
Inflatable Space Module the Start of Something Big

When the Bigelow inflatable space model went up on the second try at the Space Station it proved an important derivative point; inflatable building forms-for example a sphere, could be used in zero gravity or on Mars and spray coated or rolled with a permanent adhesive substance. Building thousands of empty space spheres for various living purposes easily and at low cost requires the invention or application of the right materials for zero-G, Mars and the Moon.

Inventors and governments cannot always have classified insider documents go to currency speculators via blackberry and guarantee booming financial success. Even when a Yoda-breaking-bad to the dark side of the force doesn’t work to finance pioneering exploration work investors periodically appear to fill in the gaps.

The inflatable Bigelow inflatable module showed it works outside the Washington D.C. beltway in the micro-gravity field. One would like to see inflatable building forms develop with field testing on the moon, Mars and at the Space Station. Making the special strong-lightweight coating that can be applied at near absolute zero and yet will harden to make a strong-permanent building shell should be something easy of materials physicists today.

I have read somewhere that aluminum naturally welds itself in micro-gravity. Maybe ground ground up aluminum dust coatings have potential as a building shell coating.

Inflatable forms could be scalable to very large sizes. Complete sphere could have exterior connectors to other spheres and even low-cost ion engines to speed them around the solar system as working, transport, freight, agriculture, research and habitation and storage modules by the hundreds of thousands.


How Energy & Tax Issues Differ in 2016 Election Cycle

Traditionally democrats and Republicans have had substantial differences in policy approaches to energy and taxation during Presidential election cycles since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. President carter's synthetic fuel plant at Parachute Colorado never went to far. The Federal Strategic Petroleum Reserve did however, and even now that oil in salt domes seems quaint. Fracking has crashed the value of oil per barrel and the price may stay low the next 20 years or longer if foreign nations commence large scale fracking too.

It is a paradox that U.S. energy companies may look toward the rival solar and wind power producers, that they have already begun to buy in to, as a way to help keep oil from dropping too far in sales price. If solar power becomes ubiquitous as building coatings, automobile finishes; even highway repaving material and roofing material, and if foreign oil developers begin large scale fracking, the motivation to increase American fracking may decrease and oil supplies may thus be slower to increase in volume available overall.

If demand for U.S. oil decreases while solar and wind power dramatically increase a careful maintenance of the value of oil may follow because of the decrease domestically for it. Large U.S, multinational oil corporations have vast quantities of foreign oil as well they can import in a few days with supertankers to moderate price. Because restricting supply increases demand and sales price generally if there is an existing demand for a product, just as restricting labor supply increases the value of labor if there is an existing demand for labor, limiting the increase of demand for oil and increasing the availability of solar and wind power that oil corporations invest in may make the best price moderation criterion for the multinationals and consumers alike.

Fundamentally there is little real difference in U.S. energy policy from Democrats or Republicans in 2016. No one likes coal of course except for the honest, honorable workers employed in that difficult industry. Demagogic appeals from either side have different values of course, yet retraining workers and capping the dirty business is the best realistic plan.

Energy policy of either party isn't too different, yet neither is tax policy. Democrats in the majority with a Democrat President made tax cuts for the rich permanent. Yet rhetorically the President gave crocodile tears about wishing to increase taxes on the rich-nearly and impossibility without a Democrat majority, and of course it was the Democrats to passed the tax bill in the first place, so that issue is as much bunk as the President Obama dropping into Hiroshima to make a legacy speech about getting rid of all nuclear weapons. Seven years into his administration is too late to muse about that. Informed people are aware that arms nuclear arms reduction requires serious and substantive talks and require several elements to be aligned.

A certain trust must be established among nations. President Obama has increased distrust of Russian leadership and President Putin has little reason to trust the U.S.A. after its Ukraine and Syria policies. President Obama led sanctions against not only Syria, but Russia too and has done much economic harm.

The President hasn't exactly made India and Pakistan more trusting of each other, and neither North Korea. It is also hard to imagine China getting rid of its nuclear arsenal. If anything they are likely to increase it.

