
Interstitial Space (poem)


Interstitial places were spaces
fulfilled with tentative connectors
convectors roiling content
atoms rolling with strong force
field gaps of time to race
shadows of being and becoming
string quark consonants

      Each green shadow moved
before it faded to history
where it was the moment
a live chameleon
walking the trunk upwards
before rain and wind brought cold
such cold change to make lizards shiver

      A planet and galaxy drawn toward centralism
mass gathering mass
bushel baskets at harvest moon
streets that fade into pillowed softness
dusted with history of the past
a mystery for what has gone before
occupies fragmented memories fading away

    Other Universes and theories for Einstein
Mozart and a variety of souls brought down
to the benthos of the seas of time
compacting to metamorphic rock-
stones that roll upward only metaphorically
with expansive forces immediately contracting
reasoned guesses of a Creator making history a mystery

    Where each pace is a landslide
surfing rhyming intermezzos
tumbling talus slopes
with carbonaceous chondrite courtesy
to stop where impact craters resound
at the edges of the sea
crumbling elements
filaments each put together like sewn soldiers

    Skeletons mislead about the dead
interlocking field lines and fingers
slopes of mountain ranges that ever were nothing to see
something après;
and if there were a key
with Peter it might be.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...