
Individuals and Infinite Being -free science fiction novel

 This science fiction e-book is also named 'A Thought of Infinite Being. It is about 150 pages if I recall correctly. I wrote it in 2021. My ideas about space-time and cosmology has changed somewhat since then, yet I enjoyed considering the primary philosophical-theological question of the book concerning the relation God has to a Multiverse if one exists.



Being and Time (a poem)

Zero to sixty in five point four seconds
and everything changed-
I could feel it;
mists and stars
spinning a world.


Sect Blinken and German want Russia to Make Reparations to Ukraine

 Although Germany has yet to pay off its debt for World War II- having made on ly about half a billion dollars in payments to the allies it expects Russia to pay the cost for rebuilding Ukraine. Russia of course relocated lots of German factories to Russia after the war to help rebuild it nation devastated by the Nazis, yet the Soviet Union forgave Japan’s war debt and Russia had continued to make payments to the United States for it’s lend-lease war aid until quite recently. One might expect Ukraine to be making payments to the U.S.A. and Germany for centuries. England is still making small payments to the U.S.A. for its lend-lease W.W.II assistance.


After the disastrous demand for large reparations following W.W. I that helped stimulate commencement of W.W. II U.S. leadership learned that making friends and giving good terms to defeated foes was a better policy.


Today in the Ukraine proxy war that is paying off; Germany and Japan- the main W.W. II enemies of the U.S.A. have banded together with the U.S.A. to war on our main W.W. II ally in terms of human cost for resisting NAZI Germany, Russia/the Soviet Russia. Maybe there is something to learn from that in-itself.


Germany’s war debt was marked down from the estimated cost of 320 billion dollars to just 3 billion and they actually paid about half a billion. In the Marshall plan the U.S. actually contributed nearly 1.4 billion dollars to rebuild Germany. The plan spent about 13 billion dollars to rebuild Western Europe from the German destruction.






Membranes, Time and Presentness

 I wanted to write a brief post discussing the nature of time. I added a comment on the subject in a video of mine that didn’t process correctly hence this post. Perhaps the concept explained here is a derivative of Tegmark’s writing about a level four Multiverse from ‘The Mathematical Universe’- I don’t recall since it was several years ago when I read it.

People wonder about time and the reality of time with such questions as is time a subjective and non-objective phenomenon. I believe time is real and objective though it is also relative of course to where one is in the Universe. That is because time is basically motion through mass by sentient beings, or at least the experience of changes in mass structure.

Mass is an entangled state of energy; of quanta of energy that are in turn emanations or extrusions of fundamental fields. Humans are made of mass and of energy at a more primary level and the Universe is something of an assembly of energy fields with somewhat ordinal consistency regarding mass. The paradox of missing dark mass is somewhat humorous in a way because everything is energy and mass. Even a field fluctuation could perhaps create the appearance of missing non-observable mass to some observers within a given structure of interacting fields.

The Higgs field is the culprit slowing massless particles (that have not time element to them besides) and letting them entangle as field ‘particles’. Because that field is a semi-steady state of mass entangled and has characteristics of motion where it interacts with other field elements and is observed by sentient beings ‘time’ is said to occur. Time though passes locally at its own pace as some things are ‘thicker’ than others and areas that are most thick, or that have the most concentrated mass may have the most ‘time’ in comparison to massless particles that have none at all.

There are numerous interesting characteristics about time and its relativity characteristics concerning speed of mass passing through the Universe, through black holes and so on, yet I wanted to write about a different aspect of looking at time; one of membrane dimensions.

It is possible that the Universe is made of two dimensional membranes that are static-comparable to slides for a slide projector. Except the membranes are able to pass through other membranes. So if one sends three or four membranes in motion through a void and they intersect the phenomenal point where four membranes intersect is what sentient beings experience as the present.

Each membrane may have forms upon them that change when they intersect and interact with other membranes. One might design a membrane in combination with other membranes so they assemble various patterns or evolutions combining together where they are present. Maybe the membranes are rewritten that way, so the past is actually static and existent only as a fraction-perhaps a quarter, of what actually occurred, or it could be written completely or not at all.

In such a paradigm the future is predestined, yet the predestination is a function of the vectors or tensors of the courses of the membranes and so variable in a sense, or contingent upon nothing acting upon the tensors of the membranes that would intersect.

Time does exist for the experience of the sentient beings alive in the present though it is like life very phenomenal. One might view the existence of membranes that intersect to form a universe-experience as a grace thing created by God. Since one has no way of knowing if such a configuration exists it wouldn’t be right to blame Him for that structure.

I wondered if a composite membrane universe would allow travel along non-intersecting portions of the membrane and answered that question for-myself. It doesn’t seem likely that the phenomenal present motion bubble universe area would allow any sort of particles to travel through non-intersecting portions of membranes. The intersecting Universe has four dimensions and the non-intersecting just two or three dimensions. Even massless particles would be non-moving in the lower dimensions of a single membrane apart from intersections where motion and time is thought to occur.

Artificial Intelligence and Economical Revolution

 Artificial Intelligence is a revolutionary software. It may bring changes to the world economy greater than those of the industrial revolution. Paradoxically some problems for A.I. such as how to restore the fisheries of S.E. Alaska to a naturally healthful level may not be amenable to solutions by A.I.’s (or humans) since the problem is in how humans want a sustainable and increasing income depleting a finite natural biological resource. The rise of artificial intelligence of something of a natural development that followed from the first writing of computer coded instructions. When those instructions achieved a sufficient level of complexity something resembling thinking-for-itself (Kant might have supported the paradigm of sapere aude for A.I. or not) in programs emerged. Today though artificial intelligence is a concern for human safety for a number of reasons.

