
Free Science Fiction Novel (Temporal Cross Currents)

My novel named Temporal Cross Currents is free to download at
An excerpt from Temporal Cross Currents

At the Plastic Alpha Tholoi the three descended to the Prajol line and were beset by an odd purple haze twilighting the horizon of Plastic Alpha at the shore of the Sea of Regulus. The haze was especially strange for Miami just released from inert confinement in the stone prison cube.

This must be the work of Moflunk, bent servant of Renflume Universe. When I refused to surrender my workers for conversion here and after bribery and torture failed to gain my compliance to the will of Renflume I was downloaded into the Ugarit Prison Cube.”

Moflunk appeared emerging as a transcendent pattern in the Sea of Regulus before them. A luminescent green scum floating upon the waters with a variegated sheen like a hydrocarbon slick supported ideas, images, patterns and shapes that swirled like an infinite depth of four-dimensional images upon a three-dimensional surface.

The mind of Moflunk had a tonal quality that was dwarfed, muted and yet with an explosive desire to control. It was subtly nuanced, persuasive, arrogant and demanding increased energy throughput. His voice broke as the sound of ten thousand harmonized trashcan lids dropping into place...

This world is now the property of Renflume Universe and is my personal responsibility. You will immediately surrender all sentient workers with materialbodies to Chief of Adaptation Inbar at the restuffing plants yonder within two days. All qualified will be uploaded to the Quantum Probability Ship within two days. Shirkers will be tortured and terminated without a semblance of pleasure!”

Evdolp Stella thought to Movin Saytrap and Stephen Miami; “Intelligent Destiny is a Dynatron sparsely populated in communities that permit continuity of naturally evolving ecosystems. Renflume Universe and Moflunk are separate from reality within Universe (1) so far as is possible without death, existing within it as shadows outside its natural physical parameters. Their works on Plastic Alpha must be the surface of a retrograde megalomania lusting for the Universe.”

Movin thought to Stella “How will we defend Evdolp?”

She replied, “We must wait to understand more. Nowhere the enemy is, is invulnerable to counterattack.”

When Moflunk upsurged his being into the Sea of Regulus he violated an
integral element of the Civilization. Moflunk annexed it with field enclosure to the Quantum Probability Ship’s compresent M-matrix. The Ship is the transcendent body of Renflume and Moflunk.”

Picking up an anti-matter explosive device from the construction site Movin said “You mean that the Sea of Regulus is now possessed by and one with the Quantum Probability Ship, Renflume Renflume and Moflunk?”

Probably, Movin.”

Stephen Miami thought to Movin “Be careful with that little package, it might go off. Those anti-matter demolitions should be handled only by experts.”

Sure, I know Stephen, yek a shock wave front to compact material in pure string balls that were then pitched to a space-time dimensional accelerator and swatted over a time-dimensional wall with force field impact could be worse. Someone like Renflume just might try it you know. The megalomaniac's will to reconfigure the Universe isn’t too much different than reconfiguring minds with particle beam thought shapers. I don’t prefer to be stuffed and uploaded to the Quantum Probability Ship two days hence.


Angels and Infinite Dimensions

I believe it was while considering the outlook of angels that I regarded their trans-dimensional propensity or not readily morphing to a consideration of dimension and their number. Why not an infinite number of dimensions as an infinite series? One already has the example of Cantor's trans-finite sets and perhaps trans-finite dimension sets too, if the string and membrane theory concept that some dimensions may be larger or smaller, embedded to transcendent and interacting with others. Perhaps multiple dimensions interacting produce a different sort of compound dimension in effect creating qualitative as well as quantitative distinctions.

In the Revelation angels are referred to quite a lot. They seem almost to be a referent-term for a sector or nexus of sentience within the spiritual realm with the possibility that human sentience in some way is a sub-category of particular angels (perhaps with a higher dimensional protocol). John takes letters to the angels of churches such as that of Smyrna. Considering how natural philosophy describing the natural world intersects the spiritual plane of metaphysical, theological and philosophical interest is interesting. Consideration of the metaphysics of dimensions is fascinating yet less important except as it informs one of inferences and possibilities about God's way of being.

God probably is the issuer of dimensions as non-contingent being. There may be a rational mechanics of relations amidst dimensions from divine design rather than slots in empty space into which dimensions place mass and energy. Paul Erhenfrest saw the necessity of four dimensions for matter to fully cohere, yet there may be more templates and courses for the interaction of mass and energy in other forms with more or fewer dimensions.