It the President's tax are nuclear disarmament policies are a sham, so are the differences between the Republican and Democrat parties on energy and taxation. Environmental policy is important however neither party has the slightest ecospheric economic foundation too its economic approach. Each have non-renewable economic value principles are from my perspective are primitive. Democrats say much about supporting good environmental policy and actually make a very slight difference, while Republicans honestly say they don 't give rats ass about keeping wilderness or restoring it and stopping mass extinction. The bottom line is that the environment loses 99 to 0 with Republicans and 89 to 0 with Democrats in the game of human life on Earth

Get Job Training & Work for Euro-Bound Refugees

Providing job training for European bound cross-Mediterranean refugees in a secure North African enclave would be better than admitting them to Europe for eventual distribution into the body politic. Especially in the case of Libya and Syria the refugees may have been selected by Al Qaeda and ISIS as sleeper agents or support elements to attack Europe. At the least they would add a lot to crime and education costs for receptive European nations. Another problem is that they are generally Muslims; the more the arrive in Europe the greater is the problem of an antipathetic internal proletariat.

Africa and the Middle East have innumerable problems that might be partly alleviated with a new source of well-trained teachers and advisors to build electrical, water extraction and health facilities etc. A veritable alternative peace corps comprised of refugees signed into a 3 to 6 month training program with three years of paid employment in select African and Middle Eastern countries with substantial social survival and standard of living issues that is paid for by European nations would probably cost less in several respects than disregarding African issues and flooding Europe with refugees that European security forces would actually have a fairly difficult time in vetting-Muslims might at any rate change their minds later when approached by actual mufsidoonists.

A special refugee enclave and job training center built in Africa with full European support could collect refugees and educate them in valuable skills programs with a modest stipend to enable them to live and work. African nations would benefit with the input from the former refugees. A three year program might be adequate to allow refugees to return to a home nation where problems have been resolved. Of course since President Obama and European leaders deposed the Khaddafi regime intentionally and created the ISIS-Al Qaeda problem in Libya, they may not expect that Libya can be stabilized in another three years. Perhaps a re-enlistment to serve a total of six years would be possible.

A functioning put-the-refugees-to human work with education and support is a realistic approach to solving the recurrent problem. The refugees would need to actually be from a nation with real civil war and chaos sorts of issues created commonly by interfering western leaders, yet even locally caused strife probably would be sufficient to get those admitted to a refugee training enclave.

Quite likely their should be a number of refugee training enclave built around the globe to better process people fleeing war, government and media persecution etc. Even Mexicans fleeing Mexican poverty and war illegally entering the U.S.A. might benefit from a catch and release job training program while ordinary criminals go to jail. Perhaps most of the illegal aliens are unskilled in labor and need to become electricians, water treatment specialists, medics, computer repairmen, solar panel installers etc. If the United States trained them and paid them one dollar and hour to remain in Mexico (or some sort of local minimum wage equivalent), they might actually remain in Mexico and do some good saving the taxpayers of the states. money and letting wages rise.


The Fate of Mud, Bugs and Man (poem)

The bug as vexatious tyranny of intent
complex evolving composition acting for-itself
flying in leaps for plant designs
of rain-born forms stretching toward the sun

Leaves waver in a breeze pushed by clouds
swirling thoughtlessly gathering strength
growing ample numbers tornadoes won't disturb
scattering flowers with seed forward in time

Where the field of starlight, dry lines distant
living terms breathing for-themselves
transferring continua of actualized genes
forms with decisive ideas

The fate of mud is of all things concerned
with compact shedding structure dissolving
to entropy's average shape
of an unshaped soundless medium

The potter works
purity of purpose
vessels of wrath
assemblies of grace

To be and not to be with a million questions
remaining like a life of ideas finding new expressions
parallelism of Aristotelian successions
bugs and man each actualizing life

A realm of forms encased in life itself
contrasting with a realm of forms of ideas
flowing in temporal beingness
space-time actualizing all-too-human uncertainty

With the end of speculation
a cosmic microwave cloud of beginning
c.m.b. pattern to Earth,
distant and remote in time

Metaphysic of forms of ideas abstracting
shapes and logic of the for-itself
and the cloud of unknowing
flowing after the word to start

Uttered light into darkness
being and becoming
concentrates of ideas
actualized as thoughts of Spirit

In faith Jacob's ladder of transformation,
ideates a Platonic, temporal realm of forms
given themselves unto eternal spirit
leaving the mud for Jesus Christ.


