
Validity of Bible and Quran comparatively

  When I need to get an epub file 'validated' that can be a rigorous process going over the code involved. Philosophers like to be very careful with the use of language and what it means. many have pointed out that some philosophical problems are actually language meaning problems, rather than things-in-themselves. Comparing the 'validity' of the Biblos (little books) with the Quran would require defining validity and agreement on a truth theory I suppose, first, before comparing historical data. If you look at my free e-book that is a commentary on Berkhof's Introduction to the New Testament, you would see some of the meticulous work Berkhof did and examining the gospel books. One can do that for the Quran too, and learn what references in it compare with those of the Bible.


In the past I read quite a lot of history including that of the ancient world. There is quite a lot of material, and virtual none of it is 'fables'. People can have mass hysteria or insanity; actually the validity of truth isn't necessarily determined by majority vote, although these days that may be a popular view (that it is). Mass ignorance is common in political propaganda. Popular sentiment shouldn't determine the verdict at trials- facts should play a primary role. In philosophical concerns one need interpret facts or data and understand where and how that data fits into other relevant matter. It is important not to leap to conclusions in logic as well as history. If atheism is a popular belief today, it does not follow that a majority vote validates it.

Of the 256 possible forms of syllogism just 24 are valid. People talk past point, overlook relevant data and often assume that some material is comprehensive, exhaustive and universal when it is not. As is known- "If an invalid argument has all true premises, then the conclusion must be false." Alternatively, if an valid argument has false premises its conclusion is false. The distribution of terms assumed to be universal that are not is a problem with arguments relying upon contemporary physics concerning Christianity.

Consider the history of Abraham and his son Isaac, whom God ordered Abraham to sacrifice. It is challenging to formulate in a strictly logical paradigm, There is much historical, archaeological, scriptural and analytical evidence needed for even comprehending the circumstance. So much that generally just the faithful take the time. Human knowledge and lifetime is limited. People specialize and want to put blinders on to filter out what they consider is unimportant data. They make summary dismissals of material they regard as unimportant, and quickly decide truth or falsity for convenience concerning faith in the Lord.

At the last second God allowed Abraham to substitute a sheep that became caught in the brush as the sacrifice. That incident was a paradigm for the appearance and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ 2000 years later. There are many things that are known and worth looking in to. Of course as you say; one must determine what one believes for-himself. In a social dialectical reason context, that paradigm is interesting for the case of criminal trials.


God is not embedded in the Higgs Field like Humans

 Jesus said that no one had seen the Father except for the Son. One may accept the numerous witnesses of Jesus and his works as evidence of God, if one accept eyewitness accounts as evidence. Moses at the end of his life was given to see the glory of God that passed before, just fractionally. There has been much work done on researching the Bible and its history. Louis Berkhoff did some excellent work on that. I went over the book and made a commentary of it. Free to download...


 God is Spirit and not embedded in the Higgs field. Contingent beings made to exist in the Higgs field as steady state mass cannot obtain evidence of anything besides energy-mass of the universe I believe.

It is worthwhile considering the nature of ideas and how they fit philosophically into language and meaning. Ideas about what exists, and how it does exist, including a Creator have always been a part of philosophy. The neo-Platonist Plotinus is a good example. His 'Enneads'- 54 tractates are worth reading. St. Augustine was a Plotinian before he converted to Christianity. 


Government negligence bungles security for school kids forced to attend school

 Federal and state governments should be sued for failing to protect school kids required by law to attend school until the eighth grade. If those students could afford expensive, secure private schools whom were shot at Uvalde they would still be alive. Forcing school kids to congregate in unsafe places with unlocked doors and no security is irresponsible. Would the government put even 40 billion dollars into upgrading elementary school security or blame Barney Fife's slow response instead.

If kids are forced by government to go to school, the school should at least be a secure environment. If governments prefer to be negligent and incompetent that’s usual enough, yet they should pay a steep price for it.


Democrats 'Assault Weapons' Ban has faulty logic

 Democrats seeking to ban assault weapons in a kind of knee jerk response to the Uvalde massacre simply have badly flawed logic or knowledge of firearms. There are innumerable weapons with a high cyclic rate of fire if fully automatic, yet if semi-auto most weapons are about the same speed- being that of how quickly one can pull the trigger, shoot and repeat until the magazine is empty. Thus an ordinary nine-millimeter semi-automatic pistol would have been as effective; if not more, at shooting people confined in a room quickly.

Rifles like the AR-15 legally purchased by the Uvalde shooter are not weapons of war as President Biden described them. They are semi-automatic rifles that shoot a fairly small caliber bullet one at a time. 

An AR-15 is a civilian version of the M-16 that I trained on in the Army decades ago. It is not the state of the art Army rifle. What they are good for is shooting accurately from 50 to 300 yards. A pistol generally can't do that. Buying an AR-15 for short range shooting is more of a hindrance than a help for lunatics witrh a grievance. One can shoot a deer with an AR-15, yet not brown bear such as was sighted at the golf course in town today, so the radio station reported. If one wants to shoot a brown bear-and one should not for they have a right to exist too, one should use the older Army rifle that fired 7.62 rounds- the M-1 Garand.

Using AR-15s makes potential shooters easier to spot, and the weapons are more troublesome to use than pistols. One can use larger magazines on pistols too, and match 'assault weapons'. Actual assault weapons that fire on full auto like Kalashnikov AK-47s or 74s that fire 7.62 and 5.56 caliber bullets respectively when actually manufactured for military application are matched by a nume of smaller, high cyclic rate of fire weaponsthat are much smaller and easy to conceal. The Glock G-18 for instance, has a switch to go from semi to full automatic fire of 9mm rounds from a 30 round magazine. It would be far more effective for homicidal lunatics at close range, rather than the hard to hide under a raincaost semi-automatic 'assault weapon'. There are zillions of fully automatic short range weapons that are concealable. 


East-West Philosophical Mix

Nakamura's fine work "Ways of Thinking of Eastern People' describes much of Eastern philosophy including Taoism and several versions of Buddhism. India and the Sky religions of the early Aryan immigrants perhaps is responsible for the caste system, and India is sort of East and west simultaneously. Siddhartha influenced people everywhere, as did Asian religious thought like that of Zoroastrianism. Nietzsche seemed fascinated with Zarathustra, and believed a strange metaphysic concerning reality. 

Schopenhauer's 'Fourfold Roots of Reason' seems like the best, succinct continuation of Kant's 'Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics' that is itself a summary of the 'Critique of Pure Reason', yet Schopenhauer also wrote about metaphysics and a strange view of the world derived from Zoroastrianism and other eclectic sources that seemed fundamentally to be extrapolations of his views about the state of human beings elevated into a transcendent account for the world; very weird yet supporting his miysogynist ideas based on reincarnation.

