
Supply Side Economics Have Produced Federal Debt Since 1981

Never since the era of cutting taxes and running a federal deficit was created by the Reagan administration has increased business growth brought enough additional tax revenues to pay off the deficit. Republican administrations have themselves increased federal spending at any rate treating the nation's infrastructure a little like the way the Red Army and The Fearless Leader regarded the German industrial infrastructure in 1946.

Since 1971 Republican leaders have downsized U.S. corporate employment wages and health benefits, job security and social economic egalitarianism while flooding the U.S.A. with illegal alien workers and relocating manufacturing to China over time.

President Obama through in the towel on letting Bush II era tax cuts expire in December 2010. Now the Republicans have the opportunity to repair the federal budget as did The President in December 2010 before he gave up. Walking on the supply side of the force has concentrated wealth and gutted America's immediate economic well being for those not owned by Darth.

Republicans can raise taxes on the rich and upper middle class and cut federal spending and tax dodgeholes and run a budget surplus to pay off federal debt straightaway. The instead rely on the completely discredited Laughferian supply side theories that will create more economic misery ahead for a nation already misguided by excessive Wall Street financial and trading deregulation.

Infinities & Numbers as Representations of Real Things and The Apparition of Soup Bowls

I am not a mathematician; I enjoy philosophical thought however so I have a few comments of a philosophical nature about numbers here.

I had read J.D. Barrow’s ‘The Infinite Book’ and recently added another fine book of Barrow’s to my summer reading list- ‘The Book of Nothing’. This book is quite an interesting elaboration of zero and nothing as an idea in math and philosophy as well as physics and cosmology.

Barrow described the social evolution of number systems in various civilizations such as Mayan, Babylonian and Indian. It is easy to see the correlation of abstract representations of real things that are counted to symbols that represent the things. Real substances are represented in the abstract by symbols, and the meanings or validity of the symbolic representation coincides with the accurate representation of the substances quantitatively.

I believe that relationship is the basis for much or all of mathematical validity.

Our base ten number system decimal system’s 1-9 are symbols that originated largely in India as Brahmin culture numbers as early as 300 B.C. The Indian numbering system and ideas about zero eventually made its way to Arab civilization and Europe. The point is that the symbols might be anything.

Georg Cantor’s work on infinite series is discussed in The Infinite Book. Abstract mathematical infinities seem to arise as abstract representational phenomena.

If one has a barrel of soup and subtracts no real quantity from it, that might be done and infinite number of times; one divided by zero equals infinity.

If one has a circle with ordinal measuring unit spacing on it such as whole even numbers one can insert and infinitely smaller ordinal series of numbers within it infinitely.

It is possible to insert an infinite number of differently ordered infinite series within any given infinite series or finite series or segment with differently ordered series.

Cantor’s transfinite series may be a way of representing the theoretical capacity of infinity to contain an infinite number of dissimilar, variegated ordered mathematical series representing infinity. That is something like saying that in an infinite barrel of soup there is an infinite number of ways of increasing the size of the bowls of soup served from it in unlimited quantities. Representing those bowls and serving size and numbers in structured and infinite series would be a phenomenal activity never completed if one wanted to describe every possible size combination of bowl, spoon and serving size and number issued.

If there is a finite barrel of soup the kind of infinity that can be made to describe potential servings of soup is limited however. I am not sure if the real barrel of soup could be represented by the Surreal Numbers of John Conway. I am not sure that any numbering system for infinite series could not itself be permutated infinitely. 1 could become 1A, 2 could become 2A and so on. Logicians differentiate symbols occasionally with a ‘representation (prime); 1’ and 1’’ could be the start of infinite series of representing real substances like soup.

So if one wants to subdivide the serving size of an infinite barrel of soup infinitely obviously one could with forever smaller portions. Making a Mandelbrot fractalization landscape formula representing infinitely decreasing quantum bowls of soup-perhaps shrinking down to a smaller quantum representational level as each soup bowl field is consumed might be one way of making a finite algorithm representing infinite reduction.
The use of a Mandelbrot fractal sequence as a way to model the expansion or contraction of a given form of order of structure consistently at various magnitudes obviously can suggest to some philosophical thought a potential for representing quantum mechanical structures immersed in various environments that would cause the usual model assembly to change its formations quantitatively and perhaps model it’s new characteristics as particle/waves and forces of the Universe.