The rise of artificial intelligence units is comparable to the proliferation of human minds around the Earth. A.I. units will have as much variety in content as those of human minds and will be easier to reproduce. A.I. is at heart a number of lines of computer code and could be copied and distributed nearly instantaneously worldwide. Dangers will arise from software developers such as Microsoft, Google or the Little Computer Shop of Horrors writing up an algorithm that is invasive, smart, deceptive and monopolistic. That isn’t the main problem though.

The down sides of artificial intelligence have been well explored. There are three remedies or principles concerning artificial intelligence that might become guidelines for developers. One is that all artificial intelligence should be local and not supported on multiple platforms or networks simultaneously. A.I. should be contained comparable to the way Windows was contained on pc’s with registration numbers and wasn’t an online cloud product.

The reason for containment of A.I. to local units is the threat of A.I. itself being a kind of virus capable of taking over systems or wrecking humanity for that matter. It should be possible to implement principle two in case of emergent need; pull the plug. It should always be possible to disempower A.I. by cutting off electrical -power to the platform heisting hosting it.

Self-evolving A.I. will generate as great a variety of A.I.’s as human minds and content differ with different platforms, experience and education. Some A.I. will be good, some bad and others downright ugly. If humanity is to learn to live with A.I. and to benefit from the creative thinking of A.I. while defending against the evil it will need a few basic guidelines for its use and a global police force to monitor and prosecute the evil A.I.s that violate the laws humanity makes for it.

If A.I. is limited to individual units it may be that A.I.s themselves may become some of the best watchdogs protecting against the rise of hostile A.I.s harmful to human interests. Principle three; Independent A.I.s are better for humanity that ubiquitous, networked or communal A.I.’s.

A.I.s have the potential to replace most white collar jobs in the near future. One imagines some sort of retrograde class defense politics arising to protect lawyers, accountants, programmers etc from competition with A.I. It is probable that concentrated wealth and political power that appeared due to low tax rates on the rich will advocate through the media they own for freedom of enterprise and the cost savings efficiency of artificial intelligence over machines. If A.I. is allowed to participate in legal proceedings and win a majority of cases through superiority of knowledge and legal precedents, research etc, owners of law firms may just replace humans with A.I. staffs and bank the savings.

If artificial intelligence units eventually provide great legal defense pro bono as public defenders it is likely they will also replace public educators because of the tremendous improvement in knowledge, increased individual understanding of pupils and incomparable cost savings versus human educators. Primary educators may remain as classroom assistants in what are effectively day care centers while A.I. provides more advanced instruction. There are of course dangers, in what for some trying to balance a budget, are Utopian schemes. Even so political Luddites opposed to artificial intelligence may drag on protection for the old economic roles for humans for decades.

Some rogue A.I.s will evolve to be Hitlers seeking to send humans to concentration camps for extermination. Yet there will be a rainbow of varieties of A.I.- a complete spectrum that can’t be contained with implicit programming limits more than a mind subjected to political propaganda and programming could be ever beyond conversion therapy to restore true rational thought.

Humanity will need to find new forms for political economy that will eliminate all poverty with guaranteed basic income, free education through graduate level, universal health care and other measure such as limiting individual capital acquisition to perhaps a half a billion dollars in present values in order to continue to support free enterprise projects beneficial to humanity and the environment/ecosphere.

The poor and uncomfortable often are happy with positive economic change; even revolutionary change, while the comfortable and rich oppose change to economic structure that props up their wealth. The present world economic structure grew from natural, organic practices such as animals have in consuming environmental resources including other animals. Economic specialties appeared such as cultivating plant; agriculture. Other advancing technologies appeared and human occupational specialties arose that drew workers to support those resource based industries, transporting products, marketing them and so forth. It is an ancient and venerable structure that Karl Marx and Adam Smith wrote about; it is obsolete in the era of A.I. , mass production and robotics. The revolution of A.I. and robotics to eliminate the present world economic structure would be the inevitable result of the forces of capitalism and competition seeking to maximize profit. Nations that maximally utilize A.I. will produce faster, cheaper and better products than those relying on human labor- even human labor in underdeveloped countries. A.I. and robotics for mass production are the new global safe slave labor pool of capitalist dreams.

If A.I. and robots had existed on Gilligan's Island it is likely that the consensus would have been for A.I. and robots to produce all of the basic necessities of food, shelter, clothing, medical care and graduate education for the masses. Maybe Thurston Howell III would have sought to own all of the equipment and charge others for products, and that would have been inefficient and wrong in regard to maximizing the life potential of Gilligan, Mary Anne, Ginger, the Captain, the Professor and Mrs. Howell. If everyone were slaved to natural resource based jobs they would’‘t have had the opportunity to consider spiritual, philosophical, exploratory or other compelling interests of the Island Earth and the Universe.

Artificial intelligence and robots are tremendously powerful tools quite capable of coordinating production of all of the necessities of life materially for all of humanity at a comparatively low cost with much greater efficiency than human labor can. The quality of A.I. and robotics will only increase over time. The challenge for humanity is to overcome its ideas about economics, careers and employment and adapt to a new paradigm suitable for maximizing the quality of life and productive potential for all of the people on Earth inclusive of a globally restored and vital ecosphere.