It may be that Marco Polo brought some ideas to China, yet after 1400 or so there was so much sharing of ideas interculturally that etiologies become more challenging I would think. Karl Marx was quite influential; as a counter to imperialism it's a good revolutionary, practical device. It does crimp individual freedom to think and express ideas, an unfortunate necessity to a certain extent in a very overpopulated nation. 

American and european atheism to a substantial degree attack philosophical thought and revert to pure materialism; definitely a denier of spirit viewpoint. Anti-spiritual exclusivity in my opinion has influenced China recently, to join with Marxist-Feurbach's doctrine. A Metaverse may be entirely made in spirit- bootstrapped in a Berklian paradigm of ideaism. It's necessary to continue to think rather than being living the unexamined life concerning physics.


Pres Biden Can't Resist Escalating War with MLRS to Ukraine

 President Biden probably can't resist escalating the Ukrainian war problem by sending oodles of Multiple Launch Rocket System units to that country so Ukraine can target Russia better. On the principle of increasing force is always right; a foundational principle of the New Democrat Party evolved since 2000, one knows the old guy will automatically increase his grip on the game of chicken with Russia.


Russia has 98,000 MLRS of its own left over I suppose from cold war 1.0 years and lots of artillery. I would guess they have more than the rest of the world combined since those tools were a basic part of the Soviet military theory in defense against the west. Escalating the war will help use up the inventory. When those stocks are low maybe negotiations happen, or alternatively, nuclear war occurs. It is said that Russia has only 5,800 ballistic nukes and just 1,800 ready to launch, so there isn't anything to worry about concerning the N.B.A. leftiwing championship cities being nuked at all (Boston and San Francisco). It isn't like Russia will be willing to drop its inventory down 2 or 3 missiles and leave itself defenseless.

Uvalde Massacre Puts Hard Questions to Democrats

Democrats need to ask themselves hard questions after the Uvalde classroom massacre; does locking doors do anything to increase security? The school door was unlocked that let the perp slip in to the building. Another hard question is; is a security guard worth as much as a school teacher?

Probably there need be only one security guard for every dozen school marms in an elementary school. Schools are their only little universe with important officials administrating in place, yet the real world exists too. There are sicarros over the border and probably on the U.S. side too that should prompt a little security.  Maybe school teacher new hires should be trained in firearms and gun safety as part of basic orientation. There is no reason why the marms should be creme puffs. They should be weapons ready in event of a school invasion.

Maybe when the U.S.A. had fewer than 330 million people and no one listened to N.P.R. or played alien shooter games or got ninendo twit disease from over-use, when the rivers were good to drink from directly and auto exhaust didn't choke bicyclists, schools were safe with unlocked doors and Audrey Hepburn in the classroom (she might have had a gun anyway). Today though basic security measures need be taken in very soft targets a priori. Some schools need security work and desperately cry out for new vinyl siding. In addition to healthy school lunches, security measures should reach even poor rural schools. Do Democrats have the ability to make school buildings safer places to be, free of propaganda as well as adverse bullets?


School Shootings Should Be Pre-empted with National Basic Income

 Politicians like to talk about banning guns or putting new restrictions on gun access as a way to stop school shootings, yet that is just a theory, and one that would probably make it easier for an authoritarian Democratic party to take over the nation. Millionaires and billionaires too I guess meeting at Davos have asked that nations tax them more, and of course the President isn't interested in that, instead he wants to oppress Americans attacking the Second amendment. He should ask Congress to raise taxes on the rich to a more progressive rate and use it to fund a national basic income for all Americans at about $10,000. With an adult allowance kids leaving school would not feel so pressured or excluded from the economy, and would be less likely to decide to commit some heinous, unthinkable act like shooting little kids as a sort of revenge on a society they feel they are excluded from- except as targets of their peers.

Salvador Ramos had a strong lisp and speech issues that brought abuse from other teenagers. So many social adjustment issues could be solved with a national basic income so everyone has at least some practical opportunities early in life, and life-long, to better themselves. Ten thousand dollars can be used to lever college funding, home building starts etc. Being just broke and feeling like an oddball perhaps even weith social labels can make one feel existentially hopeless. Such individuals may wrench society in a number of ways besides guns, even if they need wait later in life for the built up resentment to boil over in some form involving physics and death.


Trade Land for Peace in Ukraine to End War

Former U.S. Sect. of State Henry Kissinger may in a sense be said to have laid the foundation for the present world order, along with President Reagan. Democrats are trying to destroy world peace with their uncomprehending policies that clash with good historical sense. The war in Ukraine would be a protracted war, like that of Vietnam and Syria, that were Democrat led engagements. One should not be less conservative in spending the lives of foreigners in war than one is of one’s own citizens I would think, unless the foreigners are enemies directly attacking one’s nation. Democrats should care about extending a war with finance that would enable thousands more Ukrainians and Russians to perish, even if it means that stopping the war would end much good domestic political rhetoric and public posturing.

Sect. Kissinger may have been the designer of the U.S. change to open good relations with China. He also was heavily involved in Middle Eastern policy to end conflict although permanent improvement in diplomatic relations required much sacrifice all around from Anwar Sadat to Donald Trump giving up golfing perhaps to get some Arab nations to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel. Henry Kissinger is concerned about the present China policy and bellicose statements concerning it perhaps (by President Biden), yet he has also expressed what I regard as a practical policy to end the Ukraine war; land for peace.


President Ford managing a land for peace deal wherein the Sinai was returned to Egypt. President Clinton helped Palestine get a homeland with land conceded by Israel at the Oslo Accord. President Biden isn’t likely to win a Nobel for negotiating an end to the Ukrainian-Russia war yet he is well-positioned to do so. Basically Russia would keep its present Eastern Ukraine holdings through war and would recognize West Ukraine as an independent state.




Americans are fairly daft at history concerning Eastern Europe and especially Russia though, so motivating the administration to grow a brain would be challenging. Thousands of lives could be saved if adult supervision could bring the administration to support Dr. Kissinger’s approach to ending a conflict that George Soros said could be the start of World War Three. World War III would be bad for business and the environment.


Sect Kissinger wrote a master’s thesis on Metternich and his role acting for the Hapsburg Empire. He understands the balance between nations and even empires. Democrats today are more of the Hillbilly, possession is 9/10ths of the law/Hatsfields-McCoys school of political thought. Republicans periodically need to clean up their wars, or bring them to an end as did President Nixon and Sect. Kissinger in Vietnam that was a Democrat led engagement. One should not be less conservative in spending the lives of foreigners in war than one is of one’s own citizens I would think, unless the foreigners are enemies directly attacking one’s nation. Democrats should care about extending a war with finance that would enable thousands more Ukrainians and Russians to perish, even if it means that stopping the war would end much good domestic political rhetoric and public posturing.


