
Have NFL Spectator-Drunks Added to the War on Women?

One wonders if the violence of the NFL that is an alleged culture of corruption might promote violence against women indirectly through alcohol fueled beatings? When Women's suffrage grew in the early 20th century women supported prohibition. For 13 years the nation was dry-during that time called the roaring 20s the 18th amendment had prohibited booze in America. Wall Street built up a huge flam pyramid of unsupported investment without the dampening influence of booze. In the 1990s that was accomplished without sobriety on Wall Street-that is prohibition was was repealed with the 21st amendment in 1933.

A new prohibition era might reduce violence against women-at the very least Sunday Blue Laws prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages would be a moderate way to begin to deescalate the violence in culture, if alcohol is partly responsible for the violence. Advertising beer sales on any given Sunday seems a little to irreverent for a sober society.

It is something of a social philosophical issue when tens of thousands of drunks watch violence growing animated with emulative emoting. When sports media sneaking into Soldier field to swill alcohol from plastic cups and report the game developed a social conscious (just kidding) and sense of honor they might have thought that prohibition should be restored and violence against women reduced, yet that would be against the odds. Jim McMahon could have received diagnostic imaging for brain damage to determine the extent of damage to health during his career. There should be objective measurements and allowable levels of brain damage any NFL player can experience before mandatory retirement. Alcohol too damages brains as well as livers not only of drunks but of those they beat down as well.

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