
Last good chance for President Biden to Start World War Three is October 12th


On October 11th and 12th N.A.T.O. defense secretaries and ministers will meet to discuss the Ukraine conflict and if they should let Ukraine’s military use N.A.T.O. weapons to attack deep into Russia. I haven’t much confidence in Joe Biden’s judgment on the Ukraine war; it is possible that he will finally green light Zelinsky’s wish to attack old Russia itself and that would stimulate a rapid escalation beyond the borders of Ukraine perhaps to include targets in western Europe and the United States and or tactical nukes in Ukraine. That might be the October surprise that candidates sometimes use to get themselves or their apprentice reelected or elected as the case may be.

The war has been a very bad event that simply gets worse the farther on it goes. There is no good ending for the atrocity. The best circumstance would be for Donald Trump to be re-elected and sign off on the Putin peace settlement to divide the Ukraine 50-50 so far as real estate value goes in dollars. Ukraine would actually keep about 80% of the land area in that deal. Mr. Trump should have some influence on Zelinsky and refuse to provide more weapons from the United States.

Developing better, cheaper ways to kill people will be a bad example for the future of mankind. A divided world just won’t be one with a recovering ecosphere that definitely needs work. I would guess global sea level will rise faster than expected- maybe 20 feet before the end of the century, and that will be a disaster itself. Peace with Russia is necessary, and on good terms, if any real intention to work on the ecospheric decline is to occur globally.

Ukrainians fielded a new incendiary drone that drops a molter, liquid like thermite stream on Russian positions in September. Russians fielded their own a week later. Thermite is a kind of aluminum and iron oxide mixture that burns around 4000 degrees. Since the tech is easy that weapon is likely to proliferate in future conflicts. It is the kinder gentler way of making crispy critters instead of just broadcast napalm all over everyone in a sloppy way. I doubt that Hamas would be so thoughtful about keeping thermite off of civilians.

It must make President Biden’s day to see an increase in the lethality of the conflict. I have wondered if Zelinsky has some kind of godfather horse’s head in the bed hold over the President, or blackmail photos or some other device to compel Joe Biden to just send more and more weapons despite the somewhat irrational, lemming like surge toward the Armageddon cliff.


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