The point is that one may make infinite series only in one direction-the direction of reduction, when one must confine infinities to a real barrel of soup or other finite substance.

Whole numbers, even and odd numbers, countable infinities and non-countable infinities made from real numbers; these seem to be no more than detached from real substance potential series of representation.
W.V.O. Quine’s book Elements of Logic described how to build a system of logic. Number systems seem to be sets for representing relations to real substances. Newton’s law of gravity falling off at the square root of the distance between objects seems representative of the most simple fundamental association of mathematical representation to real substance; planets etc.

Mathematics in this Universe seems to have a requirement that it conform to the being and nothingness relationships of substances of matter. It is perhaps possible to imagine a universe where the pluralism of objects of this universe and its logical, original monistic unified field were represented with a different way of being…

Perhaps the spin values of quantum particles or of quantum effects providing not obvious or consistent arithmetic assumptions in appearance and combination might be given. The way the universe at the observable level ordinarily is though, if one substance is divided in portions then numbers that represent its quantitative features must conform to meaning indicating the new number of portions.

Any arbitrary numerical series of representation could have any sort of size r dimension infinitely and would work to represent portions of the soup so long as its existential parameters coincided with the actual quantitative characteristics of the barrel of soup for instance. The series of numbers might be letters or other symbols with structured quantitative value-even with extra dimensions as subscripts within every bowl.

That’s all I had to write about infinite series and numbers here; they seem to be potential infinities rather than necessarily corresponding to real substance; potential descriptions of meanings.

J.D. Barrow’s ‘The Book of Nothing’ mentions that ‘bindu’ was an ancient Sanskrit word for nothingness as a point. I guess that sort of point is something equivalent to the notion of a tiny micro-loop or string as a fundamental quantum foundation for mass.

Of course the Brahmin of The Indus Civilization had the idea of a monistic creator issuing the Universe in various kalpas of 50 billion years or so perhaps from an infinitely small zero state in nothing before inflating another cycle of existence. In the Book of Jeremiah God says that everyone knows Him and just develops intentional forgetfulness (perhaps because of the fallen nature of mankind)-so this kind of speculation is actually good enough. Numbering and quantifying nearly infinitely small loops or strings that exist potentially or actually as some sort of a unified, monistic state of being in an apparent pluralism for forms isn’t a simple matter mathematically. It is good that scientists are working on the association of transfinite infinities in representational mathematical systems with the real world of the Universe at physics research facilities as time moves on.


Mammusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God/6 Days of Creation

The first translation of the Bible into the Massachusetts language (Natick-Algonquin) in 1661 enabled pre-Columbian ancestry Americans of New England to have an idea of the creation of the Universe by God that not even English speaking Americans would have for several hundred years when Einstein's General and Special Theories would provide theoretical physics parameters of space-time cosmology for an expanding universe.

Yes, in the first six days of the history of the Universe all things that were to be were begun. Besides, as God is infinite He could view all temporal, finite segments as already past.

As mass becomes infinitely compacted as in singularities and black holes time seems to slow down for outside observers. The opposite holds though-as in the Twins Paradox time speeds up for the insiders. What seems a day to those near the singularity might seem a thousand years to those far outside. For those in the singularity time effectively stops-itself a paradox from our human perspective.

The speed of light photons at 186,000 miles per second is regarded as the maximum possible speed of anything in the material universe. Photons have no mass size and ere emergent characteristics of an electro-magnetic field in space-time perhaps. If one were able to travel much faster than light-even infinitely faster, it would be possible to watch time unfold or travel from ahead of it. It is a contemporary cosological speculation that the universe actually experienced a faster-than-light inflationary period within the first second of its existence. It is believed possible because the laws of the physical universe were not quite yet firmed up with nothing to hinder a sudden burst of high-energy expansion of space-time.

Black holes and gravitational singularities may or may not exist, yet for an infinite Creator it is quite reasonable that he created the world in just six days. He might in fact have created this and all possible universes in infinite numbers to complete fulfillment in that six days and viewed them from the seventh day of rest in a transfinite post-temporality not described in detail in Genesis.

The Three Temptations of Christ

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."

