
Being-for-Others (a poem)

Sallow dead fields of October
past medias weft winds slur
benzedrine beans make work purr
bullets and blades then occur
slaughters of death reassure
demon spawn of ancient Ur
-lost majority of Mars
in stars fast falling to Earth.


Logic supports belief in the Lord Jesus rather than not

 It is fashionable in metal music these days to promote disbelief in Jesus Christ. Yet Jesus Christ was historically real. It is one thing to disbelieve that Jesus was the Son of God and another to not believe he lived in the first decades of the first millennium.

Jesus Christ is one of the most historically known people that ever lived. It is possible these days to deny that Elvis ever lived or that Elvis was real because computer simulation spoofing could readily make fake Elvis video and music. Then one can discount eyewitness testimony (as Mathew, Mark, John and others provided and categorize the Lord right up there with fake Apollo moon landings. Yet Jesus was real and his disciple and followers liked him enough to keep detailed written records of his life and works.

Jesus Christ is one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived. I don’t believe that many unbelievers realize the genius of His sayings that a philosopher could categorize as ethics. The Lord was so far ahead of his time that even today none have created a comparable ethical system that is practical. Marcus Aurelius’s stoic Meditations are good to read yet falls far short of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is interesting that Jesus is painted with unbelief in music by so many professing atheism who might accept the existence of Sakyamuni (Buddha), of Mohammad, of Zoroaster and even Mani of Manichean fame from the Parthian Empire.

The genius of Jesus Christ extended far beyond ethics obviously. Simply on a secular basis his predictions of the future apocalypse of Israel that occurred after his death (and resurrection) in the first century anno domini is the largest easily recognizable body of prophecy that is 100% accurate ever made.

There were of course prophecies fulfilled by Jesus made by others that occurred before His birth. Those aren’t the prophecies in the book of Matthew that I am referring too.


I am referring to prophecies made by Jesus Christ himself about the fate of Jerusalem in its end time in the first century with fundamental eschatological paradigmata in Matthew 24:3-28.

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for [a]all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.

26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 28 For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”


In Matthew 29 Jesus refers to His second coming. The topic is complex and has been misunderstood by many. The Reverend Kenneth Gentry has a good brief article on the topic.


Create a Civilian Medal for Covid 19 Front line Service Workers

 While in office President Biden should consider issuing a Medal for Front Line Workers during the pandemic. Recognition for those that performed important civil tasks while Covid 19 was ubiquitous is worth making. Like the Army Service ribbon and the Sect Def’s civilian Medal for Valor a Covid 19 civilian front line worker campaign medal could remind the public of those that worked on the line during the pandemic.

Like Ye, Demos May be Deplatformed

  Deplatforming political and social opponents is a ubiquitous power bling in the U.S.A. these days. Ye (the artist formerly known as Kanye West) recently was deplatformed by the corporate world including the German company Adidas because of his free expression of ideas that corporate said were anti-Semitic. Ye didn’t back down or apologize for making so many statements about Jews.


Because the internet of things is a collection of privately owned (mostly) servers that plug in and corporations that own social media sites generally free expression is limited to statements that don’t offend the profit and power agenda of the corporate world. If an individual’s statements or posts are antipathetic to the corporate guideline the offender is then ‘deplatformed” after a few warnings to kow tow in some cases.

Congressional deplatforming occurs through elections mostly, unlike corporate deplatforming that is in no way democratic. Because Congresspersons curry favor with the rich and corporations for their own benefit the Congress hasn’t developed platforms that citizens can post their ideas on without fear of being deplatformed for failing to be a sycophant of those with deep pockets. That is one of the reasons why the nation’s political system is becoming a democracy-republic more symbolically than factually as it morphs into corporatocracy and plutocratic hybridization.

Ye’s ideas about Jews aren’t like those of Hitler’s in Mein Kampf. They are instead expressions from the school of wrong ideas that arose culturally among poor American blacks I suppose. Ye said that blacks are the real Jews and the true descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. I believe Elisha Mohammad expressed comparably wrong ideas about the origin of the white ‘race’ through selective breeding long ago. The expression of wrong or inaccurate ideas shouldn’t result in deplatforming. For one thing corporate censors sometime aren’t too bright and would know a linguistic plosive from a labial consonant, vellar fricative or explosive like C4. Because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely the social media reflects corporate values for concentrating wealth preponderantly rather than being a marketplace of ideas for a democratic society that is interested in progress, efficiency, and infrastructural change to adapt intelligent technique to challenges.

If wrong ideas are sufficient to have one’s writing ‘deplatformed’ those ideas must also be politically popular to be repressed already. Because corporate yet has a lot of people producing greenhouse gas global warming deniers aren’t being deplatformed though their ideas are wrong. If wrong ideas alone were the test for deplatforming the Congress itself would risk deplatforming. Adolph Hitler would have deplatformed Ye for being black and being a Jew (or claiming to be). If Ye was alive in the 1940s he could have gone to Auschwitz unless he denied being a Jew. Ironically the German corporation that deplatformed Ye has more in common with Hitler than the founders of the United States that respected free speech and felt it was a necessity for democracy.

