
Russian WIdfires Worst in 10,000 Years

It would probably be a good idea to send some American firefighters to help extinguish all of those fires in Siberia. All of that extra CO2 released can't be good. Some believe the problem is global warming. Maybe U.S. led sanctions have forced Russia to cut back on the firefighting budget.

A day photo of smoe and a night photo of wildfires viewed from space show the extent of the problem. In the night iage (each from N.A.S.A.) that little lake inshore from the Sea of Okhoskt is the Zeya Reservoir.


Night image of Siberian fires (image credit N.A.S.A.)

Image credit N.A.S.A. Earth Observatory

Is Germany Ready to Send 100,000 Soldiers to Seoul?

Would Germany contribute 100,000 soldiers for a battle for North Korea? If NATO is to mean anything it needs to mean Germany will send 100,000 soldiers to fight with Americans to change the North Korean regime unifying the country.

Europeans invade Russia; not vice versa. NATO and their symps in the U.S. government want to lever Russia into the power of the most rich globalists. Russia has the most resoures as Neocons believed Iraq had the best oil supply when that commodity was tight. Republicans just put up new sanctions on Russia. They only attack states that are weak or not interested in offense.

North Korea is closing on on developing a hydrogen bomb and ICBM to hit a red state city, a blue state city, maybe Hawaii or Anchorage (or both) and possibly a European target such as Berlin. The difference between Kim Jong Un and Saddam Hussein is that the former isn't bluffing. And there are probably a lot of people willing to provide technical assistance to the NOrth Korean hydrogen bomb program gratis.

Previous U.S. administrations have avoided any sort of military pre-emptive strike on North Korean nuclear development sites because of pusillanimity and fear. Probably 'diplomacy' will prevail again and North Korea will go ahead and develop its weapons program though perhaps more quietly with Chinese encouragement. The value of letting someone nuke a large American and European city is obvious. It would realign the world economy favorably to Asia.

Prior administrations did not shirk facing up to the reality of weapons in the possession of enemies as have all U.S. administrations since the end of the cold war. One cannot be certain about what course to take, yet the administration probably should set a date a priori to quit diplomacy and vaporize whatever nuclear facilities and research sites they can.

In some respects the nuclear umbrella of the U.S.A. is seeming sorta ratty to nations in the orient like Japan that may not like to let. Korea eventually have several nuclear weapons pointed its way on intermediate range missiles. U.S. administrations seem o.k. with tolerating that and letting a few ICBMs be pointed in the general direction of the nation as well.

In the North Korean dictatorship just one guyfor whatever reason can decide to launch a nuclear attack regardless of the consequences. THe dictator is not a commune or politborough with a little more tendency to consult. U.S. leaders should not be too contentedly confident that Kim Un is another Leonid Breshnev or Mikhail Gorbachev.

A Comment About Public Debt and Government

Theoretically there are primarily three ways to respond to a vast and increasing public debt.

1) Cut services and spending
2) Increase taxes
3) Increase efficiency in services enabling spending reduction

The U.S. Government demonstrably likes none of those approaches.

Public responses to poor government may be apathetic or ineffective. With globalism and concentrating wealth the governing class of elected offcials easily have a two-worlds existence. Few are motivated by increasing government efficiency, innovating new approaches to create social well-being or even improve a general philosophy of government. Simply being there and enjoying the benefits personally seems to be the main thing.



Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska powered by EXPLORE.org

These bear wern't at work early this morning. Evidentally they sleep late, yet work late. Avoiding the heat of the day in the river is a win-win situation.

Alaskan Bear Killings and Intelligent Super-Organisms

Black bear attacks in Alaska are quite rare. They are not impossible, yet they are rare. Black bear are of a different genetic origin that brown bear and are far less agressive toward humans.

When I camped in the Juneau area for a few years, on Douglas Island across Gastineau channel I was visited by a black bear fairly regularly. A large black bear had a circuit I suppose looked for anything that smelled good to replace the lost access to fish from so many home going in over the years, within the range of bear.

I never had to do anything besides hit the tent door to send a black bear into paninicked flight. Once while camping north of Auk Bay I caughta tent with his nose in a bag of flour and the poor 250-300 pounder ran uphill (a steep hill) like a sprinter.

