
Interstitial Space (poem)


Interstitial places were spaces
fulfilled with tentative connectors
convectors roiling content
atoms rolling with strong force
field gaps of time to race
shadows of being and becoming
string quark consonants

      Each green shadow moved
before it faded to history
where it was the moment
a live chameleon
walking the trunk upwards
before rain and wind brought cold
such cold change to make lizards shiver

      A planet and galaxy drawn toward centralism
mass gathering mass
bushel baskets at harvest moon
streets that fade into pillowed softness
dusted with history of the past
a mystery for what has gone before
occupies fragmented memories fading away

    Other Universes and theories for Einstein
Mozart and a variety of souls brought down
to the benthos of the seas of time
compacting to metamorphic rock-
stones that roll upward only metaphorically
with expansive forces immediately contracting
reasoned guesses of a Creator making history a mystery

    Where each pace is a landslide
surfing rhyming intermezzos
tumbling talus slopes
with carbonaceous chondrite courtesy
to stop where impact craters resound
at the edges of the sea
crumbling elements
filaments each put together like sewn soldiers

    Skeletons mislead about the dead
interlocking field lines and fingers
slopes of mountain ranges that ever were nothing to see
something après;
and if there were a key
with Peter it might be.

The Question; 'Does Mind Affect Wave Function Collapse?'

 Some speculate the wave function collapse doesn’t occur…instead an infinite number of universes exist and thought finds the appropriate one to branch to. The Schrodinger wave function collapse is a way of measuring the position at an instant in time of a wave-particle in motion arbitrarily and does have an intrinsic problem of being somewhat unreal- especially for massless particles that haven’t really got a time dimension.

Present Wars weren't Caused by Hate

 Hate is a pop term these days of course yet wars occur more for financial reasons these days with social inertia and economic and social pressures driving conflicts. Hamas is a gang of terrorists with sponsors that have their own motives. If Gaza is put on parole for 20 years and with good behavior having all rights restored maybe the lunatic gangsters won't takeover again. There are real organizational and social dynamics in that particular conflict that need be realistically addressed. The hate thing in my opinion is a way of deflecting responsibility from those that actually can positively change economic and boundary issues that stim conflict. Do the 1 percent really care if gangsters in Gaza use their own people for human shields or if Ukrainian and Russians kill each other? Some actually profit on it.

Sartre's 1000 page 'Critique of Dialectical Reason' in which he investigated organizational structures of humans experiencing life. It would be difficult to make a brief bite-sized explanation of what Sartre's thesis was and how it functions in regard to a specific setting like the Taliban and Afghanistan. Needless to say hate is not the essential factor. Women's rights in Afghanistan were a challenging problem for many of the west. Yet without a western level economy many of the western level prerogatives of females were not practically attainable. Sociology is a deep field itself, yet Americans tend to want to apply technical fixes superficially without much understanding of why certain social conflicts evolve or how to mitigate the damage. Vietnam was the first modern case in point and their have been several others.


Stupidity of Modern War Shows AI and Drone Future for Land Battle

 The criminal stupidity of the Ukraine war that could have been avoided if the west shared some of historically Russian Ukraine with Russia has demonstrated the vulnerability of armored vehicles to accurate artillery fire directed by intelligence and surveillance from the land and sky. Not that Israel using Vietnam era M-113 armored personnel carriers should avoid some criticism. Maybe they can’t afford more modern Bradley fighting vehicles because the U.S. Congress hasn’t spent much on their milliary in comparison to that of Ukraine. Oh well.

Obviously tanks will need to be regarded as tiny aircraft carriers with a battle group of capable drone surrounding to defend them. From mines, from artillery strikes and other direct and indirect fire weapons. Planning for wars is a comparatively retarded venture when the smart thing is to avoid them with rational, fair and balanced international economic planning. Yet even the U.S. Congress can’t accomplish peaceful relations enough to pass a surfeit of good legislation.

Tanks may be downsized as well and be run remotely without humans inside them something like global hawk operators work aircraft from a distance. The inhumanization of war is something of a natural evolution of incompetent leadership in the U.S. and N.A.T.O countries that don’t prioritize ecological economic evolution with inclusiveness globally as immediately profitable or desirable as war.

It is wise to seek God

  It is wise to seek the truth. Some are called by the Spirit unto faith in the Lord and salvation. Some people believe that spirit is the true nature of the Universe and that the Higgs Field entanglement of massless 2-dimensional particles creating the appearance of mass and being is a configuration of God...That is mass is a relativistic phenomena that seems solid to people embedded within it. Some don't believe that obviously. The faithless whom are not reprobate may exert all manner of arguments against faith in an unseen realm of Spirit under the authority of God.

St. Augustine was a neo-Platonist follower of Plotinus before he converted to Christianity, or perhaps because of it. Luke 8-13 says "And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away." It is not good to lose faith. Perhaps it was never well-rooted to start with. Many pastors talk about people attending church who are not really saved...that is they have not personally accepted Christ as their personal savior. It is a serious talk though. There is a passage from the book of Hebrews 6: 4-6 that causes worry for some of those that have lost faith. For it says they cannot be recovered for they would need to crucify Christ a second time. The good opinion might be to go ahead and recover it as best you can with assurance the Lord will save you if possible. You needed to go pretty far to the dark side of faithlessness after being saved to find it impossible to find your way back. Jesus is the good Shepard.



Hai water (a haiku)


  Blue water would reach

angstroms of perception quarks

hai water to pink.

Colorfall (a Haiku)


     Pools of frozen time

shadow nature in quiet

     blue over pink landfall.

Hamas; The NAZI Party Next Door

 After the present conflict ends the Gaza will need to be on parole for twenty years. With good non-violent behavior then their graduation toward an independent status could resume. Like Canada or Australia gradually becoming independent as Britain relinquished direct control, Gaza too could become independent except perhaps I the fine print-possibly resembling again Britain’s relationship with Canada and Australia.

Hamas is the Nazi Party next door. President Biden and select U.N. personnel have suggested that Israel should cease fire before Hamas has been entirely removed from the Gaza. That is like suggesting that the Nazi party be protected and given a chance, with international nurturing, to recover and rebuild perhaps with a two-state solution so they can build up the Nazi military again.


Applying Wisdom to the Analysis of Theoretical Orchards (a poem)


The work is a slippery image
where inflation holds the keys
graduating ever for nowhere
progress is shooting the breeze

    Echoes of images draw
artificial intelligence dating
hope like figures scrimshawed
arisen for a while with ratings

    The truth was generations passing
economic handles disappearing fast
evolving atheist’s quicksilver massing
to nothingness with themselves in the past

    Bickering proofs pasted paper mache crowns
on pedestals of prosperity
that global warming rain drowns
with  Luddite ubiquity

    Wars conducted with tighter algorithms
fast as light laser bullets fly
unemployed forever targets fall to staccato rhythm
a democrat congress found a way for each to die.


Tunnel Vision (poem)

and motivations
build the constructions
leading to war

  So look to the west
where fighting is best
with nothing but death
brought to the fore

  Violent Hamas
draws killing to pass
gang satanic mass
just death to see

  Never new in store
same old, same old war
like life is a whore
fait accompli.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...