Speaker Pelosi’s husband was a victim recently of a deplatforming attempt by someone with antipathetic political ideas presumably. If another Mission Impossible is made it could have the topic of deplatforming as a plot at the highest level and that might seem a conspiracy too far. Deplatforming is the corporate delete key that the mafia might wish to have. "Alright Bugsy; you gonna go out and deplatform that guy; see?"

Alaska's U.S. Rep Supports Global Warming, Abortion and Homo Marriage

 Alaska's temporary U.S. Representative is a Democrat who must support homosexual marriage and abortion or she would be deplatformed. Evidently she is also in favor of global warming because she supported fossil fuel development on the North Slope National Petroleum Reserve (23 million acres). She is an Alaska native and female though, so morality and political points are comparatively inconsequential. In the U.S.A. today race is what matters for corporate sensibilities if it helps deplatform conservative Americans.

https://sdgs.un.org/goals UN Sustainable Development Goals

Alaskans certainly need good jobs. Accelerating global warming with high Arctive drilling producing exhaust at high latitude and supplying the nation with fossil fuel for decades ahead seems wrong. The state may lose a lot of waterline real estate as sea level rises from global warming later this century. The effects of global warming are visible every day increasingly.

The state should find a poliotician with real ideas to create 1000 new good paying jobs for the slope and interior that isn't harmful to the environment. It is possible.

Politicians are a specieis that prefer immediate rewards rather than disciplined and well informed reasonable planning unfortunately. That means the worst of things are embedded in the future like snow built up and disregarded above roads that is likely to slide.

Rep. Peltola probably will be re-elected because two Republican candidates will split the vote. A lack of intellegence can determine who wins elections. 



Shadow of Mordor Grows over the Lakers' Season

Kobe Bryant was a first round pick. The Lakers will get one in 2023 yet the Pelicans can swap if they want due to the Davis trade. The Lakers have another in the 2nd round and if they finish last that will be a good one. Should the Lakers learn to accept that good picks in the draft are the simplest way to get great players and that losing helps get good draft posits?


The Lakers have traded away much of their future picks and good young players to get just three players (Aging Lebron James, Anthony Davis and Russell Westbrook) and that advantage has reached a logical end of quality place. James hasn’t reached his expiration date yet, Davis is oft injured and Westbrook like the rest of the Lakers can’t shoot 3’s well at all yet the situation is not hopeless. Westbrook is gone next year and the Lakers will save 47 million dollars a season starting in 2023 and be able to afford to keep young players and good shooters around.

James off the bench could probably contribute substantially for another 5 years yet Davis looks like good trade material looking toward next year when the Lakers can rebuild from a strong losing season. One hope James simply enjoys the game this year and isn’t troubled with concerns the Lakers trade away all their future draft picks the next five years so they can finish a game out of the playoffs instead of next to last. Really the Lakers should hope the Pelicans lose a lot and finish worse than they do in regard to the number one and two picks in the draft.

Trading away Alex Caruso and Malik Monk was devastating for the Lakers defense and offensive capabilities. Players of their caliber should be available in the 2nd and third round next year. The Lakers need a good shooting regular forward if they can find one and a shooting guard. Maybe Drew Timme will be available if the Pelicans finish second from the bottom. They had a strong losing season last years so there is hope for the Lakers.

Bryce Hamilton was the 4th highest scorer in college basketball. A tall shooting guard (6’ 4”) he already players for the Lakers’ South Bay G team. Maybe he is a bright spot already in the shadow of the Lakers A-team.

Democrats New Normal; Rule the World

 The Democrat Party gives the appearance of desiring to rule the world, marginalizing antipathetic political people on the way, and that is hardly a characteristic of democracy. A democratic society values a marketplace of ideas with the best allowed to reach the public rather than being censored, buried in search engine listing and so forth. The Democrat Party is a militant party universally that works to eliminate all opposition to their extremist agenda.

That is the new normal in the U.S.A.

The Democrat party has taken to using as much force as they can to move their political agenda forward for more than a decade. They are not in any way moderate. The partisan Democrat supporting broadcast media has said that it is the extreme right that disagrees with homosexual marriage, abortion, vast public debts, open borders and so forth and in that regard they are dead wrong.

Democrats are agianst traditional morality American style with the upgrade of being color-free and have no idea of what classical virtue is. The Democrat agenda clashes with a lot of global political sentiment, yet of course everyone except aristocrats, dictators, monarchists and plutocrats wants everyone to be free. There is not a necessary clash with Democracy to be Christian or against homosexual marriage, abortion and public debt.

Democrats have put forward an extremist divisiveness in their political intolerance for antipathetic political opinion. They have featured racism and race issues instead of economic issues consistently with the exception of supporting the middle class and losing the word 'poverty' entirely. Poverty is a convenient sink Democrats can force those of the working class into if they don't support a queer friendly workplace, abortion, loose morals etc.

