
Philosophy of Cosmology

I thought I would write this post with a few ideas that I learned recently concerning cosmology- especially that of black holes.

 Maybe it is the goodness of God that makes true physical theories beautiful. At the core of the cloud of uncertainty love may surpass even mathematics as the explanation elevating standards. That is aesthetics may be at the end of scientific researches. The live personality and goodness of God is the foundation for human understanding while quanta are captured and interpreted by minds rather than machine sensors. One can be thankful that mathematical physicists are hard at work.

It seems as if theoretical physicists are discovering philosophy enough to sprinkle some into their popular cosmology works. I don’t invariably enjoy that though I appreciate the effort. So much of philosophy reinforces other prior and subsequent philosophical works that merely selecting a few books out of historical context and going with those ideas to support contemporary opinions can leave a lot of contradictions in place apparent to those with deeper reading and contemplation of the field. One buys those popular cosmology books to learn physic’s current ideas rather philosophy, at least that’s why I read them.

There is a present difference of opinion and popular exposition on the topic of reality and if the Universe or time are real or illusory. There is also a debate concerning the human mind being real or simply a working concatenation of sense data feedback loops that believes its real though it phenomenally exists in a quantum field simultaneously with characteristics of monism and plural. In another post I wrote about waves comprising everything that exists which is created. Waves echo about space-time perhaps interfering with their own forms thereafter generating fractions of waves and compounding forms comprising the heart of a contingent Universe.


Nominalism and realism are useful terms in the philosophical practice of analytic philosophy a.k.a. linguistic philosophy. Language is made up of words with smaller (and larger) units that are variables comparable to algebraic variables. They are given values through association with real objects and other words. Some theoretical physicists like to use the word ‘relational’ to describe the nature of words and the quantum field too when they are using English instead of math. Relational has a smart sound to it since it shares a root word with Einstein’s relativity theories.

The word ‘reality’ is a variable and has different meanings to different people on different occasions of use. Reality as a word has a meaning within a given lexicon of words. If a theoretical physicist argues that time is real, he is in effect saying something like A=B, and needs to assign values to each variable himself. So the question of what is real requires the word ‘real’ to be defined by the scientist. It is itself a relation referent item with its value selected from a lexicon of word-meanings. What is real can have a nearly infinite number of answers if one want to be argumentative about the point.

Rather than philosophy though, I wanted to write about ideas of physical cosmology since those are what I need to make a few notes about to recall later.

It is possible that gravity, space-time and the quantum world of mass energy are all tied in together. A singularity with an infinite concentration of mass-energy and apparently space-time too exists at the start of a Universe (relatively speaking) and also within the event horizon of a black hole.

I believe that mass-energy compaction is finite in a black hole singularity because there is a limited amount of mass-energy that went in to it. An infinite amount of mass would be required to make compaction infinite or the compaction would halt. Each Universe that exists like ours believed to start with a big bang and hyper-inflation presumably had a finite quantity of energy-mass, so no black hole in the Universe could have more than that quantity. Sure a black hole could compact to a smaller degree infinitely in an Eleatic sort of way, yet that would at least seem to violate some kind of quantum principle. Neither should a singularity be able to shrink with infinite density because at some point it just might not exist. If the singularity is taking space-time along with it into the singularity it should have a big rip and cut itself off from the space-time outside the event horizon. Obviously the event horizon continues to exist though, so the infinite shrinking must have a finite limit in some sort of proportion to the amount of mass-energy that went in to it.

Plainly it is possible that a singularity could have severed itself from space-time altogether and went really infinite imploding inward or going through to some other form or place in another Universe and the change wasn’t outwardly noticed by those outside the event horizon because of the time difference within and without an event horizon. Scientists seem to think that space-time may itself be a thing comparable to quanta and is composed of granular units that are extremely small; maybe too small to theoretically measure. Space also may have energy embedded in it, or actually be a form of energy, so it can emit virtual particles in empty space that briefly appear and then return to nothingness of space-time. Probably there is a true empty space that holds the unified field of space-time. Waves from the start of the Universe issued from an unknown source (i.e. God) mave an built interference patterns producing a big bang. Waves after a big bang and hyperinflation may have broken up into enough string patterns to comprise the mass and energy forms present in the Universe. Waves existing outside of spacetime yet containing space-time and mass energy of the Universe may be the source of virtual particles appearing in the space-time field because of ordinary fluctuations.