One must wonder if dimensions cohere in empty space as qualities pre-existing mass and energy or if mass and energy naturally arrange into three dimensional configurations with one more of time. That is the simplistic way to view the matter perhaps however there is no necessity that it is so. It is somewhat more challenging to imagine membranes with endowments of mass colliding that appear to be of four dimensions at intersections of collisions (something like when the Andromeda Galaxy intersects with the Milky Way in a few billion years). In some way one would want to speculate that membranes are a natural form for dimensions to take and for mass and energy to arrange themselves in-yet that shape of flatness perhaps as a one-dimension brane seems to be inconsistent with Occam's razor. Dimensions would need to become membranes of finite area and yet appear simultaneously with an initial endowment of mass (unless God placed it there) and/or energy, or mass and /or energy would need to arise without dimensions and slip into membranes (plural) that would later intersect, or mass and/ or energy might naturally evolve membranes that would collide or rebound as developed artifacts of a primary, evolved form. The evolution of membranes or dimensions probably shouldn't be regarded as a trivial feature ancillary to the existence of mass and or energy.

I still like Leibniz's spiritual monad theory of divine interaction with energy/mass. It is easy to take that as a general paradigm for God's spiritual issuance of forms that appear as energy-mass. Basic partitioned fields seem to need to set apart energy-mass from infinities anyway. Quantum valence shells and quantum uncertainty within a field or fields with constructions that have ordinal and finite set matrices of force seems a practical way of supporting a steady-state of mass entangled Universe.


U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy SNAFU

The foreign and domestic policies of the U.S. Government seem to be in a normal situation of confusion and flux. In the midst of the smoke and mirrors there is a vacuum in policy with inertial drift  just to reinforce the god of Wall Street from whence all prosperity flows so long as the Federal Reserve gives it trillions of zero interest cash. Washington D.C. can always count on China and cheap labor from Mexico to give American investors a lift. One wonders where it will all lead-perhaps to Chief Justice Robert's stock market investments that must have gone up with the rest of the investor rich the past several years.

America's Middle East policy is no more than incompetent. A good policy leader could square away that dry as dust region in 3 to 6 months rather easily. Expanding Kurdistan as a Northern state of Iraq and diving Syria in three part with a quarter for Israel would keep the joint hopping. As Honda or Sony once said lead or get out of the way-the U.S.A. does neither.

Assad needs a Shi'a-Christian third. Kurdistan needs a third and The Muslim Brotherhood need a third and that should be joined with the Palestinian West Bank entity and renamed The New Terrorist Entity. Israel needs a security enclave fat enough to make it stronger rather than weak looking. A strong and fat Israel is not so much a target as a weak 120 pound weakling Israel with terrorist Muslims close to Jerusalem. Israel should expand beyond the Golan Heights and on the West Bank about 10 miles. Israel's security buffer will be deducted from the overall land grant of all partners.

Plainly the U.S.A. needs to lead reinforcement of Assad's Syrian security and compel the Palestinians to move into co-fraternal territoriality with the Muslim Brotherhood in The New Terrorist Entity. President Obama nearly succeeded in establishing a lasting Muslim Brotherhood state dictatorship in Egypt-the Morsi government was just rash in trashing the constitution and drawing a military response. The lesson learned will be that in the next round where populism returns the Brotherhood to power they must slowly erode the constitution and infiltrate the military making it impossible for liberals to kick them out with a coup. One wonders if the President is a closet Muslim having grown up in a Sunni nation.

American white women have been the decisive driving force in moving the nation toward the homosexual agenda the past two decades by voting consistently against the Republican Party. That direction continues with little chance of change. The Supreme Court has refused to hear a case on state's banns on homosexual marriages this term-bans that have been overturned in about half the states by Federal Judges whom have become the most effective recruiters for Muslim fundamentalist terrorists in the global war between straits and queers. The U.S. Government under the Obama administration has moved toward the wild queer side of the street in the battle between homo-sex and hetero-sex votaries. One wonders if the President is a Sunni Muslim.

With the nation's economy edging toward a catastrophe theory flip-flop anytime with the vast public debt and continuing degradation of the work force's compensation (Wal-mart just cut health benefits to employees with less than full time jobs), the environment in decay and the border ineffectively defended it seems that the policy is toward making the U.S.A. a second world nation run by sycophants of global plutocrats. The President can ask his friend Warren Buffet about that.


Build Center for West African Virus Control With F.B.I. Field Office

Ebola probably won't be the final deadly virus originating in West Africa. Ad hoc responses that arrive piecemeal will be added to react and slow contagion from the international community, so why not build a Center for Disease Control and Study of Deadly Viruses in West Africa with an F.B.I. field office-hardened and bomb resistant, on the campus nearby to help with field investigations security and look for the odd bomber developing weapons delivery packages for D.C.?

