
Epistemology Values in Modeling Natural Operating Systems

The value and role of the philosophical field of epistemology in interpreting, modeling and analyzing cognitive paradigms is a primary activity of education historically. That is epistemology or theory of knowledge began at least as early as Plato and his Academy and continued through classical education unto the present day. Epistemology casts a wide net on the discipline of understanding reality and comparative economic systems and they way they are understood. Some cosmologists today compare reality to a hologram cast by higher dimensions-perhaps upon the surface of a black hole and dark, mysterious pools of capital flowing around the world globally at the speed of light create theoretical paradoxes for taxation and governance. In order not to remain simple primitives without benefit of a wild ecosystem to learn and adapt in modern man must take a philosophical high ground to comprehend the interactions and essence of innumerable operating systems functions.

Cognitive and flow-of-thought methods of sentient systems serve to design synthetic operating systems such as are useful in computers. A purely materialistic approach to developing an artificial operating system would alternatively be irrational.

There is a well known example of the functional of a materialistic operating system bias in a chess game between Paul Kerr and Bobby Fischer. Kerr is offered a pawn in a kind of gambit. Materialistic chess players want that extra pawn or piece immediately when it is available, yet taking the piece and not considering abstract tactics may soon place the materialist into a losing position. Like the canary following a trail of bread crumbs to a position below a ball-peen hammer the checkmate knock out punch may soon be reached as the blinding materialist epistemology reaches fruition.

Epistemological analysis or theory of knowledge analysis is a field of philosophy studying the foundational relationships of knower and known, truth values in regard to knowledge and the way reality is perceived and interpreted by subjective perception and thought. It is a particular point-of-view approach to constructing a theoretical position drawing from a number of philosophical field approaches to the basic questions about human existence in what seems to be a Universe on a planet with what New Testament users of Greek might call ge, meaning land (or Earth) as well as water.

Contemporary physics have informed us of the subtle and complex composition of fields particles waves and quanta that support the appearance of forms and external structures perceptible to human beings and then interpreted with mind and theories of knowledge. researches in the classification of perceptible forms as particulars in a field perhaps temporally emphasized in a given shape and mass configuration have shown the importance of classification systems as epistemological filters and universes-in-themselves...linguistic ontologies as W.V.O. Quine might have called them, that are for-themselves interpretive paradigms and selective templates for constructing different theoretical models of given aspects of realty.

Systematic theology is an example of a particular field that selects specialized paradigmatic tools and templates to construct or induct hypothetically accurate understanding of Biblical meaning_values. Cognitive interpretive tools of epistemology are ubiquitous methodological practices in numerous intellectual activities. Contemporary designs and management of single and concurrently installed operating systems and selection of what element of reality to perceive and the way the data should be processed comprise filters in_themselves to improve the overall project of accurate epistemological values.

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