
The Danger of a Democrat Party Media Living the Confederate Dream

The mainstream Democrat Party media is still living the dream of Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election. The need for haters to hate Donald Trump as President of the United States will never end. It is as if the Confederacy never lost in the minds of southern media, except it's the Washington Post and the New York Times et al. The paradigm is how they can restore Jefferson Davis to the highest office to continue the southern agenda of  a nation with unlimited cheap illegal labor, dope for all, abortions and without any sort of moral reproof even vaguely that happens when some people are worship God someplace.
There probably are three elements of potential Presidential assassins; the poor, the crazy and the rich (including organizations). Today it is well financed organizations and the rich that comprise the gravest threats to the security of the chief executive. All three elements have different modes and avenues of attack to overturn elections. John Wilkes Booth sought to overturn the outcome of the civil war and the loss of the confederacy by cutting off the head of the winner's leader. 

The media has been in hate the President manic mode for years now. It is only the rich that could afford high tech, scientific means of taking human life that might pass through secret service defenses. That is something to consider as the second year of the Trump administration continues and the silly Russian collusion scheme the Democrats choose to terminate the Trump administration won't pan out (It is as improbable as Chinese collusion to help Obama and Clinton with Democrat party members extensive ties to China and Chinese investment. President Bill Clinton allowed the WO-88 suitcase nuke manufacturing instructions to pass to China, and Warren Buffet is a good friend of Barrack Obama and invested in Chinese electric automobile manufacturing).





If a Trump motorcade is attacked by a focal point of microwaves or particle beams some place down the road, one should look to rich Democrats and those with extensive Chinese connections; not the poor that can't buy advanced technology for nefarious purposes at Wal-Mart.








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