A level 3 viral research and treatment center staffed by international researchers and doctors perhaps with a thousand beds for patients might react quicker and more effectively to the next deadly disease. With the accelerated transmission of contagion in the global era on site research of likely locations for disease development could be helpful. China can take care of itself. It is Africa that is lacking substantive facilities for disease prevention. The international community should put such a package together and keep and eye out for Albert Shabop, whom might dissent with violence.


Oil Platform Haul-outs for Walruses?

Sea lions like to use marina docks as substitute haul outs where natural land or ice features aren’t available. One might think that walrus also would use man-made platforms for haul outs where available such as specially adapted offshore oil platforms in Alaska. perhaps legislation could be made to require oil corporations to attach haul-outs for walrus and polar bear on their offshore facilities. Human compensation for global warming melting of the Arctic ice pack ought to go ahead in an affordable way.

As an alternative remedy the federal government could design special electric engine powered haul out barges that would follow the ice pack recession seasonally to moor in locations where walrus and polar bear formerly had ice to rest on. Permanent moorings could be made so the barges could hook on to anchored tethers with floats that sink beneath the waves in advance of the return of seasonal ice and reappear seasonally when signaled or boat-hooked. The barges could return to the beach of the North Slope in autumn as the ice returns.

Questions About Ebola as a Sexually Transmitted Disease

The obvious unanswered question is ‘Can Ebola be contracted sexually?’ Will sex tourist of Africa take Ebola to the melting flesh-pots of the world? Alternatively, if Ebola is just a viral pool of blood, vomit etc. that expands as people dip into it or are splashed by it, Americans with better sanitation are better off. They might be able to avoid getting into the planetary Ebola pool. With insular housing and metal transportation boxes Americans can stay away from the two or three week time period required for Ebola to burn itself out in new victims, comparable in some respects to forest fires that last two or three weeks and then die, unless the virus if frozen I would guess in a body or blood during a cold winter freeze. Yet if sexual transmission works those with the atheist mind set may become leaders at disseminating Ebola globally.

The sex tourism route though might be an advantaged course for prosperous American tourists to get the disease. Wilt Chamberlain’s 50,000 conquests might have included some Africans too. If he were alive in the H.I.V. era he might have been one of the early victims. The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a giant stamp to honor one of America’s highest scoring sportsmen (he is also the N.B.A.’s all time scoring champ). Sex tourism of Africa as well as Thailand could be dangers if the Ebola pool flows that way. Thank goodness West Nile virus (is that the Blue Nile?) seems not to be a sexually transmitted disease, or it would be pandemic. 


The Secret Service, Fence Jumping Invaders & Kurdistan

When a troubled vet jumped the White House Fence and ran into the East Wing of the White House the President wasn't home and neither was security. One can imagine a suicide bomber jumping the fence-maybe they already brought packages of C-4 from the Middle East over the Mexican border. Illegal boundary jumpers aren't supposed to be troubling to the rich or politicians generally. The President has been on vacation at securing the Mexican border from illegal entry as well and that keeps the value of labor down.

Perhaps the President was getting in another of hundreds of rounds of golf or considering an exit strategy for the Syrian guerrilla war and terror training field training exercise though the Pentagon has said the bombing will go on for years. Like reading tea leaves there is an art to drawing inferences from Obama administration Middle East facts from which inferences about policy could be read.

The President in a speech about the spat of head-choppings by ISIS said that no god would like that, or work that, or something like that. I do not think the President is a polytheist at all, however one knows that the mostly Reformed Christian Cromwell administration benefited from the first regicide in modern European history. God is fairly tough and able too tolerate his Son being cruicified-arguably worse than a head chopping-Jesus was no pansy.

President Obama's statement that no god-not Thor or Moloch or other pretenders that are stone or wood would condone chopping-and one knows that insentient beings cannot vote much less order head chops. It seems like another lawyerly language trick-like what the meaning of is is only with a larger topic.

God is certainly for justice and the end of sin yet one accomplishes that through the sacrifice of the Lord, not with more causal series bombings. If head chopping seems like sin, remember that Islam has no paradigm for sin as do Christians. Instead they have the goal of theocratic world-conquest as an article of faith. Politically speaking even atheists believe generally that ends justify means or at least that there are no moral values that are valid moral criteria for judging ends or means. Instead they simply are. 