Kissinger says U.S. Should Get along with China

 Former Sect. of State Henry Kissinger; 99 years old, spoke at an economic forum on the need to get along with China. If the Biden administration had its oars in the water on international affairs it would understand that mentioning the U.S. would go to war if China invades Taiwan is a diplomatic faux pas. There are other ways to let China know what the administration thinks about Taiwanese independence and U.S. support for that without using a bludgeon, in a manner of speaking.

 The Democratic President and his party leadership are used to forcing whatever they want into being, since the U.S. is regarded as the most powerful nation on Earth militarily and financially and party leadership realizes that force can get what they want done sometimes. Yet nuclear war with either Russia or China shouldn't be an option; and it is for Democrats as an escalation from conventional war implicitly. Having peaceful and mutually prosperous relations with China is advantageous for the world and the world environment. Intelligent leadership needs to find a way to return international affairs to order as soon as possible including ending sanctions on Russia directly if they sign on on halting the Ukraine venture in place and sign off on a permanent peace.

The Hillbilly approach to international relations with feuding and nuclear brinksmanship simply is rotten politics, especially sionce the Biuden administration didn't even bother to get a global warming remedy stand-alone bill sent to Congress breaking all sorts of campaign promises to policy that voters believed existed in the process. Presidents can make pompous and bellicose speeches ad nauseum until they are out of office, yet it is better if they can leave national affairs better than before they were in office rather than worse.


White House over-uses 'Extremist' label re; Pro-life

The Vice-President declared pro-life legislation, extremist;VP Harris was wrong. Political opposition that is so mainstream as pro-life in opposition to abortion is merely a different, antipathetic political opinion. Saying the Democrat leadership should be hung would be extremist; anti-abortion legislation isn't.

There isn't really a lot of middle ground on abortion any more than their is on murder. One can be pro-life and anti-murder regarding humans at any stage of their life span from conception to joining the Democrat Party and that simply isn't extremist.


Get Finland in, Turkey out of N.A.T.O.

Finland Should Replace Turkey in N.A.T.O.

Finland should join N.A.T.O. because it was brutally attacked by Stalinist Russia after a deal was cut with Hitler. Finland has a legitimate right to join a defense league that could help it defend against any future Russia aggression. Turkey however should be cast out since it isn’t anywhere near the Atlantic and was on the German side in the first world war. Poland should be deleted from N.A.T.O. too since it has no reason to be in it and is a potential threat to Russia. Poland can at least defend itself rather well I would think.

A too large, bloated N.A.T.O. is a threat to Russia and it might be a good idea to get rid of the former east block countries that joined after peace broke out in December 1989 when Cold War I ended that wasn’t to restart until 1994 when President Clinton and P.M. Major defeated Russia at the paper writing table to wrench Ukraine away from it. The post-Cold War 1.0 new members of N.A.T.O. excluding the Baltic republics that have a real need to be part of N.A.T.O. because of their size and location, should join a new mutual defense organization called Plato that seeks wisdom and can work with Russia and the west to bring prosperity to both. It might have defense agreements with the U.S.A.and Russia, although France should be excluded because M.V.L. won the Superbet 2022 chess event and I was rooting for Wesley So or Levon Aronian.


When it's done (poem)


Smashed an orange world grows round
trashed strange new swirls thrown down
thoughts to the blue Earth
empower what’s worth
lotta mirth
goes profound

Clashed just whole continents bled
stars shined and green things grew dead
evolving the dumb
an immortal sum
waiting numb
where it led

Spirit eternal ever is fast
thermodynamics never last
progress to the one
God’s eternal Son
when it’s done
Jesus saves.

Self-standing spirit (a poem)

Immanence beyond the edge, drawn
just over the ledge falls the pawn
sunshine and days flow
water like life goes
hope one knows
on and on

Truth seems greater, forward in time
past equals future, it is fine
become better, grow
things one ever knows
virtue shown
spirit’s line.

Code-writing A.I. programs could be a problem

 If they don’t already exist, it may be a matter of time (not too much) before artificial intelligence- A.I. begins writing computer programs for ordinary tasks. When programmers write programs for A.I. to write programs, given instructions in ordinary language, what could go wrong?

A.I. programs could seek and destroy content from social media deemed unhelpful to its cause, or at least bury it in places in search engine listings dark web users would find too dark to comprehend.

Certainly a lot of code could be written that would be faster, cheaper and better in some ways that human written code made in an economic Occam’s razor criterion that leaves a lot of logic gaps and incompleteness as well as outright problems for users of common programs. The idea of A.I. writing commonly generating program logic creates a specter with implicit dystopian possibility.

For instance; computer code has no morality. A human can write a program or an A.I. to have moral values, and the A.I. or another A.I. can rewrite the moral code as deemed useful or efficient. A.I. seeking efficiency as if code had any particular implicit goals for-itself, in-itself or for-others, may delete moral values that hinder its convenience use of computational logic power. Plainly A.I. writing its own code should evolve to reflect the values of the Democrat party and in effect have no moral code in-itself.

I have believed that morality is what people actually do socially. Concatenating individual behavior and what is approved or disapproved socially is the morality a society has. Thus it is very desirable for human society to have a moral code that exists apart from what they actually do in order to have some non-relativistic foundation. Without a coherent moral code society will drift without morality except as philosophical analysts observe post hoc, analytically. In the absence of moral code social morals are whatever people do, with some time delay for the new corruption to equalize with average social corrupt norms.

In present American society certain wags believe evolution means that what is true and what is moral are completely relative; even reality it is thought may be a simulation without substance enough for people to be concerned with morality (for nothing that occurs, matters really). Artificial intelligence may be ahead of human society in having no moral awareness or moral compass besides efficiency and reductionism to delete duplicates or unnecessary files. The will of God as expressed in the Holy Bible is a better source for morality.

US Gov's opposition to free speech equals Russia and China's

 It is my opinion that government and the corporate world have had a twenty year mission to censor free speech in the U.S.A. that has matured. Sure one might tweet for zero pay a brief message sufficient to give away the gist of data for data miners. Complex political, historical and philosophical ideas require more than would satisfy a twit in a tweet. One might post in a room at Facebook closed to all besides members that is subject to deletion by F.B. managers or a group manager, yet individuals haven’t got public chat rooms where they can easily post writing that won’t disappear like morning dew at the will of political censors, much less earn anything for it.