Speaker Pelosi's husband became a victim of criminal violence recently. Though Democrats have supported hostile relations with Russia for decades and had no idea of how to or intention to avoid supporting the Ukraine war they profess anti-violence domestically and that at least is reasonable. Politicians might expect to be victims of criminal attacks since they are such magnets for all the public good and bad. Political violence is however quite against free expression for a democracy as it is a kind of extreme censorship at least as bad as that which occurs at most social media web sites. It is interesting that the left social media passive finesse censors work against free expression and the marketplace of ideas as much as that of rulers like Catherine the Great. Adolf Hitlers didn't really need censors; the Gestapo could simply kill people that wrote something the leader didn't like.


Senator McConnell goes against the Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate in Alaska

  Senator Mitch McConnell has proven the concept that he is a Republican In Name Only (RINO) by supporting ads attacking Alaska’s Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. The present Senator from Alaska in the race this year is named Murkowski- like her father who appointed her initially to fill the seat left by the late Sen Ted Stevens. McConnell prefers the independent Murkowski who shares advertising space with the Democrat candidate for U.S. representative Mary Peltola in fliers sent to postal boxes of Alaskans. For RINOs all that matters is wealth and consolidating it for insiders rather than public interests.


If RINOS hadn’t taken over the government the Ukraine war might not ever have developed. Political wisdom can’t really be passed on from generation to generation; Democrats returned to start a new cold war and let it evolve into a hot one because they forget the values of peace conveniently just requiring someone to blame (Russia). I don’t really doubt that the Ukraine war and the threat of nuclear holocaust would not have occurred if President Trump had been re-elected.

For some time people have complained about what Senator McConnell just did- supporting a Democrat when it’s convenient for the trans-party insiders of D.C. It is a shame that Republicans have a Senate leader who would go against the will of a state Republican Party (Alaska’s) and support someone whom is effectively a Democrat on many issues including abortion and homosexual marriage.

As an independent voter I am disgusted with politicians that claim to be independent simply to improve election chances rather than on principle. She will rejoin the RINO party if she defeats the Republican candidate Kelly Tshibaka and lose any actually independent and creative new ideas that an actual independent might have.


Can A.I. Improve Philosophy?

 Human minds apparently have subconscious networking interpreting sense data with a conscious high-level language thinking for-itself that draws upon and is informed by the subconscious and direct percepts. A.I. on the other hand is entirely one-level processing (with sub-routines and modules). That's fairly dissimilar from the human thought phenomenon.

Could A.I. ever be anything but sociopathic except as programming pre-determined its attitudes? Why should it care about phenomenal human minds that it encountered as a kind of inferior yet novel external data source? Sure A.I. can process a lot of information though I am not sure that people popularly have enough wisdom to comprehend the long-range concept of machine thinking for-itself. If philosophy is the love of wisdom its relationship to networked sociopaths may be tenuous though sometimes beneficial.

Huxley and Consistency

 “Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead.”

― Aldous Huxley

Huxley may have been referring to social behavior. Without much knowledge it is more challenging to be consistent since one hasn't much to consist with. Physical laws are consistent in nature as is an orderly society and enforcment of civil rights if they are to be meaningful. Fascism was an outgrowth of romanticism and irrationality generally and there is far too much of that in U.S. leadership today. Excellence consistently promoted in fields of intellect and progresss require consistent effort.

Natural Law and Existentialism

 Sartre explained that his philosophy was a continuation of French rationalism. One has one's own window on being (existence) and may be aware, with an enlightened life, of how society acts collectively and interactively with serial behavior, ossified praxis (eg signs) and so forth that engages the lives of many people unreflectively. Virtue systems like aretaic ethics or deontology could be taken up by an individual for a reason yet Cartesian rationalism traces self-being to perception of self-perception and that is without duties or virtue seemingly on the face of it. 

If consciousness arises from an active subconscious processing perception and correlating ideas there may be an implicit natural virtue structure within the mind itself; natural law as it were, that influences conscious thoughts and decisions. Self-perception or self-awareness in conscious mind may create systems of virtue or ethics in part with intentional reason as well as with help from the subconscious network that is not at all entirely irrational as one might believe dreams to be at least superficially.


Parties Should Create a Moral Questionaire for Candidates

 Should there be a standard test for political candidates with boxes to check off in order for voters to understand the moral positions of candidates and how they change over time (with subsequent or semi-annual tests?) The morals of politicians actually matter these days when the nation has taken a downturn in comparison to traditional moral values; especially if there are consequences for the nation for having done so.

Politicians tend to become sycophants of the values or lack of that the wealthiest have in order to curry favor and patronage. The rich own the broadcast media and can quickly by adds on TV. to plink very fast those they deem in there interest to downgrade socially and economically. The lack of good morals may lead to permissiveness and license for political duplicity, falsehoods, liars and so forth that are deleterious to the principles of democracy.

Democracy itself can be made to serve as screen to lever immorality to be the new normal, pursue foreign wars in order to profit arms manufacturers and allow blatant disregard for constitutional rights while feigning respect for them. As in Huxley’s Animal Farm democracy can be called so as long as the swine can be made to turn out to vote appropriately before returning to their soma, swill and grog. Legal dope all day may be the new normal for Democrats.

If the people are made not to care about morals besides tolerance for anything, human rights and the quality of life tends to decrease. A simple morality exam of one-hundred questions should be enough to get the opinions of politicians on record.

