
Does Theology Require Advanced Math?

Some could argue that Omar Khyam invented algebra while others would blame Pythagoras/theorem. It is debateable that one learning welding should study algebra yet carpenters might. Even as a secular worker Jesus might have known some calculations for building. One could spend a lifetime in learning all and sundry things and make everything academic. That can be useful for scholars; do Bible scholars need Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek or Hebrew language less than quadratic equations? Vocational training might need to specialize and not get ordinary people to just spend their life chasing after course material that won't advance their real goals of vocation in order to apply them.

If evolutionary biology is a history course (an abstract concept with contingent model being within various theological and philosophical space-time Universe parameters) with votaries that attack human history and the kingdom of God besides implicitly presenting arrogance toward philosophers with cosmological interests and interest in examining Genesis and its space-time values in an historical context as well as held up against the light of special relativity and space-time coordinates for God and earth respectively (stipulating that God precedes space-time),

 Christian theologians may wish to have tools to use for apologetics as well as church building or secular occupations that use higher math. Yet as I mentioned the relevance to vocational activity in an internet and modern life-time learning context where education is free needs to be functional and modular. There are numerous free math and science course available from a wealth of Universities today. One could in theory draw them all together such that individuals could learn what is useful and skip over courses that have an appendix value for something or other yet may be rather uncertain. If one could learn better weather prediction for instance then one might calculate what effects cooling the world with particles in the upper atmosphere would have on the northern ice pack. Ironically differential calculus (that I did not learn) may not be able to solve select problems in cosmology and space-time in regard to gravity and extra 4 dimensional fields.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

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