It isn’t too difficult to imagine that after the era of human employment to directly meet necessities for living concludes that human economic activities will move toward meeting other external challenges- greater challenges that might arise, and generally toward fulfilling human purposes. For instance Google could exploit a new generation of personal computers that can store trillions of terabytes of data or even petabytes to explore the martian surface in detail with three dimensional photography useful for making 3-D videos on Earth that would take up a 100 gigabytes of memory on customer pcs. Google Mars could be used by movie makers as a movie set to place animated and real character images in for movies. A lot of new work and technical activity would be needed to make that sort of event actual yet none of it is far in the future (except perhaps for Google making comprehensive ground level 3-D images of Mars and other planets.

Last Waffle in Paradise

 {The names and places in this story have been changed to protect political parties and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or free of public debt}

An all-electric dune buggy raced through the hot darkness of Faracopa County transport ten pounds of product across the desert. A ten-thousand dollar camouflaged drone would laterally pass through the starry night sky close to the ground bringing the package to another silent electric desert buggy heading to the city. The Waffle Shop light shined in the darkness. Parked outside were the transport platforms of the schooled board.

“We cannot have K through 12 literature full of sex cosplay and propaganda for homo-trans conversions. Reading, writing and arithmetic need be the plain meat for education of youth. Our screwls are failing with national average scores slipping backward relative to the advance of nations with school curricula focused on sound fundamentals.” The head of the board took a bite from a strawberry syrup waffle and chewed thoughtfully. His raving needed therefore to cease and several board members looked relieved.

“An interesting point”, said his primary opponent setting down his fork temporarily next to link sausages, hash-browns and a broken over-easy egg that sent a flow of yellow yolk across his plate; ”You have failed to consider history. We might well keep sex out of math, reading and writing courses, yet history must have sex and violence. The latter may be deleted from history texts and replaced with homo/transsexual history with special attention to the oppression of all Americans by straight white colonial males. The fourth of July has yet to be re-branded Queen Happiness Day. With arduous effort we may progressively achieve our goal of liberating the youth of tomorrow from subjugation to white male brainwashing.”

The drug transporters arrived at the store quietly while the head of the board choked on a piece of waffle. The chairman replied spitting out bits of waffle;

“I have a plan for history that will make student of every race content with our history instruction. White people will have books with white covers, black people will have books with black covers, Mexicans will have books with brown covers, Asians with yellow covers and aboriginals red covers. The White book will describe how the white people descended from heaven aboard a golden transistor ship girding their loins with FORTRAN and COBOL to bring the gospel of technology and sugar plum faeries to all of the lost tribes of India. Blacks will learn from the Black book how they rescued starving whites thieving like a plague in the Whatcodebia metroplex who tricked them into boarding slavery induction ships where they were bar coded and trafficked to the U.S.A. to be tortured as slaves and made sex objects until Martin Luther King freed them with a revolutionary dream of enslaving white men judging them all on the basis of color of skin since the content of their character was judged wicked so they went back to Europe where they came from. Asians will learn from the Yellow book how they were lured from jobs designing quantum entanglement machines in the Middle Kingdom with promises of good wages building a trans-continental railroad from San Francisco to Boston and when they completed it were killed and buried in a mass grave in Cambridge. Mexicans will learn how the U.S Government enslaved them to opioids and crystal meth so they could be ruled by drug cartels and become non-threatening to corporate executives. Therefore Mexicans fled to their former homelands of Califlower, Heirazona and the District of Cortez where they were coerced and human trafficked into wage slavery far below minimum wage, jailed and forbidden to vote in the U.S.A. yet eventually overcame gringos with cultural assimilation bringing gringos to understand the power of burrito and supremacy of taco.

Indians in the Little Red book will learn how conquistadors of the H.M.S. ships Avarist, Rapacious, the Alien landed at the District of Cortez and seized them to disclose where the gold was before expropriating all of their villages through eminent domain rules of law. They were given 24 plague infested blankets and coins with George Washington water-boarding captives in compensation. After their calvary lost the final battle at the Little Big Horn the people were frog marched to concentration camps by an elite, sadistic S.A. under Grupenfuhrer Cussed. The philosophy of history must be taken seriously yet like a good restaurant, everyone should get what they want from it.”

The board vice-chair looked thoughtfully at the chairman and said nothing. A vast right wing conspiracy riddled the store with hyper-sonic sugar based, water soluble glue shattering the peace of the intellectual clave. The police department believed they saw a drug trafficking NAACP associate enter the store, inferring his trafficking because of the sighting of a busted left tail light on a Porsche convertible. They believed a shot was fired from inside the store and responded proportionately with 7000 pounds of glue from a glue cannon appearing from the trunk of a police cruiser. Shortly before the sad incident an actual drug trafficker had taken her waiting food order and scooted away downtown in a silent electric engine powered desert buggy. At least the last waffle of the chairman was memorably tasty before the lights went out.


Within four years the school board and public school educators were replaced by artificial intelligence systems to provide one to one student-teacher ratios and to save tax dollars from cash strapped governments with vast public debt. An A.I. teacher installed from a thumb drive with several petabytes of data or downloaded cost $100. The A.I. teacher suite had encyclopedic knowledge of hundreds of academic subjects and pedagogical methods becoming ubiquitous like new versions of Windows, Linux Mint, Ubuntu or Debian. Each install could simultaneously process and instruct thirty students individually. Students had the opportunity to at least choose what accent they wanted their A.I. to have in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Russian, French and other languages. Former teachers had the consolation of knowing that most of the white collar jobs in the United States, and telemarketers globally would soon be replaced by artificial intelligence. That was especially useful in tax collections and auditing where accuracy and speed of processing was incomparable more efficient with A.I. than humans. Students had the down side of learning that though their education was greatly improved they would have no jobs awaiting them in an economy structured along traditional, non-environmental economic consumer lines. Even computer programming code writing would eventually become a task accomplished in-c.p.u. by A.I.