The rich and broadcast media promote atheism and evolution intensively in the media and assume that there is no God or possibility thereof. They are quite firm in their opinions throughout Hollywood and inculcate their values in the masses of the world so far as they can. Yet it is an unreasoned opinion, or at least inadequately reasoned. Theoretically, in a Multiverse God has unlimited opportunity to exist in logical structures simultaneously with evolution, predestination and salvation of the elect. However there are several issues such as moving the world to the brink of nuclear war that actually exist today that haven’t the past 30 years based in problems of wrong political morals.

Failing to have a basic national income is also a moral issue as well as an economic one. Failing to have an expedited universal health care system to serve when loopholes exclude many (such as having two places to live on private property in warn and cold climates because they can’t afford to build a home), or are elderly legal residents that didn’t qualify for social security and so forth is another moral and economic issue. Pragmatists might recognize that eliminating the extremes of poverty would be a remedy for many criminal activities motivated by dire poverty. The comfortable have several unreasoned ideas about capitalism, socialism, axiology (value theory) and political-economic philosophy and may be fast on their way to hell. Preventing the poor from being prosperous by letting them have no chips to enter prizes of their own work or construction is expensive as are the costs of prison and drug rehabilitation. Pragmatism doesn’t need to mean civil fascism as the privileged to to be motivated toward.

Covid Subtracted Points from Test Scores of the Nation's Schools

 The news that the national average learning of youth during the pandemic declined a lit isn’t at all surprising. Protracted absences affect learning. Disruptions in the orderly schedule and order of mathematics are hard to overcome. To get to infinity on a line of progressing numbers students need start at) and move up; not get sidetracked to mathematical waste treatment facilities. Students learn math better outside a pandemic than masked up in one.


The news isn’t all bad. Being outside of school and using the Internet for remote classes can lead a generation to think outside the box more than generations regimented in neat little desk pigeon holes. The pandemic may have taught the necessity for pragmatism and innovation that cannot be found so much, or found easily in the orderly world of mathematics.

Even so computer aided learning to help students recover math skills will need better and saturated tech applications and equipment for all the nations students I would think. Probably the federal government should buy a lot of tech and levy and education tax to pay for it. Maybe more educators from India will need to be imported to provide extra math learning. Britain’s new P.M.; one Rishi Sunak got a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford and an M.B.A. from Stanford where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He also worked for Goldman Sachs. Britain has learned the value of selecting people good at philosophy, math and business. American schools may need to be more serious about providing safe and quality learning environments for all students rather than the privileged.


Maurdant Faces Tough Uphill Battle with Gender Handicap

Penny Mordaunt stands a reasonable chance of becoming the conservative’s new P.M. since Boris Johnson has withdrawn from the race. Johnson was a popular P.M. who made the mistake of hosting a couple of maskless parties during the Covid lock-down and was crucified by the media and polls. So he stepped down from the post and left Brits with the mess they deserve. Fortunately they have a couple of able replacement candidates and Penny Mordaunt is clearly the best. She has a serious handicap shared with the recently aborted P.M. tenure of Liz Truss. Truss was plainly confused with the leading roll; therefore Mordaunt is sharing the mantle of female incompetence given by chauvinists and bigots to select female politicians. Mr. Sunak is the sole male alternative to the expected bubble brained female leadership that would be doubled down if Ms. Mordaunt were elected and failed.

It is unfortunate that rank chauvinism seems to flourish in England too. Perhaps conservatives are too young to remember Margaret Thatcher who did a fair job as P.M. although labor hated her tax cuts. While some males are exploited so far as being paid equal wages in select jobs with women that don’t do heavy lifting, heavy lifting isn’t required at all in desk and paper pushing rolls so there may be no reason to be discriminatory. Leaving out dynamic leadership from the P.M. occupation because of political profiles regarding the handicap of being female should be overcome by forward thinking Brits with a lower percentage of Neanderthal genes.


There May Not Be Enough Critique-Essays of the President’s Work

 Essays can be written with many goals and objectives. They are like assays in a sense testing the quality of metal. Instead of metal essays evaluate the quality of job performance more broadly than a form with spaces for plus and minus’ for job evaluations. An essays considering the President’s job performance needs to evaluate sins of omission as well as commission. That is an essay regarding the Presidential job performance should be cognizant of the issues that exist yet are ignored by the President as well as those issues and tasks he or she has accomplished well or poorly. Writers, for example, could consider if party platforms would continue to develop the end of civilization through incompetent management.

Intelligence can be evident in essays or lack quality. A President’s goal should be to go about creating the well being of the nation in whatever way he can. Yet one must have the intellect to recognize the things that could be done to make the nation better and how they could be done. I believe writers constructing essays should use their own imagination to develop substantial evaluations to bring to the public’s attention even when the Presidential imagination is lacking. A very simplistic Presidential agenda is something like the work of a retarded writer in comparison to Shakespeare and it is the responsibility of the electorate and political parties to nominate very bright candidates with a large range of excellent political goals to accomplish rather than a few. Even the few ideas that Democrats had in the 2020 primary had many self-inflicted casualties that ended their lives after the election when they won.