So I was surprised to read that a Douglas homeowner shot a larger black bear this year, of more than 300 pounds. Why shoot them? Kowee Creek (named for the deceased Tlingit Chief) next to the bridge has returning chum salmon that are rather too dangerous from cars buzzing about for bear to get to, though they may try. Living on skunk cabbage and blueberries and no fish for bear is forced poverty.

When two Alaskans were killed by black bear shortly after the killing of the large black bear on Douglas for some reason I wasn't too surprised. It seemed as if the black bear might have wanted humans to know to leave them alone to go about their business. Black bear aren't the dominant bear in Alaska. They have learned contriteness because of their need to defer on all territorial issues to the larger, fearsome brown bear or get knocked  about or killed. Yet black bear are not willing to be debearmanzed so far as to be erased. Maybe targeted human killings was a political statement.

THe interpretation of events may offer a range of possibilities. A wikipedia entry states that, "The anagogical is a method of symbolic interpretation of spiritual statements or events, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to the afterlife. Certain medieval theologians describe four methods of interpreting the Scriptures: literal/historical, allegorical, tropological (moral), and anagogical. Humanity ought to find ways other than killing to solve things when it can rather than using it as a first application of will.

Yes that all sounds  as spaced as aliens have made contact reporting. Look at the U.S> Senate and its ideas about health care for the rich that trasheds the poorest of the poor; the Senate could be possed by alen transmissions even now!

About the Theory of an Intelligent Super-Organism

Pierre Telhard De Chardin wrote of a layered life approach and of a noosphere. The cosmogenesis approach is interesting. Telhard was a World War One French Army officer who got so drunk on Armistice Day that he couldn't get the key into the lock on his door. He was also a priest and theologian. It is impressive that he could view stomachs hanging in trees and later write such interesting and optimistic philosophy.


James Lovelock and the Gaia hypothesis argued that the world ecosphere behaves like an intelligent organism. The complex feedback mechanisms of which there are a zillion act together. One can consider Elton's research on the way bare post-glacial era northern island became populated with vegetation and other, larger life as guano from seabirds and seabirds themselves as food and in other capacities helped to reinforce an increase population of life forms. If bees were taken out of the life equation on Earth that would present quite a few problems.

Regarding the web of life as an integral whole is a fundamental parameter of contemporary ecospheric research I would guess. Several books have been published on ecosystems integrity from the requirement that large predators exist to the harm done to the American southwest by the removal of mammoths of the elephant family whose footprints allowed seed to grow.

Human beings are too a part of the ecosphere as are their intellect such as exists outside the beltway. Some of the intellects are daft regarding the ecosphere and do their best to exterminate much of it en mass instead of conserving it while they advance science and technology to the purpose of knowledge and human well being. The ecosphere isn't just an aesthetic luxury.

Inevitably the political trail returns to the oval of NASCAR and high-octane automobile pollution-that may not change soon.

Lovelock wrote in 'The Final Warning' that the human population may drop to about 200 million in the future as a result of global warming and other issues. At that point the global temperature may stabilize. Lovelock conjectures that if humanity continues its usual greenhouse gassing at that point Gaia will simply remove the remnant of humanity.

Life may act on Earth as a giant organism. G.W.F. Hegel believed that life on Earth is a process of God realizing awareness of Himself in history that fits rather well with the Gaia criteria.

There are additional ways to consider an ecosphere in larger, intelligent organisms in discrete or monistic guise. Ant colonies sometimes seem to act as intelligent collectives-one must consider the Borg obviously as a future mode of ultra-right-wing or left wing consumerism.

Of even more concern to some is the potential that some of those giant fungi discovered now and then to be the largest organisms in the world have as much intelligence as federal budget planners. Then there are whales and ravens-seemingly happy creatures of moderate intelligence in tune with the temporal times even as they decline.

The entire quantum universe could be a super-intelligence, quantum computer or God running this Universe as a sub-routine.


