a New Nation

 I read about leftist radicalism in college. I took a few course on Russian history including one I made for an independent studies course on the History of the Soviet Union. I read about V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Those guys were leftist radicals. Isaac Deutcher’s three books on Trotsky are well worth reading, as is Trotsky’s biography of Stalin that continued to chapter nine, if I remember correctly, before an assassin from Stalin killed him in the middle of the chapter.

Will the issues the United States has today that are quite polarized stimulate lasting problems for the nation?

I fulfilled my statutory obligation to be in the military (reservist) eight years, and am a classical liberal of the 18th century sort with Christian values.

I have been an observer of U.S. politics pretty much about 60 years so I would be hard to convince that the U.S.A. has a paucity of leftist radicalism…not that it is very intelligent, original or well informed about the real state of political affairs in the U.S.A.

Observing the changes of the Soviet Union to evolve to what is present day Russia I note the rise of peaceful evolution to new nations and forms of government without war when it is in the best interests of the people “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,”

Is the United States forever the United States?

 The United States is no longer the United States; it was that before the rise of the broadcast media and the egress of the volatility of disposable thought and lives along the electric avenue. Modern mankind is adrift on an ungrounded political tectonic plate- a different place than the traditional America of the founders day with Christian values, books of philosophy, muskets and land to work.

The Congress has been radicalized by Democrats who have progressively changed House and Senate rules in order to maximize the use of force for temporary majority power. That one-vote takes all and foists whatever on the 49% minority has to make blue-red fan politics as routine as that of the Byzantine Empire that had two chariot fan political parties named for colors that fought over everything.

Globalists are something of pimp sophisticates yet humanitarian capitalists and neo-hippies liberating mankind from smallness and introvertedness and all unbig things. In a way globalists descry nationalism as something only a Hitler would seek, though he did aspire to be a globalist too. Globalists also work jobs planet-wide via the Internet and other ultra-modern technical ways including cell phones, so being an American is tough. Every alien is in telephonic communication live with the homeland and all of the people of that nation further reinforcing the notion that Americans are rather backward if not big-minded globalists who don’t give a sh-t about the state of the nation of people that live- America is a nation of immigrants it is known and no one is ever native except for the Sons of Geronimo (unknown in England).

It may be that breaking up the United States so the people can move to states with apposite politics and spending preferences regarding government size would be a good idea. It could be that traditional views of government that one takes from history- that they must endure forever and that one must defend borders to death while business is global and wise-guys flit about the planet on round-the-world plane tickets (remember when only birds could fly) is actually not in the best interest of modern U.S. citizens and instead clever reforming of their country to suit their own advantage would be a good idea when inevitable national dissipation seems in progress by degrees.

Maybe the U.S.A. is a work in progress with all of the concepts of creative destruction, too big to fail and ‘it takes a village’ (of globalists) leading to its gradual fading away as a kind of platform for the new world order. Loose borders and meaningless of private interests in comparison to corporate franchises, shares and social approval as a good corporate clone employee may just be and become.

Leftist radicalism is a fairly standard political form historically speaking. Attacking its use linguistically to beg the question of it existing at all is rather Orwellian or Stalinist, alternatively.

I am a simple classical liberal like that of the founders myself, and vote independent if there is anyone or anything worth voting for or against. I saw the way the Soviet Union evolved rather peacefully to a new form and wonder if the United States might not accomplish the same when or if it has become onerous or obsolete. Peaceful change and evolution of national forms could become the new normal and replace war or ruinous social decay as the default way nations end.

The United States may not be polarized enough to make those gradations of color permanent as lasers of various types. Blending all paint colors into one so their is a single mauve color so no one has anything to argue about may be the goal for the Superior man, I cannot say, therefor I will resume silence.


California; On the Question of it Being More Conservative than any Developed Nation

 Generally when I catch a bus from the Northwest to Texas or Florida I find some way to avoid going through California. It seems a little bit hostile these days.

I believe California is less conservative than Russia, yet I may be mistaken. Is North Korea conservative with a fairly disciplined near starvation regime imposed upon the people so they can afford eggs and nuclear weapons simultaneously? California is probably less conservative than Dictator Kim’s nation, and real conservatives develop nukular weepons. California has only borrowed a few nukes from the U.S. nuclear forces.

If one compares California to Canada I believe Canada is possibly more liberal and California takes the maple syrup frosting on that competition. Product du Canada- One can rely on those Canadians.

The First Century Biblical Apocalypse?

 Some people believe the great tribulation occurred in the first century a.d.

Revelation and the First Century (Preterist Interpretations of the Apocalypse in Early Christianity) by Francis X. Gumerlock (2012-08-02): 9781936577132: Amazon.com: Books

Jesus said that the prophecies of the end times would be fulfilled before the last of the generation, and they were. For some reason many Christians are completely blind to the great prophecies of the Lord. The present era is supposed to be that of the increase of the kingdom of God somewhat indefinitely.


People have a difficult time with the Revelation. Martin Luther said it had a lot of straw. Some have made a career of interpreting the book as a great future fantasy. Ancients might refer to a comet as a dragon with a tail for example so modern take the idea of a space dragon literally seeking to eat the child of the women who fled to the desert. John had to conceal messages to the faithful from Nero, so his language was coded a little apparently.