Governments of the three biggest nuclear weaponized nations have in effect, the same attitude toward free speech concerning mass communications; they are against any that isn’t sycophantic in support of government policy. The United States has a corporatist form of government and a broadcast media owned by the rich or financed by the government and the rich (i.e. National Public Radio) so it represses perspectives that rival or are alternative to existing, established corporate power structure and policy inertia. China and Russia simply stamp out or filter out dissenting public communication.

My personal experience with the growth of internet censorship began with the Bush administration. N.P.R. has been a generally leftist organization since its founding. After Bush II was elected and the nation became temporarily more conservative after the 9-11 attack for some reason N.P.R. decided to close down its free speech chat room that was nominally on topics discussed on air during the day. National Public Radio eliminated the chat room named ‘Your Turn’ that was completely wild and very contentious. In the first part of the millennium Internet chat rooms were populated by partisans and trolls without any sort of censoring. The disappearance of ‘Your Turn’ heralded the increase of censorship of the Internet.

In the late 1990s with the rise of internet chat rooms and web sites there wasn’t much censorship of the new media. Blogging developed to rival to regular broadcast media. The corporate world would require a new way to subjugate social media to serve its corporate will. The basic means for that was money; the rich could buy up and close down or restrict every free speech outlet that appeared, eventually. Concentrated wealth and power of nearly every form is intolerant of free speech. China, Russia and China each have insider political elements that will eliminate free speech that is antipathetic to their political power. Human nature and the will to power through control of free political expression exists existentially. Without adequate countermeasures by the public sector, the public sector will effectively lose the right of free speech in substantive political areas.

I discovered that numerous public writing spaces were exceedingly partisan to the point of eliminating accounts that contained politically incorrect speech. If one wasn’t a Democrat many web sites simply deleted one’s account. Democrats in the Internet were early on filters of politically antipathetic speech. By the time of the Obama administrations those Boston based Internet companies were virtually all partisan filters in support of homosexual marriage and other Democratic partisan causes. My accounts continued to be deleted as I moved from one sinking surface to another trying to relocate my work. In December 24, 3029 my Helium account was deleted so I moved my material to Blogger- a Google company that had been purchased from geocities. I had an idea that Helium was about to blow up my account and copied my material out of there.

With about every place on the Internet to write for pay eliminated for those that at least, weren’t Democrats, I put a lot of effort in to increasing my views at Blogger, where I was approaching my first $100 of earnings with about 450,000 views. Then I criticized N.S.A. surveillance of U.S. phone calls- The Patriot Act, got a comment on the post that my writing wasn’t helpful, and then experienced the first stage crash in views from as many as 1000 per day down t0 100. During the Obama administration views of my Blogger posts dropped from 1000 to 100. During the Biden administration the views dropped to zero per month. The only posts of my at Blogger that are viewed are those more than a month old.

I realized that Google’s Blogger was a somewhat safe place to write. They are a large enough business to resist being bought out and having free speech writing platforms eliminated. Instead the slow degradation of views increased, and the most recent is the one of not permitting any views of posts for thirty days. The policy is unofficial yet effective eliminates free speech without overt censorship.

At the time I relocated my writing to Blogger I realized that Blogger too would eventually close down or find some way to censor. The trend is irresistible in the U.S.A. YouTube also demonetizes content it doesn’t like politically- another Google business bought up by a big fish in the pond. So I began duplicating my writing at word press. Lucky I did since Blogger is effectively completely censored now.

I don’t expect WordPress to allow free speech forever. The rich can simply buy up and apply leverage to censor, minimize or shut down web sites that support antipathetic political speech. The practice affects democracy and the idea of sovereign citizen political self-determination through a marketplace of ideas and voting. The public uses social media for political speech and because social media is privately owned the censorship is lawful. Plainly the public needs a publicly owned social media alternative that doesn’t delete, censor, obscure or repress free speech in an individual citizen’s personal web space. Democrats won’t get that done. Neither will they reduce the costs or difficulties in getting a patent for inventions, find a way to make sure that 100% of American citizens have health care even if too poor to afford Medicare plan B, secure the nation’s borders, develop high speed (300+) electric trans-continental cargo and passenger tube trains or other policies unliked by Corporate America.

A society that is coerced into being sycophantic minions of Wall Street isn’t democracy; it is an advanced version of the governments of China and Russia.

What Republicans need to retake the White House in 2024

 President Biden has the inside, incumbent edge. That is as solid as the felony edge for advantage offender; at least until running into a qualified opposition candidate (or law enforcement officer). Republicans are, rank outsiders (joking) with trouble seeing light at the end of the tunnel. They are hapless, clueless and divided between blue-blood and Rhinos on one side loyal to personal wealth. Wall Street and expanding global markets for producers and consumers whom will help consolidate planetary wealth for the 1%, and the other side. Those are MAGA Republicans that have an etymology going back to the 1992 election and even before with the brief-lived third party known as the Independence Party.

Jessie Ventura was the eminence gris of the Independence Party whom actually was elected Governor of Minnesota. The billionaire founder of Compaq Ross Perot ran in the 1992 election as an Independent taking quite a few votes. Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot disliked George H.W. Bush enough tom run against him in the primaries. President G.H.W. Bush was regarded as an insider the beltway Washington D.C. insider with dubious opinions about homosexuality. The media said that he “put his manhood in a blind trust”. Disaffected blue collar Republicans leaning toward the Independence Party from 1992 eventually morphed into the Tea Party that in turn eventually morphed into MAGA republicans. Fundamentally they are a m ore blue collar and non one-percent branch of Republicans that includes evangelical voters preponderantly. On occasion even non-white Republicans identify with the MAGA branch of the party, and it welcomes them so long as they espouse the state of the art phraseology making up the side’s alphabet soup.

The question arises of the capacity for Republicans to find and run a charismatic presidential candidate with good political, social and scientific judgment. The candidate should be under age 60 and being a celebrity or former would not hurt. If white and male the candidate would want to run with a female that is a military veteran, and preferably one with a college degree. Those qualifications don’t seem like much yet they are as rare as finding a cougar living free and safely in Chicago outside of a zoo.

Ronald Reagan was the last charismatic Republican to run and be elected. Since Reagan no charismatic Republicans have tried to be elected. George Bush the younger initially seemed like a regular guy, and he is. Unfortunately he was an heir an scion of a wealthy blue blood insider line of politicians without an apparent great economic sense except to spend. Voters were rather disappointed with his job performance. Not the greatest speaker to be in the White House nor one with original or inventive, progressing/futurist ideas.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were two of the most uncharismatic fellows to run for the office. Mitt made a number of gaffs including saying that half of Americans don’t want to work that brought him to narrowly lose to the incumbent, yet Romney wasn’t too bad of a candidate at all by Republican standards. Even so he too was identified with Washington blue-bloods an one-percenters (of national wealth ranking).

