
Take Back Security Clearances of all Former Government Employees

Former C.I.A. chiefs should routinely have their security clearances revoked. They tend to be sloppy with classified data and sometimes leakers or political plotters. The only C.I.A. Chief that needs top secret clearance is the one presently on the job.
Generally it seems very shoddy practice to allow anyone not working presently for the government to have a security clearance. Spook security doesn’t have the resources to keep an eye on all of them. They may even be clandestine agents of the Clinton Foundation.

Celebrity Bowling Balls and Pins for Renaissance of The Sport?

Bowling has been in a slump for more than two decades. It might experience a renaissance if customized and programmable l.c.d. bowling balls could be produced that allowed balls to have the images of celebrity heads and bowling pins numerous features programmable for rainbow colors and political ideologies such as red or blue pins, communist hammer and cycle pins etc.

American bowling is in serious need for an upgrade. It could use some of the features of video gaming to create a more 3D experience of some elements of that finger-mouse sport with a little more weight and reality.

Leftist Collusion; 300 Newsrags Attack President on Same Day

More than 300 U.S. newspapers have attacked the President on the same day with editorials criticizing President Trump's criticism of the vast left-wing media that is actually owned by the most rich globalists. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45204397

After having accomplished the removal of the unsightly Alex Jones webpages from social media as well as his Austin radio station, the media resumed their hegemony over U.S. political thought. Outspoken supporters of the President may find it difficult to keep their heads above water in social media when the vast left-wing collusion sycophancy working for corporatist domination finds it so easy to purge their enemies.


Pennsylvania Pederasty Is a Problem of Pre and Amillenialism Without a Priesthood of Believers

Recent Pennsylvania revelations of pederasty among Catholic Clergy in Pennsylvania underscores the problems of commercial priesthoods exploiting a laity. Too often they wish to dominate as authorities over a laity, and that makes a poor motivation to reform theology now and then.

Martin Luther believed that all Christians are priests, and that's a Bible based opinion. In the modern era of universal literacy it would be easy to have ecclesiastical reform such that three ranks of beginner, intermediate and expert existed in churches applicable to all members; true theological councils could devise liturgical formats and content for the priesthood of believers to apply in churches- possibly in small groups, absent of a separate and unequal commercial priest.

Boston led the way in pederasty and general child abuse in the Catholic Church in 2002, then the problem was revealed at Penn State University and presently in the grand jury report that states a thousand kids and 300 priests victimizing them over seventy years was a sad part of the Catholic experience in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania perversion is not a result of homosexual or male dominance of the Catholic Church. The problem is the lack of a transparent, confessing and egalitarian priesthood of believers.



So many theologically wrong doctrines saying that end times apocalypse fitting the Bible are either ahead or symbolically present disregard the true facts of the post-millennial interpretation of scripture. They rationalize that the end times are coming and nothing worldly matters so waste the ecosphere and God will provide a better heavenly one or they believe they hold the keys of St. Peter exclusively and if the enjoy a little gnostic sophistication that's all the better.

Omarosa Faction Claim Use of N-Word Sometime by Donald Trump Possible

The Omarosa Faction has claimed that the Trump administration has personnel that may have actually discussed use of the N-word. That claim is hardly credible since so few Americans have ever actually used the word, and only a few White house staff were recorded talking along those lines- possibly. It is o.k. for YouTube to have five minutes of the N-word though ban Alex Jones because he might know someone that actually used the word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqRswhHewpg

White people may not use the N-word, yet black people are down with that. One must be confident that no discrimination exists in the United States. The nation is all about equal protection of the law. Finally the hate monger Mark Twain may be banned from U.S. schools.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I0Od2HOozs Sacha Baron Cohen ricks Rep to N-Word Use


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5fE56Ysx9w Ja Rule Op on N

US Gov Five Year Contract Plans

Some U.S. Government contracts that presently are set out at one year will go to five year spans in starting in 2019. That may benefit big players more so than small businesses that don't always have five years of security ahead. An example; if the economy changes much a big business might be able to withstand inflation or deflationary changes better than a small business. Four years to go on a contract with a small profit margin in a volatile cost-supply production market is tough

While one can imagine Donald Trump signing the Declaration of Independence more so than Hillary or several other Democrats that would have instead probably have sought a cozy position with royal governors, the changeover from one year to five on government contract duration for numerous services seems like a benefit for the concentration of wealth and globalism instead of nationalism and small business.