Yes, There are Vaccines Against the Plague

The bubonic plague killed maybe 200 million people long ago in Europe as it emerged from the early middle ages. European sanitation was crude and the people ignorant. They traded and warred promiscuously and allowed plague infected rats to be thrown over the protective city walls of Constantinople by Muslims. Trading ships carried infected rats all over Europe. People died, were carted up, piled up and burned. Eventually, after a few centuries, researchers started looking for inoculations against the plague. And they were found.

Vaccines don't usually work forever. Today the government won't let people get smallpox inoculations as they did in the 1960s. When biological war crisis occurs however there may be too little time to react.

The Soviets worked on combining different biowar pathogens in its biopreparat program. One double virus combinations would infect someone with the pneumonic plague, and if they survived, kill them with something like smallpox. As late as 1999 some biowar research facility remained in Russia. Much of the old stuff was taken to Siberia and buried where no one besides terrorists might find it.

A vaccine against the bubonic plague was tested during the Vietnam War and it apparently worked. It didn't last forever though and its production was discontinued. The military needed something that would work against the better military weaponized version of the pneumonic plague.

The pneumonic plague is an airborne virus. Soviet scientists sought to decrease its size so that it could be inhaled. If a viral agent is too larger the body tends to filter it out. They wouldn't be carried so well on the wind either. Probably researches were successful at reducing the size of pneumonic plague agents.

Three new vaccines appear to work against the bubonic and pneumonic plague. The plague Y. pestis attacks the immune system. H.I.V. attacks the immune system in a different way, yet several adverse agents attack the immune system and a weakened immune system renders one more susceptible to attacks from additional invasive agents that may present. Genetic manipulation exacerbates the problem of creating lasting vaccines since opfor biologists can manufacture multi-drug resistant strains.

Probably it is better to let people be inoculated while they can in case the unexpected occurs, rather than to wait, I would think. It is difficult to know what new form of completely synthetic agent may be devised next.

EU Fines Google Nearly 3 BIllion to Get New Post-Brexit Revenue

With Britian leaving the EU that bureaucracy needs something to make up for lost English finance contributions and so they looked to Google. Google has had problems with China- leaving it for a few years after 2010 because of censorship, and it has a different set of issues with Europe that aren't completely different.


Perhaps the Trump administration should fine Germany for making good cars, yet ones that largely add to global warming, to help pay off the U.S. public debt and reduce government energy costs with purchases of more solar panels. Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen and Porche should be good for a billion each.

I wonder if Pres. Trump has considered asking Germany to pay 20 trillion dollars (including interest) for the cost of World War Two. America should sign a seperate defense agreement with Russia and then cancel whatever it has with NATO. Europe should pay for its own defense if it wants one.

Today Google ran an anti-Christian sort of queer rainbow symbol (it is anti--Christian because its pride in sin for homosexual use is directly contra to the rainbow set as a reminder from God that he won't destroy most of humanity for sin again) on its search engine main page, yet they seem to try to be all things to all people, and many don't want everything in everyplace as it were like letting cattle and pigs wander through the dining facilities. Some may dislike Google's political messages that are pro-sin and want to censor that. Others look at the poor quality of many search engines so far as getting everything together for a log on page, and just use Google.

Google is large enough that it is hard to censor. Almost any web site that allows publishing by users can be bought by the rich and taken down (all of the content). Of every place that I have written a blog on the Internet just two remain in existence. Not even MSN has a blog anymore. 

In time I suppose blogger will disappear or be gutted. Europes attack financially isconsistent with the way of money power that elites use to close down free political expression generally. They will  find some excuse such as locating 'hate speech' that is even less than 1% of the content  to delete individual user accounts before the entire site disappears.

It's not really a free world and there is an ongoing battle to keep lasting free expressions sites for all content including political content in existence. Most of the poor cannot afford to have their own nearly permanent publishing sites such as the msm have.

Probably the majority of Google users go directly to various sites such as Amazon or ebay for purchases insteaf of Google. The majority parobably just use the search engine, news and so forth for free. European elites probably want to stop that too. Google was fined for having too much advantage in sales.

Rainbow is a Pledge From God That He Won't Destroy Most All of Humanity for Sin Again

Of course the homosexual crowd don't believe that and have expropriated the rainbow ala Mark as a reimnder of their pride in sin. It isn't necessary to debate the historical time and physics paradigm nor the exact meaning of the language in an accurate understanding of context here. Christians take the word of God as a matter of faith understanding God's intended meaning in Biblical expesssions.