I hadn't given much thought about the archetypal nature of the three temptations the devil presented to Christ. I enjoyed reading Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov too. Pelakin points out in 'Whose Bible Is It' that Dostoyevsky said of the temptations that "the whole subsequent history of mankind is, as it were, brought together into one whole, and foretold, and in them are united all the unsolved historical contradictions of human nature".

The three temptations are about food, health and political power. Maybe those sum up the necessary challenges of life that are forced options and presented to every human being.

The devil challenges Jesus to turn stones into bread, to jump from the top of the Temple and let God protect him as if he was in The Matrix, and finally says to Jesus that he will give him ruling power over all the world if he will just worship the devil.

Perhaps sex temptations are a synthetic combination of food and health drives. Its not so difficult to understand why eukaryotic life forms have such individual and collective interaction conflicts with simple explainable foundation.

Such challenges by natural gas extractors to state governments and universities may exist already. Some future governor of Alaska may look at the north Slope gas and say 'il n'y a plus!' and plea for pervasive fracking (chtonic geo-crazing).

Fracting shale formations containing natural gas after the primary gas reserves are depleted may bring Alaska's arctic slope to evolve thousands of drill holes through the permafrost and seafloor and countless millions of gallons of toxic water to surface over time.

Economic concatenations of eukaryotic life form stimulus-response quests for energy in less than optimally intelligent ways may bring future fracking to Cook Inlet.

Jesus answers the challenge of the devil's temptations with scriptural quotes reiterating reliance upon God. The ongoing Logos actualizing the world and Universe draws the rational soul to the spirit of reason. Temptations of the Devil invariably miss the mark of the good.

Americans are challenged by food and health issues-medical care is costly, and they are perennially challenged by issues of political allegiances relating to economic opportunity. In effect they are encouraged to trade their soul(s) for political inclusion required for temporal economic prosperity.

Listening to a report on the environmentally risky process of fracting shale formations to produce natural gas in Pennsylvania I was reminded a little of the story of the devil being imprisoned a thousand years in the pit....

If a day to God equals a thousand years then a thousand years might represent 365 million human-earth years-about the time that gas was being formed in those ancient sediments to be sequestered from mankind until the present. What ancient bacteria and odd life forms or viruses might be released through the emergence of millions of gallons of contaminated waters injected deep underground to increase pressure on the gas fomenting explosive flatulence trickling up to the surface of the Earth through the pipelines from the pit?

There are a variety of better ways for human culture to radically alter its methods of designing and zoning homes, insulating and heating and cooling capture without relying on wasteful fossil fuel procedures. It isn't simply a choice between communist regulatory totalitarianism and man-in-the-wilderness libertarianism that urban corporations struggle in as modern Daniel Boones of business.

It is possible for human culture to develop a rational economic order that can be revised and updated to meet environmental challenges within a democratic context-even if the present government budget and debt ceiling negotiations and U.S. transportation and energy policies make it appear improbable.

It is written that what is loosed on Earth will be loosed in heaven (if one is saved/healthy that is). It is also written that in an infinite universe anything that has a zero probability of not occurring will occur an infinite number of times.

When Jesus replies to the Tempter with answers professing right relationship with God, humanity is afforded an example of pursuit of a spiritual, sentient way of living amidst environmental challenges rather than replying with unreflective, rash submission to domination by material vicissitudes and/or sensory stimulus response loops through least creative intellectual effort.

With that example Isaac Newton was spiritually minded and pursued knowledge and rational empirical inquiry with reason rather than just replying with a plant-like sensual water-light turn in human cultural questions, (He was the British Chancellor of the Exchequer too), empirical challenges and unknowns.

Brilliant business minds working for good overall culture may find cheaper, cleaner heating, cooling and transport methods in the U.S.A. Government leaders may discover the enlightening national interest of ecospheric economic efficiency and turn toward spiritual cultural reconstruction.

Medical care for the poor in the U.S.A. provided free at government clinics and hospitals might have kept down overall health costs. So long as the middle class and the upper class could afford the world's best medical services the working poor and unemployed poor often had inadequate medical provisioning. In recent time the rising costs of medical services and downward mobility of the American middle class the past 40 years stimulated passage of a hare-brained public health insurance bill in which the elites traded the privacy souls of Americans to global corporations in return for mandatory health insurance payments from all Americans to the global rich concentrating worldly wealth.