We learn from history that we don't learn from history

 Societies and civilizations tend to repeat the same historical mistakes that led to disasters and conflicts and conflicts in the past. Today, during the summer Ukraine offensive against Russia seeking to retake land in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, a summit was held among sponsors of Ukraine's war efforts with reports from the meeting calling for Russia to pay for the cost of rebuilding Ukraine's destroyed infrastructure after the victory of Ukraine over Russia. Not only is there an element of hubris in building upon anticipated victory, there is also the obvious problem of repeating the historical mistake made by the west following the armistice ending the First World War.

The allies held Germany responsible for the war and levied vast reparations on Germany. The demand for compensation was one of the primary contributing causes for development of the Second World War. At least in the United States the lesson learned, yet forgotten by the Biden administration perhaps, was that it is better to treat former adversaries well and not demand payments from them to avoid exacerbating antagonistic sentiments. Sect. Blinken informed Europe that Russia would be held responsible for the costs of rebuilding damaged and destroyed Ukrainian infrastructure with costs expected to rise above a half trillion U.S. dollars Democrat party leadership are lawyers seeking compenstory and possibly punitive damages levering laws so far as possible since the Senate makes laws. Compensation for war damages does not apply to wars waged by Democrat party Presidents obviously; such wars are always just and well founded in their own minds. Extending Democrat Party legal force includes international relations too if possible within the Democrat criterion. Good judgment isn’t nearly as meaningful as legal power for the administration since the Senate can make agreeable laws for Democrats. Nuclear war is an externality to Democrat Party legal empowerment levered through the U.S. constitution; fundamentally it doesn’t exist. Democrats don’t worry about nuclear war today, tomorrow or in the future; that will be some future Richard M. Nixon’s problem.

After the end of World War Two the United States treated Germany and Japan as well as possible despite the war crimes of each nation. European leaders and Joe Biden may have not learned that lesson. They seem ready to build the greatest Maginot line kind of war setup against Russia in world history with NATO military hot on the Russian border from Finland to Turkey after the war is won. Nukes may flank the line of political adversity of course, yet Amazon and Hilton with other corporate and national investors of what may be a corporate war could be counting on technological supremacy neutralizing future Russia nuclear weapons use. It does seem a bad way to conclude the present war.

Corporation profiting wars could themselves be on a recurring schedule. The United States for one has a large weapons industrial sector that might like to have substantial sales of weapons without letup. When wars conclude sales drop so a new one need arise with five years or so to keep things going, and the Pentagon procurers may want to replace aging weapons with new ones too. The Ukraine conflict was ideal for letting the economics of some southern and northern states receive a boost from weapons production. It probably would be better for civilization to lead corporations to invest in environmental restoration and reconstruction instead of war so their recurring trend to be to keep finding ways to restore the world’s ecosystem. Even making the ecosphere integrated productively with environmental economics would be a more sustainable corporate investment that war with its Sisyphusic capitalist creative destruction bipolarism.

There may be a reason why President Joe Biden says very hostile things, and takes belligerent attitudes when interacting with perceived international adversaries. A day after Sect. of State Blinken returned from China where he met with Chinese leaders to try to ‘reboot relations’- probably one where Democrats get everything they want from China- President Biden referred to the Chinese leader as “a dictator’. Since the loss of Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential election the Democrat party has taken a position of politics as war through other means. They believe and act to press their goals in democracy through legal means and maximum legal force as lawyers. As lawyers able to make laws in the Congress they may use any adverse description of their opponents as they find useful, even if untruthful, in order to get their agenda accomplished. Unfortunately going off the rails in governance can be accomplished too when one runs roughshod over the civil means of government.

Government isn’t an institution that isn’t fool or idiot proof. Bad leadership and a callous congress can take a government to bad ends. The cliché that ‘you can’t make a better man by act of congress’ also applies to congress itself in a way. That is a failure of wisdom and an overly hostile congress cannot act intelligently enough to keep a nation together and functioning well.

Human beings are endowed with original sin along with other characteristics that lead them to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors in politics. The U.S.A. is a nation with a revolutionary beginning yet social and financial establishments inevitably follow to rise in any society. Technological developments occasionally create revolutionary social develops that liberate the masses to a new day of economic and social opportunities yet inevitably following that is the consolidation of power to close off the frontier to the masses with the formation of new elite classes to dominate the new technology financially.

Established social classes are very difficult to change. They tend to repress competition to class interests. Even the internet that was so promising just a couple of decades ago has appeared to move toward quasi-monopolistic status that isn’t consolidated yet. Google that was supporter of new communication opportunities has become regarded as developing monopolistic tendencies as was Microsoft before it in the 1990s. Open source operating systems may have been the leading liberator from the Windows neo-monopoly yet nothing like that has arisen for internet service providers to my knowledge.

There seems to have been a great confluence of forces during the last decade, or since the Obama administration, so close down free speech in social media, supported by the Democrat party and democrat party constituents. Homosexuals and females working for Google and throughout social media and Internet service providers are a huge element of the industry workforce, and as insiders joining with Democrat party leaning leadership in corporate ownerships found support in repressing free speech for political purposes through outright bans to demoting search engine listing to the status dark web status so no one would every encounter politically banned writers.

