
East-West Philosophical Mix

Nakamura's fine work "Ways of Thinking of Eastern People' describes much of Eastern philosophy including Taoism and several versions of Buddhism. India and the Sky religions of the early Aryan immigrants perhaps is responsible for the caste system, and India is sort of East and west simultaneously. Siddhartha influenced people everywhere, as did Asian religious thought like that of Zoroastrianism. Nietzsche seemed fascinated with Zarathustra, and believed a strange metaphysic concerning reality. 

Schopenhauer's 'Fourfold Roots of Reason' seems like the best, succinct continuation of Kant's 'Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics' that is itself a summary of the 'Critique of Pure Reason', yet Schopenhauer also wrote about metaphysics and a strange view of the world derived from Zoroastrianism and other eclectic sources that seemed fundamentally to be extrapolations of his views about the state of human beings elevated into a transcendent account for the world; very weird yet supporting his miysogynist ideas based on reincarnation.

It may be that Marco Polo brought some ideas to China, yet after 1400 or so there was so much sharing of ideas interculturally that etiologies become more challenging I would think. Karl Marx was quite influential; as a counter to imperialism it's a good revolutionary, practical device. It does crimp individual freedom to think and express ideas, an unfortunate necessity to a certain extent in a very overpopulated nation. 

American and european atheism to a substantial degree attack philosophical thought and revert to pure materialism; definitely a denier of spirit viewpoint. Anti-spiritual exclusivity in my opinion has influenced China recently, to join with Marxist-Feurbach's doctrine. A Metaverse may be entirely made in spirit- bootstrapped in a Berklian paradigm of ideaism. It's necessary to continue to think rather than being living the unexamined life concerning physics.

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