
England Returning to Traditional Evil-Empire Role

England has resumed its traditional role as an evil empire repressing democracy and stifling religious liberty. We had suspected that English leadership wished to find a practical new way to burn down Washington D.C. again, the method seems to be with forced aristocratic butch homosexuality. Elton John's 'Burn Down the Mission' song lyric expresses the new evil empire's insider financial, social, religious takeover ideal of redistributing wealth and power to the corrupt evil empire. It is insidious social wickedness.

England has made a farce of democracy, free speech and religious liberty disordering law to promote 'British' values homosexual marriage and godless, atheistic social scientism. England will force closure of schools that teach the truth of homosexuality is sin. Britain's evil empire aristocrats have emerged in drag dressing up as bimbos of anti-Christ and decivilizers of civil rights of democracy and free speech. In land-grabbing England democracy is tolerated only so long as one does not dissent with the will of corrupt and queer aristocrats seeking to devour Russian Eastern Ukraine , compel queer marriage laws in the U.S.A. through Rhodes scholars and their suckophants and rule the world via corrupt financial networking.

The New British Evil Empire sucks bad and Barrack Hussein Obama is no correction of the threat.

Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp. The planet Earth at the edge of a little galaxy within a local group of galaxies within a super cluster within a super-cluster of galaxies in one little tendril of mass-energy in a grid across the visible Universe with vast blank spaces amidst is a phenomenal place of space-time where human souls (means the complete compresent history of an individual life mapped by God as if it were like unto a digital story) can exist. There are innumerable wrong philosophical conclusions to draw and implications to make with the human discoveries of knowledge about the Universe in relation to the revealed knowledge given in the Holy Bible. Rash, swollen hubris is too common. Misunderstanding of the Bible is common too. Space-time values are also misunderstood in physics as relativity and transcending factors of metaphysics make certain of comparative time values improbable. If relativity is basically true then time literals of the Bible are relative to God as well whom is the absolute creator of all time, mass and energy though it functions well and independently locally. One cannot be certain where to draw the line between one time-reference system and another in this Universe or any others.

The entire Universe may be like a postage stamp in size surrounded by an infinity of nothingness capable of holding an infinite number of postage stamps. It is a mysterious and wonderful thing of which humanity can know only a part through a glass darkly.

The Lord Jesus Christ provided certain moral and ethical guidelines for the liberation of humanity from the bondage to sin and evil aristocratic rulers making themselves god. Nero had Peter and Paul executed. Tiberius presided over the execution of Jesus Christ. The entire Roman imperial line of descended from Julius Caesar unto the last-Nero-were made living gods and worshiped in Rome and around the empire. Jesus Christ corrected that and returned human development to the way of God-that of freedom. The true God and the Son Jesus Christ is the right way for a lost, fallen humanity to move forward through the moral darkness of evil empires and heartless, cold-blooded godless broadcast media forever seeking to make of themselves gods of the Universe. Americans should know better by now.

British aristocrats have manipulated dumbed-down U.S. leadership since the Clinton administration at least into structuring the world to support a new British financial Empire to replace the colonial empire lost by the early 1960s. Homosexual corruption is a key to leveraging global financial power with London as the Mecca of the New Godless Evil Empire of Fundamentalist Darwinian-Spencer Concentrated Riches. The predictable censoring of political dissent on the Internet through a variety of indirect means and direct means of legal repression are advancing in the United States as well as in the Evil Empire.

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