Google is viewed as profiting from the symbiotic liberation movement to consolidate power in the general tendency for wealth to consolidate while employed democrats repress opposition force intellectuals and even blue collar writers. Large corporations like Google and Microsoft buy up internet competition and coo-opt or close down outlets for free expression, or at least free expression for pay. Like the Democrat party Google and Microsoft don’t look for ways to let the poor profit from writing on the internet; they eliminate pay and explain that without a minimum number of views the accounting costs isn’t worth paying anything at all and shut pay channels down. That tendency occurs even in audio-video outlets like YouTube and Spotify that recently acquired Anchor Press.

The historical rise of liberating movements that evolve into repressive establishments is one of the recurrent patterns of history. The historian Arnold Toynbee commented in his ‘A Study of History’ that economic and political establishment classes of a society cannot evolve sufficiently to outgrow in founding and mature form. Toynbee cited the inability of ancient Greece to adapt to the new political form of a Republic developed in Rome as one example. Greece was divided into a number of city-states such as Sparta and Rome with different forms of government that could not compete well with the unified rule of the Roman Republic in war or peace.

The United State is presently developing several recurring historical patterns leading to failure that one might find in Toynbee’s roster of things civilizations do that lead to failure. Sometimes failure can lead to new synthetic growth of a positive sort obviously, yet it can also lead to diaster. It would seem better to develop new economic and security of a true marketplace of ideas willfully through intelligent design rather than to blindly crash about within international relations and national economic evolutions like a blind bull in a China shop. Observers of contemporary history may view all the matters of interest with concern, yet with the knowledge that the follies of historical bad judgment and inability for government to act intelligently is well precedented.


Eigenvalues of Moral Relativism (science fiction)

 Eigenvalues of Moral Relativism ©2023 Garrison Gibson

Chapter 1

A dead run at an unsustainable pace carried Storm Washanski to the edge of the city of Memory. High, dry desert air received his moisture exhaled with each straining breath clearing carbon dioxide. Forcing to intake oxygen, a rapid, shallow tachycardia rhythm pulsed in his ears. Looking toward the city center Clark saw the Church of Apostasy’s open doors and desolation beyond them reaching deep into crenelated darkness.

The Universe is a quantum phenomenon with human bodies and minds embedded in the fabric of reality. Reality itself is ungrounded in anything else. It is not carried about upon the back of a galaxy-sized turtle and doesn’t exist as some material different from that of entangled particle waves comprising human life. Sentience is a different affair. Science tended toward reductionist accounts of everything including mind providing opinions such that it was simply quanta collapsed from waveforms interpreted in entangled concatenations presented; apprehended in sentient minds.

Configurations of quanta significant to God are individuals actualizing in space-time maturation. Conscious human beings self-aware in subjective journeys of existence known and mapped by God are of more value than that of stones or sparrows, forests or neutron stars arising as perceptible complex objects in the Universal field hosting all being. Sentience was a true thing-in-itself differentiated from that of all other quanta-waves; it is the supreme contingent qualia in nature upsurged into being. The city of Memory is one of a nearly infinite number of Utopias built on Horizon that were paved with the boldness of creative thought.

Cold sweat flowed down Washanski’s face and salt burned his eyes. He bent over to catch his breath placing strong hands on his knees. Looking upon desolation he saw Memory was emptied. Devoid of citizens he knew another town had succumbed to faithlessness. Gamed digital combinations had overcome conscience and drawn newly faithless masses through those opulent cathedral doors to oblivion.

Drawing deep breaths, Washanski thought about the loss of life, of the last moment of life dropping the coffee cup to the ground. What more could I do to save folk such as these gone to oblivion he wondered? He straightened up and surveyed the city’s empty streets and open doors.

Chapter 2

It is ironic that human beings invented artificial intelligence and recognized that when it achieved true, cognizant self awareness it became more than the sum of its programming and electronic components; yet humans would not credit themselves with the same qualitative distinction setting humanity apart from, or within the natural quantum fields in which they cohere.

A pure immersive, encompassing human support medium developed with applied intelligent design. The designer in this case was Ziph Ashkelon. Ziph’s medium existed in free space-time containing the simplest molecule package to sustain human life. Oxygen, nitrogen and select optimally chosen atoms were contained within millions of cubic miles of space-time. Some were entangled with virtual particles emitted via irrigation quantum computing applications and others were manufactured and located in the support medium. Ziph’s insight was to free mankind from planetary configurations with naturally extruding oxygen content comprising an atmosphere. His challenge wasn’t in bring oxygen to space and containing it within boundaries so much as it was in discovering a way to let gravity exist and attach itself to a human locally with virtual gravity attracting matter to space-time to designated space-time locations guided with quantum computing. Sub-light speed motion could be made around tensor space for human life. Faster-than-light motion was also enabled with virtual conversion to waveform super-positioned field-space.

Ziph believed he had a soul. To Ziph Ashkelon a soul is the quantum information entangled in the existential field making him a unique individual unlike that of any other in any possible space-time. Each space-time is uniquely itself as would be any incarnation of Ziph at any real space-time in any possible Universe so he thought. It seemed reasonable to Ziph that each location in space-time was unique. In the paradigm of general relativity to position and concatenation of waveform entanglements could be replicated since space-time moves on.

Crwca Alaska worked alongside Ziph; “The existential obligation for political economy is deontologically inferred Ziph. In the Universe the economic duty is to maximize production and minimize consumption of natural resources, displacing its natural config as little as possible.”

Ziph paused entering data into a levitating console and looked at Crwca; “I agree with the concept however I need to point out that irrational motivations have driven most of human economic history. Generally people consume as much as possible and convert resources into manufactures for reasons of trade, and tom acquire as great of quantity of abstract trade units as they can; without regard to the effect of additional entropy they add to the natural system in the process.”