Inquisitive individuals have considered basic questions of space and time, or space-time for thousands of years. The Pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus considered the question of volume and space and if the Earth had killed off space when it occupied space or if nothingness still existed and Earth was just occupying it. They also wondered if everything is in motion or if nothing is; issues for another day.

Plainly nothing would need to exist for something to exist in a space. That necessary nothing would be necessary for the modern idea of a space-time field to exist too, and for a singularity-at-the-start of the universe to occur in. Science doesn’t consider the question much because all scientific equations apply only to the space-time field that is the mass-energy universe and only fairly recently did science learn about space-time items like virtual energy, the accelerating expansion of space-time, dark energy etc. There is also the lexicon problem in that space and the unified space and time term space-time can have different referent meanings. Before the beginning of space-time there was nothingness. Nothingness can only be compared to being;with just nothing there are no relational objects or ideas to relate to. God could cast a word into the darkness of nothingness making waves.

Einstein of course created the idea of a unified space-time that has material-like qualities of being warped or curved by gravity. Gravity seems to be an intrinsic characteristic of mass energy. Mass-energy curves space; that makes a lot of sense if space-time is itself a sheet of energy that is very dilute, while mass and energy are very concentrated. Singularities would have space-time compacted to a finite point in black holes. Thereat a singularity could be like a knot tied in space time, or like a niche built in a wall to place a vase with flowers in that doesn’t go any further. Space-time stops at a singularity but doesn’t end there. It could be that when a singularity with enough mass collapses to a given point that the singularity of unravels itself like a knot being untied and returns to being a wave outside of space-time.

Compacting time is like a thickening of space. If one rides at the center of a spinning disc one rotates faster than at a distant circumference. Relativity is like the difference in position between a rider at the center or the edge of the disk. The warp of space-time inward toward the center makes time travel seem slower to those traveling along the edge beyond an event horizon. At the event horizon space-time is thicker. At the singularity where space-time is thickest some like Hawking say time stops. If time stops space has ended too. Yet that would plainly be a local phenomenon and perhaps somewhat improbable. It would require too much time for those outside the horizon to learn the answer as their experience of time is much thinner.

Black holes have a vast amount of mass and energy. If it were released instantly a good sized one might incinerate much of the known Universe or create another inflation of space-time. There may be an equivalence of space-time with mass and energy at some stage; possibly being an explanation for the first hyper-inflation of the Universe.

The idea that singularities can’t release mass, energy or space-time is intriguing. Hawking speculated that black hole event horizons may leak virtual energy yet a singularity is far from an event horizon. The singularity is almost infinitely far away in space-time terms in regard to thickness. Maybe some particle pairs super-positioned or entangled inward and outward of an event horizon are separated with one going in and the other escaping out, yet that would only mean that the singularity’s efficiency at destroying or absorbing mass that goes within the event horizon is less than 100% rather than implying that black holes evaporate eventually. Because of the distance in space-time of a black hole singularity from the event horizon it would require an infinite time for the leakage to occur anyway, if it could at all.

One might speculate that even black holes have quantum super-positions all over the space-time universe so they could sometimes escape. Yet if space-time is local and infinitely niche'd far away from normal space-time, and if space-time is a unified energy field, that would probably include all super-positioned waveforms too that are actually wave segments captured in the Higgs Field. Waveforms trapped in the space-time field and trapped in a singularity should be entirely isolated from waveforms beyond the event horizon. Plainly one may wonder if the spatial area between the event horizon and the singularity is a true void empty of all space-time leaving the event horizon as a distant time-residual wake or splash like that from a boat or a diver from a high board slicing into a pool.

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