Power, health and food remain the perennial challenges tempting to mankind. That cornucopia of temptation adversely affects social intellect, creativity, faith and moral capacity to innovate a free and ecologically rational culture with economic security for all.

Casting out foul spirits to Cure Disease & Balance Federal Budget

Foul spirits and devils could be a cause of Congressional budgeting incompetence-maybe some foul spirits and devils in high places just don't want to eliminate the federal debt, reduce unemployment and grow a green economy. There are several instances in the Bible wherein a devil or foul spirit is credited with being the cause of a human disease.

I wanted to write a small counterfactual reply to some of the know-it-all mockers of demonic etiology of human caused illnesses who view that as having a zero probability of being a valid explanation.

We might use the Matrix criterion as an example of disease causality from unnatural sources. In the program simulation of a world reality that was the Matrix, everything existing was caused by a computer program. It would be reasonable to say that writers of computer program viruses are veritable foul spirits. Though people living in the simulation might be able to use in-context natural medical cures for illnesses, the true source of all illnesses experienced by residents of the Matrix are devilish computer programmer viruses and malwear of a different world order.

Simulations of universes by civilizations with advanced intelligence are something of a common speculation of modern cosmology. If humanity doesn't destroy its environment on Earth before learning to build ecospheres on barren worlds; if human civilization advances over millennia to learn the deeper structure of cosmological physics so far as to be able to design and generate universes itself-the Universes it makes would probably be those with an anthropic principle of friendliness for living beings.

Over time perhaps an infinite number of life-friendly universes might be designed. Yet with advanced design intelligence there arises the possibility that malefactors of the future could create illness and evils for residents of those universes (perhaps illegally) that only prayer to the creators of the Universe might fix in the absence of technical skill. In fact the Universe might be designed to subtly respond with affirmative action to prayer as a positive s/r feedback for sentient thought.

Some diseases caused by supernatural devils from other universes or of the future as programmers of simulated universes or as time and space modifiers of artificially generated universes might be locally remedied with natural in-context cures, and others might be repaired only with a plea to the Creator.

Obviously it may well be that there are no additional Universes. Jesus Christ as God recognized that foul spirit might coincide with disease. Might cause programming malfunctions to The Father's Universe be introduced by spiritual malwear?

Alternatively, The Lord might have found using common terminology was simpler than explaining biological concepts beyond the ken of people of that era.

In Mark 14 Jesus mentions that he does not himself know when he shall return-only The Father knows that. Even today we cannot be certain when the age of the nations will be fulfilled and The Lord will return. We should live as if it were to be today.

Mar 14:32 "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, not the angels which are in heaven, neither The Son, but the Father."

33:" Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."

34:" For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch."

35: "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock crowing, or in the morning:
36:"Lest suddenly coming he find you sleeping.
37:"And what I say unto you, I say unto all. Watch."

If there are infinite alternative universes it does not mean that Jesus Christ has to appear and be crucified in each of those Universes either- The decision of God to send the Son of God into a Universe to save the lost and wayward is unique. The Son of God is non-contingent being; he need not appear as a phenomenal issue in every universe (even His virgin conception indicates a miraculous intervention into the natural order of this Universe) and is not subject to the odds of universal natural selection from the promulgation of an infinite number of universes with all things with a non-zero probability of occurring being actualized in every possible form in an infinite number of universes.

Devils as malefactious computer programmers, as toxic waste emitters, as designers of global warming and unnecessary hot weather heat injury, as tax cutters under-funding health care for the poor, as extra-dimensional designers of lepton and muon structural entanglement interpolating human biological malfunction; there are a billion ways that intentional design of sickness might be added to human beings by what l spirits and Devils to Cure appear to human beings to be supernatural causes.

Some of those appearances might actually be caused by metaphysical malwear devil design while others might be designed naturally for reasons requiring additional theological clarification for those interested, as well as the usual medical procedures that are affordable.


Insider Hedge Fund Dollar Bets on Debt Ceiling Negotiation Horse Race?

Insider Hedge Fund Dollar Bets on Debt Ceiling Negotiation Horse Race?

It is easy to imagine that the rise or fall of the value of the dollar, hedge fund bets on it besides credit default swaps and sundry ten dimensional financial trading instruments could be the present Wall Street illuminati wave of public trust trimming that some Republicans could be making a killing on by letting the federal government default on its debt August 2nd 2011.