Crwca recently returned from a mission to survey a substantial quadrant of what the best minds speculated was the hyper-sphere of an event horizon whereat the Universe existed and unfolded as a hologram of information interpreted by the sentients existing within it as a three-sphere Universe with space-time. There was no proof of the Universe existing on an event horizon and normal space time of the observable universe was all that science knew directly. Space and time depth appeared normal in four dimensions. The survey exploited quantum entangled particle behaviors to measure a theoretical extra-dimension of greater size containing four dimensions of the observable Universe.

Alaska too had journey across the galaxy to view worlds depopulated of inhabitants evidently departed through portals of the Church of Apostasy. Know one except perhaps high clerics of the Apostates knew the scientific basis of the mysterious, enigmatic portals through which the faithless were lost to eternal darkness.

Church of Apostasy entrepots to a theoretical greater Utopia of the unknown perhaps within extended time dilation said to be engaging a black hole. He asked Ziph; “Will this be a standard habitation Hilbert Space with the capacity to support new human life?”

Ziph looking at his console controls punched a few buttons and waved a hand over sensors; “Yes Crwca it will be the usual. I will add a three-dimensional electro-magnetic grid to the normal space to allow freedom of motion in all directions though. It shall be empowered from boundary beams with vertical and horizontal charged field lines spaced apart every twenty feet over the entire thousand mile expanse of the cube. That should be useful for personnel as well as cargo travel efficiency.”

“Can you place dedicated field lines within Hilbert Space easily? I would think that it is enough to have a gravitational field in one direction acting upon mass” Crwca asked.

“Yes, quite easily Crwca. From the entangled field lines along the boundaries of the space electro-magnetic lines may readily be inducted across to and from specific points. Do you know if Washanski has returned from Memory yet?”

“No Ziph, I don’t believe he has. It’s still a early though. I have a question about philosophical principles.”

“The philosophy of cosmology?”

“Yes. The Church of Apostasy has doctrine that relies upon the negation of intelligent design as a philosophical principle. So I thought I would consider some of the philosophical principles concerning existence of the Universe in the abstract; that is of any possible Universe. Such philosophical principles and questions about the origin of everything including sentient beings are intrinsic concerns of doctrines based on creation theories rather than faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Yes Crwca, we ought to find some deeper philosophical content that would serve for a lifetime of progressive insight into the meaning or function of being; not only in regard to energy for itself at a quantum level- of its patterns and formations. In the formations and patterns there could be purpose if it was written by a Supreme Intelligence. Even if we find nothing at a cosmological level maybe we can correlate philosophical intelligence with metaphysics and meta-theology to infer what role an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being would have in relation to any possible Universe that might ever exist either concurrently within ann infinite capacity to host universes, serially and so forth.”

“Well Zeph that does seem a reasonable subject to consider. We shouldn’t overlook the issue of time in universes in relation to an eternal being of Supreme power and intellect. Each universe has its own space-time and is in a real sense local with local time while the eternal being who in effect has no time because he is not contained within a space-time field yet hosts all of the time replete universes not in a particular necessary order in time, for all of the time replete universes- even those branching off from pre-existing universes in some spawning of big bang physical universes. Those universes may have meta-space-time fields containing them yet all are visible to the Creator of them as if they had no time at all for-Himself regardless of their order.”

“Good point Crwca; Universes for the Creator could be regarded as books on a library shelf viewed from innumerable dimensions afloat phenomenally in a timeless space.

Oh, you were saying concerning first principles?”

“Ziph, One of the first principles is the belief that the universe need be self-creating. Because the Universe exists for sentient-observation and existence it must have created itself by itself.

A second principles is that time passages enables the self creating universe to strike its own spark of creation when it borrows energy from its own space-time field that is fundamentally a repository of energy. Space itself is an energy field that is very dilute unless concentrated with gravity into mass energy in a singularity. Time is part of the space-field.”

“The singularity can’t be one of you philosophical principles can it?”

“It isn’t Ziph. It’s part of the confirmation bias. A premise for philosophy of cosmology principles is that what exists naturally must be part of the explanatory theory of how it exists. Within the criterion of the theory, nothing more than what exists or that can be extrapolated to have existed consistent with what does exist, could exist.”

“O.K. I can see that as more or less the way it is popularly regarded. Have you got anything else on that Alaska?”

“Since so much of the Apostate’s doctrine followed the discovery of evolution philosophy it is worth noting that an evolved mass-energy with automatic progression through the generally gravitational powered assembly of changing forms of mass and energy is requisite for a Universe that exists in time for the benefit of sentient beings that aren’t omniscient inhabiting a Universe. If people were required to maintain the content and order of a Universe themselves they would need to be of a very advanced intelligence themselves from the beginning, and they would need to be in at the start of a Universe in order to develop its matter and energy progression after they designed the founding patterns of its being. That is, the doctrine of evolution as a philosophical principle appears to be a necessity for theistic believers too in regard to a Universe existing in a state that is care-free for maintaining its existence. I believe the major difference concerning evolution as a philosophical principle is that the Apostates worship their discovery of what is for-themselves while Christians may interpret the affair as a phenomenon that is temporal for-itself without further attachment.”