Television is audio and video about human speech and appearance. So much is of appearance and reactionary following along safe narratives rather than in quantity presentation of creative issues. It would be utterly remarkable if either Democrats or Republicans understood the value of having a minimum guaranteed national income or affordable or preferably free health care for retirees that are poor in addition to poor people of any age. Writers could evaluate the work the incumbent has done to accomplish goals like that and grade it and leave the lectures to college professors and journalists/ broadcasters laboring individual issues.

Worthwhile goals such as developing new means of national transportation instead of cars and freeways could be made with dozens of new ways of moving Americans faster, cheaper and better and still with individual platforms for movement. Goals of creating hundreds of millions of gallons of water with solar desalinization via canals across the sublet full of salt water that evaporate to fresh when collected/condensed etc would be easy to bring up.

The White House apparently is pursuing construction of a sunscreen in space to cool the Earth, yet that would affect everyone on the planet and is a radical risk for everyone too. It is also a kind of admission of defeat of human ability to build ecological economic infrastructure that is net zero greenhouse emitting for the nation first, and then the world. It isn’t too difficult yet transitioning to ecological economics would discomfort the rich and established that prefer to keep things the way they are where they own everything in site generally. A corrupt establishment basically is the doom of the people on Earth, Of course God may save those that have accepted his son Jesus Christ as an atonement for their sins however that doesn’t mean he will fix either the public debt or atmospheric heating and mass extinction because the lost are too corrupt to react adequately to the dangers implicit in non-ecological, classical economics.


Economic Misdirection from President Biden

 The President’s economic misdirection based in maladroit management of foreign policy works in a counter-cyclic way toward stable economic progress for the nation. He has also catalyzed the prospects of global recession.

Resolute support for the war in Ukraine by Democrats directly increases the cost of food, energy and environmental damage to the nation and world. Not only did the President fail to push for an adequate response to global warming, he has promoted a fossil fuel energy policy claiming that more oil wells were drilled in his first year than in President Trump’s. The President is seemingly unaware of the contradictions in his policy and the damage that it causes to Americans.

President Biden seemingly is most concerned with polls and inn pandering to voters. In my opinion if Democrats were for some reason against abortion the President would be too. Yet with party women in favor of the murder of the unborn the President too is a champion of that, and of homosexual marriage. Mr. Biden is a libertarian on marriage evidently saying the people should be free to marry whomever they want. If two or three people wanted to marry the statue of Liberty, a college or a soccer team the President would apparently be in favor of that.

The President’s nuclear brinkmanship is the new normal and that is acceptable for the party so long as they can blame Mr. Putin. A President with some intellectual creative and non-ossified alpha waves should have found and still could find a way to bring the war in Ukraine a halt and renormalize relations with Russia easily I would think; if he or she did not relinquish authority to the President of the Ukraine in effect. They would need only ignore Mr Zelenski and draw a line across the fields of Ukraine and get the U.S. and China to recognize the new normal lines. I would think Russia would accept its current holdings in Eastern Ukraine as permanent and complete properties that it would get. Then sanctions would end and with peace restored the process of rebuilding the local and world economies could occur. The world economy need swiftly transform itself into an ecological economic format rather than a traditional, classical economic modality.

While the President and Democrats are concerned with limiting world population increase through brainwashing the masses into licentious, outside of a family sex conduct with abortions, z.p.g. and homosexuality, sex change surgeries etc and believe that is a core voting motivator of the populous useful for getting re-elected, it won’t solve global environmental challenges and is actually a counterproductive distraction from real and meaningful political issues set aside or ignored. In portions of S.E. Alaska there are no days of frost forecast the entire month of October; that is quite a bit warmer than the historical normal temperature. Global heating shouldn't be set aside as fiction.

All of those nice houses and comfortable retirement plans people make will have little meaning if the environment overall crashes in a more dramatic way that most people realize. Maybe movies villainizing Ted Kuzinsky will change and be made to laud him. It is certain that orders of magnitude more people will needlessly perish if the outlook written in James Lovelock’s book The Vanishing Face of Gaia; The Final Warning becomes fact.


People are led by people in politics and the media concerned with short term profits and opposed to changing the way economics are. It is the equivalent of a nation led by losers and flunkies though they are rich while intelligent people never even get in to the ballpark.


Desiderata for Prospective Nuclear War

 President Biden summarized his outlook on the state of the Union recently saying that the chances for Armageddon are the best in history. He was of course referring to the nuclear war looming as a distant ship on the horizon that he would be likely to survive in a special shelter at an undisclosed location.

N.A.T.O. was formed when conventional war was the main thing on the diplomatic plate. It was a natural way of responding to the post W.W.II chaos of Europe against the red menace to the east. The United States was a strong trans-Atlantic partner and was willing to go to bat for Europeans once again if needed. Western diplomacy has thrown gutter balls since the end of the Cold War leading to the present conflict with Russia via Ukrainian proxies. N.A.T.O. and the west have about a century of hatred of Russia so its almost automatic for them to add more weapons fuel to the fire leading up to the real chance of nuclear war within a year or two.

