
Ten Days to Go in 2014 England vs. Scotland U.K. Cup Election

In just ten days Scots will go to the polls to cast their dolts onto the important matter of should they cast their subjugation to England aside and become free. If the Scots give up their prostration to the Thames gang where will they go? 

In times like these one might ask themself; what would Mel Gibson do? Since the diaspora of Scots to engine rooms across the globe Scotland has become weak. America has Rowdy Roddy Piper, not Edinborough. Those highland flings to foreign shores have allowed British fish and chips to usurp the natural Scottish batters and fish. Scots use the British currency-whatever that is...something written with the face of Allen Greenspan on it I think.

It is said that just 50,000 Scots pay more in taxes than they receive in tax benefits from the central government so one would expect loyalty to the Thames gang to trump the vote for independence. The proud brogue of broad Scots has a natural disaffection to the London twang with the  money dialect. Scotland as a free people at last able to vote in the U.N. will be able to take charge of the British Open and have its own force de frappe. Bingin good show!



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