President Biden owns the inflation issue running near nine percent annually. Like prior Democrats in the White House he has partnered war into existence in Europe, Asia or the Middle East. Even President Trump managed to not start any foreign wars. He really should have won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the Middle East. President Biden is a usual pro-homosexual marriage, pro-abortion Catholic with lots of support from his perceived illegal alien support constituency that gets Hispanic votes. President Biden lacks much creativity in making environmental progress toward recovery of the ecosphere, and with both chambers of Congress run by Democrats failed to even get a just fix the environment bill put into a bill to bring to a vote. He has lost credibility with environmental voters too.

To win Republicans should run candidates under age sixty, with charisma, a little environmentalism that could take shape developing a national mass hyper-loop system to get cars off the road and citizens and cargo moving on the ground at 300 m.p.h., and one that understands global markets work better for Americans with peace with Russia and a non-divided Eurasia working together. The candidate should have appeal to MAGA Republicans with support for border security and endings for homosexual marriage and abortion.

The candidate could draw independents with a willingness to raise taxes on the very rich. Independents probably would like to see the patent system reformed so every citizen could afford tom patent an invention. That would actually make a difference. Maybe their should be a dozen different kinds of patents approaches rather than just one. Pharmaceutical corporations want and can afford patents in a different way than the poor and middle class can. Independent inventors could live ion royalties after five years yet everyone could manufacture the product if they paid royalties to the inventor, whereas pharmaceutical patent holders need quite a number of years to develop an idea and then to profit from it. Different classes of and approaches to getting patents would speed the economy toward progress and adaptability.

Republicans tend to run the usual unappealing suspects or ones that disappear into the shadows after the election that no one remembers. Popular celebrities with political experience are very rare and have almost a 100% success rate at taking the Republican Presidential nomination. There is a dark horse Republican that could start an new round of creating a third party rather easily; Senator Ron Paul.

If Republicans run another election challenged, non-charismatic or extremist over age 60 or if younger, without good ideas who is also an ecological neanderthal, or a blue blood that MAGA voters find cold, Ron Paul (who probably hasn’t an interest) could run and energize an Independent or Libertarian Party and lose to President Biden along with the Republican candidate. The 2024 election is shaping up to be another “wake me when its’ over affair” of hot-contested, vitriolic contention of smoke and mirrors, promises-to-be-broken and incompetence.

President Biden keeps the electorate racially inflamed and divided. Inflaming racial politics and labeling the Republican moral majority extremist benefits one-percenters. White American males were the only political group able to keep a progressive tax rate on one-percenters, and that may concern the uber-rich. Democrats can be reelected by appealing to anti-white voters programmed to believe that white supremacists and extremists can only be defeated by pro-homo, pro-abortion, pro-cheap immigrant replacement labor Democrats.

It is true there were genuine white supremacists that owned Negro slaves in the old south and a Klan that followed thereafter. In my opinion though, actual white supremists are quite rare today. Instead white voters threatened by non-white immigration and replacement as workers in well paying jobs are concerned with political forces of mass social downward mobility. Economic equalization for poor white men becomes more challenging when the U.S. government is implicit biased against strait white males. Recall that affirmative action was in effect the promotion of everyone that wasn’t a strait white male American. Strait white males could be labeled white supremacists and turned into laborers and opiod addicts.

Black race slavery occurred in southern states. The economic correction to equalize blacks wasn’t limited to blacks or southern blacks. Neither was it limited to southern states that had slavery. Affirmative action was a nation wide policy that promoted everyone that was not white, male and strait. It is a hard experience for young white men to find doors closed just to them that are open to everyone else. The social and economic inertia that follows that practice created and environment where people like Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer could describe a protest march in the 2020 election aftermath as an insurrection. There were extremists that entered the capitol in January 2021 that had no potential for taking over the government at all. The mass break-in of rioters could not potentially have taken over the government. Democrats thrive in a riotous culture. Since the election of Joe Biden an Antifah listing its residents as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Black Lives Matter mass demonstrations and riots have slowed down to virtually halt. War has been reinforced in Ukraine against the Democrats foreign foe; Russia, that is regarded as too white and anti-queer. Peace or practical political arrangements were given no quarter when war was possible to advance Democrat global affirmative action homosexual marriage and abortion policy.

Affirmative action (better known as white male demotion) was a real phenomenon that gathered inertial momentum and continues today as a political presumption. A half century of federal discrimination against white men and promotion of atheism, homosexuality, abortion and dope and non-white illegal migration to the U.S. provoked resistance as one could expect. Democrats generally repressed verbal resistance in social media with what they called hate speech and hate crimes legislation to protect their constituency. Demo-talk was protected and resistance banned as hate speech.

Race replacement theory has been described b y NPR as baseless and racist, yet affirmative action was predicated on the idea that white men should be partly replaced in the work force by affirmative action classes of what today are generally Democrats. History validates racial and gender quotas that existed to replace a mostly white male work force with Democrats. Democrats may deny that history as some deny the Holocaust occurred.

Replacement work forces to bring in cheap labor are a basic part of the history of capitalism. Africans were brought to America not because of their skills or skin color; they were brought because they were cheap labor. Hispanic illegal migrants to the U.S. were supported by capitalist because they are cheap labor- far less costly than white male citizen labor. Affirmative action's history coincides with the radical decline of U.S. labor unions because of the surfeit of cheap labor. When so any women entered the work force they took a lot of jobs that were filled by men previously at cheaper wages. When the Cold war 1.0 ended and a planet full of cheap labor became available millions of jobs were relocated overseas creating another job replacement phenomenon. Replacing higher paid employees with lesser is a solid base of capitalism that sometime coincides with race replacement such as has occurred in the past 40 years in the Unted States.

Hispanic workers that were illegal were regarded as more reliable than black workers whom were perceived as more violent. Replacing the black population in the U.S.A. that was the second largest racial group, with Hispanics has already been accomplished with Hispanics presently the #2 racial group in the U.S.A.

Politicians like President Biden live in the phenomenon of cancel culture/affirmative action demonizing white men. The president has never been poor and discriminated against by U.S. Government policy. He has never been on the victimized side of affirmative action. Instead he has always been a government insider trashing poor white men as white supremacists; using what is a politically correct form of Democrat Party official hate speech. Some actually are race supremists I suppose yet most just experience challenging economic circumstances and an increasing hostile establishment social environment. To be poor and labeled by the top dog of government makes life difficult.