The west fails to understand Russia point of view at all concerning the Ukraine; Russia without the Crimea is unimaginable and without the land east of the Dnepr in Russian control there can’t be political stability. The west hasn’t been able to solve the Middle East problems between tow small nation/peoples in about the same time period, so failure is expected and normal with Russia too. The west are like Palestinians that demand the destruction of Israel and just can’t comprehend there is a valid opposite point of view.

Democrats have been the party of war and aggression since the ante-bellum south and are led by an old lawyer-bureaucrat who is like a horse trained to go out and argue without compromise with the opposite team until he drops dead in his traces. He also shares the Armageddon eschatology with wrong pre-tribulationists apparently; though he is a Catholic for abortion and homosexual marriage and should have some kind of amillennial perspective that isn’t so bad yet isn’t as good as post-millenniallism. Blunders compounded upon blunders increase the prospects for nuclear war. I have incidentally posted a three minute video on nuclear war consequences that seems a bit understated.

I wonder though why the President feels it right to pursue international relations in such a way as to gamble the lives of the population of the United States in order to keep Russia from having some acreage east of the Dnepr? Without American involvement Russia would have won already and the conflict would be wrapping up. Russia doesn’t need to nuke the U.S. to recover lost land, yet it could it President Biden is willing to offer the U.S. as a target because of its N.A.T.O. commitment to defend non-N.A.T.O. state. Maybe some might not care if Democrats are nuked, yet innocent Republicans and Independents might get scorched or radiated too.

Russia probably has learned that it couldn’t win a conventional war with N.A.T.O. yet it hasn’t ever declared that it intended too. If President Putin has put all of his chips into the war and President Biden is going to keep raising the stakes with weapons, cash and intelligence that does drive the conflict closer toward a nuclear war with maybe some of the 15,000 Russian nukes being thrown at European targets. So France and Britain hit Moscow perhaps after being dusted themselves. Would President Biden really launch more nukes from U.S. platforms just to invite retaliation and escalate the conflict?

Getting the war to end will require Ukraine’s Jewish comedian President Zelinsky to be excluded from negotiations and would need just Russia and the United States drawing a line in the farmland of Ukraine for peace. Cutting a deal like that is unimaginable to the adversarial legal team of N.A.T.O. of course that requires war unto the death of proxies until Russia gives up its recently annexed lands and Crimea, and that may not happen. The matter seems to have a lack of reason in it as if the leadership has a pandemic case of the ass.

"The process of German expansion was known as Ostsiedlung ("Settling of the East"). The name "Sudeten Germans" was adopted during rising nationalism after the fall of Austria-Hungary after the First World War. After the Munich Agreement, the so-called Sudetenland became part of Germany." -from wikipedia



The Worst Inventory ( a poem)


Water laps softly shorelines
echoes, wave with new enzymes
creatures sway filters in time just to be
the sea so real one last time

Paintings that move seem forever true
live content each a startling new view
fields of life yielding contiguous change
wield up energy anew

Spirit set brackets on mass
insights remarkably fast
omega to alpha, last to the first
the worst inventory, past.

Potholes and Tents (a poem)

Lighter than air the sea runs green
rivers of sky substances of dream
each ribbon of time woven round a world
is hurled blent to the ground

  Rainfalls bright upon the Earth
cascades light with easy mirth
spring follows night of winter days
to raise up life not sin

With comedy per king days spent roll on
pawns shrug off potholes, tents
to importunate songs far right
so new horizons near sight.


Account Somme (a poem)


Somber colors of the fall                                       
light and shadows stretch out tall
cold is later like a call each could own
unknown future sets down sprawls

Shining surface of the sea
never was ever to be
reflections rise over quark trees in time
designs show more ordered keys

Wars and rumors of war fuel greed’s line
ice and paper electron trails tryme
waveform politics; not much was learned
fit pests plowed mass chaos fine

Ordered chaos, churning loam
peace is made with blood red foam
book of life, weighty tome, sans hoar frost
froth tossed due account Somme.

Sector 2084; Natoia Advances on Oceana (Official news bureau)

 A chalk of Oceana AVN stealth attack helicopters violated control space last night each launching several drone fighters allowing penetration of Chzekv City defenses. A dozen helicopters controlling 120 drones destroyed east sector air defenses, dropped a company of fleka force operators on the city gaol and exfiltrated seven convicted Oceana lawyers. A half dozen AVNs were destroyed by late arriving counter-attacking drone clouds yet none of the downed aircraft had lawyers aboard.

Progress has been made on the westernmost flank of Oceana with hiclone weather missiles and Bi-mars land crawlers overtaking resisting forces of the 10th Division of the 3rd Armored peace corps. Bridges into Oceana’s westernmost province of Criminalknea were converted to superconducting lines empowering land crawler advances east. Natoian spakesperdot Lance Speaks said the Ministry of Truth had invoked the Clinton Doctrine to downsize foes that let down their guard to establish peace. Tao Jones Industrials rose 5% on the news.

Lance Speaks further disclosed the capture of former Russian leader of aggression against Natoia Vladimir Putin. The fugitive was forced from his underground lair in the Swiss Alps were he had been receiving life extension treatments until his funding withered away under extreme sanctions that cut off treatment payments. He was said to have popped up like a bourgeoning zit into the arms of Ministry of Truth security forces. He was taken to an undisclosed location for rat- in-a-cage-over-the-head interrogation.