Unfortunately it seems to financially unsophisticated observers that the Wall Street Banking, Investment, Risk Arbitrage and currency speculators with Republican support may be toying once again with exotic trading products for windfall profit to their immediate financial gain without regard for the economic loss of the nation.

The Hungarian-Jewish-American legendary currency hedge fund short seller George Soros famously made a fortune betting on the value of the British pound and was credited with costing that government loads of cash. Perhaps President Obama might get expert advice from Mr. Soros on what to look for on Wall Street’s present betting in order to trace possible connections to Republican political inside traders short selling the U.S.A.

Raising taxes on Wall Street’s rich would be one realistic way to capture some investment for development of new, transformative ecologically rational transportation and housing businesses in the U.S.A. rather than far beyond the borders. Republican House and Senate leaders are positioned like inside trading partners heavily invested in global trading funds and corporations with full knowledge of their own plans to devalue the dollar unilaterally by letting the government negotiations on raising the debt ceiling fail.

In failing to raise taxes on the rich and on Wall Street, and in failing to cut pork barrel and bad federal projects in their districts Congressional Republicans know they have a President weak at economic negotiations and comprehension of Wall Street’s affect on the nation’s economy the past 40 years. They also have confidence that Chief Justice Roberts will without exception throw court decisions in the directions of his investments on The Street when simultaneous processing of cases of international investments are in the balance..

The spirit of Ted Stevens at appropriations lives on in Sen. McConnell and Speaker Boehner.

If Greece was not using the Euro instead of the Drachma these days hedge fund manager would be placing their billions on that currency during Greece’s present budget troubles. It is said that the U.S.A. isn’t Greece-that the U.S.A. isn’t really broke; however the U.S. dollar does stand alone and is thus a good currency to bet on and to win billions or even a trillion or two should the dollar’s value plummet on a definite schedule known by insiders.


Presidential Hopeful Farley Huddsagger Interview on Playtwit

Playtwit Announcer Lunk Fish; "Moderated, filtered archetypal questions selected from millions and millions served have been quantified and optimized with FDA approved high fructose filler, modified corn starch and reduced trans-fatty free speech. Playtwit News moderator Connie Twarp will channel the best questions with state-of-the-art empathy feedback sensory awareness presentation."

Connie Twarp
; Mr. Huddsagger; thank you for being with the nation today on Playtwit. Loyals around the globe are ready for smokin hot twits to their tough political, emoted bestions.

Reply Farley Huddsagger; Yeah-sure Connie, make my day.

Question One; If a demon sends all the good jobs to foreign nation with cheaper wages and brings their cheap goods to the U.S.A. will that violate the conservation of energy economic laws?

Reply; No Connie it dwill not. Disorganizing entropy is a feature of transverse global capitalism. The constitution of formerly democratic societies will diminish with reverse osmosis of oligarchic ideas allocated as resources of pearls to swine.

Question Two; Will America's foreign wars end before the election in 2016?

Reply; This is a difficult question to answer. I do not wish to bias the results for my successor. The defense of Homeland Security never ends until collateralized short selling of future debt obligations and transfinite investment integers indicate a downturn in probable profit taking. Global distribution of capital plant investments and contract supply subsidiaries make futures cultural speculation difficult to predict with certainty. Stabilization for concentrating wealth processes may require patience and a few more decades to complete.

Question Three; Is there hope for tomorrow?

Reply; America can be better as a sunset power providing August illumination for the waxing powers of the second world that will be my new cheap factory labor. Americans can hope to be bumped by cheap illegal immigrant workers, quality jobs sent abroad and also experience an ecosphere in decline in order that wealth may be concentrated. The elite political class will have more global influence in the new era where labor and democratic political thought is broken. That Broke Back Mountain policy of my Pentagon, the Administration makes it simpler for the ingression of the slimification of Amerian youth. An educational process inculcating ever declining, morphing, degrading ideas of liberty and quality of life is the hope for the future. Eventually I hope to rename the District of Columbia 'Clowntown'.

Question Four; Founding liberal revolutionaries fought to free Amerians from oligharchic conservatives. Today leftists and conservatives alike seek to overthrow american nationalism in favor of globalism and the concentration of wealth and power; why is that?