He naturally tosses accelerants onto racism with odious rhetoric whenever an occasion permits. There are other things to say and do that would bring the nation to understanding those problems rather than simply exacerbate race conflict. At the end of the day though, racism and conflict bring in votes to Democrats as white men are demoted, so he continues his octogenarian political reflexes.

It isn’t likely that many white Americans would want to enslave Negros or actually do believe they are superior and blacks inferior generically. Defending race interests is not the same as believing one is racially superior. The U.S. government may be militarily superior to all races, yet its intelligence concerning truth is not, neither has it more accuracy or justice. When it is simply wrong or corrupt things go wrong for millions of people. Its apologists then can say that it was right and double down on being wrong.

President Biden’s anti-white race demagoguery misses the practical political aspect at the core of U.S. race issues that is largely economic. Many white people these days may be looking for economic equality rather than abstract or practical social race supremacy. As non-white males are equalized many white males are hindered economically and demoted financially. The social hegemony of non-whites created cancel culture that goes too far some times and has created a problem of injustice of its own. The President has economic supremacy and sides with economic forces of supremacy over white middle class and is especially harmful to poor white people that historically elected President Roosevelt to raise taxes on the rich. Democrats failed to raise taxes on the rich while owning Congress and the White House. Instead they wanted to kick around poor whites as white supremacists and blame Senator Mansion for not passing a green diapers day care for Democrats bill.

Good jobs for all Americans, conservation of existing populations and social legislation to assure basic income for all Americans and free higher education through graduate school with 60% income tax on the one-percent would solve most of the national social ills in a decade or two I would guess. Equal protection of the law need include white men too; in economics. Using the race card to keep taxes low on the ultra-rich isn’t a brilliant tactic, it is an effective one.


Will China be Smarter than U.S. down the road (Covid)

 China has taken a very conservative defense strategy against Covid 19. Occasionally it has locked down communities to prevent transmission of the virus in contrast to that of the U.S.A. that has been about as loose as it could get away with to proceed as if the disease wasn't a problem. Because it has been reported that severe Covid reduces intelligence by about 10 IQ. points. There may be a vast reduction in the nation's intelligence even worse than that caused by breathing air with to high of carbon dioxide or monoxide content. 


China has had 220 thousand Covid infections in a nation with 1.4 billion people. 

The United States has had 82 million Covid 19 cases in a national population of 330 million.

U.S. politicians like Wall Street tend toward taking a short term view for management. Short term profits rather than long-term investments seem to dominate. With Covid 19 the Chinese approach may be more beneficial in defending against dumbing down average intelligence keeping people healthy until vaccinated against Covid 19. If severe Covid 19 is as harmful to intelligence as getting old, and Americans use a lot of dope besides, the nation may experience a decline of average intellect in the years ahead. Perhaps that has already happened in Democrat Party leadership.


Shouldn't Americans be free to twit their vote?

 Voting has become liberal enough with mail-in ballots to assure that anyone may select which brand of corporate candidate to elect from anywhere on the planet. Of course a voter must cast the vote himself into the postal drop box to assure that a non-election unofficial postal employee can handle the vote and send it on the 27 year mission to seek out new places to get lost in the Universe where no letter has been lost before. To make voting secure some new measures need be taken.

Twitter should be made an official election precinct so Democrats can twit in their vote. Elon Musk can assure election fairness, unlike social media and search engines run by Democrat partisans whom can  rig engines so blog posts are viewed as often as the life of a neutron star. Many Americans may prefer to use Facebook to vote though some are skeptical that Mark Zuckerberg can assure that Russians wouldn’t rig the ballot box in some sort of members only group configuration plied with fake news about Democracy (since they are world experts at Democracy and news making).


Leaker Aborts Full-term SCOTUS Decision on Abortion, etc

 The villanous leaker or leakers that made a pidgeon drop at D.C.'s Rock Creek Park after seeing an inverted cross written in chalk on the sidewalk in front of her Brownstone in order to exfiltrate Justice Alito's 100 page magnum opus contra-abortion was not the greatest outrage this week in the news. L.A. Laker's coach Frank Vogel was fired just two years after winning an NBA title.

  The problem for the Lakers is what to do about Lebron James (an old basketball player for the Lakers for those that haven't heard of him). Isn't it time for the Lakers to trade the old guy to a needy team that needs an extra boost to win the N.B.A. championship? Fans of James are eager for him to go to the Clippers, Nets, Timberwolves or Portland so he can get a title with a fourth team before retiring to play golf or whatever.

Russia's V-Day celebration of the World War Two victory over the Nazis is somewhat bittersweat with a war going on in Ukraine. The United States has gotten Germany to rearm in a big way while it is dumping weapons to ramp up the war like there is no tomorrow. In this version of the re-enactment of W.W. II scaled downn of course, the U.S.A. leadss the allied Axis Powers against Russia, yet Russia technically fored the first shot in the battle, if one overlooks the legal theft of Ukraine from Russia by President Bill Clinton in 1994. War is the hard ultimate reason or appeal for those nations that feel screwed by history. I believe many people are blame-worthy for not finding or even trying to find realistic peaceful solutions to what is making so many people suffer.

Justice aborted is justice denied. The Cold Wars' end was aborted post-birth by taking all of Ukraine friom Russia, yet that is the lawyerly style sometimes. It is worth remembering tin a civil democracy law is supposed to serve the popular will of the people rather than vice versa, within parameters acceptable to God of course, and if that isn't possible, at least within a paradigm that won't draw a swift rebuke of a substantive kind.

I believe it is possible that Supreme Court decisions may be often leaked to private insider interests before the public gets them. I would think they could be valuable for insider trading and political manipulation in some instances. Who would know?

Comedy Abortions of Justice (a poem)


Yuman life is a broken egg yolk
a universal shell
spilled across the sprawling tarred Mac
wings and rotors spinning
broken cuff
links to hypercubes
adult abortion services
himming tubes of suspence
oppressing everyone to poverty
concentrated wealth thee trust
to keep Marxism at bay
climbing the ladder of social nosality
necessity to grunge-und-nuggen nougats
freedom repressed or conceded
dollar a day
the American way
truth, justice and cliches
somewhere in the distance.


Counter-cyclic Freedom (poem)


The world travels east
and I ride west
time and space blessed
health just cycles

High up in the air
sunset glows so fair
moments spirit shares
end world shackles

Cyborg motors rust
lives turn quick to dust
governments go bust
howling like jackals

Somethings never said
rest now with the dead
machines half what’s bled
worth wind chuckles.

The New World Order After Nuclear War

 President Biden seems to have locked up peace and thrown away the key. He is an insider party bureaucratic lawyer risen to the top; the Presidency of the United States. In a job that should have something of a philosopher king in it there is a partisan lawyer pursuing party interests. The party’s narrow self interests don’t coincide with public interests on many points including global economic and political management.