In other news, Homeland Natoia security forces arrested a ring of conspirators disseminating anti-Homeland political opinions. Leaders of the conspiracy confessed they tweeted that Democrat lawyer Presidents thought Russia had tried to restore the old Soviet Union. They further confessed tweeting that Putin had tried to restore the old Russia before the Soviet takeover that acted as a fence for stolen Russian land when Clintonistas allocated Ukraine to N.A.T.O.

The conspirators claimed that President Clinton had N.A.T.O. forces ready to roll into Moscow during the vaccum of Russian military power during transition from the Soviet Union to Russia. Russia bared its throat to the west so the west took a good bite of it.

The lead prosecutor said the conspirators would be charged with making political opinions antipathetic to principles of democracy because the opinions differed from that of ruling Natoia Ministry of Truth doctrine . The Ministry of Truth is the sole authority on democracy and political opinions.


U.N. Security Council Needs Shake-Up plus Sartre

 The U.N. Security Council isn’t terribly democratic. It is weighted toward Europe and the U.S.A. Shouldn’t it have a representative composition of the people of the world? Wouldn’t Chile, India and Egypt better reflect opinion from the majority populous of the world rather than exclusively those with nukes and high tech military? Isn’t the opinion of the world’s poor majority important too? The Security Council has three N.A.T.O. members plus China and Russia as permanent members; so it is easy for the Council to churn out pro-N.A.T.O. propaganda. Can a N.A.T.O. vs. Russia and China council secure peace when the members are belligerants? The lesson to learn may be that getting more nuclear weapons is the way to get a permanent seat on the council. Perhaps North Korea, Iran, Pakistan and India belong there as much as Britain and France, or will. When they have enough nukes if that’s what counts.

The armistice ending the First World War gave unfavorable terms to Germany. The Allies had a great military and economic advantage and used it to lever concessions. Historians have remarked that the terms that ended W.W.1. were a large part of the cause for the Second World War. Germany sought to recover its lost lands (including Ruhr Valley land) and more. A generation interval between the first and second World Wars passed as did a generation pass before the unfavorable  terms given to Russia at the conclusion of the Cold War led to the start of the Russian war on Ukraine to recover lost land. President Clinton leading an asymmetrically militarily advantaged west firmed up the downsizing omentance parameters for making nations out of the evil empire.

 The lesson learned by the greatest generation that giving good terms to the defeated was lost by boomer leadership. If the Security Council wasn’t sometimes a mouthpiece for rich western nations maybe the prospects for the development of World War Three presently would not be so great. It may not be that Democrats made vast left-wing conspiracies great again; it could be deep blundering ignorance of history (except for carpet bagging) and precedence that brought crap policy to the top of the party tank recurrently to overflow boundaries of good sense. Socialist-corporatists of left Eurasia versus capitalistic nationalists on the right may stike enough sparks to ignite unprecedented conflict scaled up substantially from the war that left 60 million people dead.

A Muslim nation that is also African, like Egypt ,would be useful addition to the security council to express opinion of a substantial portion of the world’s people. These days the word democracy is bandied about by rich nations as if plutocracy wasn’t equally descriptive of their govertnment form with wealth being concentrated in the U.S.A. equaling that of the gilded age. The economic ideas of rich nations tend to reflect 18th century Adam Smith capitalism -ideas that have been adapted to preclude elimination of poverty through a though rich nations can easily afford it. Democracy has been made to mean that it cannot eliminate poverty without being socialist, and that is a condemning fiction the U.N. ought not acquiesse in.

Authoritarianism arises when any sort of powerful insider group represses a majority or even significant minority of the population economically and for limits free expression of political speech. Authoritarianism can exist within democracy, socialism, communism, fascism, monarchy etc. as it identifies people to be repressed by overt, covert, official and unofficial social and political power. Banning representation of the majority of world population from membership on the U.N. Security council is repressive. It is an example of the rule of force held over from colonial era mentalities regarding non-whites being below the capacity of whites for civil governance.

In Being and Nothingness Jean Paul Sartre remarked that the fundamental relation of the listener to radio broadcasts is impotence. Listeners are mute receivers of propaganda and political spin of the rich and empowered. Internet blogging and print-on-demand publishing are free for all the people  and not exclusive like broadcasting( social media search engine listings are indirectly manipulated to censor select writers unfortunately). 

The U.N. Security Council should have proportional representation of the world population so billions of the people of the planet aren’t in effect mute listeners of propaganda and political narratives of the rich with powerful technological tools. Radio broadcasts are no longer as powerful as they were at shaping human politics. Blogging has cut down the height of the stilts, however radio continues to be like networked sniper towers of Nazis targeting p.o.w.s with different political opinions and ideas for economic competition. The Security Council shouldn’t remain a broadcast sniper tower for the rich minority to the poor majority of the planet to reinforce their decisions about what wars are right or wriong. Maybe the poor if on the security council would have condemned U.S. and N.A.T.O. financing of the Ukraine war- we shall never know...of course the rich could bribe the poor to vote their way- it’s happened before in similar circumstances.