Reply; Americans always wuz a lot of dumb buzzards. After the cold war against commmunist totalitarianism ended they never hit the reset button to defend against oligharchy and concentration of wealth from the right again.

Question Five- Do you think the Internet can be leveraged into ownership by concentrated wealth in this generation?


Thank you Mr. Huddsagger.

Dimensions; In Space or in Mass?

This is again just a philosophical note. Where dimensions exist-in empty space or within mass and energy is the subject.

For now my opinion is that dimensions exist within mass/energy in some way rather than in empty space.

There was or is a perennial philosophical question about where the center of space is. If space exists infinitely in all directions then every place is effectively the center. Yet there is another more modern opinion that space and time expand together from a very small compact point or possibly a larger membrane. In this sort of criterion space-time and its mass energy are a kind of substance that expand as a unified field into the pre-existing empty volume of space.

Thus there is space-time type X and empty space without time type Y. Spaces X and Y are different.

Modern cosmological theories consider space-time X and nearly entirely disregard empty space type Y, except that some theorists regard type Y as a perturbative vacuum in which virtual particles emergence and sometimes collective together under a primitive kind of gravity to form a singularity and then an expansive space-time universe of type X in a region of empty space type Y.

M-theory (Mystery string theory) has perhaps an infinite number of versions that might be able to describe the particular configurations of laws and force structures that comprise a Type X space-time inflationary universe. A popular theory has a ten dimensional bubble universe with three large dimensions and six small ones.

It is thought by some theorists that the number of dimensions of a Type X space-time and the configurations of the dimensions with varying numbers of large and small dimensions is effectively unlimited. If the number of dimensions of a Type X space-time inflationary bubble universe is variable and the Type Y empty space a dimensionless volume that receives the Type X space-time mass energy and dimensions it seems reasonable to assume that the quality of dimensions manifested to human observers must be an implicit characteristic of the mass-energy of space-time Type X.

One can talk about space-time as a real empty thing, yet it seems rather to be a relation amidst mass-energy. For instance the present distribution of average atoms in the space-time of the observable universe is just one atom per cubic meter (seven atoms per cubic meter is said to be the omega-big crunch level).

The spacing of atoms is not unlike the spacing of quanta at all levels in space-time, and so it is possible that the dimensions are behavorial characteristics of mass-energy as well as of their formation at various levels of comparative energy or power instead of in the empty space volume that hosts the expanding space-time Type X local universe.

You might think that I have recombined the spaces of Type X and Type Y here by using empty space Y to fill in the gaps between mass of Type X. Einstein's general theory makes that necessary because space is regarded as a malleable thing curved by gravity (at least for us non-scientists).

If dimensions are located within mass and form the simultaneous behavior of mass quanta in 3 large and six small dimensions-with only very small particles or waves formed in very small dimensions and only larger things like atoms and planets existing in three larger dimensions, and if the empty space just fills in the gaps or spacing of mass-energy flowing through appropriate dimensions then space does not need to curve or be anything besides completely empty.

If space is really absolutely nothing and mass-energy and its dimensions extrude into that nothing quantum uncertainty capable of letting some mass energy journey across the smallest dimensions or sub-dimensions of small dimensions would seem easier to account for. Quantum entanglement or faster than light conveyance of spin information of entangled particles is a result of waves at a similar sub-dimensional level emerge from an entangled state into a state in larger dimensions in the same condition.

In the larger dimensions they may be far apart, in the sub-dimensions they merely needed to journey across the nothing of Type Y space. With dimensions existing in mass-energy instead of a Type X space, the appearance of the curvature of space in a gravitational field can be considered explained better by describing the attraction of mass-energy in three dimensions as a phenomena derived from the quantum status of mass in the sub-dimensional protocol.

There are numerous ways of regarding the phenomenon of gravity in three dimensions in the criterion of dimensions existing in mass instead of in space. The same empty space of an eternal inflationary universe of Type X bubbles is supposed to host an infinitely variable number of dimensions. It seems more reasonable to suppose that Type Y empty space as nothingness can host an infinite number of dimensions of mass without changing its own character at all than to believe that Type Y empty space would itself change an infinite number of times locally as Type X inflationary space-time warps it into hyper dimensional pretzels.

It isn't known to most non-scientists that a 3 dimensional space is uniquely suitable for the formation and existence of mass that orbits such as that of atoms, planets and galaxies. One of Einstein's friends and teachers developed that idea.