Shouldn't Trump's Wall Be a 2000 Mile Solar Panel?

The Mexican border security wall should serve some synergetic goals such as energy and water making for the American S.W. and perhaps Mexico instead of being a dead, metal screen. Metal fencing is easy for politicians and contractors to think about and provide paychecks to a few, yet it isn't the more bang for the buck approach to governing.

It might be possible to sell space to erect a solar panel coated barrier to corporations that could share in the profit from selling electricity to utilities. A vast solar panel could also power electric cars that would drive patrols along the berm and maybe canal for desalinating saltwater through evaporation and condensation. Saltwater would be pumped from the Pacific Ocean to Deming New Mexico to fill the canal with locks that would actually be used for recreation with lagoons in some areas too.

Sen. Lankford's Points About Pres. Obama Rerouting Zika Funds to U.N./Global Warming

Oklahoma Senator Lankford wrote an interesting article about President Obama steering a half billion dollars away from fighting Zika to other priorities....especially to a global green climate U.N. initiative. The latter is a worthwhile project when cars, oil, urban sprawl and poor zoning in regard to human habitation and the ecosphere (it hasn't changed paradigm much the past 2000 years).

http://dailysignal.com/2016/05/23/obama-raided-500m-for-zika-to-finance-uns-green-climate-fund/ Not a significant percent of Americans can take the time to research contemporary issues in depth if lucky enough to have a good job. Lankford notes that the President already has billions of dollars to draw from to attack Zika.

 Public affairs take a hit as the public is uniformed or misinformed by the broadcast media.

When Evolution Arrived (a poem)

When evolution arrived at government
a million flowers of ideas bloomed
about wild eleatic forms
with accountability and responsibility
fractalized and forgotten like shadows in transit
glimmering deposits and currency frenzies
were pieces of mosaics gone tomorrow

Reason and logic; innate human characteristics, stopped
to feel sensations of evolving forms of experience
from the inside out arrayed with numbers
driving on in neat lines
with Cantor's trans-fine sets
thoughts of infinity replete with humility
seemed more shapes of being and becoming

Consciousness was an apparition for survival
giving enhanced adaptive character
intelligence sorting through material for-itself
wondering sometimes of its origin and universe
of experience taken to a scattering of electrons
from plasma, from a perfectly order singularity
dimensions thought to expand as energy's space

A Universe destiny like a gut object of art
its area of being with Occam's economy
taking no more than itself
the reason of mortals evolved to organic nullification
where waters fall like horizontal bands
striking notes of digital quanta clouds
as every dimension reaches an horizon

God was not in the lean stomach muscle
that a dead animal had before run down
crunching in a silver bumper a blue morning
saw the red blood and sunrise together
skinned remnants of reality
passed over through life
He was in the life of spirit

Greater than a living Universe
the sets of actualized destiny
packaged in one issue
malleable to the Word
weren't bureaucracies of theo-political establishment
tossing horseshoes at pegs,
tying dissidents to stakes



Congress Retards War on Zika Virus

Zika; Act Now or Pay Later (with vigorous interest)

The mosquito borne Zika virus seems to be one of those unavoidable environmental challenges that are best met with swift response rather than slow, lethargy politically speaking. It is also a problem that is regional rather than national. Mexico too will have the virus and it will be brought in over the border. There needs to be a master plan for containing and reducing the Zika virus at least in the Caribbean and Mexico in addition to the U.S.A. for like illegal alien immigrants, Zika has no respect for national borders.