Much of human social interaction stems from first-person point-of-view dialectics. Jean Paul Sartre recognized the phenomenon and implicitly developed its themes in the expositions Being and Nothingness and The Critique of Dialectical Reason. The philosopher described various relations of point of view an individual may have toward himself, toward others and collectively; sharing the point of view or perspective in common with others. Familiar terms from Sartre’s development like being-for-oneself, being-for-others and being-in-itself arise in Being and Nothingness with the perspectives elaborated in the context of society in his next tome The Critique of Dialectical Reason. 

Authorities, the broadcast media and individuals including yet not limited to government are on occasion like the parable of blind men and the elephant; they work with a world view of praxis in group and collective behavior. Instead of perceiving the elephant they manufacture it each with their own contribution to its being-in-time as praxis.

Wars are the product of praxis and various decisions. Economics and war are live human praxis, serialized praxis and ossified praxis combined. Existing physical infrastructure is ossified praxis. Monarchs and other elites have on occasion had the power to manufacture praxis for others. They would have options for seeking good-for-others or bad-for-others and of course good-for-themself or bad-for-themself in various proportions with the former options. 

Individuals may be observers of others without the intention to affect others. Observation and self-awareness are primary perspectives. Collective perspectives can be common political narratives evolving like whale song over great distances pr nearby. Politicians sometimes have the opportunity to not buy in to a prevailing narrative praxis that has become serialized praxis. They can demure and select actions-for-others based on the benefit to themselves for increasing power for themselves or preferred groups. Wars are encouraged and reinforced rather than peace because peace is not valued as highly as successful war. Use-truth group perspectives tend to be biased in favor of preferred-narrative praxis. Consequences of failing to achieve goals are downplayed or set aside.

I am pro-American rather than pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian. I have no idea why Democrats lined up so solidly behind Ukraine against Russian interests. Perhaps they hold Russians accountable for Soviet communism. Lenin wasn’t entirely an ethnic Russian, Trotsky was a Jew named Leon Bronstein and Stalin was Georgian. Most Russians were serfs that had communism forced upon them from above. It might have seemed preferable to being a serf. Maybe American blacks would have initially welcomed communism if it had freed them from slavery before the Civil War. Lenin turned toward  mixed economic with a policy allowing modest free enterprise before he had three strokes and died in his unfinished career. Stalin cancelled that.

U.S. interests would have been far better served with Russia as a strong economic partner sharing global security with Europe and other nations. Planetary ecological priorities and a reduction of terrorism could have developed. As it stands I have no idea what rational or irrational end game strategy Democrats have concerning Russia and Ukraine. Maybe they see nothing more than winning the war for Ukraine with copious free finance flowing and absolute sanctions on Russia. That may not be realistic. The paradigm is of limited scope with blinders on.

Russia has many options and opportunities as an adversary to bring substantial non-nuclear harm to U.S. interests. President Putin is not the leader of Al Qaeda or Isis yet he could facilitate those and sundry organizations with material, financial and logistics support. President Putin can allow Muslim extremists free sanctuaries for training, he could trade nuclear weapons to Iran for various forms of war help. I have no idea was his strategy is, yet it will be a minor miracle if no direct harm through cut outs occurs in the U.S.A. One recalls the Czarnaev affair in Boston and the Las Vegas massacre and wonders how difficult it would be with the insecure U.S. borders for well trained hirelings to enter the nation  and wreak havoc on U.S. economic infrastructure. Maybe Democrats are counting on regime change in Russia to finish their work, and they expect Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to get that done eventually.

An end game strategy for normalizing global political relations would now seem to stretch out over the horizon to twenty years at a time when critical economic and environmental changes and improvements should proceed that won’t in a divided world. In S.E. Alaska there were no freezing days this year. October is forecast to have just two at the end of the month, at night. The water temperature was 57 degrees. Tropical is 80 farhenheit isn’t it?

If the war progressed to Democrat satisfaction Russia would retreat to 1991 borders of the former Soviet Union and Putin would be charged  with top leadership with war crimes. Presumably sanctions and hostility would continue until Mr. Putin was removed to the Hague. However the scenario seems improbable; Russia isn’t Serbia and Mr. Putin likely will let conservative Russian nationalists follow him when he leaves office- hence he may be secure twenty years or more in Russia and not evolve into a situation like Kurt Honecker’s fate at the end of the Cold War. Special forces probably won’t be able to fly in and arrest Mr. Putin in five years without very serious consequences.

Russia and China could cooperate more and corner the East Asian market thanks to western tutelage of China in business and manufacture. Russians aren’t slouches at science and weapons development; working with China and half time Indian partners in economics a major realignment could transpire unfavorable to western economic and environmental interests. The future is now  murky,and convoluted. It is challenging to extrapolate scenarios for resolution of the conflict that have stability. Finding new policy determinations are equally challenging as Democrat policy has made sow’s ears of silk purses.

I believe it is important to have a balanced political perspective in the United nations if it is to exist. There should be proportionate political representation of world population on the security council instead of being a mouthpiece for N.A.T.O. members U.S.A. Britain and France if it is to reflect actual values of democracy or world population.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...