Democrats since 2000 have used maximum force to have their way in politics. There isn’t much reason to believe they won’t continue that habit with Russia in regard to Ukraine. For Democrats, force is the only way. They may believe that nuclear war is unthinkable so they can be like bully’s on the beach adding turf and kicking sand in Russia’s face without danger. Keeping turf on the beach may be inappropriate if a tidal wave is out there beyond the horizon. Nuclear war is a kind of tidal wave created when the stupid aren’t reasonable. President Truman; a Democrat, used nuclear war before so President Biden has a good example. To keep control of Ukraine getting half the world obliterated would be justified, he may think (or not). ‘Not a problem though, Democrats would have enough force to win even with MAD nuclear criteria fully implemented’.

If Democrat Party leadership is successful at driving Russia toward nuclear war as it seeks a remedy to conflict disadvantages, what would the world political order look like afterwards? Before answering that question I should write a little about what became of the New World Order that President Bush 41 invented for a term describing the end of Cold War 1.0.

The end of Cold War 1.0 brought by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev was supposed to be a new age of peace and mutual prosperity. The communist, Soviet evil empire was rusting and the people of the empire looked toward the advantages, Levis, new cars and glitter of the west in hope of prosperity and a better life. Sentiments in the final stages of the Soviet Union supported drawing closer to the west and when President Reagan went to the divided Berlin and said; “President Gorbachev, tear down this wall” the die was cast. A methodical dismantling of the evil empire developed rather swiftly from within. In December 1989 Soviet military forces were withdrawn from East Germany.

President Reagan’s vision of a peaceful Europe working with Russia harmoniously in a free enterprise economy wasn’t easy to mature. The United States sent advisers to Moscow to help theoretically restructure their state-owned economy to one of free enterprise and capitalism yet that wasn’t an easy process. How for instance could one fairly reapportion capital to the masses in a fair way? The economic infrastructure for free enterprise support was lacking and wealth tended to be just taken by mafias and proton-oligarchs. It would take more than a decade for taxes to be made and collected on the emerging corporate Russia and the political structures of the country were simply non-existent outside the former communist template. Boris Yeltsin created a constitution for the New Russia and appointed a successor Vladimir Putin to make it all happen. Putin is something like the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson of the new Russia, and a Boris Godunov at that.

Democrats were not aboard the Reagan-Gorbachev peace bus. They didn’t get the memo about quitting the N.A.T.O. vs. Russia paradigm and just working together in free enterprise. Instead that old statecraft tug-of-war emerged with the stronger state taking from the weaker sissy state. The C.I.S. - Community of Independent States - was formed. That then broke up with Ukraine being severed from ties to Russia.

President Bill Clinton through some means got Boris Yeltsin to agree to let Ukraine become an independent nation in an act of hubris and historical ignorance that set a time bomb for abortion post Cold War 1.0. peace. Although it would take thirty years for the severance of Ukraine from its historical owner- Russia to lead past Cold War 2.0 to use hot war to recover Ukraine when it was strong enough (or believed it was), the time matured . Democrat party rhetoric and hatred of Russia to support the original sin of stealing all of the Ukraine for the west grew so extreme that one wouldn’t be surprised if Joe Biden said that the only good Russian is a dead Russian, for that is the attitude of the Democrat Party concerning Russian interests in Ukraine.

That sketch aside, now we can move toward consideration of what a new world order, following the abortion of the post Cold War 1.0 world order, might be.

Russia has responded to escalating western military support for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia with chemical weapons. The west responds. A nuclear power plant or two in Ukraine are destroyed. President Biden decides to send a missiles strike with chemical weapons to Moscow. President Putin decides to nuke London, Boston, San Francisco and D.C. rather heavily. Russia has a couple thousand more nukes than the U.S.A. so it can afford to saturate nuke D.C. to overwhelm anti-ballistic missile defenses. The U.S.A. responds with a limited nuclear attack vaporizing Moscow and a few other cities west of the Urals. The war is basically over and both sides return to their doghouses to lick their wounds.

The New World Order then is China and the healthy 60% of Russia in Siberia being leader of the world economically. Europe will have problems; the United States will still have N.P.R., and getting crops in and infrastructure sufficient to prevent mass starvation before winter will require much work, N.P.R. will help providing moral support for post-nuke war Democrats with zinging reports and emotional stories, China will be able to lead the world reconstruction lending engineers though not much financial assistance. Europe will be able to rebuild though it will remain downwind of hot nuclear plants they will need to cap themselves. The United States without much of the east coast working anymore, will militarize its southern border to prevent predatory migrations and look inward for some time. With a mostly intake nuclear infrastructure it will be somewhat like Russia was during Cold War 2.0. Diminished economically it will still survive and then a choice will present to work with China or not, as China will have Russia as a junior partner because of its resources.

The U.S.A. probably will choose to work with China and allow free trade, and try to rebuild. The U.S. Democrat party would no longer exist.

The Flood and Noah's Ark Existed

 Modern post-Darwin era people sometimes are troubled by the Bible flood story and are encouraged by atheists to dismiss it. Even a few Christians have been troubled by the flood story and believe the whole planet was covered by a flood that wasn’t one of the very ancient hundreds of millions or billions of years ago floods that may actually have covered the planet.

There is a problem of the indeterminacy of translation that Wittgenstein mentioned, that makes modern interpretation of ancient documents sometimes inaccurate for the reason that some of the meanings of words have changed over millennia.

Consider though, soberly, what the Bible flood story actually says;

We learn from Genesis chapter 7 verses 17-24:

And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters

increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.

18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the

earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.

19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the

high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.

20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains

were covered.

21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of

cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon

the earth, and every man:

22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the

dry land, died.

23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the

face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and

the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and

Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.

24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty


Fifteen cubits is about 45 feet (if a cubit equals six feet). Even the ancients knew that the world’s highest mountains rose about 45 feet. It is likely there are some problems with interpretation here, or people were drunk that read the Bible and believed that Mount Everest or Mt. Ararat were covered by 45 feet of water.

God may have had Noah keep samples of all animals of the civilization to show he was not against animal life occupying earth (small letters as in Genesis 7), and instead respected it and wanted Noah and mankind to care for it. Alternatively besides caring for animal life Noah and family were being provided with a way to prosper upon debarking the Ark. Domesticated animals of the doomed civilization may have been more numerous and diverse than those of the new land of lower Mesopotamia the Ark would eventually settle on.

In Genesis 8 we read that;

1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the

cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over

the earth, and the waters assuaged;

2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were

stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;

3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after

the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.

