
Democrats Seek to Make Ultimate Quagmire With Mid-Term

Democrats seek to create the ultimate bureaucratic quagmire and argumentative deadlock with a spoilt mid-term plan to gain control of the House. They could assure that the nation doesn't get much done, and make lots of headlines for broadcast media pursuing impeachment of the President for using salty language.


The one thing the Democrats never do is to seek to make America great again, or to increase taxes on the most rich to 90% except maybe if they have a Republican in office that wouldn't sign off on such a measure. What Democrats can do is to weaken national security so far as possible and to encourage the President to increase the size of government. sign off on more homosexual advantages and legalize dope for everyone.

Taxing the rich to restore the ecosphere, fund free college education and expand the V.A. to include free treatment for all poor citizens (and tied into the homeless clinics of the nation) would not be a bad policy. They could assure that patents are limited to 3 years with 10% royalties for inventors thereafter. They also could give tax cuts for higher those out of work the longest; first. Instead the left in the Democrat Party want to splice more socialism on government and expand it while flooding the nation with cheap illegal labor to work at Democrat homes while the Democrats themselves have high-paying government jobs. The Pelosi vineyards need legions of illegal workers to increase the profits of the Roman empire-like estate.

Democrats are clueless on the need to reform capitalism that functions with a 250 year old philosophical-economic meta-structure. They want to shut down government to force concessions to increase its size and flood the nation with anyone that might vote to keep their key leaders in office to prosper from the contacts and favors.

Former Admiral McRaven Raves at President on Security Clearance Issue

A former Admiral that was in the chain of command glory for the Bin Laden raid has teamed up with former C.I.A. Director Brennan against POTUS. Apparently the former Admiral has deep loyalty to his former ad hoc boss on intelligence, so much so that he has asked President Trump to revoke his security clearance too. Maybe President Obama should have chosen the Delta Force rather than the seals to lead the raid; they might have brought the treasure trove of information back alive.

The former C.I.A. Director is a live critic of President Trump while President Trump is being attacked by the sore-losercrats and the left-wing media. President Trump has every reason ethically to keep a public adverse high security clearance critic out when he has demonstrated that he might provide classified data to those seeking to cut the Chief Executive off at the knees.

Admiral McRaven may be a dangerous individual with a zillion military connections, yet luckily he isn’t at all high in the civilian chain of command. Allowing Admirals to get involved with land concerns is not a very good idea.

With so many retired military and spooks as well as civil servants retaining security clearances it is no wonder the U.S. Government security is a leaky bucket. How many of those retired military and government people working for Defense contractors still have security clearances? That situation could create some non-competitive insider bidding.


Russia and Super-Presidency; Evolving Constitution and Economics

The Super-presidency arose after the constitutional crisis between President Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet in 1993. Yeltsin dismissed the Soviet who refused to leave. The matter was settled by armed conflict. The sole surviving institution author; the President made resolutions that formed the basis of a new constitution and set the parameters for the existence of the new legislative body, the Duma. The President had extraordinary powers. Acting in the role of Caesar and James Madison simultaneously, President Yeltsin had to create a new state government within an existing advanced society, rather than for a frontier society as the author of the U.S. Constitution was able to accomplish with almost unanimous support from his peers.

 Yeltsin had to get support from certain parties with real power such as rural governors and oligarchs and that led to some corruption. Yeltsin began a work of reform in process and trusted in Vladimir Putin to continue the legacy of building a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and the chief guardian of the state somewhat more so than others.
https://www.systemicpeace.org/polity/keynew.htm Polity IV Country Report 2009-2010

https://www.systemicpeace.org/polity/keynew.htm Polity IV Country Report 2009-2010

On the Federal Organs of Power during the Transitional Period
Polozhenie ‘O federal’nykh organakh vlasti na perekhodnyi period’ (Resolution “On the Federal Organs of Power during the Transitional Period”),” in Iz istorii sozdania konstitutsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii, vol. 4/3, 461-466.

My general view of the Russian government challenges since 1998...

Russia since the 1998 financial crisis and default has only slowly yet somewhat steadily moved toward reform such that a market economy prevails. It was not so many years ago that Vladimir Putin ended the oligarch domination of the economy and domination of former Soviet assets that they had taken much of. That order of oligarch power was regarded as an unfair distribution of wealth, yet was left somewhat as it was. The economy moved toward liberalization sometimes with substantial state investment and stimulation.

The process was advanced by the rise in world oil prices in the 2000s that continued until the crash following fracking of old oil fields to renew supply. A surfeit of world oil production made oil dependent states lose much revenue. Alaska in the United States faced a government budget crisis and Russia too lost nearly half of its GDP.

