
'What is Truth' in the Context of Logic?

By faith we understand that the worlds have been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen hath not been made out of things which appear."-Hebrews 11:3

On the subject of 'What is Truth'?...I like the 'disquotation theory of truth', in which truth is an abbreviation for a longer list of things that one would say. That is one is saying that a is so, and b is so and c is so by way of saying that they are true. Perception to empiricists is about all that is true.

The objects or world of things that are perceptable exist without depending upon ideas about them (ideas can be wrong). There is a basic relation between words and objects that are uncertain and tentative.

Word's never become the things for-themselves...the word 'apple' is never a real 'apple'.T here has been quite a lot of philosophy written about the realtion between words and objects... P.F. Strawson and W. Van Ormand Quine notably. Some philosophers believe that there is an implicit natural logic that allows ideas that people have to order themselves in a natural way.

Formal logic is about the relation of ideas or word propositions to truth, or accuaracy. It's like basic addition in algebra...proposition A plus proposition B gives proposition C.

A + B=C is sort of like a syllogism's form such as;

Socrates is a Man (proposition 'A')
All Men are mortal + (proposition 'B')
Socrates is mortal = (proposition 'C')

As a Christian I believe that Jesus is truth in-himself. The mathematician Cantor developed the idea of a universal set that contained all sets including itself. Yet he realized that absolute set of all set could not include itself meaningfully.

A self-defining absolute cosmological theory that includes itself is also seemingly impossible (the idea was made by the mathematical-physicist Paul Davies). Jesus Christ surpasses that limit of the physical criterion of creation that seems or appears as material objects or space-mass-energy for intelligent beings-in-the-Universe.Because no self-defining system can contain the absolute, it is reasonably for Jesus as God to be the reference point of truth.. in the for-itself of the Universe, and subjectively within the categoria of theory of knowledge for-oneself.

Logic in the post-quantum mechanical era still has a meaning of how propositions or ideas relate to one another and attempts to consider the validity of what they express, yet the superposition of quanta and theories that rely not at all on perceptable objects but instead upon conformity to abstract mathematical theories provides a different and more difficult to verify criteria for the question of what is true or not.

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