
A Switch to Robots of Discipline Ahead?

N.F.L. football star Adrian Peterson was arrested recently for spanking his kid with a switch. With child abuse a global problem theorists have developed the spare not the Rodham and spoil  not a child-spanking robot of discipline. When junior deserves corporal punishment for Napoleanic tendencies a Rodham robot of discipline can administer one-hundred swats faster than Bruce Lee’s wing Chung delivered with politically-correct sensitivity.

Some American males for too long have had a Pavlovian attitude toward discipline paradoxically salivating over the prospect of discipline-fulfillment-response-compensation loops. Cults of dog-walking females inspired the inventor of the Rodham Robot to journey to Europe and Paris in search of theories of discipline machines.

Shurelee ‘Tickle’ Flant Oxford IV realized that brutality to dogs was part of a cast system hierarchy brought about by leader-of-the-pack domination violence against dogs. Stopping spanking of dogs from early puppydom would create a better dog social-ecostructure. Instead of condign conditioning Oxford saw that the reward system for misbehavior would be more effective. If a dog was given enough taffy treats for misbehavior it would learn to hate misbehavior. The first step was in developing a Rodham Robot of Discipline to wean the dog ‘owners’ away from brutality to their pups.

Combining Charles Babbage’s calculating engine with women of discipline advertising in shop windows of Amsterdam Dr. Oxford saw the prototype of his dreams forming as a sparkling Rodham Spankin machine of discipline.

Americans have been moving toward a cessation of spanking and swatting in public schools where echoes sounding like a gunshot would reverberate from one end of a school building to another whenever another victim was given the flat bat of stinging discipline on the behind. The results have liberated Wall Street to have zero-responsibility passing of bad debt in little slices called derivatives globally, and there was no problem with that. They seek another way to discipline children without the possibility of sadistic pleasure fulfillment in administrators of discipline and are thus receptive to the Rodham Spanking Robot taking a swat at it down the road.

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