If bad actors are targeted, the principle of mass punishment should not target the innocent too. The U.S. should encourage Russia to continue developing a market economy along sound ecological economic principles rather than provide mass punishment for making Crimea a ninth federal district.

Even so Russia continued a slower advance toward a market economy though the state held some major banks and oil companies. It began an income tax of a modest scale though it had difficulty collecting that. Russia faced many internal and external challenges before the regime of foreign sanctions began to appear for international contention to permanently wrest away the Ukraine and Crimea from Russia.

The second largest party in Russia is still the communist party. The United Russia party- by far the largest, is basically a coalition of four formerly separate parties that joined to beat the communists. The economic and social dynamics of economic reform is occurring concurrent with reform of government, and eventually constitutional structures, and stimulation of business and new infrastructure development. All of that is challenging and expensive. While the United States and Europe tend to place themselves into a belligerent and adversarial as possible position comprising something of a threat to Russian security.

My concern is that the sanctions and hostile external relationship with Russia will retard the growth of Russia as a market economy and in the long run solidify less than free enterprise elements in Russia.

Apparently Russians have a trust in state run media and state ownership of business because of historical reasons that lie in the fact that authoritarian or Tsarist government were the fact of Russia for 1000 years. Only since the end of the Cold War has Russia had a pluralist government, although a multi-party Duma/congress existed briefly, shortly before the Bolshevik takeover to end that and the tsar.

Ronald Reagan had a policy of constructive engagement with South Africa and that led to the DeClerk government and end of apartheid. Reagan also ended the Cold War along with President Gorbachev in part because of hi affable character engendering trust. The United States should think deeply about its reckless and fay sanctions on Russia, since they may harm U.S. interests more so than Russian, in the long run.

Chris Hedges Isn't Correct About Socialist Predictions of National Collapse

Chris Hedges’ writing is that of a disgruntled socialist who is seeing the nation through the rouge colored glasses of Karl Marx. He believes capitalism has sewn the seeds of its own destruction, and he is waiting with baited breath so the new world socialist order can emerge Phoenix-like from the ashes. There isn’t anything original about any of that.


Fundamentally he misunderstands economics and history as well as eschatology, and is affiliated with the PC USA that is an apostate church approving the sin of homosexuality and homosexual marriage as accepted church doctrine. No serious Christian would do that.

He probably means well, yet he hasn’t a clue about how to reform things. He calls himself a Christian anarchist and might get along with Pearl Jam and even apocalypticists with incorrect pre-millennial eschatology (post-millennialism is true).

Chris Hedges apparently doesn’t know what corporatism is or how it unifies with socialism and communism. He senses something is wrong with the left and he is correct in the feeling yet wrong about the diagnosis. Democrat Party leaders and socialists are just playthings of the 1%. The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NAZIs) were an early model of corporatism- a political philosophy invented by the Italian fascist Mussolini).

The world may have an ecospheric apocalypse yet that isn’t the Christian one that actually occurred in the 1st century as Jesus foretold it would. Survivors will go on in space and on Earth in some numbers. It is possible to reform capitalism and just scale back the size and concentration of wealth and power; F.D.R. invented the weapon of mass destruction for monopolistic capitalism and it is called the 90% tax rate. Patent duration should be reduced to three years with 10% royalties for inventors thereafter. There should be free public higher education and a guaranteed minimum income so that all have some capital to work with and are never broke. Businesses should be screened for low impact on the environment and businesses should be limited to 20,000 employees. The ecosphere should be regreened and replanted, fossil fuel vehicles and roads mostly banned and replaced by electric power lines and electric platforms. Everything should be reformed and renewed. The economic and government paradigm is two centuries old minimally. Socialism is a complete waste of time though and just wants to keep things as they are yet completely bureaucratized and redistributed with maximum social entropy.

It’s fine to reform capitalism and even the U.S.constitution to limit the size and power of organizations. Corporations didn’t exist when the constitution was written by James Madison.

If the United States financially collapses one day it probably will be suffered most by the remaining middle class and poor that have invested everything they have in this nation. The concentrated wealth owners of Wall Street will have already diversified their portfolios internationally, so it is in the interests of the people of the United States to begin a measured and steady program of reform to make things better than they are.

Take Back Security Clearances of all Former Government Employees

Former C.I.A. chiefs should routinely have their security clearances revoked. They tend to be sloppy with classified data and sometimes leakers or political plotters. The only C.I.A. Chief that needs top secret clearance is the one presently on the job.
Generally it seems very shoddy practice to allow anyone not working presently for the government to have a security clearance. Spook security doesn’t have the resources to keep an eye on all of them. They may even be clandestine agents of the Clinton Foundation.