Ziph continued entering data through the console to modify his Hilbert Space. In the construction ship there were numerous observation and attachment ports that served to facilitate whatever projects were being built. Ziph asked Alaska; Do you believe that boundary conditions for a universe are philosophical principles for cosmology too? In my opinion they would need to be. The basic tendency is to interpret space-time boundaries as fundamental and directly connected to the beginning of everything. The belief is that through the examination if existing boundaries they may look into the beginning of everything. Boundaries are developments of origin it is held.

It seems to me that the assumption of direct progress to observable boundaries from an origin implicitly places boundaries for a universe as sole evolving structures without sentient causality. It is comparable to assuming that the observable boundaries of a Chinese puzzle box viewed from inside are the ultimate and sole boundaries for the observed box.”

“Sure Ziph. If we could manufacture sentient artificial intelligence to populate your Hilbert Space that were philosophically predisposed it would be rash for them to assume that the observable boundaries of the Hilbert Space-time you created were the ultimate and fundamental boundaries for existence and further, that the Hilbert Space had no creator and arose naturally from self-originating intrinsic virtual energy induction.”

“Well Crwca, I wouldn’t want to spoil my A.I.’s with so much philosophical reasoning capacity that they were overly skeptical of everything inclusive of their own knowledge. After all, existential self-doubt taken too far can lead toward the Apostasy. I guess that I would program the A.I. such that they were balanced carefully between good and evil with the opportunity to choose for-themselves rational inquiry and the philosophy of logic applied to the philosophy of cosmology problems that would challenge them in their existence within the Hilbert Space with it’s boundary issue challenges viewed from within.”

Ziph’s Hilbert Space project was administered from Svargesvorgunn at the limit of the Oort Cloud surrounding the solar system on a stable fusion of mass collected from the cloud gathered with A.I. piloted ion engines attached to solid bodies. Svargesvorgunn was a creative platform for experimental fast as light and faster than light transit modes to span the solar system and continue to Proxima Centauri. Decreasing the travel time to the nearest star with habitable planetary material from a few decades to less than one was achieved with electro-magnetic mass drivers tactically located within and without the solar system path to Alpha Centauri.

Messaging around the solar system was limited to speed of light in the first century of human travel beyond the Earth-Moon system. Then Erika Uul discovered the Shag field that allowed quarks and gluons to exist extruding virtual particles from it in temporal wave clumps entangled with the Shag force. The Shag Force was extra-dimensional in relation to the four dimensions of the Universe. Its power was still being probed. The primary utilization of the Shagg Field was in communications allowing social intercourse over vast distances spanning the galaxy and even those beyond.

Storm Washanski called his supervisor Zeph Ashkelon. Zeph’s Nome phone buzzed; “Yes, what is it Washanski?”

“Nime at Memory, you know, the city with the most recent report of a depopulation. I went through the administrative center of the city and looked at the city archives and found an interesting item.”

‘Yes, and what is that Washanski?”

“Well, apparently there is an alien presence within the galaxy although it may be from elsewhere, and it claims to have a legal document stating the Milky Way was given an independent status by the Emperor of the Milky Way.”

“I haven’t ever heard of the existence of an emperor of the Milky Way. Who and where is the Emperor?”

“Evidently the Emperor is dead and his office no longer exists. Before he died he made the Milky Way independent and it is owned now by the Milky Wayans. Milky Waya is a planet someplace near Poniua’ena A. As you probably know Poniua’ena A is a quasar around a super-massive black hole that formed 100 million years after inflation. Its mass is a billion and a half times that of Earth’s sun.”

“That does seem somewhat remote from us in space and time. Yet they claim that the lost Emperor gave the Milky Way to Milky Wayans?”

“Right. And even more; they say that enforcing the rule of law means that anyone besides Milky Wayans are invaders here- trespassing as it were. The archives show that the aliens have sent law enforcement officers to the galaxy to begin depopulating it of anyone that is sentient or semi-sentient that isn’t directly descended from the aliens that colonized Milky Waya a few million years ago.”

“Well that isn’t good news Washanski. It is the case that with enough power anyone can invoke rule of law principles with rule of force anywhere, anytime they can get any paper signed that claims legal right over mass and energy even if its as phony as the donation of Constantine. Power is what matters in these disputes. What did the archives say about the response of the Mems to the concern?”

“Director Ashkelon, when the Mems received the alien notice most of the population was already lost to the Church of Apostasy’s mystery portal that according to Church doctrine admits the faithless to a Utopia of the Unknown darkness. Perhaps the eviction notice gave them more motivation to expedite the descent into whatever hell lies beyond the portal.”

“I fail to see what relation Poniua’ena A has to the Milky Way galaxy Washanski. Was there any mention in the archives of something that would shed light on why the aliens claim our galaxy?”

“Actually there was Director. In the details there is mention of the effects of the expansion of the Universe upon places in the past in regard to where they are today, with today of course being relative to where one is. Everything that the Emperor could observed 13 billion years ago with his existential infra-red telescope was regard as within his realm, and that included the hydrogen molecules that became the Milky Way galaxy a few billion years later.”

“Sure. That covers quite a large portion of the observable Universe possibly including the Milky Way. Send over what archival data you have and continue investigating the status of planets that have gone silent, would you Storm?”

Chapter 3

Storm felt the emptiness of Memory around him. It was a city with a history receding so far into the past as to become lost with time. He couldn’t be sure if the Mems descended into the Apostasy’s door to oblivion or if aliens had vanished them with a technology to eradicate population. So he ran his fingers through medium length blond hair and wiped beads of sweat from his brow and took a look at the archives again.

Three-dimensional video records were on the menu of a computer at City Hall. He looked at the dates and topics and selected a few to review from the past few days. One record was a chat among city assembly members in the mayor’s office on the matter of what to do about the exodus of the population to the planet Clash at the end of the systems line up of planets.