Now and then a challenge arrives that political leaders need to meet directly than through the usual long, slow, drain and control methods of insiders. Zika is spreading and increasing its range 24/7 as the Congress is comfortably numb to that reality. Infected fetuses will have a lifetime of problems that like foreign wars with lots of casualties and psychological trauma cause vast expenses for life. The Zika virus and foreign wars are best nipped in the bub so far as possible by the frugal political leader. That means getting it done with adequate funding early rather than with a cheapo, shabby response. If Zika was the fruit of ISIS or Al Qaeda biological war would D.O.D. and Congress act as if they were already children of the virus?

The U.S. Congress may choose to posture and negotiate about the effect of funding a billion dollars on a medical prophylactic. If Ted Cruz were in the House he might filibusterer passage until it is paid for with money diverted from jobs for homeless people. All that waste of time politics is an unfortunate and detrimental to future human health exercise in myopic finance;p no one believes the Congress can pay off the national debt. That may be accomplished through breaking the nation up into five easy pieces someday in order to denounce the debt of the U.S. Government.

In the meantime it might be a good idea to discover some way to give a zero-interest loan of 3 billion dollars to a health bank that could mint five dollars for each buck it gets loaning out the money at exceedingly favorable terms to medical research and application firms and governments to combat Zika. probably the U.S. Government will need to finance western hemispheric Zika war if it is going to prevent a new generation of pin-head politicians from reaching being conceived. Perhaps money should be diverted from Defense Department spending. Alternatively the D.O.D. could be involved in biological war defense against natural evils too. Maybe however, the U.S. Government does not regard shrunken head syndrome as anything to fight about.


Ideas About Fingernail Computers

I was in a couple of stores when the the same salesman walked in to try to sell bags of makeup to ladies. Then I saw a woman with very sparkly nail polish and it made me think of fingernail computers.

If women could put on artificial nails that were computer chips perhaps solar powered or even with motion it might be they could do more with idle time besides drumming their fingers.

Probably someone has already created a thousand and one uses for fingernail chip computers, yet I will mention a few anyway.

With fingernail computers anything could act as a keyboard as impacts are transmitted maybe with bluetooth to a tablet where a keyboard transparency could be located to indicate what keys were struck. One would train they keyboard location to correspond to one's finger tap location-alphabet preferences.

It would also be possible to make a little notebook computer with a field that could detect finger motions in air and an airless mouse could be effected when the fingernail chip moves through the field in different locations.

It is probable that people would like MP3 players that are fingernail-chip size perhaps with some kind field transmitting to a speaker on a shoe or headphones.

With fingernail computers a video display screen could clip onto a baseball cap bill so if taking off the hat and setting it where it where it can be seen, with some sort of power pack clipped in, rather than plugged in so wires and jacks don't break so readily, a fair speed computing environment that is weather durable might be available for low cost.

Trump Isn't a 'Comfortably Numb' Bureaucrat

Americans are used to uncreative, neutered Presidents that don't get independent brain wave content or are career bureaucrats; cinched insiders without an energetic work ethic besides desk sitting. It isn't surprising that 70% of Americans believe Donald Trump hasn't the right temperament for President of the United States 


After the Slick Willie party Presidency followed by Dumbo and the Suck it, trans-genderist administrations the concept of an energetic, enterprising executive is foreign to the sedated electorate yearning to have an increased minimum wage and a new car. A President that seeks and establishes business and enterprise connections is a traditional governor President that plays a good round of golf, makes photo-ops with the media and Hollywood stars and generally does real political work martinets instruct him to or that were delegated to special interest committees. Trump may not be the ideal candidate yet he is a change from the usual.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrOQC-zEog Comfortably Numb


Virtually no Americans that are intelligent, well-educated ordinary people think of running for the office of President anymore. Frankly, this is the worst crop of candidates ever with Trump being the best of that lot. No one expects much of Presidents either as they are regarded as representing corrupting global and immoral interests of special interest agendas foreign to the ordinary citizens of the U.S.A. and their interests.

No PhD in economics with a military record that isn't a governor or career politician would get the support of Super Pacs or afford to jeopardize his or her own life with a foppish run at the White House. Trump really is the best available, the media have poisoned the political climate in the U.S.A. quite effectively.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...