Celebrity Bowling Balls and Pins for Renaissance of The Sport?

Bowling has been in a slump for more than two decades. It might experience a renaissance if customized and programmable l.c.d. bowling balls could be produced that allowed balls to have the images of celebrity heads and bowling pins numerous features programmable for rainbow colors and political ideologies such as red or blue pins, communist hammer and cycle pins etc.

American bowling is in serious need for an upgrade. It could use some of the features of video gaming to create a more 3D experience of some elements of that finger-mouse sport with a little more weight and reality.

Leftist Collusion; 300 Newsrags Attack President on Same Day

More than 300 U.S. newspapers have attacked the President on the same day with editorials criticizing President Trump's criticism of the vast left-wing media that is actually owned by the most rich globalists. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45204397

After having accomplished the removal of the unsightly Alex Jones webpages from social media as well as his Austin radio station, the media resumed their hegemony over U.S. political thought. Outspoken supporters of the President may find it difficult to keep their heads above water in social media when the vast left-wing collusion sycophancy working for corporatist domination finds it so easy to purge their enemies.


Pennsylvania Pederasty Is a Problem of Pre and Amillenialism Without a Priesthood of Believers

Recent Pennsylvania revelations of pederasty among Catholic Clergy in Pennsylvania underscores the problems of commercial priesthoods exploiting a laity. Too often they wish to dominate as authorities over a laity, and that makes a poor motivation to reform theology now and then.

Martin Luther believed that all Christians are priests, and that's a Bible based opinion. In the modern era of universal literacy it would be easy to have ecclesiastical reform such that three ranks of beginner, intermediate and expert existed in churches applicable to all members; true theological councils could devise liturgical formats and content for the priesthood of believers to apply in churches- possibly in small groups, absent of a separate and unequal commercial priest.

Boston led the way in pederasty and general child abuse in the Catholic Church in 2002, then the problem was revealed at Penn State University and presently in the grand jury report that states a thousand kids and 300 priests victimizing them over seventy years was a sad part of the Catholic experience in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania perversion is not a result of homosexual or male dominance of the Catholic Church. The problem is the lack of a transparent, confessing and egalitarian priesthood of believers.



So many theologically wrong doctrines saying that end times apocalypse fitting the Bible are either ahead or symbolically present disregard the true facts of the post-millennial interpretation of scripture. They rationalize that the end times are coming and nothing worldly matters so waste the ecosphere and God will provide a better heavenly one or they believe they hold the keys of St. Peter exclusively and if the enjoy a little gnostic sophistication that's all the better.

Omarosa Faction Claim Use of N-Word Sometime by Donald Trump Possible

The Omarosa Faction has claimed that the Trump administration has personnel that may have actually discussed use of the N-word. That claim is hardly credible since so few Americans have ever actually used the word, and only a few White house staff were recorded talking along those lines- possibly. It is o.k. for YouTube to have five minutes of the N-word though ban Alex Jones because he might know someone that actually used the word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqRswhHewpg

White people may not use the N-word, yet black people are down with that. One must be confident that no discrimination exists in the United States. The nation is all about equal protection of the law. Finally the hate monger Mark Twain may be banned from U.S. schools.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I0Od2HOozs Sacha Baron Cohen ricks Rep to N-Word Use


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5fE56Ysx9w Ja Rule Op on N

US Gov Five Year Contract Plans

Some U.S. Government contracts that presently are set out at one year will go to five year spans in starting in 2019. That may benefit big players more so than small businesses that don't always have five years of security ahead. An example; if the economy changes much a big business might be able to withstand inflation or deflationary changes better than a small business. Four years to go on a contract with a small profit margin in a volatile cost-supply production market is tough

While one can imagine Donald Trump signing the Declaration of Independence more so than Hillary or several other Democrats that would have instead probably have sought a cozy position with royal governors, the changeover from one year to five on government contract duration for numerous services seems like a benefit for the concentration of wealth and globalism instead of nationalism and small business.

One must wonder about military contracts and if they too would be held as tightly on a fiver year plan if they find cost over-runs; wouldn't the government just give the Haliburtons of the business world some kind of cost-plus extension? Would five year contracts involving foreign entities as prime or subcontractors be in more antipathetic relations potentially as foreign relations might change faster than contractual relationships. For example; what if China recognizes Taiwan's independence as if then given more five year contracts, and thereafter reverses course and again declares Taiwan a rogue province?


Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is...