One must wonder about military contracts and if they too would be held as tightly on a fiver year plan if they find cost over-runs; wouldn't the government just give the Haliburtons of the business world some kind of cost-plus extension? Would five year contracts involving foreign entities as prime or subcontractors be in more antipathetic relations potentially as foreign relations might change faster than contractual relationships. For example; what if China recognizes Taiwan's independence as if then given more five year contracts, and thereafter reverses course and again declares Taiwan a rogue province?


White People, Africans and Asians Briefly

Here is one version based on d.n.a. and archaeological analysis. Apparently white people became white about 8500 b.c. throughout Europe. Before that the whites in the far north evolved white skin  and were the parents of those farther south. The Arctic shores saw the arrival of humans about 25,000 b.c. Fifteen thousand years was enough time to move from Africa and reach the Arctic. Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to Europe about 40,000 b.c. and some of those that had gone far north first became white and interbred with more southern Europeans that lost their dark skin under the clouds and with the new genes. Those from Africa that went to Asia made the trek about 100,000 b.c. so they evolved different traits than Europeans or Africans. Finally there was some interbreeding of Asians and Europeans wrenching the works again creating confusing questions for people in the 21st century.

How Europeans evolved white skin

Teeth from China reveal early human trek out of Africa

Asians and others arrived in America via Berengia. Lots of interbreeding. etc. Some Inuit have oriental looking eyes. Amazing.

Why Players Skip Chess Lessons

A slow wireless connection has probably discouraged a lot of casual players. One can watch chess videos, study Super GM games and then play a blitz game with a winning position before the connection breaks and one forfeits the game being timed out.
Chess takes a lot of time to learn, and the opportunity cost for playing that game too much is quite high-especially if one becomes and adict and quits their job to play chess. One could be studying how to become a physician assistant or grow corn, the problems of reform in Russia and how that is affected by sanctions in slow economic privatization or if humanity really should give up on trying to save the environment because its too late and learn to love living like ants in eco-disaster survivable hives.
Chess is great fun yet very demanding on time for non-pro players that need to work for a living. Also, some chess players may not want to antagonize their emotional support rat or alligator taking time to study the violent conflicts of chess.
Fortunately players with such issues may moderate their chess learning and schedule a modest hour or two a week for learning chess openings and slow improve their game instead of full-time indulgence of their chess addiction and end up in the gutter although playing with a sharp 1850 rating.

A Theory of Minarchist Evolution

There aren’t many hooded minarchists demonstrating these days. The United States was founded in an environment that didn’t require much government supervision; there was a sparsely populated land and people helped themselves. It was so minarchist naturally that Southerners could continue the tradition of slavery the British founded in North America. Federalism ended that trouble for those enslaved later at some cost.

I am taking a course in post-Soviet Russian governance and that has given me the occasion to compare and contrast the foundation of the United States and its evolution of government with that of Russia in 1990. So far the main difference is just that the Russians had to form a new democratic government with an existing yet obsolete industrial economic infrastructure and more than a 100 million citizens that required some government social coordination to survive as most modern nations with large populations do, while the United States alternatively, in 1776, had a population estimated at about 2.5 million. The founders were able to compose a philosophically inspired Declaration and Constitution of ideal sorts without any immediate hard technical requirements for external reasons that required the creation of large social institutions and government bureaucracies immediately (so far as I know). Creating a military was a natural response for the founders to external challenges posed by the British army. Even so the founders were wary of a large standing army and preferred an armed militia for long range defense.