"9 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,
9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.
11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth."

Homosexual political behavior is one of sociopathic force so far as possible, to insinuate male power over other males, and females over other females. Homosexuality is a biological sin-meaning missing the mark, of health. It is the social behavioral equivelent of the physics of cannibalism...it just isn't right.

Evidently McConnelcare and Russian Narratives are Mostly B.S.

Evidently McConnelcare and the Russian narrative are "mostly bullshit". A CNN producer was video'd saying the Russian narrative is b.s. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/339632-new-okeefe-video-shows-cnn-producer-calling-russia-coverage-mostly-bullshit

McConnelcare was found by the Congressional budget office to lose coverage for 22 million and raise, gouge the elderly and poor,  and provide tax cuts for the rich.

The right thing to do is provide free governemtn medical service for the poor via the VA system networked with clinics for the poor that already exist while cutting the tax on youth for Obamacare and stimulating medical competition by letting people select medical services in low-cost foreign nations such as India as part of their insurance plan (when appropriate).


Slavery and Holocaust Without Christian Cakes

Holoaustic, Slavery of Cakelessness By Anyone Besides a Christian Baker

The Supreme Court will decide if it was kosher for a Christian cake baker not to bake a cake promoting sin. The particular sin was that of homosexual marriage, but it might have been any other sort of sin including murder, if the government legalized or promoted it. Tough decision.


It was said that a sympathetic baker offered to bake a cake for free for the homosexuals desirous of cake decorated with a rainbow (a reminder of God Biblically speaking while a symbol of godless, sin to homosexuals). One expects homosexuals will find courts that require Christian bakers to make cakes for black masses and Muslims to bake cakes celebrating Jewish holidays soon. Cynics may demand that Muslim butchers make pork chops.

The author of the fox article wrote that "Ms. Waggoner said the state’s civil rights commission compared the baker’s stance to “slave owners and perpetrators of the Holocaust.”" I thought one had to lose access to Crispie Cream donuts for the equivelent of slavery and holocaust to occur.

Supporters of the evil court decision have said that homosexual behavior in the new world order is a sort of special category equivalent in theory to being a Negro or a Jew in times of persecution (not prosperity and empowered). It is note associated with being female, though Elton John sang; ‘I can bitch better than you’ in ‘The Bitch is Back’.

If it is sin to cuss or otherwise use foul language, wouldn’t cake makers be at liberty not to make cakes that would have decorations disparaging the New York Yankees or even a divisive political figure such as Nancy Pelosi. Don’t cake makers have political right not to promote political speech they do not agree with?

Happy B-Day Nancy; You’re Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!’ emblazoned in gold frosting on a red,white and blue cake, when everyone knows she led the Democrats to increasing public debt and making Bush II tax cuts permanent (under the supervision of Pres. Barrack Obama of course).

An anniversary cake for an abortion clinic Christian party 'Celebrating 50 Years of Abortions!) ought to find a few Christian dissidents. The Colorado High Court would probably order bakers if every faith to bake it under penalty of law.

Todd Starnes writing for the Fox News opinion piece hyper-linked above reported that “Lower courts ruled that Mr. Phillips discriminated against the gay couple under Colorado law. He was ordered to make cakes for homosexual newlyweds and to file reports for two years to show that he was abiding by anti-discrimination laws. He was also ordered to “reeducate” his staff on discrimination.

Plain something has gone seriously wrong in the United State when courts punish citizens for dissenting from their most flaky decisions. The Colorado Courts really took Marie Antoinette’s maxim ‘Let them eat cake’, to heart.

The socialiation of homosexuality may have insuinated an implicitly sociopathic disregard for others into legal codification.That isn't good.

Maybe nothing exists that homosexuals object to except God and the concept of sin and equal rights for other citizens to be free from state and social coercion so they just don’t get it. The state of Colorado should pay the victimizing baker of apparently highly desired, exquisite cakes a million dollars in damages at least, after the high court reverses the silly, disrespectful and predatory, onerous order.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...