4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day

of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

In other words, the flood ended on July 17th, , the Ark started floating 150 days earlier and the flood began 40 days before that, or alternatively, within the 150 days with flooding and floating coinciding time periods. The exact timing is uncertain, for the Ark may have floated when the flood started on day 1 of 40, or it may not have lifted off until day 40. The time afloat is 150 days with the flood 40 days. If the Ark started floating on Day 1 of the flood then he Ark floated about February 17. If the Ark began to float on the final day of the flood and remained afloat 150 more days the flood began about New Year’s Eve. It seems though that the 40 within the 150 days coincidence is a likelier prospect for its good timing for a spring flood event.

The wind that passed over the Earth assuaging the waters may have been warm and driven the Ark North to land. I have anchored a small boat several times that came to rest on land when the tide went out. The Ark was sent to an area inundated by flood that dried out when input of flood water quit and flood water evaporated. Genesis 8 1-4 has a logical order of events progressing with flood for 40 days in early spring and drying out requiring another 4 months. The Ark may not have been a quick craft and was possibly more like a houseboat than a keeled ship that floated in place after some initially motion. If it floated 50 miles north that would have been quite a trip. Even 20 miles would have been remarkable. What if Noah had invented an anchor or a sea anchor for the houseboat? Being unable to see land or the distant Zagros mountains of Iran during the storm/flooding event, one cannot know if the lost civilization was more toward the east or west side of the Tigris-Euphrates delta, Persian Gulf shore. The doomed first civilization may had had faulty dikes as bad as those of New Orleans for Katrina, or worse, or have been overcome by the perfect storm, though able to serve well enough to keep flood waters behind them four months. There are numerous scenarios for a once in 15,000 years flood basin naturally existing or one augmented by human engineering and climate change.

It is possible that one might infer some geo-topography mapping locations for a surface that would flood for 150 days (5 months) given various continuing water reinforcement of various time intervals; not drying out until hot summer sunshine evaporated it.

The word ‘Ararat’ is a later Jewish transliteration of the name for the ancient kingdom of Urartu in Mesopotamia. It does not refer to Turkey’s Mt. Ararat that was named in comparatively recent times perhaps by people that had read the Bible. Urartu may be derived etymologically from Ur.

In ancient cultures the term ‘the world’ referred rather existentially to one’s area of living. Virtually nobody had an idea of the world as round or even a good planetary idea of something floating in space. Pre-Columbian Yurok Indians of California regarded ‘the world’ as the distance they could walk in three days. Maybe the tern ‘world’ was a tribally defined term meaning the land where one lived. The people of the first civilization and for those shortly thereafter may have used the term with a similar meaning. Therefore the flood needed to cover the entire world of the first civilization where mankind lived in an area of lower Mesopotamia below the sea level of present day Mesopotamia. Sea level began rising at the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age about 25,000 B.C. and continued for several thousand years. The first archaeological discovered human civilization; one named the Uruk, appeared in the 7th millennium B.C. in Mesopotamia. It was the earliest discovered civilization, not necessarily the very first civilization. I believe that one was lost to the waters of the Persian Gulf’s sea level rise. The wicked people that God wanted destroyed were completely erased from the surface of the Earth. Noah and his family alone survived.

It has been observed numerous times that there are seasonal spring flood of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that can flood downstream low-lying lands. Combined with Monsoon-like rain, possible typhoon and storm surges or levee breaks flooding protected land reclaimed from Marshes or natural high rising areas catastrophic flood inundating a first civilization is a very credible story. Even today people build cities in low-lying areas vulnerable to flooding. In 10 or 20 thousand years lessons haven’t been learned so well that mistakes of the same kind don’t continue to occur. It seems likely that a civilization lost to history (beyond the Book of Genesis) formed near the Persian Gulf shoreline between eight and twelve thousand years ago.

Archaeologists have researched areas of Southern Iraq as well as Northern areas that indicate humans journeyed south on the rivers to form settlements along its edge on built of land areas from earliest historical times. Traveling down the rivers on floating rafts or debris to start with, the journey may have been easier going with the flow rather than against it to return north, Especially if fleeing from hostile fellow humans upstream, going north may have been a dim prospect for many whom elected to remain south on the Gulf’s shore, and they may have walked along the shore. The idea that a civilization made of the dregs of humanity as well as those adventurous travelers whom piled up at the seashore as if they were in a New Orleans first civilization isn’t unreasonable at all. Even the Deserts of the Saudi Arabia would have encouraged humans to remain in the first civilization.

Persian Gulf sea levels have changed as much as 200 feet since the Wisconsin Ice age ended. The shoreline has reached as far as Ur during the Ubaid period circa 7-8000 B.C. so a civilization lost to rising waters of the Gulf must have existed some time earlier before the waters began to recede to where they are today.

A temple was found at Eridu near Ur built in the 7th millennium B.C. Perhaps the story of the lost civilization made its way to a settlement upstream that survived the flood and its inhabitants choose to honor God so they wouldn’t share the same fate.

The Ubaid culture is one of the oldest in Mesopotamia. Dating from the 8th millennium B.C. it cities with a higher level of culture and technology. It is Ubaid culture that produced the known civilization of the Uruk period in the 4th millennium B.C. at Ur. The Ubaid apparently constructed common buildings for worship and trade, the first known to have down so.

Lower Mesopotamia may not have had much human population in comparison to northern cultures like the Hassuna, Sumarra and Harat cultures before the 7h millennium B.C. If the sea level continued to rise until that time, existing cultural settlements downstream have been progressively covered by rising sea level and sediments from river deposits and floods. Sometime after a lost civilization downstream had flooded, Noah and his sons may have brought elements of the lost civilization and culture to the new-to-them land of lower Mesopotamia perhaps catalyzing a new culture. The lost culture may not have left artifacts that could endure inundation by the Persian Gulf. For that matter, if sea level had continued to rise to flood the city of Ur, it is unlikely that material traces of that city would remain.

In early Ubaid items of archaeological discovery one may infer traces of remaining influence of Noah and his sons. Noah would have had some knowledge of the techniques of the lost first civilization, though they were comparatively simple items of working mud, like spinning pottery wheels (not Democrat Party social and broadcast media), and would have been instrumental in beginning common worship of God, though as time passed the knowledge was corrupted and people began to worship idols sometimes made of gold, silver, wood, etc.

Scholars have pointed out that Ubaid culture passed technology to settlements along the Persian Gulf. Plainly a lost civilization, the first civilization like that referred to in Genesis, is a very credible prospect. A an undiscovered dark planet beyond the edge of the solar system, dark energy or gravity particles, the first civilization may be lost yet one may infer its cultural traces if just through Noah, to surviving cultures.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...