The Quran has lots of stuff about war and chopping off of hands for thieving is fairly common. The Middle East has a history of low-budget corrections-even the Iranians had a tow truck with a hoist for a mobile scaffold during the Amahdinijab era I believe it was, cruising around Tehran for swift justice. The revolutionary Jacobeans and the Directorate brought a mobile guillotine to Haiti and elsewhere. ISIS as wicked and silly as it is about forming a government through blood that won't work, is not unique in the application of biased justice to political opponents. There is no question that the broadcast media is a tool of the rich and that airwaves ought to be given over to the public to restore a semblance of democracy in the U.S.A. Wealthy corporations pay money to other corporations that own broadcast networks for political advertising through PACS and the poor and middle class public slurps it up. Add together the collected political works of Republicrat parties and one find pure corporatism concentrating wealth. The media are their tools and PR mouthpieces.

If ISIS will exist for years as a credible terrorist-military force in the region then that must mean the Syrian civil war will continue too and the President will continue to support rebel efforts to depose the lawful Assad government. At the same time that the Saudis will be training 5000 moderates to either attack ISIS with sandals or boots on the ground or sand the Friends of Syria will be sending arms (well weapons rather than arms or heads) and continuing pay outs for rebel and terror salaries to the warriors that may be honest killers seeking to attack Assadites but may have sympathy toward expanding the Dar al Harb and Dar al Islam as well. Keeping a foot on the gas peddle to the metal and another on the brake simultaneously while spinning a Broddie or reverse one and a half end-over-end seems the exciting prospect.

 If the Syrian Civil war is protracted and the battle against ISIS presumes a stable foe as if it were an invading horde of  Mongols led by Tamerlane or Genghis that can be clearly identified and not just slip out and disappear into the local populace perhaps to reform like a cancer in other cells tat will assure continuing Syrian civilian suffering.

There are some that right-wingly call for boots on the ground to pacify the populace and bring peace until the boots march somewhere else. It is probably worth considering what a division or two of tankers or Marines might mean to the area. First though the exist strategy and clear goals to accomplish that might stabilize the presently ISIS-claimed regions might be adumbrated. If ISIS is dispersed won't another succeeding rebel & terror organization draw upon the remaining available resources to war and claim land? Isn't that sort of an occupation of many terror organizations in the area generally that has increased because of U.S. support for war on the lawful Syrian government?

Some might hypothesize a lasting American special forces troop presence in the Kurdistan district of Iraq as a kind of foreign legion able to reinforce Kurdish led military and security activities. A stronger Kurdistan reinforced by Iraq might be a way to keep a frontier post able to defrappe the formation of ad hoc terror ventures precipitated by the dubiously helpful war upon Basher Assad.

Some sort of stability as an ad hoc and continuing political fact that permits a certain measure of economic activity and environmental conservation development would be better than an ongoing ad hoc chaos with conflict effort.


Nature's Way

   Wrong responses to challenges of environmental and global dooming will not solve the problems. The competition of capitalism left to itself will not provide answers to environmental economic questions any more than sports competition will prepare for and provide answers to a science test. Natural forces of capital development may be as indolent and unresponsive to environmental exams as the archetypal coach potato believing that swilling beer and watching the NFL Sunday will evolve the right answers to an end-of-semester science exam Monday morning or ultimate questions on the last day.

Of Nature's Way

In the shadows that flit across the street
meeting places that eroded way
the report of no time remaining
gathering dust like a neutron star's reign
of power concentrating further
the value of truth's costly commodity
leveling packages
was a gong

Minus one twelfth night
another sum of all numbers
where forests of trees cut down fly beyond
enfiladed species erased as dreams
hours echoing in waves formed ripples
cascading through Higg's field
where gravity stands down at last
motion too with global warming dead ahead gone past

Sentient logic circuits in linear progressions
racing through bodies in a world after quarks
where ideas exist for-themselves
darkly immune from the gilt of transactions
shaped like frosting on cakes
ice rhymed winks at states of art
killing of organic life and morals
bereft of spiritual reason.


Post Script to a note on Predeterminism

Predestination is a somewhat amorphous topic. On some days I understand more about it than others. predestination might be regarded as a function of determinism. Since God is omnipotent and omniscient the temporal Universe is necessarily predestined to run its course, and of course God's purpose was not to have it as some sort of contingent, random fluke of luck. Instead, in accord with His physical boundaries determining the force structure and thermodynamic composition of the steady state-entanglement that comprises mass in Universe 1 He foreknew each and every detail and connection amidst particles and even human will.

