
What Were the Demographics of Failed Scot's Independence Vote?

One wonders about the failed voted for Independence in Scotland where 45% voted yes and 55% said 'God save the Queen'-and even monarchs that are nominally head of the state Church can use salvation of course. Did the woman vote in Scotland swing toward the Queen whereas the men voted for Independence, except for the homosexuals that prefer England's homosexual marriage?

If women are somewhat biologically more conservative perhaps the disruption in income stream that would have occurred if leaving the U.K. overcame the opulent possibilities of independence. Pie in the sky-even good lemon meringue pie, just isn't as good as the present slice of pizza or package of fish and chips.

President Obama has learned well to exploit the gender preferences in politics and with the help of talk radio Rush Limbaugh's quaint concepts about science, global warming and environmentalism (he would probably have called the cfl caused ozone hole a hoax and opposed banning its use the Democrat Party has found easy going. While some don't like the Neanderthal brand of politics implicitly there are still many that believe homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to corrupt society in order to erase the idea that homosexuality is a corruption of human nature. Marriage should rationally be limited to heterosexuals and a 90% tax rate restricted to just the rich.

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