Global Imperialists May Finally Have Got the U.S.A. by the B..ls

 The wealthy have insider technical positions to control global wealth and reinject it into their accounts. The vast accumulation of wealth is far more than ordinary people realize working on the clock. Capital increases faster than wages over time so that concentration of capital renders 99% of the people irrelevant economically speaking, except as workers and consumers. That means their political opinions are also largely meaningless as the only people they really can vote for are those approved by the 1% and able to invest the 2 million dollars average cost of running even for the lowly job of a U.S. representative.

To change the system to one where free enterprise and meaningful democracy can actually exist, where patents and inventions are reformed and available to any citizen without inhibitions of poverty, some sort of tax filter on financial and stock trade networks need be imposed- like a royalty tax on oil pipelines by the state, in order to share some of the wealth with everyone in the form of basic income and abundant poor people’s clinics for free.

Most people would rather be sycophants of the rich though in order to remain employed with advancement prospects. A one-time 20% tax on locatable capital would be satisfying yet inadequate to recover America’s drift back into submission to global imperialists.

On the Much Anticipated Decline and Fall of the U.S.A.

Is the U.S.A. in nearing its downward transition?

 ‘Journey of thousand mile begin with single step’; N.P.R.

Republicans have bad leadership that uses Christian fundamentalists through a little moral appeal to prop up globalist policies for the 1%. Democrats seek to flood the nation with all things Chinese and Latino in order to advance women to power through government legal advantages.

Republicans need to be more populist through moral appeals, ecospheric business and restoration and a strong safety net for the poor, yet they cannot. In my opinion the nation will morph into a meaningless international corn syrup product eventually.

Is China one of the world's most safe countries?

Depends what one thinks, says, and of course on politics. If one is a writer then it might not be too safe. If one is a philosopher or political theorist, spiritually minded or religious, restive ethnic minority or Tibetan objecting to Chinese conquest it probably is less safe. China could be good for Americans investing there obviously, and less so for Taiwanese seeking complete global recognition for their independence.

Offending the deep state of any country can result in organizational terror and degradation of one’s financial prospects. In my opinion though the Chinese Orwellian state and police authorities make it safer for walking about than many nations.


Dog with them in the car (poem)


Well the dwell space
a wave of deserts
crashing dry tsunamis
ever reg whaled
corporate hunters
povertying oceans
salt pillars and acid leaching
'verberate freq constructions
spam networks where hams
fly across moon shadows
fell swoops on thermals from mountain slopes
cardboard box dune buggies
finding dirt and dust
Gondwanaland peaches.


The Value of Intellectual Capital

 Human beings socially have only their intelligence to make things with if they are lucky enough to have natural capital resources. A paucity of intellectual capital puts people on equal ground with coyotes, sloths and porcupine. It is easy to take for granted the nature of material capital- manufactured and natural, and assume that even though creative destruction is a part of the phenomena of making life easier and more rewarding for humanity, that the quality of material capital or its effect on the ecosphere isn’t meaningful, and that is wrong.

Intellectual capital has been given a nominal value by economists of about 6 trillion dollars. World Intellectual Property Report 2017

Intellectual capital and social relations are quite undervalued though as a political economy’s effectiveness is a matter of the people and what they think-how they interact, more so that the dollar value of given computer software or knowledge of technical aspects of metallurgy.

Intellectual capital- spiritual capital if you likes, is the sustaining impetus for efficient use of resources and for inventions and improvements, recovery and reform, progress and morality that Jesus might find o.k. along with faith.

Reply to "Is Russia Located in Russia"

 The Rus were a people, possibly Vikings living around Kiev having travelled the Dneipr River downstream from Belarus. The Dneipr was an historically important waterway for uniting Slavs and Kievian Rus leaders. Their tribal name became eponymous with their political area. Russia of course grew to include Eastern and Western Slavs and numerous other ethnic groups. Those that spoke the Rus language might be regarded as Russian in a sense. Rus' people - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

If Russia included the original territory somewhere between yet not exclusive of Sweden and modern day Ukraine one might say that no, Russia isn’t located entirely in Russia. Russia moved north and east for various reasons long ago and eventually a little bit south. The journey between the Baltic and Black seas was arduous and Ruthenia morphed somewhat.


Impeachment Isn't America's Darkest Hour

 George Washington and the people at Valley Forge experienced slightly more challenging times- they were America even in the midst of their revolt.

Events like 9–11 and Pearl Harbor certainly seemed bad. Optimistically one can expect that the worst times are all ahead-not necessarily in the middle of the Biden term of course, yet somewhere out there in the distance after men stop shaving their eyebrows and are tough enough to deal with any sort of crisis or global warming, mass extinction and alien invasions without working up a sweat.


Was the Presidential Election Stolen: True or False

 Probably not, unless Ukrainians stole it for Joe Biden (joking). It would require that all of those state elections officials were duped or complicit with dishonesty and clever enough to get away with it while Republicans were watching. I don’t doubt that the broadcast media would steal an election, yet I trust the local elections officials generally. Some are nice civic-minded people.

From what I have seen of the people on elections service they appear to take it seriously as volunteers. Most people might not sacrifice their time to get involved with elections that have dubiously useful people running for office. It is something of an insult to say they were thieves or dupes of Ukraine (unless they were).

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...