
Obama Policies Led to Rise of ISIS in Syria-Pres. Obama Demands Action

The execution of a second American journalist by ISIS-aka the Caliphate silenced a reporter for the wealthy, powerful broadcast media making conflict something of a world spectator event. The 'objectivity' of the media itself is an unreal way to react to conflict. That issue aside, the 'horrific' execution-worse than chemical execution in U.S. death rows that can take hours is itself somewhat weird. President Obama has urged that action be taken to bring to justice the ISIS terrorists that probably couldn't have formed a Caliphate at all if the administration had not been goading on regime change in Syria for several years.


In the Hindu religion there are two ways that a bodhisatva might improve the world; through action or through non-action. If that idea can be applied politically then perhaps non-action is a better course for the U.S. to take than action sometimes when we end up making situations worse that require further action.

I.S.I.S. needs to be reduced from a proto-state to a dissbanded organization yet the basic way to do that is to reverse Obama policy toward Syria and allow the Assad regime to recover and purge its land of guerrila fighters. That challenge is the prime conundrum for an unrealistic and somewhat cruel administration policy of continuing to support the Syrian civil war for several more years while just helping the 'nice' revolutionaries that wouldn't become Sunni radicals if they took power. Perhaps some Baathy secularists remain, or maybe Tudeh sorts of secular communist Arabs or Persians. What kind of fantasy world political planners live in in D.C. is not clear.

One might ask Israel to conquer the bad parts of Syria or maybe the Kurds to create a Kurdistan yet neither might be too enthusiastic about that. WHile the administration and N.A.T.O.. had the spaced-out Wall Street Market Fundamentalist regard for Ukraine-that Russia has invaded it at least a little, they need to basically grab land from Assad in order to keep if from being useful for the Caliphate.

President Obama's quiet bombing air campaign in a time of no policy seems reasonable enough. There is no reason to draw a map for ISIS about what DOD might be planning. The need to have media dissimulation about policy and to declare the higher civilization of Wall Street or CNN might not be credible to the poor of the Middle East or those Muslims that view the homosexual policies of the Obama administration in a bad light. Maybe its time to just give Syria to Israel, give the Alawi of Syria associate citizenship in a quid pro quo for Israel citizenship in Syria and declare it part of the eschaton and hope that King Adullah still sells oil to everyone that wants it without declaring jihad.

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