
The Tao of American Capitalism

American capitalism in the post-cold war era hasn't evolved felicitously like a development of four season building interior ecosystems optimally adapting in each new transformative directed evolution. Instead capital investment has flowed abroad to new economic frontiers such as China, India and Mexico as well as relocating production over there. In the leaky bucket economic criterion for American capitalism keeping capital investment in the U.S.A. is in opposition to operative Taoist principles of a watercourse way flowing capital overseas to the easiest correspondent pool of capital increase.

Corporate revenue streams may increase in the flow to richer networks downhill drawing in a thousand rivulets into consolidated corporate flows yet the redirection of capital tends to dry up the U.S. National economic opportunities for the majority of the nation whom are poor and middle class. One might envisage a two-or three stage reformed taxation principle of progressive taxation on corporate profit yet the challenges of innovating new forms of enhanced tax structures are substantial. Unlike interior décor that automatically rearranges itself and reconfigures itself along Taoist principles at minimal cost that could be technologically adduced in some futurist scenario taxation or economic reform by Democratic government becomes increasingly opposed by the shear power of concentrated capital flow. Globalization

As capital investment has flowed abroad with labor so one might anticipate intellectual work to flow abroad as well. Globalization of an intellectual labor pool may find lowest cost intellectual piecework competition with Americans on a level field with Chinese and Indian intellectuals. Spanish speaking language requirements will be outsourced to via Internet piecework bidding for work. Capitalism in effect will become alienated from the U.S.A. as a nation as it imports cheap foreign labor to drive down the wage value of remaining American labor.

A bright spot for American capitalists is that taxes may be lowered further with the concept that production will remain or return. Tax rates are perhaps not as meaningful to the decision to outsource work as labor costs and market location. As the second and third world nations move up it would be more efficient to locate production closer to the preferred market consumers.

American workers are encouraged to take on student debt training costs for jobs that may not exist or that will become outsourced. Home mortgages that are indexed through globalization to rates investors are willing to pay through derivatives may rise above the ability of the poor and middle class to afford.

With thirty-year home mortgages, disruption in quality employment may break the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase and pay for a home before old age or death. Plainly divorce and homosexual marriage will change the dynamics of home ownership and increase of capital by the poor and middle class in a stable, affordable environment, and that may well affect the ability for parents to pass on their home as an inheritance with a modest capital value increase to the next generation. The default is toward renting and a trickling upward of wealth from the poor and middle class to globalists' concentrated proprietary capital. Networked outlets of global capital vacuum up the financial floor assets of the middle class and poor redistributing wealth from the nation to a plutocratic global ocean.

Developing of oil field fracking technology has brought a steady increase in American oil field production from previously depleted fields. One might reasonably anticipate global oilfields depleted during the 20th century also will be partially revived by future fracking and that too will increase production from old fields and lower global oil costs.

Oil per barrel has already dropped to the low $90s and one might anticipate a price as low as $45 to $60 in the coming years. Russia’s depleted Baku oil fields, Iran’s under-productive reserves and those of Pemex, Saudi, Nigeria and so forth will get their fracking steroid shots endangering underground water quality too yet dumping millions and millions of barrels of effective new oil onto the world market. Plainly that calls for Congress to swiftly pass a permanent alternative energy production tax exemption to let solar, wind and fuel cell power plus remain competitive with fossil fuel burning.

Creating a base service economy boom in the U.S.A. the next decade with low-paying jobs as in the Clinton years with increasing deregulation of Wall Street and the rich may concentrate wealth at an accelerating pace. Returning global investments to buy up American properties will also continue as the majority of Americans experience life ruled by a Plutonomy.

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