Russia passed through a minarchist moment perhaps during the 1993 coup attempt and conflict between Yeltsin’s forces and the supreme Soviet communist remnants in the White House (seat of Russian congressional-style government) when the former Soviet government was decisively, conclusively broken and buried (although 20% of elected officials in the Duma remain communist party members). Yeltsin tried to privatize allowing oligarchs to take much of the former state properties of value, yet nationally the economy collapsed in 1998. Yeltsin eventually appointed Vlad Putin to lead the government and he was elected for-himself as President later. Yeltsin had enabled the President to have super-powers to in effect redesign the structure of government quite a bit as well as to conduct foreign policy. For Russia was redesigning itself and that process continues today-many Americans don’t understand that.

I tend to regard organizations as more or less equal. Any large organization can govern itself and sometimes they govern others outside the organization. It seems to me that organizations diminish individual power. It also seems that governments should reduce to a minimal size for operating efficiency, just as an automobile engine doesn’t need to put on a lot of extra parts and weight to work optimally.

Organizations should be limited in size in order to be more governable by the government that needs to be large enough to govern the largest organizations and all of them as well as individuals. The larger the non-governmental organization is the greater are the challenges that it can present to the organization that officially is the government.

The problem of concentrated wealth today in the United States is a problem of large organizations partly owned by individuals invested in many of them. When too much capital is concentrated in the few the many have little chance of advancing social policy or private enterprises without first submitting to the will of the non-governmental organizational powers that hold most capital.

Achieving a minarchist state that is efficient in the United States would require a reform of capitalism in order to break up the concentration of wealth and size of private corporations. Government might then be reduced in size too, and networks of social services coordinated by the government might be innovated to enable private sources to supply private needs of citizens better than usually occurs in many societies where the natural revenues of the land have been historically expropriated by human overuse and people are left to fend for themselves within a totalized urban environment as derelicts and cast-off waste elements of capitalism.

To innovate government and capital theory upgrades Congress would need to pass some laws that prompt the changes. For instance, patent exclusivity could be reduced to three years and inventors would receive 10% royalties after that from anyone with the capital that produces the product and sells it. Government would not own business,yet governments would pass laws that screened businesses start-ups and prioritize those for advancement that are ecospherically most efficient and synergetic.

No corporations could have more than 20,000 employees. The upper tax rate would be 90%. The government revenues would enable better screening and discretion of start ups, ecosphere recovery and continuing free education.

Numerous other changes would need to be made that would allow an ecospheric economic management synergy with ecospheric recovery and sustainable though gradual economic qualitative progress that guards the well-being of all citizens simultaneously. Government size reduction can be compensated for with increased government networked intelligence as a discrete rather than monolithic governing structure.

In a totalized social-territorial national paradigm all citizens need work or basic necessities from some source. Private enterprise can provide those needs or government may, yet a government-private sector cooperative structure that assures that all citizens are assured of meeting basic needs and lifelong education would be possible and a good way to coordinate with ecosphere repair and maintenance. The failures to screen businesses for ecospheric synergy or neutrality and to keep citizens from being broke at the bottom with national job insecurity are problems implicit within the economic and government structures that could be corrected reforming government and corporate structure.


The United States accomplished over two centuries solutions to challenges Russia has been presented with since 1990 for governance and government mass private organizational business relationships. The Russian creation of new developments is more challenging than the fast-track evolution required of Russia, yet the structure of the United States is paradigmatically obsolete in several respects. It is as if old structures of business never were replaced or upgraded; merely expanded. Government-capital relationships has mostly just grown larger with new institutions added over the centuries instead of being philosophically evaluated for relevance to the very different social and environmental challenges of the present day than those of 1776.

Canada Continues Drift Toward Leftist-Corporatist Globalism.

The U.S. Government is nothing like extreme right wing. Corporatism and the left are so firmly entrenched bureaucratically moving toward globalist union, and the broadcast media so corporatist-leftist, that it will be difficult to shake. President Trump is a moderate, yet compared to the extreme left that is the incipient and latent leadership of the present Democrat Party the partisan rhetoric paints him as far right.
Canada is sold out to globalism and all things British and isn’t likely to change. No way it could become far right or conservative-libertarian. Canada I believe will continue its moral disintegration into globalism under one world government so far as it can, merging into intensified telecom treason offshore so far as it can willingly comply with plutonomy’s objectives.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...