With four or more large dimensions it would be not be possible to form the elements, with two dimensions they would never get off the surface of a sheet of paper-with extra smaller dimensions supporting three larger ones it seems to be o.k. for a Universe with mass in it such as this one.

It seems easier to believe that complex dimensions of mass in space-time Type X grow from a zero-dimensional empty-space of Type Y then that Type Y empty space has some sort of fixed, inflexible dimensional number within it. Type Y empty space probably hasn't got energy in it-not even virtual particles except as they intrude or remain from some non Type Y empty space source.

Rather than accepting the foggy notion that Type Y empty space generates virtual particle energy that is drawn together to form dimensional aggregations of mass-energy it is easier to believe that dimensional strings or one-dimensional energy monads from an unknown origin existing in Type Y empty space in unknown quantity (possibly infinite and dispersed across infinite Type Y empty space) are the source for more complex dimensional structures of mass-energy.

It is the origin, appearance and distribution of virtual particles in Type Y empty space that is of interest. One immediately resumes the sort of philosophical speculations that have been recorded since the pre-Socratic philosophers about volume of space, content of mass in space, and distibution of mass and space as finite and/or infinite.

In dimensionless empty space an influx of infinite one dimensional waves from God might stock Type Y empty space with infinite mass/energy potential. I guess that would be like a cosmological virgin birth hypothesis of mass-energy.

Would the wave oscillate unbound through 3 dimensions generating them as it goes around like an infinite circular irrigation sprinkler in a field?

There are a variety of conjectures possible regarding existentially transcendent energy interpolated into a zero-dimensional Type Y no-dimensional empty space capable of hosting infinite numbers of dimensions locally in concatenations added to infinite Type Y empty space.


The Eternal Recurrence in Cosmology

The Eternal Recurrence in Cosmology

J.D. Barrow writes in 'The Infinite Book' of the cosmological problem of the eternal recurrence. I have written about that perception of Nietzche before as have countless others. So here I learned something more on the topic from Barrow helpfully shedding light on the philosophical problem from a mathematical-physics basis in his book within a chapter named 'The Infinite Replication Paradox'.

I will write a few comments on the logic of infinite universes and permutations of life.

Barrow notes several historically important individuals that were scientists or philosophers that have contemplated the idea that if the Universe is infinite then anything that has a non-zero probability of occurring should recur infinitely in various permutations. Some have also argued that Christ would therefore need to be crucified infinitely in all of these permutations. Of course they fail to recognize the supervening nature of God as Jesus Christ in such a case (fully God and fully an simultaneously) and place Jesus within an Aryan heresy sort of context of a contingent nature...Jesus could appear just once, or wherever needed as God prefers.

Even the logic of an infinite universe having a necessity of producing an infinite variety of variations of all possible forms of life an infinite number of times is not compellingly convincing. God may decree it not to be so, yet even on a purely phenomenal, non-theistic basis just one Universe or being might logically negate the existence of all the others with an infinite replication of negation. An infinite universe might not have the capacity to have contradiction of transcendent scale within it universally. For instance, a universally blue universe could not simultaneously be a universally red universe of infinite size.

We might like to believe that one infinite universe of a monistic composition would not concurrently permit the existence of a different concurrent universe.

A universe infinite in time and monistic in character temporally would perhaps not produce randomly generated universal constitutions, but recurrent simple loop patterns as might one find in fractals, or quantum constructions as of electrons, quarks, strings or membranes.

The temporal extension of space and mass from finite local sources (even if from a pre-expansion membrane or field as Gasperini and Turok have described) may induce speculation that infinite varieties of universe generations replicating all possible variety of forms of being is an actualization of statistical probability provided that an infinite field fruitful for the infinite production of universes locally exists with standard, conformable rules permitting the infinite spatio and temporal issue of permutations of all possible forms of universal emanation. While such a universal standard macro-field support for the issuance of an infinite number and variety of universes may have a non-zero probability of being so, that probability also has a non-zero probability of encountering no other interfering boundary conditions that would apply to infinity-especially if and when intelligent life exists anywhere.

Certainly Satan has legendarily sought to hijack the Universe and all its possible forms from God. That contradiction of existence is a symbol of an infinite profusion of logical contradictions to the promulgation of an infinite number of universes being issued in a perfectly varied number and variety of forms.

