
Notes on Ukrainian Wheat Production in the Russia and Soviet Empires

The Russian bread basket-the Ukraine is of inestimable value to the north Rus people (some Congressmen probably believe Russians should buy their bread from Wal-Mart). Democrat and Republican policies since 2001 in effect have supported the rise of a constellation of new Al Qaeda training camps all over North Africa, the Middle East and central Asia. Daft policy brings unintended consequences to fruition. As a result of the ineffective interventionist policies the U.S. Government may want to stimulate the rise of Madrassas and Al Qaeda cells in the Ukraine.

In a sad note the western supplied Ukraine militia attacked pro-Russian Ukrainians in Slovyansk with much loss of life of civilian dissidents to rule by Wall Street puppets. The Obama administration has specialists at stimulating civil conflict. I hope they do not build another large one in Ukraine. It may be that President Putin's perceived slight to queer propaganda during the Olympics required revenge from Obamanites.


It might be informative to compare the historical grain production from the Ukraine shipped to the rest of Moscow since the 18th century to determine how much is lacking presently. It should be noted that Russia itself exported 20 million metric tons of wheat in 2010-2011. 


 http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/aq344e/aq344e.pdf Ukraine wheat export economy 1990-2000



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