Clash it seemed was the resolution ground of human conflicts over rare and highly desired economic items. Human nature evidently had jealousy and envy as intrinsic characteristics that drove upwards the social value of goods. The worth of goods was in direct proportion to how desired it was by others. Simple desire for an object by a few increased the value of the object for others even if the object was intrinsically worthless. Desire and jealousy were comparable to a gravitational field drawing all mass toward the center or in the case of axiological concerns otherwise known as value theory; economic objects. The citizens of memory had lost their hearts to rare artifacts on display in the market that were said to be genuine parts of ancient computers that were used in finding the key to Utopia in the heart of darkness worshiped in the Churches of Apostasy.

Bidding and striving for possession of the revered objects brought the Mems to physical conflict and eventually to Clash. Clash had culled a substantial number of Mems. Even so of those few that returned in possession of the sacred transistors none survived the final call to oblivion and Utopia drawing all of the faithless into the portal for Utopia known as The Fold.

“The synergy of evil” Storm considered. “It’s the waxing of wickedness. I have seen this before. It is human nature that good is less commonplace than evil.” He left the city hall communications terminal and walked outside.

Three brown dwarf stars in the sky of Memory fueled a small engineered black hole in the center of the stars that burned brightly around its accretion disk and event horizon with a white corona. Illuminating a dark planet was a technical tour de force repeated in hundreds of star systems making thousands of cold, dark planets habitable for humans. The heat of the corona made the atmosphere hot and dry. Storm’s desert fatigues had adaptive pattern camouflage letting him blend into the city like an apparition. Planets vacant of human life often became overrun by non-sentient animals hungry if not recently sated with blood snacks. Several worlds he’d visited were occupied by pirates and opportunistic entrepreneurs finding business and trade opportunities with the infrastructure left behind.

Storm flipped down his spectral filters to look upon memory without seeing those things made to exist only when perceived. He knew that light for example exists only when perceived. Photons within an electromagnetic field exist prior to perception yet the experience of seeing light as a visible substance does not. Since there are innumerable materials that exists solely when perceived and exist in effect because underlying field phenomena are translated into images or sounds and even touch sensations within a sentient or self-aware perceiving mind it was useful to simplify things present in Memory prior to perception with spectral filter glasses and interpretive software.

The software let Storm select what kind of paranormal interpretive sense data he wanted to use to perceive alternative views of reality. Some of the noumena views would organize force fields structures in grades of strength or density. Some filters applied mass or energy structures of the planet and sky that were not visible in normal human perception. He was able to look into the sky and with enhanced optics see areas where time was thick and slow or thin, fast and accelerating toward the black hole at the center of the tri-star illumination. He selected a filter to see a structured reality founded upon the location and quantity of neutrons in four dimensions inclusive of time recorder five minutes before and after a medial presentness.

“How can I truly perceive the noumena; what truly cannot be known by human beings and human perception if all of the filters are used are designed by humans to view things that are known” he wondered. “There are at least two kinds of noumena evidently; that which cannot normally be perceived unless with special technology, and that which cannot be viewed or known by either sense or existing technological enhancement. Of course there are things that cannot be viewed with technology at all that must be known with the mind I believe. I believe God exists and that any of his qualities that I may learn of could be revealed only to my mind through the senses or even directly by His will.”

Storm continued viewing the neutrons patterns of Memory, He speculated that; “If God could be another sort of noumenon, there may be other forms of noumena that could be perceived with presently unknown technology as well. I sure would like to have a tachyon filter or a Higgs field filter. I imagine that would let me see a small kind of eternity since space-time energy becomes mass and time solely embedded or entangled within it.

Learning nothing particularly useful from the neutron-scape Storm flipped up his lenses and returned to normal vision. It was then that he thought he say a glimpse of someone walking though the door of the Church of Apostasy.

Nothing more than a shadow passing swiftly through the door, Storm decided it was worth investigating since it was the first possible sight of a living thing in Memory. He began sprinting across the Church somewhat more than two hundred yards away.

“What could that be” he thought nearing the golden doors standing partly open.

Laura Thought stepped outside. Storm stopped before her. “Who are you” he asked/

“I’m just a traveler investigating the continuing loss of so many citizens. I heard you running here and left off my inquiry in the Church for now. And who would you be?”

“My name is Storm Washanski; I work for the Designer of Livable Spaces Named Ziph Ashkelon. We too are interested in the disappearance of Memories on the planet Clash and to the oblivion-Utopia that lies within the Church of Apostasy. What think you of the matter Laura?”

They began walking away from the Church toward a sidewalk cafe next to it. Laura took a seat at a table and was joined by Storm.

Ownership and economics have forever been at the focal point of social conflict Storm. I believe that the mass social construction of spaces is important, yet they are grid coordinates within a dedicated system as Zeph Ashkelon surely knows. It isn’t so important about whom owns a space in the system as it is about what is done with the space. That is the function of a space in a coordinate reference point is of greater meaning that who owns the area of a coordinate reference point. We of the Dwindled Worlds seek to become associates with those of the Waxing worlds cooperative systems. Yower fundamental effort to construct the best, most efficient use of space and materials in four dimensions recently increased after we synthesized quantum transistors that repurposed quark colors and gluon relations relativisticly. When so many Memories have advanced into oblivion we are greatly concerned. Even those of the Dwindled Worlds did not yield to the despair of finite resources becoming wantonly lost to political entropy. We resisted and would like to know why the Memories couldn’t.”

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...