
Valedictorian Denied Speech While Black

It is too late in U.S. history to blatantly corrupt fair opportunity for intellectual advancement. Unfortunately a high school valedictorian in Rochester New York was denied the opportunity to give a valedictorian address by the school principle. One might hope the denial was for some reason besides being black. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/principal-refuses-to-allow-first-black-valedictorian-to-give-speech-so-rochester-mayor-intervenes/

To advance the nation requires encouragement and support of intellectual achievement as well as physical health. Secure borders without illegal aliens swarming over the statue of liberty drowning civil order and equal opportunity to all within just legal parameters would have little meaning if domestic justice is denied to any citizen.



The Danger of a Democrat Party Media Living the Confederate Dream

The mainstream Democrat Party media is still living the dream of Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election. The need for haters to hate Donald Trump as President of the United States will never end. It is as if the Confederacy never lost in the minds of southern media, except it's the Washington Post and the New York Times et al. The paradigm is how they can restore Jefferson Davis to the highest office to continue the southern agenda of  a nation with unlimited cheap illegal labor, dope for all, abortions and without any sort of moral reproof even vaguely that happens when some people are worship God someplace.
There probably are three elements of potential Presidential assassins; the poor, the crazy and the rich (including organizations). Today it is well financed organizations and the rich that comprise the gravest threats to the security of the chief executive. All three elements have different modes and avenues of attack to overturn elections. John Wilkes Booth sought to overturn the outcome of the civil war and the loss of the confederacy by cutting off the head of the winner's leader. 

The media has been in hate the President manic mode for years now. It is only the rich that could afford high tech, scientific means of taking human life that might pass through secret service defenses. That is something to consider as the second year of the Trump administration continues and the silly Russian collusion scheme the Democrats choose to terminate the Trump administration won't pan out (It is as improbable as Chinese collusion to help Obama and Clinton with Democrat party members extensive ties to China and Chinese investment. President Bill Clinton allowed the WO-88 suitcase nuke manufacturing instructions to pass to China, and Warren Buffet is a good friend of Barrack Obama and invested in Chinese electric automobile manufacturing).





If a Trump motorcade is attacked by a focal point of microwaves or particle beams some place down the road, one should look to rich Democrats and those with extensive Chinese connections; not the poor that can't buy advanced technology for nefarious purposes at Wal-Mart.









Has Anyone Counted the Number of Anti-Trump News Stories in 2018?

In a way it would be interesting if the number of anti-Trump news stories were quantified each year since 2016. That would be quite a task. The Washington Post and New York Times aren't noobs at Trump bashing yet they haven't provided exat and accurate numbers for the public to consider.

MCDonalds just quite posting the numbers of burgers sold years ago when it said billions and billions". President Trump can't rival that number so far, yet the creative attackers find inspiration in their own prior articles. 

It would be good to have an online tracker something similar to a national public debt counter...

All I could find when I searched for a real number of stories published so far in 2018 was a return on more stories... https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+anti-trump+news+stories+have+been+published+in+2018&oq=how+many+anti-trump+news+stories+have+been+published+in+2018&aqs=chrome..69i57.20475j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Three Views of Mt Everest From the Air

Black Men Under -Represented on SCOTUS

President Trump plainly should appoint a conservative, nationalist black man for the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas is getting on in years. Women have stacked the court, and an Hispanic too has been appointed yet black men seem to be outsiders still. President Trump should consider finding a qualified conservative minority candidate that is Afro-American for the high bench.

Is Independence Day Going to Be Reduced to Part-Time?

I noticed that the Windows log in screen had a little note below the time and date stating that tomorrow is Independence Day- All Day. It hadn't occurred to me that MSN or the Corporate world view the 4th as an all day event. Maybe they would prefer that it be reduced to half a day for Independence, then back to the coding dungeons.


The Timing of the End TImes

People often get end times (eschatology) wrong. The Biblical apocalypse happened in the 1st century a.d. as Jesus said it would. Jerusalem was destroyed, disciples and Christians killed and scattered etc. Jesus appeared the second time at Pentecost during the time of the lives of that generation living when he was crucified as he foretold. The age of the gentiles will continue until it is fulfilled-when they are too dumb to find a way forward, then Jesus will return to wrap up the Earth and Universe...could be the next time a Democrat is elected President or in 30,000 years more or less (whenever the gentiles need adult supervision from God to not create hell on Earth for-themselves).
The Fall of the Rebel Angels- Bruegel the Elder

Was Obama Re-election Boosted By the Communist Chinese?

While former FBI Director Mueller is investigating vague, amorphous connections between Donald Trump and Russian campaign helpers shouldn't Special Investigator Mueller examine the connections between Barrack Obama, the Clintons and the Communist Chinese Government? 

U.S. business is rife with Chinese connections; even saturated. President Obama was/is good buddies with heavy investor in China Warren Buffet who probably knows his way around Beijing and its bureaucracy quite well. Then there is obvious the Apple connection with it's vast investments in Chinese production. Apple personnel probably contribute a lot to the Democratic Party candidates. Favors could be traded, money going into campaign support, campaign ads and maybe Facebook blurbs. The power of Facebook to influence American and maybe world elections shouldn't be misunderestimated. Wait a minute; does Mark Zuckerberg have Chicom connections (elites globally respect wealth and tend to want as much as is reasonable given their position).

Dictatorship Will Follow Democracy's Failure at Ecosphere Mangement

Simple historical logic indicates that dictatorship will follow the inability of Democracy to manage ecospheric resources while mass species extinction and habitat degradation continue, on a line to catastrophic transition. Fundamentally human society can't reboot building, zoning, land use and economics such that modern technology and vast billions of souls can cohabit the Earth with a healthy ecosphere. It will become self-evident in time that coercive social control; dictatorship either by the proletariat or individual (s), is necessary to allow life on Earth to continue.

Democracy is good and creating use-truths that make the insiders feel good about what they do (re: Sartre Critique of Dialectical Reason) and yet disregards the empirical ecospheric facts of decay. The world needs to be redesigned to be something park-life with national areas remaining for some time; a couple of centuries during transition. The park point of view would keep wild areas thriving and full of progressive wildlife free to evolve and adapt to so far as possible while human designs let billions live with minimal impact on the ecosphere while yet comfortable and free to have private property consumer items.

Much can be written about how to design an optimal from what is left ecosphere for human and wild life on Earth. It may be a waste of time in the sense that power and corruption promotes different values. That is why politically speaking a building ecospheric catastrophe will most likely generate dictatorships disgusted with the inability of humanity to upgrade and reform its way of planetary life.

President Trump could at least help restore salmon fishing to coastal regions of the North Pacific by working with northern leaders and especially Vladimir Putin to stop altogether mid-ocean commercial salmon fishing that destroys salmon before they can return to spawn in native habitats.

Are There Voice-Activated Turn Signals for Drivers That Don't Signal?

Speech recognition for cars could easily be made to activate turn signals. Modern American drivers often are too lazy or indifferent about signaling turns. Perhaps a voice activated turn signal would help drivers elect to turn right (or left if they are globalists unconcerned about border security or double yellow lines).

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...