All know God yet some with false consciousness forget who He is. All are called and few are chosen. The kingdom of God is within-these are difficult paradigms yet consistent with the omnipotent Creator who appeared as the Son that people might have a relationship personally with God.

Free will may occur within the kingdom of God that is an atemporal paradigm cohering in the temporal experience of human experience as a sort of point of contact with the non-temporal eternal presence of God whom is Spirit. Human freedom to choose Jesus Christ as their personal savior atoning for the original sin that put mankind physically into temporal thermodynamics eating of the tree of knowledge enables exfiltration from deterministic causality such as Newton would have well understood and that exists in a sense even in the quantum mechanical paradigm of quantum uncertainty. One might readily extrapolate that the uncertainty is an interface between the pure spiritual liberty of God in His omniscient, omnipotent majesty and the deterministic, entangled quantum order bound in a Higgs Field that mankind experiences. I think that is better regarded as a metaphor for the protocol between pure freedom-in-itself and the deterministic realm for others comprising the paradoxical setting for free will vs determinism issues.


The Tao of American Capitalism

American capitalism in the post-cold war era hasn't evolved felicitously like a development of four season building interior ecosystems optimally adapting in each new transformative directed evolution. Instead capital investment has flowed abroad to new economic frontiers such as China, India and Mexico as well as relocating production over there. In the leaky bucket economic criterion for American capitalism keeping capital investment in the U.S.A. is in opposition to operative Taoist principles of a watercourse way flowing capital overseas to the easiest correspondent pool of capital increase.

Corporate revenue streams may increase in the flow to richer networks downhill drawing in a thousand rivulets into consolidated corporate flows yet the redirection of capital tends to dry up the U.S. National economic opportunities for the majority of the nation whom are poor and middle class. One might envisage a two-or three stage reformed taxation principle of progressive taxation on corporate profit yet the challenges of innovating new forms of enhanced tax structures are substantial. Unlike interior décor that automatically rearranges itself and reconfigures itself along Taoist principles at minimal cost that could be technologically adduced in some futurist scenario taxation or economic reform by Democratic government becomes increasingly opposed by the shear power of concentrated capital flow. Globalization

As capital investment has flowed abroad with labor so one might anticipate intellectual work to flow abroad as well. Globalization of an intellectual labor pool may find lowest cost intellectual piecework competition with Americans on a level field with Chinese and Indian intellectuals. Spanish speaking language requirements will be outsourced to via Internet piecework bidding for work. Capitalism in effect will become alienated from the U.S.A. as a nation as it imports cheap foreign labor to drive down the wage value of remaining American labor.

A bright spot for American capitalists is that taxes may be lowered further with the concept that production will remain or return. Tax rates are perhaps not as meaningful to the decision to outsource work as labor costs and market location. As the second and third world nations move up it would be more efficient to locate production closer to the preferred market consumers.

American workers are encouraged to take on student debt training costs for jobs that may not exist or that will become outsourced. Home mortgages that are indexed through globalization to rates investors are willing to pay through derivatives may rise above the ability of the poor and middle class to afford.

With thirty-year home mortgages, disruption in quality employment may break the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase and pay for a home before old age or death. Plainly divorce and homosexual marriage will change the dynamics of home ownership and increase of capital by the poor and middle class in a stable, affordable environment, and that may well affect the ability for parents to pass on their home as an inheritance with a modest capital value increase to the next generation. The default is toward renting and a trickling upward of wealth from the poor and middle class to globalists' concentrated proprietary capital. Networked outlets of global capital vacuum up the financial floor assets of the middle class and poor redistributing wealth from the nation to a plutocratic global ocean.

Developing of oil field fracking technology has brought a steady increase in American oil field production from previously depleted fields. One might reasonably anticipate global oilfields depleted during the 20th century also will be partially revived by future fracking and that too will increase production from old fields and lower global oil costs.

Oil per barrel has already dropped to the low $90s and one might anticipate a price as low as $45 to $60 in the coming years. Russia’s depleted Baku oil fields, Iran’s under-productive reserves and those of Pemex, Saudi, Nigeria and so forth will get their fracking steroid shots endangering underground water quality too yet dumping millions and millions of barrels of effective new oil onto the world market. Plainly that calls for Congress to swiftly pass a permanent alternative energy production tax exemption to let solar, wind and fuel cell power plus remain competitive with fossil fuel burning.

Creating a base service economy boom in the U.S.A. the next decade with low-paying jobs as in the Clinton years with increasing deregulation of Wall Street and the rich may concentrate wealth at an accelerating pace. Returning global investments to buy up American properties will also continue as the majority of Americans experience life ruled by a Plutonomy.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...