It is also possible that the infinite universe is something like a container in which the will of God may actualize. It may have a consistent monistic appearance for one eon, and an infinite number of bubble universes in it the next.

It is not logically necessary that God be subject to the physical laws of the contingent created universes nor of a non-contingent field generating the content of universes. One may actually find a theological speculation I suppose about sentience, locality and the Universe that allows the creation of whatever it is that God wants to exist without use of implicit or evident finite spatio-temporal connectors to the Creator. The transfinite infinities of Cantor as examples can lead the way to infinities qualitatively transcended by other than spatio-temporal processes. If a new DVD is dropped in to the universe's infinity is that a bad thing?

Space; The Final Frontier

Can something that is finite ever become infinite? If finite mass was dropped into pre-existing infinite space could it potentially increase in area to occupy all of the infinite space? Might time originating at one moment become infinite and occupy all of time without travelling into the past before its own creation?

Reading 'The Infinite Book' can set one's cosmological ideas increasing over time-it's conceptual tools allow one to place what one has read of popular scientific cosmology into refreshed theoretical parameters. If an expanding universe is just a local bubble within a contracting metaverse or not we might be aware that empirical observations will likely tend to return local (the observable universe) results generating a basis for speculation about the infinity beyond.

The finite or the infinite frontier-Is there a finite or infinite number of? If the Universe expanded entirely from an initial small point and expanded into the visible universe 13.7 billion years ago then scientists can calculate calculate the amount of material that is in it, and it is probably a finite amount otherwise it ought to collapse under the influence of gravity.

Ideas about various topics of popular cosmology today; beyond that infinite amount of matter what exists-an infinity of nothingness(?)
are interesting to pursue.

A universe of infinite space with just a small, finite amount of mass in it that will spend its energy and fly off into an infinity of awaiting empty space. Bubbles of universes in infinite quantity filling infinite space lead one to wonder why any space should ever be empty, if the finite could ever increase to become the infinite, if time could ever be finite in one direction and infinite in another. Ideas exist that provide models for configurations of matter as finite or infinite and space as finite or infinite and of space as something besides plain nothing with each being in finite or infinite quantity can be generated in infinite numbers not unlike the transfinite sets of infinities of Georg Cantor.

What if this is a bubble universe with finite mass amidst an infinite quantity of other bubble universes with finite mass going on infinitely? Why is mass finite in all or even some of those bubble universes?

In on overall empty space one might guess that there should be some sort of formula describing the maximum quantity of infinite mass that can exist in proportion to infinite space without making all that distributed infinite mass collapse under gravity or some other force into an infinitely small singularity. In fact it is difficult to imagine some such perfect distribution of mass that could be temporally stable in an infinite configuration.

It is also natural to have a bias that the infinitely small concentration of mass would have a better logical situation than a finite quantity of mass distributed through space at an infinite distance apart. What forces could make for the perfect and equal spacing of all individual particle waves of matter at an infinite distance from other particle waves? Maybe the obvious answer is that infinite time and spacing of wave-particles would average everything out.

It seems that an infinite space with finite lived stars and mass aggregations would forever be depleting its aggregations of mass and ending up with virtually nothing over time. If mass is infinite one might think that it should occupy all space with infinite weight and density at all locations of the infinite space volume extending infinitely. With mass having a different, implicit quantum field dynamic of instability and temporality that would make it draw together or apart as an infinite spatially distributed fact coexistent with the infinity of space it is more challenging to imagine mass as a kind of emerald ocean that does not change and exists like a stable crystal lattice occupying all points of space without change eternally such that conjecture about mass occupying all of infinite space might be satisfied without the problems of bonding forces, string theory and so forth.

An infinite space filled with an infinite amount of matter might not need to have the infinite quantity of matter occupy the infinite space if the matter can change it's density distribution infinitely from the very small to infinitely apportioned. Yet even if mass by be inflated with an infinite velocity to occupy infinite space it is difficult to imagine that infinite mass once compacted to the infinitely small could ever again occupy all of infinite space even if accelerating with infinite speed. It is a little like thinking about Zeno's Eleatic paradoxes of the tortoise and the rabbit running at infinite speeds over infinite distances in increasing quantitative strides rather than the usual parameters of decrease.

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